Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 6301-6350

NAT6301: A sub- or super-descriptor has an incorrect begin, end or length.

Text A sub- or super-descriptor has an incorrect begin, end or length.
Expl. A subdescriptor or superdescriptor must begin at a position greater than
zero and less than the position at which it ends. The position at which
it ends must not be greater than the length of the field on which it is
based. The length of a superdescriptor must not be greater than 253.
Actn. Enter values within the above ranges.

NAT6302: A periodic group must be on Level 1.

Text A periodic group must be on Level 1.
Expl. Periodic groups must not be defined within groups or within other
periodic groups; they must always be on Level 1.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.

NAT6303: The suppression option of a numeric field cannot be fixed format.

Text The suppression option of a numeric field cannot be fixed format.
Expl. A field with format N (Natural) or U (Adabas) cannot have a fixed
length. Its suppression option must be N or blank.
Actn. Enter a valid suppression option.

NAT6304: Periodic group descriptors cannot have fixed-format suppression.

Text Periodic group descriptors cannot have fixed-format suppression.
Expl. A descriptor in a periodic group cannot have a fixed length. Its
suppression option must be N or blank.
Actn. Enter a valid suppression option.

NAT6305: A floating-point number must have fixed-format suppression.

Text A floating-point number must have fixed-format suppression.
Expl. If the format of a field is G (Adabas) or F (Natural), its suppression
option must be F.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.

NAT6306: Two fields of a database file the same Adabas short name.

Text Two fields of a database file have the same Adabas short name.
Expl. The short name of a field must have two characters and must begin with
an alphabetic character. It must not be in the range from E0 to E9 and
it must not be the same as the short name of any other field in the
same file.
Actn. Enter a different short name for one of the two fields.

NAT6307: The level of a field in a database file must not be changed.

Text The level of a field in a database file must not be changed.
Expl. When a file contains data, the database file must not be changed.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.
To change the database file, you must first unload the data from the

NAT6308: The format of a field in a database file must not be changed.

Text The format of a field in a database file must not be changed.
Expl. When a file contains data, the database file must not be changed.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.
To change the database file, you must first unload the data from the

NAT6309: The type of a field in a database file must not be changed.

Text The type of a field in a database file must not be changed.
Expl. When a file contains data, the database file must not be changed.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.
To change the database file, you must first unload the data from the

NAT6310: The long name of a field in a database file must not be changed.

Text The long name of a field in a database file must not be changed.
Expl. When a file contains data, the database file must not be changed.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.
To change the database file, you must first unload the data from the

NAT6311: Short name of database file field must not be changed or deleted.

Text Short name of database file field must not be changed or deleted.
Expl. When a file contains data, the database file must not be changed.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.
To change the database file, you must first unload the data from the

NAT6312: The length of a field in a database file must not be changed.

Text The length of a field in a database file must not be changed.
Expl. When a file contains data, the database file must not be changed.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.
To change the database file, you must first unload the data from the

NAT6313: An area number must be between 1 and 30.

Text An area number must be between 1 and 30.
Expl. The area where a database file is created must have a number between 1
and 30.
Actn. Enter an area number between 1 and 30.

NAT6314: Sub- / super-descriptors must be at the end of the database-file.

Text Sub- / super-descriptors must be at the end of the database-file.
Expl. Fields that have descriptor S must be at the end of the database-file-
Actn. Move all subdescriptors and superdescriptors to the end of the database-

NAT6315: A field must have a level between 1 and 7. No level was entered.

Text A field must have a level between 1 and 7. No level was entered.
Expl. You have not entered a level for the field.
Actn. Enter a level between 1 and 7.

NAT6316: This field must have a format. No format was entered.

Text This field must have a format. No format was entered.
Expl. A format must be entered for every field that is neither a group nor a
periodic group.
Actn. Enter a format for this field.

NAT6317: You specified an invalid editing mask.

Text You specified an invalid editing mask.
Expl. Valid forms of editing mask are described in the Natural Reference
Actn. Correct the editing mask.

NAT6318: The length of a field with fixed-format suppression must be 4.

Text The length of a field with fixed-format suppression must be 4.
Expl. A field with the suppression option F has a length other than 4.
Actn. Either change the length of the field to 4 or change the suppression

NAT6319: Size of the internal Adabas buffer must be between 50K and 9999K.

Text Size of the internal Adabas buffer must be between 50K and 9999K.
Expl. A size outside this range was entered in the profile of a database.
Actn. Enter a size between 50K and 9999K.

NAT6320: A database with the proposed name already exists.

Text A database with the proposed name already exists.
Expl. Two databases cannot have the same name.
Actn. Enter a different name for the new database.

NAT6321: Subdescriptors and superdescriptors must be on Level 1.

Text Subdescriptors and superdescriptors must be on Level 1.
Expl. Subdescriptors and superdescriptors must not be defined within groups.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.

NAT6322: Level numbers of adjacent fields must not differ by more than 1.

Text Level numbers of adjacent fields must not differ by more than 1.
Expl. Adjacent fields should either be on the same level or, if one of them is
a group, their levels should differ by one.
Actn. Correct the level of at least one field.

NAT6323: A group must contain at least one field.

Text A group must contain at least one field.
Expl. Every definition of a group must be followed by the definition of at
least one field that belongs to the group. The level of the field or
fields must be one greater than the level of the group.
Actn. Insert after the group a definition of each field that belongs to the

NAT6324: Two fields of a file have the same long name.

Text Two fields of a file have the same long name.
Expl. All fields of a file must have different long names.
Actn. Enter a different long-name for one of the two fields.

NAT6325: A field must have a long name. No long name was entered.

Text A field must have a long name. No long name was entered.
Expl. You have not entered a long name for the field.
Actn. Enter a long name for the field.

NAT6326: The file had one or more blank lines. They have been deleted.

Text The file had one or more blank lines. They have been deleted.
Expl. A file description must not have blank lines.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.

NAT6327: No database file :1: exists.

Text No database file ... exists.
Expl. Either the database file has never been created or it has been deleted.
Actn. Use the Adabas-utilities to create the database file, then edit it to
define your DDM-file.

NAT6328: No file :1: exists.

Text No file ... exists.
Expl. The file named in the error message does not exist.
Enter the correct name of the file.
If the file name starts with D00nnn check if the correct DBID is
Check the directory specified in the environment variable DBENV
or the directory which was specified as Adabas Utility parameter.
Actn. see explanation

NAT6329: An error occurred while file :1: was being read or written.

Text An error occurred while file ... was being read or written.
Expl. Internal error.
Actn. Contact Software AG support.

NAT6330: Adabas short name cannot be generated.

Text Adabas short name cannot be generated.
Expl. All possible Adabas short names have been used in this database file so
the editor cannot generate another one.
Actn. Delete any fields that are no longer needed.

NAT6331: Either a PF key has 2 functions, or one function has 2 PF keys.

Text Either a PF key has 2 functions, or one function has 2 PF keys.
Expl. Either two functions are assigned to the same PF key, or the same
function is assigned to two PF keys.
Actn. Assign each function to a separate PF key and do not assign more than
one function to any PF key.

NAT6332: A Field used in a sub- or superdescriptor cannot be changed.

Text A Field used in a sub- or superdescriptor cannot be changed.
Expl. A field cannot be changed if it is used in any subdescriptor or super-
Actn. Remove the field from every subdescriptor or superdescriptor that uses

NAT6333: Number of field occurrences in a database file must not change.

Text Number of field occurrences in a database file must not change.
Expl. When a file contains data, the database file must not be changed.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.
To change the database file, you must first unload the data from the

NAT6334: A subdescriptor or superdescriptor must use one or more fields.

Text A subdescriptor or superdescriptor must use one or more fields.
Expl. A subdescriptor must use part of one field and a superdescriptor must
use at least part of two or more fields.
Actn. Enter the fields that are used by the subdescriptor or superdescriptor.

NAT6335: No userviews are defined for this database file.

Text No userviews are defined for this database file.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT6336: Specified file name does not exist in specified database.

Text Specified file name does not exist in specified database.
Actn. Specify the correct database and file.

NAT6337: You must specify the database in which files are to be listed.

Text You must specify the database in which files are to be listed.
Expl. You did not specify a database so the files of a database could not be
Actn. Specify a database.

NAT6338: Internal editor buffer overflow.

Text Internal editor buffer overflow.
Expl. When there are more than 1000 lines in your edit area, an internal
editor buffer overflow occurs.
Actn. Reduce the number of lines in the edit area.

NAT6339: A DDM with that name exists already for DBID :1: with FNR :2:.

Text A DDM with that name exists already for DBID ... with FNR ...
Expl. DDM with the specified file number and database number cannot be
generated, because a DDM with that name already exists.
Actn. Choose a different DDM name.

NAT6340: Suppression option of a field in a database file must not change.

Text Suppression option of a field in a database file must not change.
Expl. When a file contains data, the database file must not be changed.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.
To change the database file, you must first unload the data from the

NAT6341: No long names in the database file (upgrade active databases).

Text No long names in the database file (upgrade active databases).
Expl. This is the first time that an FDT has been edited since version 1.0.3
of the Adabas utilities was installed. In version 1.0.2, long names were
stored in the database file. In version 1.0.3, they are stored in the
Actn. Use the upgrade utility for active databases to copy the long names
into the database.

NAT6342: Some fields in the database do not have long-names.

Text Some fields in the database do not have long-names.
Expl. An error occurred when the file was stored.
Actn. Edit the file, add the missing long names and save the file. If this has
no effect, contact Software AG support because the DBMS could have an
internal error.

NAT6343: The format of a DDM field must be numeric or alphanumeric.

Text The format of a DDM field must be numeric or alphanumeric.
Expl. An alphanumeric database file format can be changed to numeric, and
numeric format can be changed to alphanumeric. No other change of
format is allowed.
Actn. No action is required. The editor automatically corrects this error.

NAT6344: Size of Adabas communication area must be between 3K and 64K.

Text Size of Adabas communication area must be between 3K and 64K.
Expl. The profile of a database has an invalid size for the Adabas
communication area.
Actn. Enter a size between 3K and 64K.

NAT6345: Number of log commands must be: 0 if no log file; >=0 otherwise.

Text Number of log commands must be: 0 if no log file; >=0 otherwise.
Expl. The number of commands to be logged must be zero if there is no log file
and must greater than or equal to zero if there is a log file.
Actn. Enter a valid number of commands to be logged.

NAT6346: The page size of an Adabas database must be 1K, 2K, 4K, or 8K.

Text The page size of an Adabas database must be 1K, 2K, 4K, or 8K.
Expl. An invalid page size was entered when creating an Adabas database.
Actn. Enter a valid page size.

NAT6347: The file :1: failed to close.

Text The file ... failed to close.
Expl. Natural has encountered an internal error.
Actn. Contact Software AG support.

NAT6348: The file :1: failed to execute.

Text The file ... failed to execute.
Expl. Internal error.
Actn. Contact Software AG support.

NAT6349: You have not specified a library. You must log on to a library.

Text You have not specified a library. You must log on to a library.
Expl. Before you can start working, you must log on to the library in which
you wish to work.
Actn. Log on to a library.

NAT6350: A process failed to execute (termination code: :1:).

Text A process failed to execute (termination code: ...).
Expl. Natural has detected an error in the operating system.
Actn. Look at the operating system documentation for the given
error number and take the corrective action which
is recommended there.

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