Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Programming Guide  —

Developing NaturalX Applications

This document describes how to develop an application by defining and using classes.

The following topics are covered:

Development Environments

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Defining Classes

When you define a class, you must create a Natural class module, within which you create a DEFINE CLASS statement. Using the DEFINE CLASS statement, you assign the class an externally usable name and define its interfaces, methods and properties. You can also assign an object data area to the class, which describes the layout of an instance of the class. The DEFINE CLASS statement is also used to supply a global unique identifier to those classes that are to be registered as COM classes.

This section covers the following topics:

Creating a Natural Class Module

Start of instruction set To create a Natural class module

Specifying a Class

The DEFINE CLASS statement defines the name of the class, the interfaces the class supports and the structure of its objects. For classes that are to be registered as COM classes, it specifies also the globally unique ID of the class and its activation policy.

Start of instruction set To specify a class

Defining an Interface

Each interface of a class is specified with an INTERFACE statement inside the class definition. An INTERFACE statement specifies the name of the interface and a number of properties and methods. For classes that are to be registered as COM classes, it specifies also the globally inique ID of the interface.

A class can have one or several interfaces. For each interface, one INTERFACE statement is coded in the class definition. Each INTERFACE statement contains one or several PROPERTY and METHOD clauses. Usually the properties and methods contained in one interface are related from either a technical or a business point of view.

The PROPERTY clause defines the name of a property and assigns a variable from the object data area to the property. This variable is used to store the value of the property.

The METHOD clause defines the name of a method and assigns a subprogram to the method. This subprogram is used to implement the method.

Start of instruction set To define an interface

Assigning an Object Data Variable to a Property

The PROPERTY statement is used only when several classes are to implement the same interface in different ways. In this case, the classes share the same interface definition and include it from a Natural copycode. The PROPERTY statement is then used to assign a variable from the object data area to a property, outside the interface definition. Like the PROPERTY clause of the INTERFACE statement, the PROPERTY statement defines the name of a property and assigns a variable from the object data area to the property. This variable is used to store the value of the property.

Start of instruction set To assign an object data variable to a property

Assigning a Subprogram to a Method

The METHOD statement is used only when several classes are to implement the same interface in different ways. In this case, the classes share the same interface definition and include it from a Natural copycode. The METHOD statement is then used to assign a subprogram to the method, outside the interface definition. Like the METHOD clause of the INTERFACE statement, the METHOD statement defines the name of a method and assigns a subprogram to the method. This subprogram is used to implement the method.

Start of instruction set To assign a subprogram to a method

Implementing Methods

A method is implemented as a Natural subprogram in the following general form:

DEFINE DATA statement
* Implementation code of the method

For information on the DEFINE DATA statement see the Statements documentation.

All clauses of the DEFINE DATA statement are optional.

It is recommended that you use data areas instead of inline data definitions to ensure data consistency.

If a PARAMETER clause is specified, the method can have parameters and/or a return value.

Parameters that are marked BY VALUE in the parameter data area are input parameters of the method.

Parameters that are not marked BY VALUE are passed "by reference" and are input/output parameters. This is the default.

The first parameter that is marked BY VALUE RESULT is returned as the return value for the method. If more than one parameter is marked in this way, the others will be treated as input/output parameters.

Parameters that are marked OPTIONAL need not be specified when the method is called. They can be left unspecified by using the nX notation in the SEND METHOD statement.

To make sure that the method subprogram accepts exactly the same parameters as specified in the corresponding METHOD statement in the class definition, use a parameter data area instead of inline data definitions. Use the same parameter data area as in the corresponding METHOD statement.

To give the method subprogram access to the object data structure, the OBJECT clause can be specified. To make sure that the method subprogram can access the object data correctly, use a local data area instead of inline data definitions. Use the same local data area as specified in the OBJECT clause of the DEFINE CLASS statement.

The GLOBAL, LOCAL and INDEPENDENT clauses can be used as in any other Natural program.

While technically possible, it is usually not meaningful to use a CONTEXT clause in a method subprogram.

The following example retrieves data about a given person from a table. The search key is passed as a BY VALUE parameter. The resulting data is returned through "by reference" parameters ("by reference" is the default definition). The return value of the method is defined by the specification BY VALUE RESULT.


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Using Classes and Objects

Objects created in a local Natural session can be accessed by other modules in the same Natural session.

Objects created in other processes or on remote machines can be accessed via DCOM.

In both cases the rules for accessing and using classes and their objects are the same.

The statement CREATE OBJECT is used to create an object (also known as an instance) of a given class.

To reference objects in Natural programs, object handles have to be defined in the DEFINE DATA statement. Methods of an object are invoked with the statement SEND METHOD. Objects can have properties, which can be accessed using the normal assignment syntax.

In order to use a NaturalX class via DCOM, the class must first be registered.

These steps are described below:

Defining Object Handles

To reference objects in Natural programs, object handles have to be defined as follows in the DEFINE DATA statement:

   level-handle-name [(array-definition)] HANDLE OF OBJECT



Creating an Instance of a Class

Start of instruction set To create an instance of a class

Invoking a Particular Method of an Object

Start of instruction set To invoke a particular method of an object

Accessing Properties

Properties can be accessed using the ASSIGN (or COMPUTE ) statement as follows:

ASSIGN = operand2
ASSIGN operand2 =

Object Handle - operand1

operand1 must be defined as an object handle and identifies the object whose property is to be accessed. The object must already exist.


As operand2, you specify an operand whose format must be data transfer-compatible to the format of the property. Please refer to the data transfer compatibility rules for further information.

If the object is to be accessed via DCOM, you must also take into account the rules for data type conversion which are outlined in the section Using Type Information in the Operations documentation.


The name of a property of the object.

If the property name conforms to Natural identifier syntax, it can be specified as follows

create object #o1 of class "Employee"
  #age := #o1.Age

If the property name does not conform to Natural identifier syntax, it must be enclosed in angle brackets:

create object #o1 of class "Employee"
  #salary := #o1.<<%Salary>>

The property name can also be qualified with an interface name. This is necessary if the object has more than one interface containing a property with the same name. In this case, the qualified property name must be enclosed in angle brackets:

create object #o1 of class "Employee"
  #age := #o1.<<PersonalData.Age>>


define data
  1 #i         (i2)
  1 #o         handle of object
  1 #p         (5) handle of object
  1 #q         (5) handle of object
  1 #salary    (p7.2)
  1 #history   (p7.2/1:10)
  * ...
  * Code omitted for brevity.
  * ...
  * Set/Read the Salary property of the object #o.
  #o.Salary := #salary
  #salary := #o.Salary
  * Set/Read the Salary property of
  * the second object of the array #p.
  #p.Salary(2) := #salary
  #salary := #p.Salary(2)
  * Set/Read the SalaryHistory property of the object #o.
  #o.SalaryHistory := #history(1:10)
  #history(1:10) := #o.SalaryHistory
  * Set/Read the SalaryHistory property of
  * the second object of the array #p.
  #p.SalaryHistory(2) := #history(1:10)
  #history(1:10) := #p.SalaryHistory(2)
  * Set the Salary property of each object in #p to the same value.
  #p.Salary(*) := #salary
  * Set the SalaryHistory property of each object in #p
  * to the same value.
  #p.SalaryHistory(*) := #history(1:10)
  * Set the Salary property of each object in #p to the value
  * of the Salary property of the corresponding object in #q.
  #p.Salary(*) := #q.Salary(*)
  * Set the SalaryHistory property of each object in #p to the value
  * of the SalaryHistory property of the corresponding object in #q.
  #p.SalaryHistory(*) := #q.SalaryHistory(*)

In order to use arrays of object handles and properties that have arrays as values correctly, it is important to know the following:

A property of an occurrence of an array of object handles is addressed with the following index notation:

#p.Salary(2) := #salary

A property that has an array as value is always accessed as a whole. Therefore no index notation is necessary with the property name:

#o.SalaryHistory := #history(1:10)

A property of an occurrence of an array of object handles which has an array as value is therefore addressed as follows:

#p.SalaryHistory(2) := #history(1:10)

Sample Application

An example application is provided in the libraries SYSEXCOM and SYSEXCOC. See the A-README members in these libraries for information about how to run the example.

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