Text |
ESY5801 Job not found. |
Explanation |
The requested job was not found. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5802 GETMAIN for CSA area failed. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to access main storage, and GETMAIN for the CSA area failed. |
Action |
Notify the system programmer. |
Text |
ESY5803 Cannot access data. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to access main storage, and the data specified cannot be accessed. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5804 Request to access data has timed out. |
Explanation |
Main storage was accessed, and SRB was scheduled to run in an address space. SRB must be completed within 10 seconds. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5805 Invalid TCB address. |
Explanation |
An invalid TCB-ADDRESS was specified. |
Action |
Specify valid TCB-ADDRESS. |
Text |
ESY5806 Permanent I/O error on catalog. |
Explanation |
A permanent I/O error occurred while accessing the catalog. |
Action |
This may be a hardware error. Contact data center personell. |
Text |
ESY5807 Invalid track address. |
Explanation |
An invalid track address was specified. |
Action |
Specify valid track address. |
Text |
ESY5809 Subsystem not active. |
Explanation |
The related subsystem has not been started properly. Therefore, the requested function is not available in this run of ESY. Following views return this error code on BS2000/OSD: - views SPOOL-QUEUE, SPOOL-FILES, WRITE-SPOOL if SPOOL=NONE is defined; - views SEND-MESSAGE, CONSOLE if CONSOLE task is not running; - views CONSOLE, EVENTING if EVENTING task is not running. |
Action |
Contact your administrator to get the subsystem started for the next ESY run. |
Text |
ESY5810 Error detected in catalog, processing terminated. |
Explanation |
An error in the catalog structure was detected. |
Action |
Notify the system programmer. |
Text |
ESY5811 Specified level is an empty index. |
Explanation |
The level specified is an empty index. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5820 Unknown command. |
Explanation |
A command which is not known to NATURAL PROCESS was entered. |
Action |
Check spelling, syntax of command. Check to see whether command is a NATURAL command. |
Text |
ESY5821 Job no longer active. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to access a job which is no longer active. |
Action |
No action required. |
Text |
ESY5822 Logical error on JES3 spool. |
Explanation |
A logical error occurred while reading the JES3 spool data set. |
Action |
Try again. If error persists, it may indicate a bad control block on the JES3 spool (which may be caused by a hardware error). |
Text |
ESY5823 Requested job in input queue. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to access output data of a job which is in the input queue. |
Action |
Wait until job is processed. |
Text |
ESY5824 I/O error on JES3 spool. |
Explanation |
A READ operation to JES3 spool failed to complete normally. |
Action |
Probably a hardware failure. A JES3 warmstart (with analysis) should be considered. |
Text |
ESY5825 JES3 command data set is full. |
Explanation |
A WRITE operation to the JES3 command data set failed because the data set is full. |
Action |
Wait until space becomes available. |
Text |
ESY5826 I/O error on JES3 command data set. |
Explanation |
A WRITE attempt to the JES3 command data set failed. |
Action |
This is probably a hardware error. If error persists, it may be advisable to relocate the JES3 command data set. |
Text |
ESY5830 JES interface is not active. |
Explanation |
The JES interface is not active. |
Action |
Check the JES parameter in the NATURAL PROCESS system parameter module. |
Text |
ESY5831 Error during queue initialization. |
Explanation |
An error occurred while reading JES control blocks. |
Action |
This is probably a hardware error. Contact data center personell. |
Text |
ESY5832 Error during queue open. |
Explanation |
An error occurred during open of JES spool data set. |
Action |
Check with the system programmer. |
Text |
ESY5833 You are not allowed to alter this job. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to alter a job. The user is not authorized to alter the specified job. This error message is issued by the security system with which NATURAL PROCESS interfaces. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5834 Command failed, MGCRE RC = .... |
Explanation |
A request failed to issue an internal JES or system command. |
Action |
Check with the system programmer. Contact Software AG technical support. |
Text |
ESY5840 VTAM operator ACB is not open. |
Explanation |
The VTAM operator ACB was not opened successfully during initialization. |
Action |
Either active VTAM support has not been requested by the system parameters, or an open error occurred during initialization. The job-log contains further information. |
Text |
ESY5841 Error in SENDCMD - RTNCD=... FDBK2=.... |
Explanation |
A VTAM error occurred while sending a command. Note: A more detailed message is returned when field ERROR-TEXT is specified. |
Action |
Check the command requested. The RTNCD and FDBK2 values are defined in the appropriate VTAM documentation. |
Text |
ESY5842 Invalid VTAM command. |
Explanation |
An invalid VTAM command was requested. |
Action |
No action is required. |
Text |
ESY5845 Printer is active for user .... |
Explanation |
Another user is working with the printer. |
Action |
Wait until printer is not busy anymore. |
Text |
ESY5849 Print failed. Fct=... FD=... S=.... |
Explanation |
The print request failed. For further details check the variable data of FUNCTION, FEEDBACK and STATUS. You may find the explanation of these fields in the VTAM documentation. |
Action |
Please contact your systems programmer. |