Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Parameter Reference  —

NATLOG - Natural Log File

This Natural profile parameter is used to log messages that will not (or could not) be written to the standard output in interactive mode or to the output file CMPRINT in batch mode.

Possible settings OFF Disables the log mechanism.
ERR Logs error messages.
INF Logs information and success messages.
WRN Logs warning messages.
ALL Logs all types of messages.
Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  

The location of the NATLOG file is the TEMP directory of Natural (specified in the local configuration file NATURAL.INI). If this path is unknown, Natural creates the file in the current directory.

Natural tries to create the following file name, if the user-ID/et-ID information could be retrieved:


If user-ID and et-ID could not be retrieved, then the following file name is used: NATURAL.LOG.

Example File Names:

A Natural batch process is running with user-ID=SYSTEM and et-ID=14, then the resulting file name is NATURAL_SYSTEM_14.LOG.

If the user-ID could not be retrieved (which is the case if an error occurs during the initialization phase of Natural), then the resulting file name is NATURAL.LOG.


The following example shows the contents of a Natural log file. At top of the file, there is a header with some environment information, for example the Natural Version, the parameter file currently in use and so on. Two entries follow. The first one an entry which displays the I/O channels needed for batch mode. The second entry shows an error message. Both messages are counted in the statistics summary.

Example NATLOG Output Contents for Windows

  # ####################################################
  #           N a t u r a l   L o g   F i l e
  # ####################################################
  # Logging started at : 06-Mar-2007 08:10:12.044
  #                    : 
  # Natural Version    : V v.r.s SAG 2003
  # Server Type        : (none)
  # Device             : BATCH  (real)
  # Parameter File     : NATPARM 
  #                    : 
  # User ID            : NATURAL 
  # ET ID              : TEST 
  # Network User ID    : MYDOMAIN\NATURAL
  #                    : 
  # Host Name          : PCNAT 
  # Machine Class      : PC 
  # Operating System   : WNT-X86 4.0 (1381)
  #                    : 
  # Process ID         : 274 
  #                    : 
  # NATLOG Option      : ALL
  # ####################################################
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  setting of parameter CMSYNIN (command file)
  setting of parameter CMOBJIN (input file)
  setting of parameter CMPRINT (output file)
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # 08:10:15.020  NATURAL     ERROR          STATISTICS:  INF=1  WRN=0  ERR=1
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        NATURAL Startup Error:  42
        Batch mode driver error.
        Parameter CMOBJIN not set.

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