Text |
ESY5751 Not enough memory to execute the function. |
Explanation |
There is not enough memory to execute the function. Check with the system programmer. |
Text |
ESY5752 Message/Message length missing. |
Explanation |
Possible reasons: - no message length specified - message length lower than 4 - message length greater than 1250 during use of field MESSAGE-ARRAY - message length greater than 250 during use of field MESSAGE-TEXT - no message specified |
Action |
Correct input values and try again. |
Text |
ESY5753 I-T-C name missing. |
Explanation |
ITC name must be specified for functions OPEN, RECEIVE and SEND. |
Action |
Add name specification. |
Text |
ESY5754 not done. |
Text |
ESY5755 Invalid or no SWITCH type specified. |
Explanation |
Neither USER nor PROCESS as switch type specified. |
Action |
Correct switch type. |
Text |
ESY5756 Job Variable name missing or invalid. |
Explanation |
Invalid syntax used or no value specified. |
Action |
Please correct name specification. |
Text |
ESY5757 Error during user management. |
Text |
ESY5758 User ID is missing. |
Explanation |
No user name specified. |
Action |
Please specify name. |
Text |
ESY5759 Name is missing. |
Text |
ESY5760 Processor name is missing. |
Text |
ESY5761 Start operand is missing. |
Text |
ESY5762 Line/Station is missing. |
Text |
ESY5763 Info type operand is missing. |
Text |
ESY5764 Virtual call is missing. |
Text |
ESY5765 Required Catalog ID not accessible. |
Text |
ESY5766 User ID or Terminal ID missing. |
Explanation |
Neither User ID nor processor-/terminal-name specified. |
Action |
Please specify requested values. |
Text |
ESY5767 No TSN found. |
Text |
ESY5768 Invalid command in macro list. |
Text |
ESY5769 Short name is missing. |
Text |
ESY5770 Serialisation name missing. |
Text |
ESY5771 No information found. |
Explanation |
No information found for specified request. |
Action |
No action required. |
Text |
ESY5772 BS2000 Command has returned error. |
Text |
ESY5773 New version operand missing. |
Text |
ESY5774 No core available. |
Explanation |
Not enough space available to allocate an ESY User Block. |
Action |
Please contact Software AG. |
Text |
ESY5775 Invalid Priority Value specified. |
Text |
ESY5776 Request was cancelled. |
Explanation |
Request was cancelled internally because user has been timed out. |
Text |
ESY5777 Request has abended. |
Explanation |
An internal error occurred. Condensed abend information is contained in the job-log. |
Action |
Check with the system programmer. Contact Software AG technical support. |
Text |
ESY5778 Cannot perform command - not APF authorized. |
Explanation |
The NATURAL PROCESS nucleus is not running APF authorized. |
Action |
Check with the system programmer. |
Text |
ESY5779 IDCAMS utility has abended. |
Explanation |
The IDCAMS utility has abended. |
Action |
Check job-log for additional information. |
Text |
ESY5780 Completion code not ok. |
Explanation |
The execution of the request was not successful. |
Action |
Check input data of request. |
Text |
Unable to obtain storage for work area extension. |
Explanation |
A request failed to obtain storage for the work area extension. |
Action |
Increase the region size above 16 MB for Entire System Server. |
Text |
ESY5782 Error from ... for ..., RC ..., REASON .... |
Explanation |
A request failed while attempting to read the VTOC. |
Action |
Contact your systems programmer. |
Text |
ESY5783 Unable to allocate ..., RC ..., REASON .... |
Explanation |
The specified volume could not be allocated. |
Action |
Contact your systems programmer. |
Text |
ESY5784 Unable to open VTOC on ..., RC .... |
Explanation |
An OPEN request failed for the VTOC on the specified volume. |
Action |
Try again. If the problem persists, contact your systems programmer. |
Text |
ESY5785 CVAF ... failed with RC ... and CVSTAT .... |
Explanation |
A request failed to the Common VTOC Access Facility. |
Action |
Contact your systems programmer. |
Text |
Unable to obtain storage for CSI work area. |
Explanation |
A request failed to obtain storage for the CSI work area. |
Action |
Increase the region size above 16 MB for Entire System Server. |
Text |
ESY5787 CSI request failed, Module ..., Reason ..., RC .... |
Explanation |
A request to the catalog search interface failed. |
Action |
Contact your systems programmer. |
Text |
ESY5788 Unable to substitute symbol ..., RC .... |
Explanation |
A request failed to substitute text for a system symbol. |
Action |
Contact your systems programmer. |
Text |
ESY5789 Unable to get UCB copy for ..., RC .... |
Explanation |
A request failed to get a UCB copy for the volume specified. |
Action |
Contact your systems programmer. |
Text |
ESY5790 Abend :1: during IEBCOPY. |
Explanation |
An abend has occurred while processing the IEBCOPY utility. |
Action |
Contact your systems programmer. |
Text |
ESY5799 ENTIRE SYSTEM SERVER internal error. |
Explanation |
An internal error has occured. |
Action |
Please contact SAG support. |
Text |
ESY5800 Specified level is a data set name. |
Explanation |
The specified level name is a data set name. |
Action |
No action is required. |