Text |
Control characters DC, ID, IA must exclude one another. |
Explanation |
These characters for decimal character (DC), input delimiter (ID) and input assign character (IA) must be different from one another, so that they can be distinguished from one another when an input data stream is processed. |
Action |
Enter different values for DC, ID, IA. |
Text |
Enter 'OFF', 'ON', 'OPT' or '*'. |
Explanation |
To set the MCG parameter on the GLOBALS screen, the following options are allowed: - 'OFF' de-activates the Natural Optimizer Compiler (NOC). - 'ON' activates the NOC without any additional options. - 'OPT' or '*' causes a window to be displayed, in which you can activate the NOC and also active/de-activate any additional options (overflow checking, index checking, mixed mode, optimization of I/O statements). |
Action |
Enter 'ON', 'OFF', 'OPT' or '*' in MCG field on GLOBALS screen. |
Text |
Additional Options = 'Y' only possible with 'ON' ='Y'. |
Explanation |
If you wish to activate any additional options of the Natural Optimizer Compiler (NOC) to 'Y', you must first activate the NOC itself (set 'ON' to 'Y'). If you wish to de-activate the NOC (set 'ON' to 'N'), you must also de-activate any additional options that have been activated. |
Action |
Also set 'ON' to 'Y' when you set any additional option to 'Y'; or set all additional options to 'N' when you set 'ON' to 'N'. |
Text |
The line size must be zero or between 2 and 250. |
Explanation |
The maximum output in one logical line is 250 characters. If the LS parameter is greater than the physical line size, the text will be wrapped around. If the LS parameter is 0, the physical line size will be used. |
Action |
Enter a valid value for line size. |
Text |
The page size must be from 0 to 250. |
Explanation |
Up to 250 lines can be produced by one statement and can be placed on one logical page. PS=0, which can only be specified with a FORMAT statement, means: - For the first report (report 0): the page size of the physical device, minus 1, will be used. - For reports 1-31: newpage processing will be suppressed, that is, no automatic page-break processing will be performed. |
Action |
Enter a correct value for the PS parameter. |
Text |
Only 'D' or 'F' allowed as values for IM parameter. |
Explanation |
Only 'D' (for delimiter mode) or 'F' (for forms mode) may be used as values for the IM (input mode) parameter. |
Action |
Enter 'D' or 'F' for IM parameter. |
Text |
Only 'ON' or 'OFF' allowed for this type of parameter. |
Explanation |
The only possible values for this type of parameter are 'ON' and 'OFF'. |
Action |
Enter either 'ON' or 'OFF' for this parameter. |
Text |
The SL parameter value must be between 20 and 250. |
Explanation |
Source lines can only be from 20 to 250 characters long if they are input in batch mode. The Natural full-screen editor allows lines of up to 72 characters. |
Action |
Enter a correct value for SL parameter. |
Text |
The spacing factor must be between 1 and 30. |
Explanation |
30 spaces are the maximum which can be placed between output columns. |
Action |
Enter correct value (1 - 30) for SF parameter. |
Text |
Incorrect construction of library ID. |
Explanation |
Library identifications must start with a character and may consist of up to eight alphanumeric characters. |
Action |
Enter correct value for library ID. |
Text |
You cannot specify a limit which exceeds default limit. |
Explanation |
You cannot set the limit to a value which is greater than the default limit value displayed. You may, however, reduce the value for the limit. The default limit value is defined during the Natural initialization. |
Action |
Enter a value which is lower than the current limit value. |
Text |
Previous contents of source area has been deleted. |
Explanation |
You have attempted to catalog a DDM while another object was in the source area. This object has been deleted from the source area, and the source area is now empty. |
Action |
Before you catalog a DDM, read it into the source area. |
Text |
The Generate function is only valid for Adabas files. |
Explanation |
- To generate a DDM from a DB2 or SQL/DS table, you use the function 'DB2, SQL/DS Services'. - To generate a DDM from a DL/I segment description, you use the function 'DL/I Services'. - A DDM for a VSAM file cannot be generated; you use the Edit function and enter the specifications by hand. |
Action |
Use appropriate function for database type. |
Text |
Please enter an Adabas DBID other than '0'. |
Action |
Enter valid DBID. |
Text |
Read DDM into source area before you catalog it. |
Explanation |
Before you can catalog a DDM, you must read it into the source area. |
Action |
Read DDM into source area. |
Text |
This function is not available. |
Explanation |
The functions 'DB2, SQL/DS Services' and 'DL/I Services' are only available if Natural for DB2, Natural for SQL/DS or Natural for DL/I respectively has been installed. |
Action |
Select another function; or contact your database administrator. |
Text |
Object renamed successfully. |
Action |
No action required. |
Text |
User ... is cataloging this library with CATALL. |
Explanation |
CATALL of a library is allowed for only one user at a time. |
Action |
You can 1) try later; 2) contact the person who issued the CATALL and ask him/her to complete the job, or if this person is not available, you can 3) delete the object 0CATALL. |
Text |
File ... does not exist on database .... |
Explanation |
While checking a DDM against Adabas with an LF call, response code 17, subcode 11 was returned. The FDT to which the DDM refers does not exit in Adabas. |
Action |
Change the DBID and/or FNR of the DDM, or load the Ababas FDT. |
Text |
Key settings modified but not updated. Press PF2 to print. |
Explanation |
The printed output of the Natural PF-key settings may not be the same as the definitions in Natural, because the settings have been modified online, but have not been updated with PF5. |
Action |
Press PF2 to print the PF-key settings or PF5 to update first. |
Text |
Key table successfully updated. |
Explanation |
The new key settings have been successfully updated for the Natural session. |
Action |
No action required. |
Text |
No AIV variables defined. |
Explanation |
There are currently no AIV variables. |
Text |
Valid XREF parameter values are : 'ON', 'OFF' or 'FORCE'. |
Explanation |
The XREF parameter indicates whether the active cross-reference feature is to be used. Possible settings are: ON - Natural cross-reference data for database fields, subroutines, and maps are stored in the appropriate Predict entries each time a Natural program is cataloged. OFF - No cross-reference activity is performed. FORCE - A check is made to determine if a Predict entry for the program exists. If so, CATALOG is allowed and cross- reference data are stored. If not, CATALOG is disallowed. |
Action |
Enter a valid value. |
Text |
Valid print-mode parameters are: 'C','I','P' and/or 'R'. |
Explanation |
As print-mode parameters, you can specify one or two of the following values: C - Alternative character set I - Inverse direction P - Standard character set R - Normal direction |
Action |
Enter a valid value. |
Text |
Maximum possible value for page dataset parameter is 255. |
Explanation |
Up to 255 pages (screens) can be stored simultaneously in the Natural system file (FUSER) with the NATPAGE screen-paging utility. If more pages are written to the system file than specified in the page dataset (PD) parameter, the pages will be wrapped. |
Action |
Modify the page dataset (PD) parameter to a value between 1 and 255. |
Text |
The maximum CPU time parameter (MT) is too large. |
Explanation |
The maximum CPU time parameter (MT) specifies the maximum amount of CPU time which can be used by a Natural program. The value is specified in seconds. The value specified exceeds the maximum operating system value. Any value in excess of the maximum is reduced to the maximum supported by the operating system. If MT is set to '0', then no Natural CPU time limit is in effect. |
Action |
Specify an MT value less than the maximum supported by the operating system. |
Text |
Only 'S','I' or 'C' values allowed for DFSTACK parameter. |
Explanation |
Only 'S' (2-byte year), 'I' (4-byte year) or 'C' (2-byte year with check) may be used as values for the DFSTACK parameter. |
Action |
Enter 'S', 'I' or 'C' for the DFSTACK parameter. |
Text |
Only 'S' or 'I' allowed as values for DFOUT parameter. |
Explanation |
Only 'S' (2-byte year) or 'I' (4-byte year) may be used as values for the DFOUT parameter. |
Action |
Enter 'S' or 'I' for the DFOUT parameter. |
Text |
Object(s) printed. |
Explanation |
The object(s) you selected, have been routed to the printer. |
Action |
No action. |
Text |
Please enter 'ON', 'OFF' or 'VID'. |
Explanation |
ON: the global format ID will always be generated. OFF: the global format ID will not be generated. VID: the global format ID will be generated for DDMs in LDAs or GDAs. |
Action |
Enter 'ON', 'OFF' or 'VID'. |
Text |
Please enter 'ON' or 'OFF'. |
Explanation |
Valid input for this field is 'ON' or 'OFF' only. Please refer to the documentation for the meaning of the values. |
Action |
Please insert allowed value. |
Text |
Please select either 'OFF', 'ON' or 'VID'. |
Explanation |
Valid input for this field: ON: Global format IDs are generated for all views (default). OFF: No global format IDs are generated. VID: Global format IDs are generated only for views in local/ global data areas, but not for views defined within programs. |
Action |
Please enter valid value. |
Text |
Compiler options updated. |
Explanation |
The compiler options have been updated according to the values displayed on the screen. |
Action |
No action. |
Text |
Only 'S','I' or 'L' values allowed for DFTITLE parameter. |
Explanation |
Only 'S' (short), 'I' (internal) or 'L' (long) may be used as values for the DFTITLE parameter. |
Action |
Enter 'S', 'I' or 'L' for the DFTITLE parameter |
Text |
Invalid value ... entered. |
Action |
Enter a correct value. |
Text |
Invalid value ... passed to parameter .... |
Explanation |
An invalid value has been passed to a parameter of a Natural module. There may be a wrong input by the user, or an internal error has occurred. |
Action |
Change input parameter or contact Natural administrator. |
Text |
... must be less than .... |
Explanation |
A value you entered must be less than another value. |
Action |
Enter a smaller value. |
Text |
... must be greater than .... |
Explanation |
A value you entered must be greater than another value. |
Action |
Enter a greater value. |
Text |
... must be in range of ... to .... |
Explanation |
An input value may be in a wrong range. |
Action |
Change input value. |
Text |
... does not exist. |
Explanation |
No detailed explanation available. |
Text |
... already exists. |
Action |
Change input or set a replace option to 'yes'. |
Text |
... is empty. |
Explanation |
No detailed explanation available. |
Text |
Function disallowed by Predict definition. |
Explanation |
Due to definitions in Predict, you are not allowed to use this function. |
Action |
Contact your Predict administrator. |
Text |
Error in Predict master record. |
Explanation |
No detailed explanation available. |
Text |
Field is defined as LOB field in Adabas. |
Explanation |
The DDM field is defined as an LOB field in Adabas, but it is not marked with the 'LB' field option. |
Action |
Mark the field with the 'LB' field option on the extended field editing map, activated with the .e command. |
Text |
Field is defined as a long alpha field in Adabas. |
Explanation |
The DDM field is defined as a long alpha field in Adabas, but it is not marked with the 'LA' field option. |
Action |
Mark the field with the 'LA' field option on the extended field editing map, activated with the .e command. |
Text |
Extended parameter size too small. |
Explanation |
A Natural subprogram has been called with a dynamic parameter area (1:V). The size of the parameter area in the calling program is smaller than expected in the subprogram. |
Action |
Change the calling program or contact a Natural administrator. |
Text |
... only allowed for .... |
Explanation |
No detailed explanation available. |
Text |
Duplicate file number for physical DDM not allowed. |
Explanation |
A file number for a physical VSAM DDM may only be used once. |
Action |
Use another file number or specify 'yes' for a replace option. |