Using Network Attached Storage Files as Natural Print and Work Files

You can allocate and process files contained on remote Network Attached Storage (NAS) servers as Natural print files and work files. Prerequisite: BS2000/OSD V9.0 (or above) must be installed at your site.

Starting with BS2000/OSD V9.0, Net Storage supports access to Network Attached Storage (NAS) servers over the BS2000/OSD Network File System (NFS). Since NFS access is transparently mapped to the access methods of the BS2000/OSD data managment system, files on Net Storage volumes can be processed with the Natural print/work file access method in the same way as files on local disk storage.

For more information on Net Storage and NFS, refer to the appropriate BS2000/OSD manuals from Fujitsu.

The following are JCL examples for allocating a Natural work file on an NAS volume mounted to a Pubset named NFS9:

Example of Work File Allocation - ISP Format:


Example of Work File Allocation - SDF Format:

/ADD-FILE-LINK LINK-NAME=W01,FILE-NAME=-                              