Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Parameter Reference  —

NATVERS - Switching between Natural Environments

This Natural profile parameter enables you to access various Natural environments, that is, various err, txt, bin, etc, samples and tmp subdirectories.

Possible settings any character string Determines the Natural version.
Default setting v.r.s

A DEFAULT-VERSION entry in SAG.INI is no longer necessary.

Dynamic specification yes This parameter can only be specified dynamically.
Specification within session no  

Where v.r.s is the current version of Natural. In the following sample programs, the characters v.r.s stand for the version, release, system maintenance level.

The NATVERS value you enter is used by Natural to determine the SAG.INI section you want to use with your Natural session. By default, the Natural installation creates a section in the SAG.INI file that points to the installed Natural environment.

The Natural installation automatically identifies the Natural version and creates the section [NATURAL=v.r.s] in your SAG.INI file that points to the installed Natural environment. This might look as in the following example:

PROD_API=C:\Program Files\Software AG\v.r.s\Bin\natprd32.dll
NATGUI_BMP=C:\Program Files\Software AG\Natapps\Pic
NATDIR=C:\Program Files\Software AG
NATINI=C:\Program Files\Software AG\v.r.s\Etc

If you want to access envrionments other than the one that was installed automatically, create a new section for each environment as shown in the following example:

PROD_API=\\Server\Program Files\Software AG\v.r.s\Bin\natprd32.dll
NATGUI_BMP=\\Server\Program Files\Software AG\Natapps\Pic
NATDIR=\\Server\Program Files\Software AG
NATINI=\\Server\Program Files\Software AG\v.r.s\Etc

Replaced settings are still contained in the SAG.INI file and can be used by specifying them with NATVERS to switch to the corresponding Natural environments.

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