Installing Natural TIAM Interface on BS2000/OSD

This document describes the steps for installing the Natural TIAM Interface (product code NRT) on BS2000/OSD.

Related Topics:

For information on the following topics, see Natural under TIAM in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation:

Notation vrs or vr:

When used in this document, the notation vrs or vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).


See General Prerequisites and System Support in the section Overview of the Installation Process.

Installation Medium

The installation medium contains the following files required for product installation:

File Name Contents
NRTvrs.MAC Macros
NRTvrs.JOBS Sample installation jobs

Copy the files into your environment as described in Copying Files to a BS2000/OSD Disk in the section Installing Natural.

Installation Procedure

Be sure to read Installation Process and Major Natural Features and Naming Conventions for Installation Procedures before you start the installation procedure.

Step 1: Build the Natural TIAM Interface Non-Reentrant Part

(Job I070, Step 0102)

Build the non-reentrant part of the Natural TIAM Interface.

  1. Modify the parameters settings in the macro NAMTIAM if required. You can generally use the default values of the parameters. Modify only the values that do not suit your requirements.

    For descriptions of the individual parameters, see Parameters in Macro NAMTIAM in the Natural TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

  2. Assemble the source module ANRTFRNT in the library job-library to generate the macro NAMTIAM for the non-reentrant part.

Step 2: Build the Natural TIAM Interface Reentrant Part

(Job I070, Step 0103)

Build the reentrant part for the Natural TIAM Interface.

  1. Modify the parameter settings in the macro NAMTIAM if required. You can generally use the default values of the parameters. Modify only the values that do not suit your requirements.

    For descriptions of the individual parameters, see Parameters in Macro NAMTIAM in the Natural TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

  2. Assemble the source module ANRTRENT in the library job-library to generate the macro NAMTIAM.

Step 3: Build the Natural Parameter Module

(Job I080, Step 0109)

Build the Natural parameter module for the Natural TIAM Interface.

  1. Set the FNAT and FUSER profile parameters (see the Parameter Reference documentation) in the source module ANRTPARM of the Natural parameter module:


    where database-id and file-number are the values you specified when loading the system files during the Installation Procedure for base Natural.

  2. Assemble the source module ANRTPARM in the library job-library.

Step 4: Link the Environment-Dependent Nucleus

(Job I080, Step 0110)

  • Use the INCLUDE statements for BINDER contained in LNRTFRNT in the library job-library.

The source module ANATSTUB has been assembled during the installation of base Natural.

Installation Verification

You can verify the successful installation of the Natural TIAM Interface by performing the following steps:

  1. Call the procedure P.START.NRT in the library job-library to start Natural under TIAM.

  2. Proceed with the steps described in the section Test Online Natural.