Messages and Codes

This documentation is organized under the following headings:

Natural Nucleus Generated Messages
Natural System Error Messages Explains the system error messages that may be issued by the Natural nucleus. Library-specific messages and messages relating to other Software AG products are not included.
GETMAIN Error Numbers in NAT7545 Contains the error numbers which are displayed in Error Message NAT7545 as a result of a failed GETMAIN request.
FREEMAIN Error Numbers in NAT7546 Contains the error numbers which are displayed in Error Message NAT7546 as a result of a failed FREEMAIN request.
Compression/Decompression Error Messages Contains the error messages (NUS02nn) that may be issued by the Natural thread compression/decompression routine as a result of user session errors.
Natural Buffer Pool Messages
Natural Global Buffer Pool Manager Messages Contains the informational and error messages issued by the Natural Global buffer pool manager under z/OS and z/VSE.
Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool Messages Contains the messages that may be issued by the Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool.
Message Buffer Pool Messages Contains the messages that may be issued by the Message Buffer Pool.
Roll Server, ASM and SIP Messages and Codes
Roll Server Messages Contains the messages that may be issued by the Natural Roll Server. *
Return Codes and Reason Codes of the Roll Server Requests Contains the return codes and reason codes of the roll server requests. *
Authorized Services Manager Messages Contains the messages that may be issued by the Natural Authorized Services Manager. *
SIP Service Return Codes and Reason Codes Contains the return codes and reason codes of the Session Information Pool Service requests. *
Server-Specific Messages and Codes
RPC Server Front-End Messages Explains the messages that may be issued by the RPC server front-end. *
TP Monitor Interfaces Messages and Codes
Natural under Com-plete/SMARTS User Abend Codes Contains the abend codes issued by the Natural Com-plete/SMARTS Interface. *
Natural under CICS Messages Contains the abend codes, SCP environment initialization errors, SCP environment recovery errors, SCP processing errors and the session errors issued by the Natural CICS Interface. *
Natural under IMS TM Error Messages Contains the error codes and messages that may be issued by the Natural IMS TM Interface. *
Natural under TIAM Error Messages Contains the error messages that may be issued by the Natural TIAM Interface, listed in groups of NRT and NUI messages. *
Natural under openUTM Error Messages Contains the error messages that may be issued by the Natural openUTM Interface, listed in groups of NUI, NUS and NUW messages. *
Error Messages from the Natural Swap Pool Manager Valid under CICS and openUTM Contains the error messages (NUS01nn) that may be issued by the Natural swap pool manager as a result of user session errors. *
Database Management System Interfaces Messages and Codes
Static Generation Messages and Codes Issued under NDB/NSQ Lists the error messages that may be issued during static generation under Natural for DB2 or Natural for SQL/DS
Natural for DL/I Interface Status Codes and Abend Codes Contains information on status codes and explains the abend codes that are used under CICS only. *
Natural for VSAM Interface Abend Codes Explains the abend codes that may be issued by Natural for VSAM. *
Add-On Product Messages and Codes
Entire Transaction Propagator Abend Codes Explains the abend codes that can occur during the operation of the Entire Transaction Propagator CICS Interface (product code: ETC). *
Natural Advanced Facilities BS2000/OSD Error Messages Contains the messages that may be issued by the front end, monitor, printer task (print server) or the SERVEND program. *
BS2000/OSD-Specific Messages
Natural under BS2000/OSD Batch Error Messages Contains the error messages that may be issued by the Natural BS2000/OSD batch driver. *
Messages from Program CMPSTART Contains the error messages (CMPnnnn) that may be issued by the program CMPSTART whose task is to start global common memory pools in Natural under BS2000/OSD. *
Print File/Work File Server NATPWSV2 Error Messages Explains the error messages from the print file/work file server NATPWSV2 for an RPC batch server environment under BS2000/OSD. *

* Unlike Natural system messages, the explanatory long texts to these messages and codes are only available in this document, not online.

Notation vrs or vr:

When used in this document, the notation vrs or vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).