Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Release Notes for Natural Version 6.3 for Windows  —

Release Information for Natural Version 6.3.2

This document covers the following topics:

New Features

System Commands

The following new Natural system command is provided in this version:

System Command Description
SYSCP Invokes the SYSCP utility.


The new utility SYSCP provides code page information. See SYSCP Utility - Code Page Information in the Tools and Utilities documentation.

Application Programming Interfaces

The utility SYSEXT provides the following new application programming interface (API):

API Description
USR4208N Read or write shared resource.

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Changes and Enhancements

Natural Studio


Using the new option Best fit, it is now possible to automatically adjust the width of each visible column in the data area editor and DDM editor so that the column header and the content of a column are always completely visible. In addition, you can set the Auto fit option which automatically readjusts each edited column to the optimum width when you leave the column. See Data Area Editor Options and DDM Editor Options in Using Natural Studio.


Data Area Editor

It is now possible to define the session parameter PM (print mode) as a field attribute. See Rows and Columns in the Editor Window, Inserting Data Fields and Inserting Constants in the Data Area Editor section of the Editors documentation.

It is now possible to adjust all or single columns in a data area so that the column header and the content of a column are always completely visible. See Rearranging Columns in the Data Area Editor section of the Editors documentation.

DDM Editor

It is now possible to adjust all or single columns in a DDM so that the column header and the content of a column are always completely visible. See Rearranging Columns in the DDM Editor section of the Editors documentation.


Component Browser

Using the new menu command Find Unique ID it is now possible to search for a unique ID in a selected group of components. See Component Browser in the Tools and Utilities documentation

Data Browser

A new page is now available in the data browser. It can be used to count the number of records found for report generation and to specify report output options (edit masks and column headers, if defined for the selected fields). On this page, you can also specify whether the report is to be written to the results window or to a text file, and whether the data browser is to be restarted with the current definitions after the report generation. See Report Options in the Data Browser part of the Tools and Utilities documentation.

Object Handler

It is now possible to process objects in a remote Natural Development Server environment in batch mode by using Object Handler direct commands. See Batch or Direct Command Calls and Batch Processing in a Remote Environment in the Object Handler part of the Tools and Utilities documentation. You can display a report of the processed objects if Natural Development Server Version 2.2.4 (and above) is installed at your site.

It is now possible to process data areas created with Natural for Eclipse. They are stored in plain text format.

The Object Handler now automatically recognizes the type of the load file for the load and scan functions. It is no longer necessary to specify the correct load file type. See the description of WORKFILETYPE in Keyword Explanation of option-setting.

System Commands


The system command CATALL can now be used in batch mode. The direct command syntax has been enhanced accordingly.

Local Versioning

In addition to CVS, Local Versioning now supports Subversion. A workspace may now be defined as a Natural system file which is visible in Natural Studio's library workspace. All Natural object types are now supported. Missing functionality has been added for updating and deleting objects, libraries and system files. It is now possible to display the log and to import objects, libraries and system files into Natural. For detailed information, see Local Versioning in the Natural Studio Extensions documentation.

For remote access to Natural sources on a UNIX or mainframe development server, Natural Development Server Version is required. This version provides support for Natural resources and contains corrections in the routines which read and write Natural sources.

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Client Components of the Entire Systems Management

Natural for Windows Version 6.3.2 contains the latest client packages of the GUI framework of System Automation Tools (SAT 3.1.5) and Entire Operations GUI Client (OGC 5.2.1), which requires compatible server application versions to work properly. Since the GUI framework is also used by other Entire Systems Management applications such as Mainframe Navigation and Output Management GUI Client (NGC), you must also update to the corresponding SAT server version if you want to use one of these client applications. The GUI framework delivered with Natural Version 6.3.2 requires a server running SAT 3.1.5. The prerequisite on the server side for the packaged Entire Operations GUI Client is Entire Operations Version 5.2.1.

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Known Incompatibilities

This section provides additional information that you should be aware of after having installed Natural.

Error Messages

The following error message is new for this version of Natural in order to improve the edit mask handling and the compatibility between Natural for Windows, Natural for UNIX and Natural for Mainframes.

Error Message Description

Input does not match edit mask :1:.

NAT1145 replaces NAT1143 in case of interactive input/output. This new error advises the user of the expected input format for the current field.

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Removed Features

This section provides an overview of functionality no longer supported with this Natural version.

Natural Expert

Natural Expert models are no longer displayed in the list of object types.

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