Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Tools and Utilities  —

Unload Wizard

This section provides instructions for using the unload wizard and describes the items available in wizard windows.

Start of instruction set To start the unload wizard

Unload Objects into Natural Work File(s)

With the wizard function Unload objects into Natural work file(s), you are guided through the sequence of windows described below, where you can specify option and parameter settings and the type of object for the unload to be performed:

Set Options

In the options window of the unload wizard, select any of the options to be used for function processing and, if required, fill the text box:

Item Explanation
Transfer format Only valid if Use default options (this is the default) or Use additional options has been selected (see below).

If selected, the data to be processed is written in Transfer format to the work file. See also Work File Format in Work Files.

Local work file Only applies to remote environments.

Only valid if Use default options (this is the default) or Use additional options has been selected (see below).

Specifies the location of the work file when using Object Handler functions in connection with SpoD (Single Point of Development). If Local work file is selected, the data to be processed is written to the specified work file in the local file system.

See also WFLOC in Direct Commands.

Portable work file Not applicable to work files located in a remote environment on a mainframe platform.

This option is only valid if the following applies:

If Portable work file has been selected, the work file is written or read in portable format. See also Work File Format in Work Files.
Unicode work file Only applies if Transfer format has been selected.

If this option is selected, all object sources are converted to Unicode/UTF-8 (Universal Transformation Format, 8-bit form) before they are written to the work file.

Fixed length See FIXEDLENGTH in Direct Commands.
Unload file


Only valid if Use default options (this is the default) or Use additional options has been selected. See below.

The name of the work file to be used for the function. See also Work Files. On mainframes, the current Work File 1 is used as the default unload file.

Browse Not applicable to server unload files.

Invokes the browse function to select a work file from a directory.

Use default options Default options are used (this is the default). For the options available, see Set Additional Options in Settings - Options.
Use additional options Used in connection with Set (see below).
Set Only activated if Use additional options has been selected.

Invokes the Unload Options window where you can modify the default settings and enter additional options for the processing sequence. See also Set Additional Options in Settings - Options.

Use Option Workplan If selected, a Workplan of the type OPTION is used.

Select a Workplan from the combo box or type the name of a Workplan of the type OPTION.

See also Workplans.

List Only valid if Use Option Workplan (see above) has been selected and the name of a valid Workplan of the type OPTION was entered.

Displays the contents of the Workplan specified.

Set Parameters

Applies to the unload function only.

In the parameters window of the unload wizard, select any of the options to be used for function processing and, if required, fill the text box:

Item Explanation
Do not use parameters If selected (default setting), no parameters are set.
Use global parameters If selected, global parameters are used. See also Set Global Parameters in Settings.
Set Only activated if Use global parameters has been selected.

If selected, the global parameters window is invoked. See Set Global Parameters in Settings and parameter-setting (Direct Commands) for descriptions of keywords and valid values.

Use Parameter Workplan If selected, a Workplan of the type PARAMETER is used.

Select a Workplan from the combo box or type the name of a Workplan of the type PARAMETER.

See also Workplans.

List Only valid if Use Parameter Workplan (see above) has been selected and the name of a valid Workplan of the type PARAMETER was entered.

Displays the contents of the Workplan specified.

Select Objects

You cannot unload Natural-related objects or external files in remote environments located on mainframe platforms. Natural DDMs can only be unloaded in remote environments located on mainframe platforms.

In the object type specification window, choose either of the following methods to specify the type of object you want to process:

  1. Direct Specification
    Select one of the following types of object:

    Depending on the type of object selected, a window appears where you can specify selection criteria for the objects to be processed.

    Specify the objects and choose Details (if available for the type of object selected) for more detailed specifications, if required. For the keywords and valid values that apply to each object type, see the relevant explanations in the section Object Specification.

  2. Using a Workplan
    Select Use Selection or List if you want to use a Workplan of the type SELECTION or LIST that predefines object selection criteria: see the section Workplans for more information.

    In the Selection or List window, enter the name of a Workplan of the type SELECTION or LIST by using either option:

    Choose the List command button if you want to list the contents of the Workplan specified.

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Find Objects

The wizard function Find objects is used to locate objects in your Natural environment and generate a report list of the objects found.

Find objects guides you through the same sequence of windows and the same setting or object specification options as described earlier for the wizard function Unload objects into Natural work file(s) above. Settings or specifications that only apply to the unload function (for example, unload file) are excluded from the respective windows.

The report generated by the Find objects function contains several table columns with information on the objects listed. For information on the table columns, refer to the section Object Specification.

For general information on the execution of the find command and possible error messages, choose the Details button. See also Last Result in the section Tools.

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Start Object Handler Command Procedure

Choose the function Start Object Handler command procedure if you want to execute a standard procedure (Workplan) of the type PROCEDURE with predefined settings and object specifications for the unload function to be performed. See also the section Workplans for further information.

Start of instruction set To start and execute an Object Handler command procedure

  1. In the initial Unload Wizard window, choose Start Object Handler command procedure.

    The procedure window appears.

  2. In the field Procedure name, enter the name of a Workplan of the type PROCEDURE (see also Workplans) by using either option:

  3. Confirm the contents of the PROCEDURE Workplan and execute the transaction.

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