Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Using Natural Studio  —

Shortcut Keys

Many Natural commands are mapped to shortcut keys.

This document lists the default assignments of the shortcut keys which can be changed by the user. The shortcut keys are grouped into the following categories:

You can define additional shortcut key assignments or overwrite the default assignments on the Keyboard page of the Customize dialog box. See Customizing Natural Studio for further information.

Generally Available Shortcut Keys

The following table lists the default shortcut keys that are available anywhere within Natural Studio where applicable (provided they have not been overwritten in the Customize dialog box).

Shortcut Key Description
ALT+1 Toggle display of library workspace.
ALT+2 Toggle display of application workspace.
ALT+3 Toggle display of command line.
ALT+4 Toggle display of status bar.
ALT+5 Toggle display of results window.
ALT+6 Toggle display of debugger window.
ALT+ENTER Display properties of selected object.
ALT+F4 Exit Natural session.
ALT+F7 Go to next event (debugger).
ALT+NUM* Show trace position (debugger).
CTRL+A Select all.
CTRL+C Copy to clipboard.
CTRL+D Toggle between command line and active list view or editor window.
CTRL+E Check current object.
CTRL+F Find in editor.
CTRL+G Go to specific line in editor.
CTRL+H Replace in editor.
CTRL+L Toggle between application workspace and active list view or editor window.
CTRL+O Open Natural object or list view window.
CTRL+P Print current object.
CTRL+N Create new program.
CTRL+R Run current object.
CTRL+S Save current object.
CTRL+T Stow current object.
CTRL+U Toggle between results window and active list view or editor window.
CTRL+V Paste from clipboard.
CTRL+W Toggle between library workspace and active list view or editor window.
CTRL+X Cut to clipboard.
CTRL+Y Redo last undo action in editor.
CTRL+Z Undo last action in editor.
CTRL+ALT+1 Toggle display of variables window (debugger).
CTRL+ALT+2 Toggle display of break- and watchpoints window (debugger).
CTRL+ALT+3 Toggle display of call stack window (debugger).
CTRL+F3 Replace next in editor.
CTRL+F4 Close active list view or editor window.
CTRL+F7 Start debugger.
CTRL+F11 Step out of object (debugger).
CTRL+SHIFT+A Save all objects.
CTRL+SHIFT+B Go to break- and watchpoints window (debugger).
CTRL+SHIFT+C Go to call stack window (debugger).
CTRL+SHIFT+D Delete line in editor.
CTRL+SHIFT+K Delete to end of line in editor.
CTRL+SHIFT+W Add a watchpoint (debugger).
CTRL+SHIFT+T Add a watchvariable (debugger).
CTRL+SHIFT+V Go to variables window (debugger).
CTRL+SHIFT+F7 Restart debugger.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Activate previous list view or editor window.
CTRL+TAB Activate next list view or editor window.
F1 Display help.
F2 Rename selected object.
F3 Find next in editor.
F5 Refresh.
F7 Go to next watchpoint or breakpoint (debugger).
F10 Step over another object (debugger).
F11 Step into another object (debugger).
SHIFT+F7 Stop debugger.

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Program Editor Shortcut Keys

The following table shows the shortcut keys that are available in the active program editor, in addition to the default shortcut keys.

Shortcut Key Description
CTRL+B Toggle expanded/collapsed state of block.
CTRL+M Add comment mark(s) to beginning of current line or to beginning of all selected lines.
CTRL+MINUS Collapse current block.
CTRL+PLUS Expand current block.
CTRL+SPACEBAR Highlight text.
CTRL+ALT+B Toggle bookmark.
CTRL+ALT+C Convert from hexadecimal to character format.
CTRL+ALT+L Clear bookmarks.
CTRL+ALT+N Next bookmark.
CTRL+ALT+P Previous bookmark.
CTRL+ALT+U Convert characters of a text constant to hexadecimal Unicode representation.
CTRL+ALT+X Convert characters of a text constant to hexadecimal code page representation.
CTRL+ALT+MINUS Collapse current and all nested blocks.
CTRL+ALT+PLUS Expand current and all nested blocks.
CTRL+F10 Run to current cursor position (debugger).
CTRL+SHIFT+L Translate selected text to lowercase.
CTRL+SHIFT+M Remove comment mark(s) from beginning of current line or from beginning of all selected lines.
CTRL+SHIFT+P Replay recording.
CTRL+SHIFT+R Start recording.
CTRL+SHIFT+S Stop recording.
CTRL+SHIFT+U Translate selected text to uppercase.
F6 Toggle between split windows.
F9 Toggle breakpoint at current cursor position (debugger).
SHIFT+F9 Modify variable at current cursor position (debugger).

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Dialog Editor Shortcut Keys

The following table shows the shortcut keys that are available in the active dialog editor, in addition to the default shortcut keys.

Shortcut Key Description
ALT+RIGHT-ARROW Unify spacing for selected controls horizontally.
ALT+UP-ARROW Unify spacing for selected controls vertically.
CTRL+ALT+C Open source code in program editor.
CTRL+ALT+E Open event handlers dialog.
CTRL+ALT+G Open global data area dialog.
CTRL+ALT+H Open online help organizer dialog.
CTRL+ALT+I Open timer controls dialog.
CTRL+ALT+J Open image list dialog.
CTRL+ALT+L Open local data area dialog.
CTRL+ALT+M Open menu editor dialog.
CTRL+ALT+N Open signal controls dialog.
CTRL+ALT+O Open comment dialog.
CTRL+ALT+P Open parameter data area dialog.
CTRL+ALT+Q Toggles control sequence definition mode on or off.
CTRL+ALT+S Open inline subroutines dialog.
CTRL+ALT+T Open toolbar dialog.
CTRL+ALT+W Open wallpapers dialog.
CTRL+ALT+X Open context menus dialog.
CTRL+ALT+DOWN-ARROW Align selected controls down.
CTRL+ALT+LEFT-ARROW Align selected controls left.
CTRL+ALT+RIGHT-ARROW Align selected controls right.
CTRL+ALT+UP-ARROW Align selected controls up.
CTRL+SHIFT+E Open event handlers dialog for selected control.
CTRL+SHIFT+F9 Align selected controls centered.
F9 Center selected controls vertically.
SHIFT+F9 Center selected controls horizontally.

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Data Area Editor Shortcut Keys

The following table shows the shortcut keys that are available in the active data area editor, in addition to the default shortcut keys.

Shortcut Key Description
CTRL+M Add comment mark(s) to beginning of current line or to beginning of all selected lines.
CTRL+ALT+L Save column layout.
CTRL+SHIFT+I Go to next level.
CTRL+SHIFT+J Go to previous level.
CTRL+SHIFT+M Remove comment mark(s) from beginning of current line or from beginning of all selected lines.
CTRL+PLUS Best fit.
F2 Select leftmost cell of field.
SHIFT+SPACEBAR Select field row.

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DDM Editor Shortcut Keys

The following table shows the shortcut keys that are available in the active DDM editor, in addition to the default shortcut keys.

Shortcut Key Description
CTRL+M Add comment mark(s) to beginning of current line or to beginning of all selected lines.
CTRL+ALT+L Save column layout.
CTRL+SHIFT+M Remove comment mark(s) from beginning of current line or from beginning of all selected lines.
CTRL+PLUS Best fit.
F2 Select leftmost cell of field.
SHIFT+SPACEBAR Select field row.

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Reserved Shortcut Keys

The following reserved shortcut keys cannot be modified in the Customize dialog box. They provide the same functionality as in Windows.


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