Installation for REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML Statements on BS2000/OSD

This document describes the installation steps for enabling the use of the Natural statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML on BS2000/OSD.

Related Topics:

For information on the functions provided by REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML, see the following documents:


The following requirements must be met to execute the REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML statements:

  • The ICU library must be installed to convert data from one encoding to another (at least internally). For details, see the relevant section in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.

  • A TCP/IP stack must be available and enabled for the execution environment.

  • A DNS (Domain Name System) server or DNS services must be available in the execution environment to resolve internet addresses (gethostbyname function).

For Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) support, the following additional prerequisites apply:

  • An activated IPv6 stack must be available on the local host.

  • The local network must support IPv6.

  • An accessible and IPv6-capable DNS server must be available.

  • For IPv6 internet communication, an IPv6 connection from the service provider must be available.

  • If both IPv4 and IPv6 are used, a dual stack must be supported.

  • IPv6 support must be configured with the appropriate keyword subparameters of the Natural profile parameter XML described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

See also General Prerequisites and System Support in the section Overview of the Installation Process.

Installation Procedure

Be sure to read Installation Process and Major Natural Features before you start the installation procedure.

The installation procedure comprises the following:

Step 1: Link the Module NATXML to the Nucleus

The module NATXML is required to execute the statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML.

  1. The NATXML module is then linked to the environment-independent nucleus by using the following INCLUDE statement:


Step 2: Enable the Environment-Dependent Nucleus for CRTE Execution

The REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML statements require CRTE (Common RunTime Environment) functions for execution.

  1. Set the parameter ILCS=CRTE for the environment-dependent nucleus.

  2. For the assembly step of the reentrant part of the environment-dependent nucleus, set the parameter ILCS=CRTE in the following macros:

    NAMBS2 for batch Natural,
    NAMTIAM for TIAM and
    NURENT for openUTM.

This applies to all batch and TP monitor system environments.

Step 3: Link the Required Modules to the Nucleus

Link the modules indicated in this section to the nucleus.

Batch, TIAM and openUTM

  1. Add the statement RESOLVE-BY-AUTOLINK LIB=($TSOS.SYSLNK.CRTE) to the link step for the environment-dependent nucleus.

  2. Link the following modules to the environment-dependent nucleus by using the appropriate INCLUDE statements:

    INCLUDE NAT2LE CRTE access module
    INCLUDE NAT2TCP TCP/IP access module

    Since NAT2TCP is delivered in LLM format, the front-end has to be linked with the linkage editor BINDER.

    INCLUDE IT0SL# CRTE initialization module

Natural Development Server/Natural Web I/O Interface

  • Copy the LLM and the NCFIP4vr to the load libraries of the Natural Development Server and the Natural Web I/O Interface.

Installation Verification

After the last step of the installation procedure has been completed, proceed as follows:

  1. Activate the statements in the runtime environment; see Activation/Deactivation in the section Statements for Internet and XML Access in the Programming Guide.

    For information on the profile settings that enable the support of the REQUEST DOCUMENT and/or PARSE XML statement, see the following documents:

    • Profile Settings in the section Statements for Internet and XML Access in the Programming Guide

    • Profile parameter XML in the Parameter Reference documentation

  2. Try the example programs contained in the Natural system library SYSEXV.