Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 6351-6400

NAT6351: A library :1: cannot be created.

Text A library ... cannot be created.
Expl. Either the name of the library is invalid, or a directory cannot be
created for the library because there is no more space for directories.
Actn. Check that the name of the library is valid in Natural and, if
necessary, correct it. If this has no effect, delete any directories
that are no longer needed.

NAT6352: Either the path is invalid or the directory does not exist.

Text Either the path is invalid or the directory does not exist.
Expl. Either you specified a path which is invalid in the operating
system or no directory exists which matches your specification.
Actn. Enter a valid path to a directory that exists.

NAT6353: The database :1: (:2:) cannot be closed.

Text The database ... (...) cannot be closed.
Expl. The database whose name and number appear in the error message cannot be
closed, because another process is using it.
Actn. End the other process.

NAT6354: WARNING: A field was truncated when it was loaded.

Text WARNING: A field was truncated when it was loaded.
Expl. Not all information in the field was loaded.
Actn. If you do not wish to lose information, choose or create a field in the
database which is long enough to hold all the information, and load the
information into that field.

NAT6355: The fields are not compatible with the Natural CONNECTION file.

Text The fields are not compatible with the Natural CONNECTION file.
Expl. The formats or lengths of the fields you specified do not match the
fields in the Natural CONNECTION file.
Actn. Specify the fields correctly.

NAT6356: Function is not possible for the contents of the file.

Text Function is not possible for the contents of the file.
Expl. Examples:
The format of a file which is to be loaded into a database may be wrong.
Or fields were selected to be loaded into a file but their
lengths do not match the contents of the file.
Actn. Check the format of the file and the lengths of the fields.

NAT6357: Either one parameter or the number of parameters is invalid.

Text Either one parameter or the number of parameters is invalid.
Expl. A valid name of a program has been entered with either an invalid
parameter or an invalid number of parameters.
Actn. Enter a valid number of valid parameters.

NAT6358: A database file or DDM which is empty cannot be stored.

Text A database file or DDM which is empty cannot be stored.
Expl. An database file or DDM must have at least one field before it can be
Actn. Insert at least one field into the FDT or DDM.

NAT6359: A file with the proposed name already exists.

Text A file with the proposed name already exists.
Expl. Two files cannot have the same name.
Actn. Enter a different name for the new file.

NAT6360: The length of a numeric field must be between 1 and 29 (15).

Text The length of a numeric field must be between 1 and 29 (15).
Expl. A numeric field has a length outside this range with
Natural mode (Adabas mode for packed fields).
Actn. Enter a length within this range.

NAT6361: No more memory is available.

Text No more memory is available.
Expl. Either the operating system is not configured correctly or there is not
enough space on the disc for the system swap file. Another possibility
is that the internal Natural buffer sizes USIZE and SSIZE are too small.
Check the configuration settings of the operating system and correct
them if neccessary. Then check the available disk space for your system
swap file. Additionally, check your USIZE and SSIZE settings within
NATPARM and enlarge them if they seems to be too small.
Actn. Please contact your system administrator for further help.

NAT6362: A database with the proposed number already exists.

Text A database with the proposed number already exists.
Expl. Two databases cannot have the same number.
Actn. Enter a different number for the new database.

NAT6363: Please select all the elements of the group (one level higher).

Text Please select all the elements of the group (one level higher).
Expl. Normally, all elements of a group can be selected simply by marking the
group. This group either contains a multiple field or is a periodic
group. In either case, this group cannot be selected as a whole by
marking it. Each element of the group must be marked individually.
Actn. Mark all the elements of the group individually.

NAT6364: The database must not be active when this function is executed.

Text The database must not be active when this function is executed.
Expl. This function requires that the database is not active.
Actn. Close the database.

NAT6365: Number of digits after the decimal point must be between 0 and 7.

Text Number of digits after the decimal point must be between 0 and 7.
Expl. For unpacked and packed numeric fields, the number of digits after
the decimal point must be between 0 and 7.
Actn. Enter a number within this range.

NAT6366: The long name of part of a sub- or super- descriptor is invalid.

Text The long name of part of a sub- or super- descriptor is invalid.
Expl. A sub- or super- descriptor can only contain fields that have already
been defined.
Actn. Either define a field with this long name or remove this long name from
the sub- or super- descriptor.

NAT6367: The format type specified is not yet implemented.

Text The format type specified is not yet implemented.
Expl. The following format types are currently not implemented:
C, D, I, L, T.
Actn. Specify a format type that is implemented.

NAT6368: The total field length of a file description must not exceed 64K.

Text The total field length of a file description must not exceed 64K.
Expl. The length of all fields defined in a Adabas file description must
not exceed 64K.
Actn. Decrease field length or number of fields in the database file

NAT6369: The short name specified does not exist in the database file.

Text The short name specified does not exist in the database file.
Expl. The short name for the DDM field does not exist in the corresponding
database file.
Actn. Select a new DDM field with the insert command.

NAT6370: The specified file cannot be printed in this environment.

Text The specified file cannot be printed in this environment.
Expl. It is not possible to print the specified file, because you are not
logged in a local drive.
Actn. Logon to a local drive before starting Natural.

NAT6371: No read/write access to this parameter file.

Text No read/write access to this parameter file.
Expl. You tried either to read another user"s parameter file or
to overwrite the default parameter file NATPARM.
Actn. Logon with the correct user ID or contact your Natural administrator
if changes in NATPARM are required.

NAT6372: No descriptor allowed for multiple and periodic group fields.

Text No descriptor allowed for multiple and periodic group fields.
Expl. When a file contains data, it is not possible to define a descriptor
for multiple and periodic group fields.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.
To change the database file, you must first unload the data from the

NAT6373: Phonetic descriptors are not yet implemented.

Text Phonetic descriptors are not yet implemented.
Expl. With the current PC-DBMS version, it is not possible to define
phonetic descriptors.
Actn. Select a valid descriptor option from the given choice list.

NAT6374: Multiple field type not possible for normal database field.

Text Multiple field type not possible for normal database field.
Expl. When a database field is defined as a normal field, you cannot
define it as a multiple field within the DDM. If you do so, a format
buffer error occurs, when you try to read the contents of this
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.

NAT6375: The DDM cannot be checked against the database file description.

Text The DDM cannot be checked against the database file description.
Expl. When you check a DDM, first the syntax of all DDM fields is checked.
Then the DDM fields are checked against the
corresponding file description (DBID and FNR within the header).
The second check can only be performed when the database is of
type Adabas and is active.
Actn. Save the DDM, start the corresponding database and edit the DDM again.

NAT6376: The category ISN must be in the range from 0 to 65535.

Text The category ISN must be in the range from 0 to 65535.
Expl. When you edit a DDM for Entire DB, the field name, file number and
default sequence are represented by a category ISN, which must be
in the range from 0 to 65535.
Actn. Enter a number within this range.

NAT6377: The DDM has a database type which cannot be processed.

Text The DDM has a database type which cannot be processed.
Expl. When you try to include a DDM as a template of a FDT, the database
type of the DDM must be supported within the utility to process
this DDM. For example, you try to include a DDM which is defined for
Entire DB. This DDM cannot be included in the FDT editor, because
the editor only processes Adabas FDTs.
Actn. Specify a DDM with a supported database type.

NAT6378: No further category ISNs can be generated.

Text No further category ISNs can be generated.
Expl. All category ISNs have been used in this database file.
Actn. Delete fields which are no longer needed.

NAT6379: One or more fields are missing within the DDM line.

Text One or more fields are missing within the DDM line.
Expl. The editor detected missing fields within the DDM description.
Actn. Complete the information within the DDM line.

NAT6380: No Adabas files are coupled with this DDM.

Text NO Adabas files are coupled with this DDM.
Expl. When scanning the DDM source no coupled file information was found.
Actn. See Adabas documentation for further information about physical file

NAT6381: Generation of DDM failed due to internal SQL error :1:.

Text Generation of DDM failed due to internal SQL error ...
Expl. The generation of a DDM from a SQL table was interrupted because an
internal SQL error occurred.
Actn. See your SQL documentation for further information about error codes.

NAT6382: The DDM cannot be checked against the SQL table.

Text The DDM cannot be checked against the SQL table.
Expl. When you check a DDM, all DDM fields are checked for syntactical
correctness. However, NO check against the SQL table can be made
within the DDM editor, because after the generation of the DDM,
the connection to the SQL database is closed.
Actn. See your SQL documentation for further information about possible

NAT6383: When editing SQL DDMs, no verification tests are performed.

Text When editing SQL DDMs, no verification tests are performed.
Expl. When you edit a DDM, all DDM fields are read into the edit area.
However, NO check against the SQL table can be made within the
DDM editor, because NO connection to the SQL database will be
Actn. See your SQL documentation for further information about possible

NAT6384: SQL table lists are not provided for this database system.

Text SQL table lists are not provided for this database system.
Expl. It is not possible to show the SQL table list, because Entire ACCESS
does not provide catalog information for this database system.
Actn. Enter the desired table owner and table name (no wildcards possible).

NAT6385: No SQL tables found.

Text No SQL tables found.
Expl. You specified a table owner/name combination, where no SQL tables exist
or the SQL tables are not accessible.
Actn. Try to show all SQL tables, which you can access by specifying

NAT6386: LOGON to SQL database failed.

Text LOGON to SQL database failed.
Expl. You specified an invalid user name or password.
Actn. Contact your database administrator.

NAT6387: Function disallowed according to Predict definition.

Text Function disallowed according to Predict definition.
Expl. Within the Predict protection screen, the SYSDDM utility has been set
to D (disallowed) or C (connected).
Actn. See Predict Administration documentation for further information.

NAT6388: The DDM could not be generated. Writing to a SPF session failed.

Text The DDM could not be generated. Writing to a SPF session failed.
Expl. When generating a DDM from a SQL table, the table data are buffered
within a SPF data session. The write can fail if the internal editor
buffer pool is full.
Actn. Increase the number of logical files and/or buffer pool blocks within
the editor profile. To make the settings active, terminate and restart

NAT6389: SQL table name was invalid or an internal runtime error occurred.

Text SQL table name was invalid or an internal runtime error occurred.
Expl. When generating a SQL based DDM, Natural callnats are executed. Within
such a callnat, a Natural runtime error occurred.
Actn. Try first to get a list of all available SQL tables and select one.
If the problem persists, contact Software AG support.

NAT6390: A work file name must not be longer than 253 characters.

Text A work file name must not be longer than than 253 characters.
Expl. The path and the name of a work file must not be longer than
253 characters. This error occurs also if the name contains blanks only.
The length of the variable/constant may not exceed 1024 bytes.
Actn. Choose a shorter name, e.g., using environment variables.

NAT6391: A work file type must not be longer than 253 characters.

Text A work file type must not be longer than than 253 characters.
Expl. The type of a work file must not be longer than 253 characters. This
error occurs also if the name contains blanks only. All correct types
are shorter. The length of the variable/constant may not exceed 1024
Actn. Choose a correct type.

NAT6392: The work file type :1: is unknown.

Text The work file type :1: is unknown.
Expl. The specified work file type is unknown. This usually means that it is
incorrect. This error occurs also if the name contains blanks only.
Actn. Choose a correct work file type.

NAT6393: Illegal work file name

Text Illegal work file name extension ".NCF"
Expl. The specified work file name is illegal because it conflicts with Entire
Connection"s format file. The format file has the extension .NCF, and so
the specified work file name must not use the extension .NCF.
Actn. Choose a correct work file name.

NAT6394: The DBMS type in the DDM header is not defined.

Text The DBMS type in the DDM header is not defined.
Expl. Before a DDM is loaded into the editor and during CATALOG, it will be
checked if the type of the DBID, which is defined in the global config
file, matches the DBMS type in the DDM header.
Actn. Define the correct DBMS type in the global config file,
section "DBMS assignments".

NAT6395: DDM generation failed due to wrong datatype combination.

Text DDM generation failed due to wrong datatype combination.
Expl. Natural does not support Oracle tables which contain both LONG or
LONG RAW and BLOB or CLOB data types.
Actn. Change the definition of the Oracle table so that it contains only
column types LONG and LONG RAW, or BLOB and CLOB.

NAT6396: The DDM source contains invalid field attribute(s).

Text The DDM source contains invalid field attribute(s).
Expl. The DBMS for which the DDM has been defined does not support
the extended field attribute(s) found in the DDM source.
Actn. Load the DDM into the editor. The DDM editor skips the unknown
field attribute(s) when loading the DDM. Afterwards you can stow
the DDM.

NAT6400: The parameter :1: is not allowed in this context.

Text The parameter ... is not allowed in this context.
Expl. The parameter named in the error message has no meaning in this context.
Actn. Remove the parameter. If the parameters are correct and you are using
Software AG"s DBMS-services, contact Software AG support because Natural
has encountered an internal error.

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