Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Tools and Utilities  —

Service Directory Maintenance

The SYSRPC utility provides functions used to maintain a service directory in order to connect the client's calling program to a subprogram on a server.

The service directory information is stored in the NATCLTGS subprogram and the XML-formatted SERVDIRX file (Natural text object) in the library that is defined with the profile parameter RPCSDIR (see the Parameter Reference documentation). If RPCSDIR is set, the service directory maintenance functions reference the library specified with RPCSDIR. If RPCSDIR is not set (this is the default), the library where you are logged on is referenced. In this case, log on to the library (or one of its steplibs) used by the client at runtime before you perform a service directory maintenance function.

The name of the library referenced for service directory maintenance is indicated in the root node of the service directory tree view (see Tree Nodes). If RPCSDIR is set, the root node contains Central, which indicates that the library displayed in the window is not the library where you are currently logged on, but the central library specified with RPCSDIR.

For further information on how to apply the service directory maintenance functions, refer to Specifying RPC Server Addresses described in Operating a Natural RPC Environment in the Natural Remote Procedure Call (RPC) documentation.


If NATCLTGS is stored in the Natural system library SYSRPC, we strongly recommend that you move NATCLTGS to the application library (or one of its steplibs) used by the client.

This section covers the following topics:

Service Directory Concept

The main items of a service directory are node, server, library and service (subprogram). The hierarchical structure of these items is displayed as a tree view in the SYSRPC - Remote Procedure Call window (see also Service Directory Tree in Basic SYSRPC Functionality). The highest level (root node) of the tree view is Service Directory and the lowest is service (subprogram).

The node and server names specified in the service directory are either physical names or logical names and logical services.

This section covers the following topics:

Physical Nodes and Servers

Physical node and server names denote the names of real nodes (valid TCP/IP or Entire Net-Work addresses) and servers.

In the Example of a Service Directory below, two servers are defined for one node. Both servers are connected to the same node: ETB045. The remote CALLNAT to subprogram SUB1 is executed on server NRPC001, whereas subprograms SUB2 and SUB3 are executed on server NRPC002.

The server names specified here must be identical to the server names specified for the server with the profile parameter SRVNAME described in the Parameter Reference documentation. Analogously, the node name in the service directory must be identical to the node name specified for the server with the profile parameter SRVNODE described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

Location Transparency

Location transparency is a concept where physical node names can be replaced by logical node names, and a combination of physical node and server names can be replaced by logical services.

Logical node names and logical services are defined with EntireX and are assigned to physical node and server names at Natural runtime.

See also Example of a Service Directory and Using Logical Services and Logical Node Names.

Related Topics:

Example of a Service Directory

In the example of a service directory above, the icon indicates that NRPC001-LOGICAL is a logical service. LOGBROKER=NODE indicates that NODE is the logical node name.

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Tree Nodes

This section describes the tree nodes contained in the service directory tree view. Each tree node is identified by a different icon.

You can manipulate the tree nodes by using the functions provided by the menu bar, the toolbar and the context menu described in Basic SYSRPC Functionality.

Icon Tree Node Explanation


The service directory root node indicates the name of the library from which the service directory was read: Service Directory [library-name].

For example: If you invoked the SYSRPC utility from the library USERLIB, the root reads Service Directory [USERLIB].

If the profile parameter RPCSDIR is set, the root node reads Central Service Directory [USERLIB], which indicates that the service directory is read from a central library specified with RPCSDIR.

For explanations of other root node names that can occur, see Root Node Names in Error Situations.


The name of the node to which the remote CALLNAT is sent.

Maximum name length:

Physical nodes: 32 characters
Logical nodes: 192 characters

Depending on the setting of the Logon Option, either of the following icons is displayed:

Logon = No
Logon = Yes

See also Logon Option below.


The name of the server on which the CALLNAT is to be executed.

Maximum name length: 32 characters

Depending on the setting of the Logon Option, either of the following icons is displayed:

Logon = No
Logon = Yes

See also Logon Option below.

Logical Service

The name of a logical service.

Maximum name length: 192 characters

Depending on the setting of the Logon Option, either of the following icons is displayed:

Logon = No
Logon = Yes

See also Logon Option below.

Library SYSTEM or the name of the library to which your client application is logged on during the execution of the remote CALLNAT.


The name of the remote subprogram to be accessed from the client.

Maximum number of entries: 500 subprograms.

The section below contains information on:

Root Node Names in Error Situations

This section lists root node names that can occur if subprograms or text objects required by the service directory are missing, explains possible reasons and provides resolution advice.

Node Name Reason Resolution

Service Directory


The text object SERVDIRX is missing.
This is indicated by the icon .

From the Object menu, choose Save As or Save.

SERVDIRX is generated into the library for which SYSRPC was invoked and the name of the root node changes to Service Directory [library-name].

Example Service

The subprogram NATCLTGS and the text object SERVDIRX are missing.

From the Object menu, choose Save As or Save.

NATCLTGS and SERVDIRX are generated into the library for which SYSRPC was invoked and the name of the root node changes to Service Directory [library-name].

Empty tree

NATCLTGS, SERVDIRX and the subprogram DEF-GS (delivered in the Natural system library SYSRPC) are missing.

DEF-GS contains example data.

  1. Create at least one new item for a node and a server or create at least one logical service.

  2. Save the modifications.

NATCLTGS and SERVDIRX are generated into the library for which SYSRPC was invoked and the name of the root node changes to Service Directory [library-name].

Selection Criteria for Node and Server

At Natural runtime, the selection of a node and a server depends on the value of the service (subprogram) and library tree nodes. Comply with the following conditions:

Non-conversational CALLNAT

  1. The library tree node must contain the name of the current application library or SYSTEM.

  2. The subprogram referenced in the CALLNAT statement must be contained in the service (subprogram) tree node, which belongs to the library tree node in point (1).

Conversational CALLNAT

  1. The library tree node must contain the name of the current application library or SYSTEM.

  2. All subprograms specified in the OPEN CONVERSATION statement must be contained in a service (subprogram) tree node, which belongs to the library tree node in point (1).

The node and server used for a non-conversational or conversational CALLNAT are taken from the superior node and server tree nodes of the library tree node in point (1).

Using Logical Services and Node Names

You can define logical services and logical node names. For an example of logical services and logical node names, see Example of a Service Directory.

Start of instruction set To define a logical service

Start of instruction set To define a logical node name

Start of instruction set To remove a logical node name

Start of instruction set To display physical names defined for logical services or nodes

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Logon Option

If the Logon Option is set, for each CALLNAT request, the client initiates a Natural logon to the server using the current library name on the client, regardless of the library specified in the service directory. You can use the Application Programming Interface USR4008N to specify a different library; see also Logging on to a Different Library in Using the Logon Option in the Natural Remote Procedure Call (RPC) documentation.

After the remote CALLNAT has been executed (successfully or not), the server library is reset to its previous state. For more information, see Using the Logon Option in the Natural Remote Procedure Call (RPC) documentation.

The Logon Option can be set at server or node level and applies to all definitions made at a hierarchically lower level. If the Logon Option has been set for a certain server, it applies to all associated library and subprogram definitions.

Start of instruction set To set the Logon Option

  1. In the Service Directory tree view, select the tree node of a node, a server or a logical service and choose Logon Option from the context menu.

  2. Choose Yes to set the Logon Option for the server. (The default is No.)

    If the Logon Option has been set successfully for the node selected, the icon indicating a node changes from to .

    If the Logon Option has been set successfully for a logical service, the icon indicating a logical service changes from to .

    If the Logon Option has been set successfully for the server selected, the icon indicating a server changes from to .

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Transport Protocol

Start of instruction set To specify the transport protocol

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