Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Natural Studio Extensions  —

Local Versioning

Using Local Versioning, you can use the source control system Subversion (SVN) or Concurrent Versions System (CVS) from within your Natural environment.

To use this functionality, you must have the Subversion or CVS client part (svn.exe or cvs.exe) installed on your PC and you must have access to a Subversion or CVS repository server which has been installed locally or on a server. When you search the internet, you can find these Subversion or CVS components on several download sites.

This document covers the following topics:

Preliminary Remarks

The following topics are covered below:

Natural Security

Natural Security is partly supported. When a logon to a library is disallowed, this library will not be shown in the tree view and Local Versioning commands cannot be executed. However, when the List, Open or Save commands are disallowed for a Natural object in a library, it is still possible to read Natural objects and commit them to a repository as well as check out Natural objects from a repository and import (and maybe replace) them in Natural.

For accessing the Natural Development Server (NDV), Local Versioning uses Object Handler routines. Therefore, a utility profile for the Object Handler (SYSOBJH) must be defined in Natural Security in which Load and Rep are allowed. Furthermore, Applies as default profile must be set to "Y" to activate the utility profile.

Supported Subversion and CVS Functions

Local Versioning does not cover all Subversion and CVS functions. Therefore, for some tasks it may be necessary to use the command line interface of a repository (svn.exe or cvs.exe) or free third-party software such as TortoiseSVN or TortoiseCVS.

Name of the System Library SYSPLCVS

Although the system library for Local Versioning is called SYSPLCVS, it contains the objects for both repositories, Subversion and CVS.

Batch Mode

The current version of Local Versioning is designed for online use. For accessing a repository in batch mode, use the Object Handler.

If you want to load Natural sources from a repository in batch mode, proceed as described below:

  1. Check out a repository module with the structure of a system file (FUSER) into a local workspace.

  2. Create a FILEDIR.SAG file for each library using the FTOUCH utility. To get the parameters for the FTOUCH utility (for example, structured mode), you can read the source header, if there is one. Or, if you have disabled the source header in the options, you can use user-defined default values for each source that you have committed.

    This makes a system file (FUSER) out of the workspace, which can either be used locally or processed further by Natural in batch mode.

    If you want to bring the sources to a remote development environment (NDV), continue with the following steps.

  3. Use the Object Handler to unload the system file (FUSER) in batch mode to a local file.

  4. Map to a remote development environment in batch mode.

  5. Use the direct commands to load the previously unloaded sources into the remote development environment.

For further information, see Batch Processing in a Remote Environment in the Object Handler part of the Tools and Utilities documentation.

Top of page

Before You Start

Local Versioning is an optional plug-in for Natural Studio. The installation of this plug-in is part of the Natural installation. You can either install this plug-in during a first-time installation or install it later in a separate setup process. For further information on the installation procedure, see the Installation documentation.

Before Local Versioning can be used, you have to proceed as described in the following topics:


When you activate a plug-in, Natural Studio starts a second Natural session using the parameter file NATPARM. If your Natural session uses a parameter file other than NATPARM, you must be aware of the fact that the FNAT (especially the libraries SYSPLCVS and SYSLIBS) and other Natural parameters (such as the WORK parameter) may be different in the Natural plug-in session (which uses NATPARM) and in your Natural session (which uses another parameter file). This may lead to unpredictable errors. Therefore, it is recommended that you also use the parameter file NATPARM for your Natural session. See also the information on the Natural parameter file in the section Plug-Ins under Natural Security of the Natural Security documentation.

Work files 29, 30, 31 and 32 are used. Therefore, the profile parameter WORK must be set to 32 in the parameter file NATPARM.

Local Versioning uses the Subversion or CVS command interface svn.exe or cvs.exe (exactly with this name) which must be installed on the PC running Local Versioning. Make sure that the command interface is accessible (for example, by adding svn.exe or cvs.exe including its path to the Windows environment variable %PATH%).

In the Windows registry, the command extensions for cmd.exe must be enabled. This is enabled by default.

You must have access to the repository of your source control system. This repository can be installed locally or on a server. The repository must be operational before you start using Local Versioning.

A Natural object should not be archived with its line numbers or line number references. Local Versioning removes the line numbers when a Natural object is copied to a workspace. Line numbers are removed so that sources in which just one line has been added or removed do not differ because only the line number is different. We recommend that you switch on line number suppression for a library which is used as a workspace; see Suppressing Line Numbers in the Source Code in the documentation Using Natural Studio. However, Local Versioning is also able to work with line numbers.

Local Versioning stores a Natural object in a repository using its file system name. When there are special characters in the name of a Natural object, its Natural name and file system name will be different. For Natural objects with special characters coming from a remote mainframe development server (NDV) to a workspace outside Natural, a file system name is not available. Local Versioning does not support such Natural objects. We strongly recommend that you do not use special characters in Natural names.

Special characters are the following:

Activating Local Versioning

When Local Versioning has been installed, it has to be activated in the Plug-In Manager. For detailed information on the activation procedure, see Plug-in Manager in the documentation Using Natural Studio.

Top of page

Elements of Local Versioning

When Local Versioning has been activated in the Plug-in Manager, additional elements are available in the Natural Studio window:

Menu Commands

The Object menu provides the cascading menu Local Versioning with commands for processing an object. These commands can also be found in the context menu (see below). You can use the commands from the Object menu when a context menu is not available for a Natural object (for example, for resources and error messages).

The Library menu provides the cascading menu Local Versioning with commands for processing a library. These commands can also be found in the context menu (see below). You can use these commands, for example, to add a new library in your source control system. Alternatively, you can create a new library in Natural and perform commands on the empty library.

The Tools > Development Tools menu provides the cascading menu Local Versioning with the Maintain Projects command. It is used to define and maintain projects for Local Versioning.


An additional toolbar is shown. The button in this toolbar represents the following menu command:

Toolbar button

Maintain Projects

The display of this toolbar can be switched on and off by choosing Customize from the Tools menu.

Context Menu

When the current context (that is, the selected object) allows it, the context menu provides the following additional cascading menu: Local Versioning.

Local Versioning commands can be applied to Natural resources and Natural error messages, although the context menu does not show the cascading menu Local Versioning. In these cases, use the menu commands instead.

Depending on the context, the cascading menu contains different commands.

Depending on the project definition, the status of the project folder or the setting of the option Disable import, make branch, add library, several of the commands in the cascading menu may be disabled.

System File Level

When a system file is currently selected (for example, the node for FUSER or FNAT), the following commands are available in the cascading menu:

Commands for Subversion Commands for CVS
SVN Display Log CVS Display Log
SVN Status System File CVS Status System File
SVN Import Module into Repository CVS Import Module into Repository
SVN Make Branch CVS Make Branch/Tag
SVN Commit System File CVS Commit System File
SVN Update System File CVS Update System File
SVN Check Out and Import System File CVS Check Out and Import System File
SVN Check Out System File CVS Check Out System File
Import System File into Natural Import System File into Natural
Library Level

When a library is currently selected, the following commands are available in the cascading menu:

Commands for Subversion Commands for CVS
SVN Display Log CVS Display Log
SVN Status Library CVS Status Library
SVN Add and Commit Library No command available
SVN Add Library CVS Add Library
SVN Delete and Commit Library CVS Remove and Commit Library
SVN Delete Library CVS Remove Library
SVN Commit Library CVS Commit Library
SVN Update Library CVS Update Library
SVN Check Out and Import Library CVS Check Out and Import Library
SVN Check Out Library CVS Check Out Library
Import Library into Natural Import Library into Natural
Natural Object Level

When a Natural object is currently selected, the following commands are available in the cascading menu:

Commands for Subversion Commands for CVS
SVN Display Log CVS Display Log
Copy and SVN Commit Object Copy and CVS Commit Object
Copy to Project Folder Copy to Project Folder
SVN Add and Commit Object CVS Add and Commit Object
SVN Add Object CVS Add Object
SVN Delete and Commit Object CVS Remove and Commit Object
SVN Delete Object CVS Remove Object
SVN Commit Object CVS Commit Object
SVN Update Object CVS Update Object
No command available CVS Check Out and Import Object
No command available CVS Check Out Object
Import Object into Natural Import Object into Natural

The above commands correspond to the commands used by Subversion and CVS.

Options Dialog Box

The Options dialog box contains an additional page labeled Local Versioning. See Setting the Options for further information.

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Setting the Options

When Local Versioning has been activated, you can set the options for this Natural Studio extension.

Start of instruction setTo set the options

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Options.

    The Options dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Local Versioning page in this dialog box.


  3. You can set the following options:

    Current repository type

    Choose the option button for the repository type (either SVN for Subversion or CVS) to which you want commit or from where you want to check out Natural object sources.

    Each time you switch the repository type, you have to restart (that is: deactivate and then activate) Local Versioning in the Plug-in Manager. For detailed information, see Plug-in Manager in the documentation Using Natural Studio.

    Show command scripts

    When the check boxes in this group box are selected, the window for the Windows command prompt appears each time a Subversion or CVS command is issued which is implemented in Local Versioning. You can then see whether the Subversion or CVS command was successful.

    System file commands enables/disables the window on system file level, Library commands on library level and Object commands on Natural object level.

    When the windows for the above commands have been disabled, you can use the different commands which are provided by Local Versioning for displaying the status. Or you can use a third-party tool such as TortoiseSVN or TortoiseCVS to check whether a command has been successful.

    For getting started or for testing purposes, all levels may be enabled. Since there may be numerous windows on object level when many object are selected at once (for example, the objects of a whole library), it is advisable to switch off the object level. There will be a warning when the number of selected objects is bigger than 10.

    The processing of the selected objects can be canceled by pressing ESC. However, when the options in this group box are selected and there are numerous command windows, Natural hardly gets control.

    Exception: The command prompt window appears always when you issue the commands for displaying the status of a library or system file, or when you choose the Login button in the dialog box containing the project definition. This does not depend on the setting of these options.

    Source header

    Before a Natural source is copied to the workspace, Local Versioning adds a header to the source. The header contains the Natural name of the object, the source user ID, the mode, the code page, the source date and the source time. This information is used when a source object is imported back into Natural after a checkout from a repository.

    When Local Versioning does not find a header in the source before importing it, default values are used. The default values are:

    Header Type Default Value
    Mode Structured.
    Natural name of the object Name of the file in the workspace/repository.
    User ID *USER
    Code page *CODEPAGE
    Source date *DATN
    Source time *TIMN

    Since the source date and source time may change without any change of the source, source date and source time may be disabled, while the other header parameters remain. The following check boxes are available in this group box:

    • Disable source header

      When this check box is selected, the whole source header is disabled, including source date and source time.

    • Disable date/time in source header

      When this check box is selected, there will be no source date and source time in the header. The other parameters depend on the setting of Disable source header check box.

    Local Versioning is able to process Natural sources with a header from Natural for Eclipse.

    Archive data areas in DEFINE DATA format

    When this check box is selected, data areas are converted to the DEFINE DATA format before they are copied to the workspace and committed to a repository.

    When this check box is not selected, data areas are archived in the Natural-internal format for data areas in the file system.

    The DEFINE DATA format is readable. A data area in internal format does not need to be converted when you want it to bring it into Natural with the FTOUCH utility or the Natural import function.

    Data areas containing views with fields marked as multiple fields or periodic groups (this is for documentation only and will not be considered when using the view) and which are converted to the DEFINE DATA format, loose the information about multiple fields or a periodic groups.

    Disable import, make branch, add library

    When this check box is selected, the following commands are disabled:

    Commands for Subversion Commands for CVS
    SVN Import Module into Repository CVS Import Module into Repository
    SVN Make Branch CVS Make Branch/Tag
    SVN Add Library CVS Add Library
    SVN Add and Commit Library No command available
  4. Choose the OK button.

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Maintaining Projects

The following topics are covered below:

Displaying the List of Projects

Before you can start using Local Versioning, you must define a project. Each project belongs to a specific system file and is identified by the environment, the database ID (DBID) and the file number (FNR).

A Natural system file is the development environment in which the sources of a project are created, changed and tested. Such a Natural system file is usually the FUSER, either in the local environment or on a remote development server. Since Local Versioning supports all types of Natural system files, it can also cope with FNAT or an inactive environment. An inactive environment is a file which is defined as a system file in the global configuration file of the Configuration Utility. It is accessible from the library workspace of Natural Studio. Sources cannot be modified in an inactive environment, but they can be copied to an inactive environment.

The workspace may be outside Natural, in an ordinary Windows folder, or it may also be a Natural system file. Using an inactive Natural for Windows system file for a repository workspace has the advantage that the user has a view on the repository workspace within the Natural library workspace. It is also possible to use an active system file (for example, an FUSER) for both, the place where a user holds the development sources and as a repository workspace. In this case, the user must take care when a source is meant to be in the FUSER and when it is in the repository workspace. Sources in an FUSER usually do not have a header; they may have line numbers and line number references. Sources in a workspace usually have a header, but no line numbers and no line number references.

Each workspace can refer to one Subversion or CVS repository only. A repository may refer to more than one workspace.

You may define more than one repository, including workspace, to one Natural system file. If so, the following dialog box appears prompting you to select one or more repositories, including workspace, when you perform commands on Natural objects in such a system file.

Select repository

You may also define more than one Natural system file to one repository, including workspace.

If you have set up a project with the Maintain Projects command which requires user attention so that Natural libraries or objects in a repository are not mixed up or overwritten, a warning appears. In such a case, you have to take care that you do not unintentionally overwrite objects, or unintentionally commit or check out objects to wrong libraries or system files.

Start of instruction setTo display the list of projects

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Development Tools > Local Versioning > Maintain Projects.

    When the Local Versioning toolbar is shown, choose the following toolbar button.

    Toolbar button

    The following window, which contains the project list, appears. You can define up to 10 projects, which you can enable or disable using the check box in the first column. Initially, the project definitions are empty. The repository type which is currently used is indicated in the title bar. Example:

    Maintain projects

    The list of defined projects is stored as a resource (text document) in the system library SYSPLCVS. The name of this file is lv_projects.txt. Do not delete this file; otherwise you will loose all project definitions. During an installation of the plug-in and even during a new Natural installation, an old lv_projects.txt file is kept. If there is no lv_projects.txt file at plug-in activation, it will be created with default values.

Defining a New Project

To define a project you have to select one of the empty entries in the project list and then edit the project definition.

Start of instruction setTo edit the project definition

  1. Select the project and from the Action menu, choose Maintain.

    Select the project, invoke the context menu and choose Maintain.

    Double-click the project.

    The following dialog box appears:

    Project definition

  2. Specify the following information:

    Environment name

    From the drop-down list box, select the environment (local or any remote development server) of the Natural system file from where you want to bring Natural sources into your source control system.


    The database ID of the Natural system file from where you want to bring Natural sources into your source control system.


    The file number of the Natural system file from where you want to bring Natural sources into your source control system.

    Ignored files

    Optional. You can specify the Natural sources which are to be ignored - even if they are selected. The ignored Natural sources are not handled by Local Versioning.

    A Natural source name and the input in this field are case-sensitive. There may be lowercase characters in the name of a Natural object when an ampersand (&) in the name is replaced by the language code. In most cases, however, a Natural source name is in uppercase characters.

    The character which is used to separate the source names is a semicolon (;). It is not allowed to specify file extensions. Wildcards are also not allowed.

    Library Mapping

    Optional. Use the New button to specify a Natural library and map it to another library in your source control system if you want to change the library for committing and checking out of objects. A library mapping can be enabled or disabled. Example:

    Library mapping


    The path to a local working folder in which Natural objects are held before they are copied to your source control system. The workspace usually parallels a Natural system file such as FNAT or FUSER (for example, outside Natural or in an inactive Natural environment). However, it may also be in an active system file (for example, FUSER). For example:


    UNC paths (such as \\nat\cvs) are not supported since cmd.exe does not support UNC paths.

    For performance reasons, you may define a workspace outside of Natural. Since no interaction with Natural is necessary, working with a workspace outside of Natural is faster.

    Project folder

    A subfolder within the workspace.

    It is recommended that you define a separate subfolder for every module and every branch in your source control system.


    1. Using an inactive system file as the workspace/project folder has the advantage that the workspace is visible within the Natural environment.
    2. When the workspace is a Natural system file, the repository creates folders for Subversion or CVS status information (with the names .svn or CVS) in the Natural system file. When you use CVS, you may run into problems with a library called CVS in your FUSER. If you have a library with this name, CVS will put administration files into the CVS folder. When you delete a whole Natural library, the files or folders unknown to Natural (such as .svn or CVS) are not deleted.
    3. When Natural sources are copied to the project folder using the command SVN Add Object, CVS Add Object or Copy to Project Folder, the line numbers are removed from the sources (this is done so that sources where just one line has been added or removed do not differ because only the line number is different); line number references are resolved by a symbolic label. When you have defined your FUSER as the project folder, you also have to perform these commands in order to remove the line numbers.
    4. When you check out a Natural source from Subversion or CVS directly to an FUSER and this source does not yet exist on this FUSER, you will not see this source in Natural. This is because the file FILEDIR.SAG will not be updated. You need to import the source into Natural.
    5. Missing workspace/project folder directories will be created with the first use.

    The repository type may either be SVN (for Subversion) or CVS.


    The full connection string to your source control system.

    • Subversion
      For Subversion this string may be entered in one of the following formats (depending on the Subversion configuration):


      For example:


      For Subversion, the path is only used for the commands which check out and import into the repository. Other Subversion commands use the path specification in the .svn directories.

    • CVS
      For CVS this string must be entered in the following format:


      For example:

    Copy the string directly from your source control system and paste it in this text box.


    When you choose this button, the command prompt window appears and you are prompted to enter your repository password. This corresponds to the svn info or cvs login command which is used to confirm your password and to store it for later use in your home directory.


    The name of the Subversion or CVS module that you want to use or create.



    For Subversion, the name of a new directory which is to contain a branch of the main version.

    For CVS, the name of the branch on which you want to work or that you want to create.

    If you do not specify a branch, the main branch is used.

  3. Choose the OK button.

Deleting a Project

You can delete any project which is currently defined in the Maintain Projects window.

Start of instruction setTo delete a project

Alternatively, you can delete a project in the file lv_projects.txt which is stored as a resource (text document) in the system library SYSPLCVS.

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First Steps with Local Versioning

This section contains a brief tutorial which shows how to interact with a source control system. It applies to both Subversion and CVS.

The following topics are provided:

Prerequisites for this Tutorial

Project Definition

This tutorial assumes that the values below have been specified in the project definition.

For Subversion:

Project definition

For CVS:

Project definition

Make sure to specify the correct values for your Natural environment (environment name, DBID and FNR) and repository (repository type and path). For the workspace, project folder and module name, use the above values. Leave the remaining text boxes blank.

Workspace Definition

Use the Configuration Utility to define the workspace as an inactive environment (in the example below, DBID 30 and FNR 31 point to the project folder C:\natural\natapps\SVN\LV-MyFolder in the workspace for Subversion).

Configuration Utility

The inactive environment will then appear in Natural Studio's library workspace.

Library workspace


This tutorial assumes that the options below have been enabled.

For Subversion:


For CVS: Use the same options, but specify CVS as the repository type.

Library and Objects

This tutorial assumes that a library with the name LV-TEST exists and that this library contains a program named PGM1 and a subprogram named SUBPGM1.

Setting Up a New Project in Your Source Control System

With this exercise, you will now learn how to set up a new project in a new module and how to add and commit an entire Natural library to your source control system.

The descriptions in this tutorial apply when you are working with the logical view of your library workspace.

Start of instruction setTo set up a new project in your source control system

  1. Select the node for the system file (for example, "User Libraries") in which your Natural sources reside.

  2. Invoke the context menu for the selected node and display the commands in the cascading menu Local Versioning.

    The commands below are shown.

    For Subversion: For CVS:

    Commands on system file level

    Commands on system file level

    Since a branch has not been specified in the project definition, the command for making a branch/tag is disabled.

    Since a workspace under Subversion or CVS version control does not yet exist, further commands are also disabled.

    When none of the above commands is enabled, the selected system file and your specification in the project definition do not match.

  3. To set up a new project in a new module, choose the command SVN Import Module into Repository or CVS Import Module into Repository from the context menu.

    A dialog box appears, prompting for a log message for the import command. Do not change the preset log message.

  4. Choose the OK button to proceed.

    Since the options in the Show command scripts group box have been enabled, the command prompt window appears, showing the commands that have been executed by your source control system and the result of the execution.

  5. Press ENTER to proceed.

    When you check your repository now (for example, by invoking ViewCVS in your browser which works for both CVS and Subversion), you can see that the module LV-MyModule has been created in the repository that has been specified in the project definition.

    When you check your local workspace (for example, using the Windows Explorer), you can see that the folder LV-MyFolder has been created. It includes a folder with the name .svn or CVS. This folder has been created by an implicit checkout of the new module LV-MyModule.

    Now that the project has been set up for a system file, it is possible to add libraries to your source control system.

  6. Select the node for a library (this tutorial assumes that the name of this folder is LV-TEST), invoke the context menu and display the commands in the cascading menu Local Versioning.

    The commands below are shown.

    For Subversion: For CVS:

    Commands on library level

    Commands on library level

    Since the selected library is not yet under version control in the workspace (no object has been added and objects have not been checked out), only the commands for adding a library and for checking out a library are enabled. All other commands in this context menu are disabled.

  7. To add the selected library to your source control system, choose the command SVN Add Library or CVS Add Library from the context menu.

    Subversion: Then choose the command SVN Commit Library to commit the library.

    When the command prompt window with the executed commands is shown, proceed as described above. The corresponding instructions will no longer be given in this tutorial.

    In Natural Studio's library workspace, you can now see that the library LV-TEST has also been created in the inactive system file (30, 31) which you have previously defined as the workspace.

    Inactive system file

    When you check your repository now (for example, by invoking ViewCVS in your browser which works for both CVS and Subversion), you can see that the folder LV-TEST (which corresponds to the Natural library with the same name) has been created in the module LV-MyModule.

    When you check your local project folder LV-MyFolder (for example, using the Windows Explorer), you can see that the folder LV-TEST has been created, containing either a folder named .svn with Subversion status information or CVS with CVS status information.

    Since the directories which correspond to a Natural library have been created (including the Subversion or CVS status files), all commands in the context menu for this library are now enabled.

    CVS only: Unlike objects, you need not commit directories to CVS. Directories are created in CVS without a commit.

  8. Select the node for an object in the library (this tutorial assumes that the name of this object is PGM1), invoke the context menu and display the commands in the cascading menu Local Versioning.

    The commands below are shown.

    For Subversion: For CVS:

    Commands on object level

    Commands on object level

    Since the selected object has not yet been added to your source control system (is not under version control), only the commands for adding an object and checking out an object from CVS are enabled.


    1. The command CVS Check Out Object can only return an object when the object is already stored in your source control system. If the object PGM1 were already stored in your source control system (in LV-MyModule\LV-TEST\SRC\) you could read it with this command.
    2. Using Subversion, it is only possible to check out an entire library in order to ensure the integrity of an application.
  9. Choose the command SVN Add Object or CVS Add Object from the context menu.

    The subfolder SRC is automatically created and committed to your source control system since it does not yet exist.

    The object is copied to your project folder (PGM1 is now shown in the inactive environment) and, at the same time, it is prepared to be copied to your source control system.

    When you check the SRC folder in your local project folder (for example, using the Windows Explorer), you can see that the file PGM1.NSP has been created. This corresponds to the object PGM1.NSP in the file system (in a remote development environment, this applies only to UNIX and OpenVMS platforms, not to mainframe platforms where objects are stored in Adabas).

    Natural objects which have been added to the local project folder no longer contain line numbers. When you look at your workspace in the inactive environment, you can see a green symbol on the library folder. This is the symbol for line number suppression.

    Symbol for line number suppression

    When you check your repository now (for example, by invoking ViewCVS in your browser which works for both CVS and Subversion), the added object is not yet visible in the SRC folder and a version has not yet been created for this object. In order to see the added object in your source control system, you have to commit it. This is explained later in this tutorial.

  10. Select the node for the library LV-TEST, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > SVN Status Library or Local Versioning > CVS Status Library.

    The command prompt window appears, indicating that the object PGM1 has been added locally.

    Example for Subversion:


    Example for CVS:

    cvs status: Examining .
    cvs status: Examining SRC
    File: PGM1.NSP          Status: Locally Added
  11. Press ENTER to proceed.

  12. Select another Natural object in the library LV-TEST (this tutorial assumes that you add a subprogram with the name SUBPGM1) and from the context menu choose the command Local Versioning > SVN Add Object or Local Versioning > CVS Add Object to copy another Natural module to your project folder and thus add it to your source control system.

    Make a small change in the program PGM1 using the program editor and save this change. Then select PGM1, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > Copy to Project Folder. This copies the program from the system file to the project folder. You can use this command since you have already added the program to your source control system.

    As an alternative, you can also use the command Local Versioning > SVN Add Object or Local Versioning > CVS Add Object. In this case, the addition to your source control system is ignored, but the object is copied to the project folder.

    You will now commit all added objects to your source control system in one step.

  13. Select the node for the library LV-TEST, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > SVN Commit Library or Local Versioning > CVS Commit Library.

    You can also commit each object separately to your source control system using the command SVN Commit Object or CVS Commit Object. Or if you want to add and commit an object in one step, use the command SVN Add and Commit Object or CVS Add and Commit Object. In this case, you can enter a different commit log message for each single object.

    A dialog box appears in which you can enter a log message. A string including the current date and time, and your user ID is automatically provided.

  14. Choose the OK button to proceed.

    Since the options in the Show command scripts group box have been enabled, the command prompt window appears, showing the commands that have been executed by your source control system and the result of the execution.

    Example for Subversion:

    C:\natural\natapps\SVN\LV-MyFolder>svn update LV-TEST
    At revision 651.	
    C:\natural\natapps\SVN\LV-MyFolder>svn commit -m "Commit_date:2007-06-25_time:15
    :31:56_uid:USER1" LV-TEST
    Transmitting file data ..
    Committed revision 652.

    Example for CVS:

    cvs update: Updating LV-TEST
    cvs update: Updating LV-TEST/SRC
    cvs commit: Examining LV-TEST
    cvs commit: Examining LV-TEST/SRC
    /qatest1/Fuser200/LV-TEST/SRC/PGM1.NSP,v <-- LV-TEST/SRC/PGM1.NSP
    initial revision: 1.1
    /qatest1/Fuser200/LV-TEST/SRC/SUBPGM1.NSN,v <-- LV-TEST/SRC/SUBPGM1.NSN
    initial revision: 1.1

    To synchronize the LV-TEST library tree with the repository, a Subversion or CVS update command is issued before the Subversion or CVS commit command.

    In CVS, you can see that PGM1.NSP and SUBPGM1.NSN have been committed, each with the version 1.1. In Subversion, you can see that PGM1.NSP and SUBPGM1.NSN have been committed under a new revision; in the above example, this is the revision 652. The objects are now resident in your source control system.

    When you check your repository now (for example, by invoking ViewCVS in your browser which works for both CVS and Subversion), you can see that these objects are contained in the folder LV-MyModule/LV-TEST/SRC.

Making a Branch for a Project in Your Source Control System

Now that the first version of your project is ready and has been committed to the module LV-MyModule, you will make a branch from this module and call it "Beta1". This branch will always show you which objects of which revision are included in the first version of your project. In case you need to make changes later to the first version of your project (for example, if somebody reports a bug in this version), you use the Beta1 branch. In the meantime, you may continue developing the second version of your project on the main branch.

In CVS, a branch is created with the CVS command tag. In Subversion, a branch is created with the Subversion command copy. Before you can create a branch, you first have to enter a name for this branch (Beta1) in the project definition.

Start of instruction setTo make a branch

  1. Invoke the dialog box for the project definition that you have used for the previous exercise and enter the name "Beta1" in the Branch text box. Leave all other entries unchanged.

  2. In the Natural library workspace, select the node for the system file, invoke the context menu and from the cascading menu Local Versioning, choose the command SVN Make Branch or CVS Make Branch/Tag.

    Since a branch has been specified in the project definition, the command is now enabled.

    Since the options in the Show command scripts group box have been enabled, you can see that all objects in the module LV-MyModule are tagged with "Beta1".

    Example for Subversion:

    C:\natural\natapps\SVN\LV-MyFolder>svn copy http://natsvn/repos/user1/LV-MyModule
    http://natsvn/repos/user1/Beta1/ -m "make branch"
    Committed revision 653.
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Example for CVS:

    $ cvs -d :pserver:natsvn:/qatest1 tag -b Beta1
    cvs tag: Tagging
    cvs tag: Tagging LV-TEST
    cvs tag: Tagging LV-TEST/SRC

    In the next exercise, you will continue to work on the main branch (not on the Beta1 branch). In order to work with the Beta1 branch, you have to check it out in a separate step. In this case, you should also specify a different project folder for the Beta1 branch so that you do not mix up the main branch with another branch. This will be explained later in this tutorial.

Working on the Main Branch

Now that you have created the branch Beta1, you will continue to work with the project on the main branch. To do so, you have to remove the branch Beta1 from the project definition.

Since you did not delete or change the project folder for the main version, you do not need to check out the main version. The objects are already there. You just have to make sure that the project folder entered in the project definition equals the local project folder. Furthermore, you have to make sure that the Natural objects in the Natural environment and the Natural objects in the project folder are still the same. If this is not the case after a checkout, you have to import the modules using the Import Library into Natural command of Local Versioning.

Start of instruction setTo continue work on the main branch

  1. Invoke the dialog box for the project definition that you have used for the previous exercise and remove the name "Beta1" from the Branch text box. Leave all other entries unchanged.

  2. To make sure, that you have the latest version of your project in your FUSER, select the library LV-TEST, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > SVN Check Out and Import Library or Local Versioning > CVS Check Out and Import Library.

    For each Natural source which already exists you will be asked whether you want to replace the object.

  3. To replace the objects, choose the Yes button for both objects.

  4. To continue development of your project, apply a small change to your program PGM1 and then save or stow it.

  5. To put this change into your source control system, select the object PGM1, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > Copy to Project Folder.

  6. To check the status of your project folder, select the library LV-TEST, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > SVN Status Library or Local Versioning > CVS Status Library.

    When you use Subversion, you will see that SRC\PGM1.NSP is marked with "M" (modified). SUBPGM1 is not listed since it is up to date.

    When you use CVS, you will see that the status of PGM1 is "Locally Modified" whereas SUBPGM1 has the status "Up-to-date".

    This is the expected status: since you have last committed the library to your source control system, you have changed PGM1 but you did not change SUBPGM1.

    Now that you have completed all required changes, you can commit them.

  7. Select the node for the library LV-TEST, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > SVN Commit Library or Local Versioning > CVS Commit Library.

    A dialog box appears in which you can enter a log message.

  8. Choose the OK button to proceed.

    In Subversion, a new revision is created. In this example, this is the revision 654. This revision contains the changed PGM1 and the old SUBPGM1. This is the new version of your project. It is different from the Beta1 branch which has the revision 653.

    In CVS, a new version of PGM1 is created, that is version 1.2. Now you have a new version of your project which is different from the version tagged with "Beta1". In fact, only PGM1 is different. SUBPGM1 belongs to the branch Beta1 and to the main branch.

Working on a Different Branch

Suppose you have shipped the version Beta1 to a customer and the customer reports a bug that you want to fix. You know that the customer works with the branch Beta1. Since you need the sources from this branch, you have to change the project definition again. In this case, you have to specify a new project folder, in addition to the branch name. It is important that you specify a new project folder so that you do not mix up the main branch with the Beta1 branch.

Start of instruction setTo work on the branch Beta1

  1. Invoke the dialog box for the project definition that you have used for the previous exercise and proceed as follows:

  2. Use the Configuration Utility to define the workspace as an additional inactive environment (for example, DBID 30, FNR 32 pointing to the project folder C:\natural\natapps\SVN\LV-MyFolder-Beta1 in the workspace for Subversion).

    The new inactive environment appears in Natural Studio's library workspace.

  3. To ensure that you do not have obsolete Natural objects in the library LV-TEST, delete this library on your FUSER.

  4. Select the node for the system file, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > SVN Check Out and Import System File or Local Versioning > CVS Check Out and Import System File.

    Subversion: The objects in the repository module Beta1 (created equally and in parallel to the module LV-MyModule) are checked out: PGM1 and SUBPGM1 from revision 653 are read into the project folder LV-MyFolder-Beta1 and are imported into library LV-TEST on your FUSER. Note that in this example the latest version of PGM1 and SUBPGM1 in the main branch of the project is revision 654.

    CVS: The objects in the Beta1 branch are checked out: PGM1 (revision 1.1) and SUBPGM1 (revision 1.1) are read into the project folder LV-MyFolder-Beta1 and imported into the library LV-TEST on your FUSER. Note that the latest version of PGM1 in the main branch of the project is revision 1.2.

    In your Natural environment, library LV-TEST is created on the FUSER and on the inactive environment pointing to the workspace. SUBPGM1 is the same in the main branch and in the Beta1 branch. PGM1 is different, since there has been a source change after Beta1.

  5. Apply your changes to PGM1 (that is: fix the bug).

  6. To put your changes into your source control system, select the object PGM1, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > Copy to Project Folder.

    The changed program PGM1 is copied to the folder LV-MyFolder-Beta1. This is the folder that you have previously specified for the Beta1 branch.

  7. To check the status of your project folder, select the library LV-TEST, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > SVN Status Library or Local Versioning > CVS Status Library.

    When you use Subversion, you will see that the status of PGM1 is "M" (modified). SUBPGM1 is not listed since it has not changed.

    When you use CVS, you will see that the status of PGM1 is "Locally Modified". The status of SUBPGM1 is "Up-to-date".

    You have now completed all required changes for the Beta1 branch and you will now commit them.

  8. Select the node for the library LV-TEST, invoke the context menu and choose the command Local Versioning > CVS Commit Library or Local Versioning > CVS Commit Library.

    A dialog box appears in which you can enter a log message.

  9. Choose the OK button to proceed.

    Since the Library commands option (in the Show command scripts group box) has been enabled, you can see what happens in your repository.

    Subversion creates a new revision (655 in this example) which contains the new version of PGM1 and the version of SUBPGM1. When you display the Subversion information with ViewCVS (which also works for Subversion), you can find the Beta1 version in the Beta1 module of the repository.

    CVS creates a new version of PGM1 which has the revision Remember that this program has the revision 1.2 on the main branch. When you display the CVS information with ViewCVS, you can see that CVS has started a branch from revision 1.1.

    Your latest version in the branch Beta1 is now stored in your source control system. You have now completed this tutorial.

Top of page

Working with Local Versioning

This section explains all commands which are available with Local Versioning. The following topics are available:

When you issue a command which is implemented by Local Versioning, all selected Natural objects are processed. When you select more than one object (for example in a list view window for a program node), the Local Versioning commands are applied to all of these objects. When the options in the Show command scripts group box have been enabled, a separate command prompt window appears for each selected object.

Setting Up a New Project

When you want to set up a new project in a new module, you use the command SVN Import Module into Repository or CVS Import Module into Repository. This command uses the following information:

If you want to get an existing project from your source control system, use the command SVN Check Out System File or CVS Check Out System File and the command Import System File into Natural. You can also perform the above two steps with a single command: SVN Check Out and Import System File or CVS Check Out and Import System File. See Getting Existing Objects from Your Source Control System and Importing into Natural for further information.

Start of instruction setTo set up a new project

  1. Select the node for the system file which contains the sources that you want to store in your source control system.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Import Module into Repository or Local Versioning > CVS Import Module into Repository.

    The usage of this command can be disabled in the options.

Putting Libraries into Your Source Control System

When you add a library to CVS, it is immediately visible in CVS. Unlike objects, you need not commit libraries. CVS directories for the Natural libraries are created in CVS without a commit.

Unlike CVS and like objects in CVS and Subversion, a library must be added and committed before it is visible in Subversion.

Start of instruction setTo add a library

  1. Select the node for the library.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Add Library or Local Versioning > CVS Add Library.

  3. Subversion only: Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Commit Library.

Start of instruction setTo add and commit a library (Subversion only)

  1. Select the node for the library.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Add and Commit Library.

The command for adding a library can be disabled in the options.

Putting Objects into Your Source Control System

To put objects into your source control system, you first have to add the object and then you have to commit the added object. It is also possible to add and commit an object in one step, to commit the contents of an entire library, or to commit a system file with several libraries.

When you add an object to your source control system, it is copied to your project folder.

When you switch to the file view in the library workspace and open the Src (source) node for a library so that a list view window is shown, you can add all objects of this library in one step. You can also commit several objects at a time with a single SVN Commit Object or CVS Commit Object command, which enables you to store a different commit comment for each object in the commit log message (a separate dialog box is shown for each selected object). When you do not need a different commit comment for each object, use the SVN Commit Library or CVS Commit Library command to commit several objects with one command.

Start of instruction setTo add an object

  1. Select the node for the object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Add Object or Local Versioning > CVS Add Object.

Start of instruction setTo commit an object

  1. Select the node for the object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Commit Object or Local Versioning > CVS Commit Object.

    A dialog box appears in which you can enter a log message. If available, a string including the date and time when the object has been saved last and the ID of the user who saved the object is automatically provided. Save data is not available for resources and error messages.

  3. Choose the OK button.

Start of instruction setTo add and commit an object in one step

  1. Select the node for the object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Add and Commit Object or Local Versioning > CVS Add and Commit Object.

    A dialog box appears in which you can enter a log message. If available, a string including the date and time when the object has been saved last and the ID of the user who saved the object is automatically provided. Save data is not available for resources and error messages.

  3. Choose the OK button.

Start of instruction setTo commit the contents of an entire library

  1. Select the node for the library.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Commit Library or Local Versioning > CVS Commit Library.

    The above commands perform a Subversion or CVS update command before committing the library.

    A dialog box appears in which you can enter a log message. A string including the current date and time, and your user ID is automatically provided.

  3. Choose the OK button.

Start of instruction setTo commit the contents of an entire system file

  1. Select the node for the system file.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Commit System File or Local Versioning > CVS Commit System File.

    The above commands perform a Subversion or CVS update command before committing the system file.

    A dialog box appears in which you can enter a log message. A string including the current date and time, and your user ID is automatically provided.

  3. Choose the OK button.

Copying and Committing Objects to the Project Folder

When an object has already been copied to the project folder for the first time (using the command SVN Add Object or CVS Add Object), you can use the command Copy to Project Folder to copy to the project folder any changes you have applied to the object in the meantime.

Alternatively, you can use the command SVN Add Object or CVS Add Object.

Start of instruction setTo copy an object to the project folder

  1. Select the node for the object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > Copy to Project Folder.

    When the object has not yet been added to the project folder, you will be asked whether you want to add the object.

Start of instruction setTo copy and commit an object to the project folder

  1. Select the node for the object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > Copy and SVN Commit Object or Local Versioning > Copy and CVS Commit Object.

Getting Existing Objects from Your Source Control System

When you want to get an existing project from your source control system, you can check out the entire system file. It is also possible to check out only a library. Using CVS, it is possible to check out a single object. Subversion does not support to check out a single object.

When you check out a library and the corresponding project folder in the workspace does not yet exist, the project folder is created. In this case, however, the project folder is not under version control and some commands which require that the project folder is under version control (such as SVN Commit System File or CVS Commit System File, or SVN Display Log or CVS Display Log) cannot be performed. When you use CVS, the same applies for the check out of an object where its library does not exist or where its library is not under version control.

When you check out objects, the files will be copied from your source control system into the project folder of your local workspace.

Start of instruction setTo check out a system file

  1. Select the node for the system file.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Check Out System File or Local Versioning > CVS Check Out System File.

Start of instruction setTo check out a library

  1. Select the node for the library.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Check Out Library or Local Versioning > CVS Check Out Library.

Start of instruction setTo check out an object (CVS only)

  1. Select the node for the object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > CVS Check Out Object.

Importing into Natural

When you have checked out objects from a repository and you want to work with them in Natural (usually in the FUSER), you have to import the objects into Natural. You can do this either with one command which combines check out and import, or you can use one of the import commands after you have checked out the objects to a project folder in a workspace.

Start of instruction setTo check out and import a system file in one step

  1. Select the node for the system file.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Check Out and Import System File or Local Versioning > CVS Check Out and Import System File.

Start of instruction setTo import a system file

  1. Select the node for the system file. This system file must be checked out.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Import System File into Natural or Local Versioning > CVS Import System File into Natural.

Start of instruction setTo check out and import a library in one step

  1. Select the node for the library.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Check Out and Import Library or Local Versioning > CVS Check Out and Import Library.

Start of instruction setTo import a library

  1. Select the node for the library. This library must be checked out.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Import Library into Natural or Local Versioning > CVS Import Library into Natural.

Start of instruction setTo check out and import an object in one step (CVS only)

  1. Select the node for the object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > CVS Check Out and Import Object.

Start of instruction setTo import an object

  1. Select the node for the object. This object must be checked out.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Import Object into Natural or Local Versioning > CVS Import Object into Natural.

Synchronizing Your Project Folder with the Repository

When you work on a project in a team, another developer may have changed a source on which you are also working. The update command brings changes from the repository into your working copy.

Start of instruction setTo update a system file

  1. Select the node for the system file. This system file must be under version control.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Update System File or Local Versioning > CVS Update System File.

Start of instruction setTo update a library

  1. Select the node for the library. This library must be under version control.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Update Library or Local Versioning > CVS Update Library.

Start of instruction setTo update an object

  1. Select the node for the object. This object must be under version control.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Update Object or Local Versioning > CVS Update Object.

Deleting Objects from Your Source Control System

To delete objects from your source control system, you first have to delete the objects and then you have to commit the deleted objects. It is also possible to delete and commit objects in one step, or to delete the contents of an entire library (either with the library itself or without the library).

The deletion is done as a forced deletion. Modified objects and objects not under version control are also deleted.

You are always asked to confirm the deletion. Objects and libraries are only deleted from the workspace, not from the Natural development environment.

However, if your Natural development environment (usually the FUSER) and the workspace are identical, the objects are also deleted from your Natural development environment. In this case, you may delete and commit an object or library with one command, since a library or object disappears after the deletion. Or you commit the deletion using the next higher node (that is, use the system file node to commit a library, or use the library node to delete an object).

Start of instruction setTo delete an object

  1. Select the node for the object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Delete Object or Local Versioning > CVS Remove Object.

  3. To commit the deleted object, invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Commit Object or Local Versioning > CVS Commit Object.

Start of instruction setTo delete and commit an object in one step

  1. Select the node for the object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Delete and Commit Object or Local Versioning > CVS Remove and Commit Object.

Start of instruction setTo delete a library

  1. Select the node for the library.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Delete Library or Local Versioning > CVS Remove Library.

  3. To commit the deleted library, invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Commit Library or Local Versioning > CVS Commit Library.

Start of instruction setTo delete and commit a library in one step

  1. Select the node for the library.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Delete and Commit Library or Local Versioning > CVS Remove and Commit Library.

Displaying the Status of a Library or System File

When you display the status of a library or system file in the project folder, you can check whether an object has been modified.

When an object has been modified in Subversion, it is marked with "M". When an object has been modified in CVS, its status is "Locally Modified". The latest changes have not yet been committed to your source control system.

When the status of an object is not listed (Subversion) or is "Up-to-date" (CVS), it has not been changed since it has last been committed.

For a description of any other status, see the Subversion or CVS documentation.

Start of instruction setTo check the status of a library

  1. Select the node for the library.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Status Library or Local Versioning > CVS Status Library.

Start of instruction setTo check the status of a system file

  1. Select the node for the system file.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Status System File or Local Versioning > CVS Status System File.

Displaying the Log

You can print out history information for files, that is, the commit log messages.

Start of instruction setTo display the log

  1. Select the node for a system file, library or object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Display Log or Local Versioning > CVS Display Log.

Making a Branch

You can only make a branch when a branch name has been specified in the project definition.

Subversion: When you make the branch, all objects in the specified module are copied to another module when the module name is the branch name.

CVS: When you make the branch, all objects in the specified module are tagged with the branch name that you have specified in the project definition.

If you want to work with the new branch, check it out in a separate step. It is recommended that you use a different project folder for each branch.

Start of instruction setTo make a branch

  1. Select the node for the system file.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Local Versioning > SVN Make Branch or Local Versioning > CVS Make Branch/Tag.

    The usage of this command can be disabled in the options.

    Subversion only: the following dialog box appears.

    Make branch

    The above dialog box does not appear for CVS since the version is only tagged and not copied to a new module. In addition, the switch command is not available in CVS.

  3. Specify a new module name (branch) in the dialog box.

    In addition, you can select the Switch current workspace to new module check box. Keep in mind that one workspace can serve only one repository, since the repository address is kept in the .svn status folder. When you switch to the new module, your workspace is updated with a new repository address.

  4. Choose the OK button.

Top of page

Processing Log

Local Versioning writes a log file which is stored as a resource (text document) in the system library SYSPLCVS. The name of this file is lv_log.log. This log file may contain information on the processed steps or, in some cases, error information.

You can use this log file if for some reason Local Versioning stops during the processing of several objects. In the log file, you can see which object was processed last.

Top of page

Command Scripts

The Local Versioning commands in the context menu (such as SVN Commit Library or CVS Commit Library) are controlled via Windows command scripts. These command scripts are stored as resources in the system library SYSPLCVS.

Top of page