Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Tools and Utilities  —

Basic SYSRPC Functions

This section provides instructions for starting and terminating the SYSRPC utility and describes the main features and functions provided by the utility.

Invoking SYSRPC

Start of instruction set To invoke the SYSRPC utility

  1. From the library workspace in the Natural Studio tree view, select a library.

  2. From the Tools menu, choose Configuration Tools and Remote Procedure Call.

    In the Command line, enter the following command:


    The SYSRPC - Remote Procedure Call window appears and displays the service directory tree view for the library specified. This is indicated in the name of the directory root node: Service Directory [library-name].

    When you invoke SYSRPC for the first time for a library, as shown in the example below, the tree view contains example (dummy) data. The name of the service directory root node is Example Service Directory which will change to Service Directory [library-name] when you use the Save or Save As function (see Menu Bar below), regardless of any tree view modifications. For a list of possible root names, see Root Node Names in the section Service Directory Maintenance.

The menus and toolbar buttons in the SYSRPC - Remote Procedure Call window provide all functions required to maintain a service directory, generate stub subprograms (interface objects) and execute server commands.

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Terminating SYSRPC

Start of instruction set To terminate the SYSRPC utility

If a window appears with a message saying that subprogram NATCLTGS is missing (needed at runtime), choose Yes to confirm the generation of NATCLTGS, or choose No to cancel the operation.

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Service Directory Tree

The tree view in the SYSRPC - Remote Procedure Call window displays all items (tree nodes) required for service directory maintenance. For explanations of the tree nodes, see Tree Nodes in Service Directory Maintenance. For explanations of the tree node hierarchy, see Service Directory Concept in Service Directory Maintenance.

Do not confuse a tree node of the service directory with the node to which an RPC connection is established (see Natural RPC Terminology in the Natural Remote Procedure Call documentation).

You can manipulate the tree nodes by using the functions provided with the menu bar, the toolbar and the context menu described below.

You can expand or collapse tree nodes by choosing the toggle (expand) or the toggle (collapse) in front of a tree node. Alternatively, you can choose the ARROW keys. Double-click on an expandable tree node to display all subordinate items.

Start of instruction set To expand all nodes of a tree

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Menu Bar

The menus, menu items and equivalent shortcut keys (if available) provided to execute SYSRPC functions are described in the following section.

Menu Menu Item and Shortcut Explanation
Object Open Opens a service directory:

From the Type drop-down list box, select the type of service directory (default is SERVDIRX or NATCLTGS) and, if required, in the Library text box, replace the name of the library (default is the current library).

The non-modifiable text box underneath Library displays the database ID (DBID), the file number (FNR) and the type of Natural file (FNAT = system, FUSER = user) for the library specified.


Saves the service directory in the current library.
Save As Saves the service directory in another library.

Invokes the Properties of Service Directory dialog box. It provides information on the generation of the service directory:

Object The name of the service directory.
Generated by    The name of the Natural utility.
Environment If the directory was generated in a local environment, the value local is displayed. Otherwise, the name of a remote server is displayed.
Library The name of the library in which the service directory was generated.
User The ID of the user who generated the service directory.
Time stamp The date and the time at which the service directory was last modified.
Tree view nodes The number of tree nodes including the service directory root node.
Expiration time The remote directory data is loaded at runtime. The expiration time in seconds determines the period of validity of this data. If directory data is requested after the expiration time set, it will automatically be reloaded. If the expiration time is set to 0, the remote directory data will not be reloaded.


Terminates SYSRPC.
Edit New Item

Creates a new tree node item. Depending on the tree node selected, you have the following choices:

Node Corresponding toolbar button:  graphics/sysrpc_new_node.png
Logical Service (EntireX) Corresponding toolbar button:  graphics/sysrpc_new_log_service.png
RPC Server Corresponding toolbar button:  graphics/sysrpc_new_server.png
Library Corresponding toolbar button:  graphics/sysrpc_new_folder.png
Service (Subprogram) Corresponding toolbar button:  graphics/sysrpc_new_service.png

See also the section Natural RPC Terminology in the Natural Remote Procedure Call (RPC) documentation and Location Transparency in the section Service Directory Maintenance for explanations of relevant expressions.


Modifies the name of a tree node.
Delete Removes a tree node.




Cuts, copies or pastes a tree node.


Invokes the Find Item window to search for a name:

Find what Enter an alphanumeric search string of up to 32 characters.
Case sensitive Select this check box to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters.
Whole words only Select this check box to search for complete character strings only.

Choose OK to start searching and move to the first hit, which is highlighted.

Corresponding toolbar button: graphics/sysrpc_find.png

Find Next

Searches for additional instances of the search string specified in the Find Item window and moves to the next hit if one exists.

Corresponding toolbar button: graphics/sysrpc_find_n.png



Sends an internal message to verify server connections described in the section Server Command Execution.

Corresponding toolbar button: graphics/sysrpc_ping.png

Terminate Server Sends an internal message to terminate server connections as described in the section Server Command Execution.
Terminate EntireX Broker Service Requests termination of an EntireX Broker service as described in the section Server Command Execution.

Corresponding toolbar button: graphics/sysrpc_terminate.png

Single Stub Generation

Generates single stub subprograms (interface objects) as described in Generating Single Stubs with Parameter Specification in the section Stub Generation.

Stub Mass Calculation

Performs calculations for size requirements of RPC calls as described in the section Calculating Size Requirements.

Stub Mass Generation

Generates single or multiple stub subprograms (interface objects) online or batch as described in Using the Stub Mass Generation Function in the section Stub Generation.

Stub Generation from IDL

Generates stub subprograms (interface objects) or parameter data areas (PDAs) from IDL files as described in Generating Stubs or PDAs from IDL Files in the section Stub Generation.


Displays SYSRPC help text:

SYSRPC Utility - Overview
Server Command Execution (Ping, Terminate)
Expiration Time
Logon Option
Transport Protocol
Location Transparency
Service Directory Tree
Generating Single Stubs with Parameter Specification
Generating Multiple Stubs
Generating Stubs or PDAs from IDL Files
Calculating Size Requirements

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The toolbar buttons that provide quick access to frequently used SYSRPC functions are described in the following section.

Toolbar Button Function

Adds a new tree node item. See also the corresponding menu: Edit > New Item > Node.

Adds a new logical service (EntireX) item. See also the corresponding menu: Edit > New Item > Logical Service (EntireX).

Adds a new RPC server item. See also the corresponding menu: Edit > New Item > RPC Server.

Adds a new library item. See also the corresponding menu: Edit > New Item > Library.

Adds a new service (subprogram) item. See also the corresponding menu: Edit > New Item > Service (Subprogram).

Finds a character string. See also the corresponding menu: Edit > Find.

Finds the next character string. See also the corresponding menu Edit > Find Next.

Pings RPC servers. See also the corresponding menu: Edit > Ping.

Terminates an EntireX Broker service. See also the corresponding menu: Edit > Terminate EntireX Broker Service.

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Context Menu

The context menu provides alternative ways of executing the commands and functions provided by the menus and the toolbar in the SYSRPC - Remote Procedure Call window.

In addition, the context menu provides the following:

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