Installing Natural openUTM Interface on BS2000/OSD

This document describes the steps for installing the Natural openUTM Interface (product code NUT) on BS2000/OSD.

Related Topic:

For information on how to operate the Natural openUTM Interface, see Natural under openUTM in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

Notation vrs or vr:

When used in this document, the notation vrs or vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).


A supported version of the following product must be installed before you can install the Natural openUTM Interface:

  • Adabas UTM Interface (product code AUT)

See also General Prerequisites and System Support in the section Overview of the Installation Process.

Installation Medium

The installation medium contains the following files required for product installation:

File Name Contents
NUTvrs.SRC Source modules
NUTvrs.MAC Macros
NUTvrs.JOBS Sample installation jobs

Copy the files into your environment as described in Copying Files to a BS2000/OSD Disk in the section Installing Natural.

Installation Procedure

Be sure to read Installation Process and Major Natural Features and Naming Conventions for Installation Procedures before you start the installation procedure.

Step 1: Generate the KDCROOT Source

(Job I070, Step 0110)

Step 2: Assemble the BS2STUB Module for the Natural openUTM Interface

(Job I070, Step 0111)

Step 3: Assemble the Non-Reentrant Part for the Natural openUTM Interface

(Job I070, Step 0112)

Step 4: Assemble the Reentrant Part for the Natural openUTM Interface

(Job I070, Step 0113)

Step 5: Generate the Swap Pool Parameter Module NTSWPRM

(Job I070, Step 0114)

Step 6: Assemble KDCROOT

(Job I070, Step 0120)

  • Assemble the sample source ANUTKDCR (generated in Step 1) in the library job-library for the KDCROOT module.

    See also Generating KDCROOT in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

Step 7: Generate KDCFILE

(Job I075, Step 0100)

  • Use the sample KDCDEF instruction source NUT.KDCDEF prepared in Step 1.

Step 8: Build the Natural Parameter Module

(Job I080, Step 0200)

Build the Natural parameter module for the Natural openUTM Interface.

  1. Set the FNAT and FUSER profile parameters (see the Parameter Reference documentation) in the source module ANUTPARM of the Natural parameter module:


    where database-id and file-number are the values you specified when loading the system files during the Installation Procedure for base Natural.

  2. Assemble the source module ANUTPARM in the library job-library.

Step 9: Link the Environment-Dependent Nucleus

(Job I080, Step 0210)

  • Use the INCLUDE statements for BINDER contained in LNUTFRNT in the library job-library.

Installation Verification

You can verify the successful installation of the Natural openUTM Interface by performing the following steps:

  1. Submit the job E.START.SWP in the library job-library to start the Natural swap pool.

  2. Submit the job E.START.NUT in the library job-library, which is a sample job for starting Natural under openUTM.

  3. Enter the Natural transaction code.

  4. Proceed with the steps described in the section Test Online Natural.