Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  System Commands  —

System Commands Grouped by Function

This document provides an overview of the Natural system commands grouped according to their functions.

Navigating within Natural

Command Function
FIN Terminates a Natural session.
LOGOFF Causes the library ID to be set to SYSTEM and the Adabas password to be set to blanks. The contents of the source program work area are not affected by this command.
LOGON Establishes a library ID for the user. In the specified library, all source or object programs saved during the session will be stored (unless you explicitly specify another library ID in a SAVE, CATALOG or STOW command).
RETURN Returns to a return point set by a SETUP command.
SETUP Establishes a return point to which control can be returned using a RETURN command. This allows you to easily transfer from one application to another during a Natural session.

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Environment Settings

Command Function
COMPOPT Sets various compilation options that affect the way in which Natural programming objects are compiled.
GLOBALS Changes the settings of various Natural session parameters.
MAP Establishes a connection to a remote development server.
PROFILE Only available if Natural Security has been installed.

Displays the security profile currently in effect. This profile informs you of the conditions of use in effect for you in your current Natural environment.

SYSPROD Displays a list of the products installed at your site, and some information on these products.
SYSPROF Displays the current definitions of the Natural system files.
UNMAP Disconnects the currently active remote environment.

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Editing and Storing Programming Objects

Command Function
CATALL Catalogs all objects or selected objects in the current library.
CATALOG Compiles the Natural programming object currently in the source work area of an editor, and if the syntax has been found to be correct, stores the resulting object module in the Natural system file.
CHECK Checks that the source code of a programming object does not contain any syntax errors. The checking process varies according to the type of object being checked.

Syntax checking is also performed as part of the system commands RUN, CATALL, CATALOG and STOW.


Closes the currently active object and opens a new editor window without content and without a name. The type of editor is the same as for the currently active object. If the currently active object has been modified since the last save, you are prompted to save any changes.

EDIT Edits the source form of a programming object.
LIST Lists one or more objects which are contained in the current library.
READ Transfers an object in source form from the Natural system file to the source work area.
RENUMBER Renumbers the source code which is currently held in the source work area.
SAVE Stores the source form of the programming object currently in the work area of the editor in the Natural system file.
SCAN Searches for a string of characters within an object, with an option to replace the string with another string.
STOW Compiles and stores a Natural programming object (in both source and object form) in the Natural system file.
SYSWIZDW Invokes the Natural Dialog Wizard, a tool for creating dialogs for specific purposes. The defined dialogs can have several layouts that adapt to desired requirements.

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Executing Programs

Command Function
EXECUTE Executes a program that has been compiled and stored in object form. You can EXECUTE a program only if it has been stored in compiled form.
RUN Compiles and executes the source program currently in the work area of the editor.

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Maintenance Utilities

Command Function
SYSERR Creates and maintains the messages you wish your Natural applications to display to the users.
SYSNCP Creates and maintains the command processors to be used in your Natural applications.
SYSRPC Creates and maintains remote procedure calls, that is, provides the settings necessary to execute a subprogram located on a remote server.

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Transfer of Programming Objects

Command Function
SYSMAIN Transfers objects within the Natural system from one library to another.
SYSOBJH Processes Natural and non-Natural objects for distribution in Natural environments.

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Monitoring and Debugging

Command Function
RPCERR Displays the last Natural error number and message if related to Remote Procedure Call (RPC), and the last Broker reason code and associated message. 
TECH Displays technical and other information on your Natural session.

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Commands Used with NaturalX

Command Function
REGISTER Registers Natural classes. They are registered for the server ID under which Natural was started.
UNREGISTER Unregisters Natural classes.

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Command Function
HELP Invokes the Natural help system.
INPL Invokes the INPL utility. It is only used for the loading of Software AG installation datasets into the system files.
LAST Displays the system commands that were last executed, and allows you to execute them again.
LASTMSG Displays additional information on the error situation which occurred last.
MAIL Only available if Natural Security has been installed.

Invokes a mailbox to modify its contents and/or expiration date. A mailbox is used as a notice board to broadcast messages to Natural users.

SYSEXT Invokes the library SYSEXT, which contains various Natural user application interfaces.
SYSEXV Invokes the SYSEXV application with examples of the new features of the current Natural versions.
SYSFILE Invokes the function Natural Print/Work Files of the SYSFILE utility. This utility provides information on the work files and print files available.
SYSWIZDB Invokes the Natural Data Browser, a development tool wizard within Natural Studio. It enables you to display and print or store file structures.
UNLOCK Enables you to view locked objects and unlock them if required.
UPDATE Prevents database updating being carried out by a program.
XREF Only available if Predict has been installed.

Controls the usage of the Predict function "active cross-references". This function automatically creates documentation in Predict about the objects which a program/data area references.

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