
The Utilities documentation explains how Natural invokes a utility and describes the utilities available in Natural.

Utility Activation Describes how Natural invokes a utility.
Utilities Grouped by Purpose Lists all utilities grouped according to their purpose.
ADACALL This utility issues Adabas direct calls (native commands) directly to an Adabas database.
DBLOG This utility logs database calls: indicates which Adabas commands, DL/I calls or SQL statements are issued by a Natural program.
INPL This utility loads or scans Natural objects supplied by Software AG.
NATPAGE Screen Capturing This utility captures screens (maps and reports) during a Natural session.
NATRJE This utility submits JCL cards from a Natural program to the operating system for scheduling and execution.
Object Handler This utility processes Natural and non-Natural objects for distribution in Natural environments. This is done by unloading the objects in the source environment into work files and loading them from work files into the target environment.
Profiler This utility controls and maintains trace data recorded by the Natural Data Collector.
Recording This utility records commands and input data entered during a Natural session. Re-executes a recorded session.
SYSAPI This utility locates Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by Natural add-on products.
SYSBPM This utility monitors and controls the Natural buffer pool.
SYSCP This utility provides code page information and can be used to administrate code pages for Natural source objects.
SYSEDT This utility displays parameters and runtime information for the editor buffer pool. Modifies parameters and deletes logical work and recovery files.
SYSERR This utility creates application-specific messages. In addition, it can be used to modify the texts of the existing Natural system messages (not recommended).
SYSEXT This utility locates Natural Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
SYSEXV This utility contains examples of the new features of the current Natural versions.
SYSMAIN This utility performs object operations in Natural such as copy, move and delete.
SYSNCP This utility defines command-driven navigation systems for Natural applications.
SYSPARM This utility creates and maintains Natural parameter profiles.
SYSRDC This utility enables a Natural application to record monitoring and accounting data on the processing flow.
SYSRPC This utility establishes and maintains Natural RPC (Remote Procedure Call) environments.
SYSTP This utility monitors and controls TP-monitor-specific characteristics of Natural.

See also SYSDDM Utility in the Editors chapter.