Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 2451-2500

NAT2451: Please enter startup program name.

Text Please enter startup program name.
Expl. For this function the name of a startup program is required.

NAT2452: Please mark only one restriction.

Text Please mark only one restriction.

NAT2453: Rule status and rule usage do not match.

Text Rule status and rule usage do not match.
Expl. An automatic processing rule can also be used as free rule,
but for free rules status and usage are always the same.

NAT2454: Target user ID has max. no. of sets.Function can not be executed.

Text Target user ID has maximum number of sets. Function can not be executed.
Expl. Since Predict version 4.4.1, up to 99 sets can exist at the same
time per user and application.
With Predict versions below 4.4.1, up to 12 sets can exist at the same
time per user and application.
Actn. Before using the function, make sure that the target user does
not have more than 99 sets stored for this application.

NAT2455: Mode "Invoke return" only valid with functions "E","I","X","Y".

Text Mode "Invoke return" only valid with functions "E", "I", "X", "Y".
Expl. The invoking mode "Invoke return" comprises all invoking modes that
return control to the invoking program, i. e. CALL, CALLNAT, PERFORM,
It is used to restrict the output of the recursive reports.

NAT2456: Please enter "W" for stow or "C" for catalog.

Text Please enter "W" for stow or "C" for catalog.

NAT2457: Invalid option.

Text Invalid option.
Actn. Enter a correct option.

NAT2458: No set to process found.

Text No set to process found.

NAT2459: No set found.

Text No set found.
Expl. Sets of Natural members can be created using several LIST XREF
At the moment, no set exists in this application for your
user ID.

NAT2460: User is not defined in Predict. Function is not possible.

Text User is not defined in Predict. Function is not possible.
Expl. This function can only be executed if your user ID is defined
in Predict.
Actn. Contact your Data Dictionary Administrator.

NAT2461: No object type to be verified marked.

Text No object to be verified marked.
Expl. The function can only be executed if objects to be verified
are marked in the currently active profile.
In batch the used profile can be specified using the command
otherwise the SYSTEM profile will be used.
Actn. Mark objects to be verified in the LIST XREF profile.

NAT2462: Warning: Table is full, new set can not be saved or created.

Text Warning: table is full, new set can not be saved or created.
Expl. There is a maximum of 99 sets per library and user. Before creating
new set with the "UNION", "INTERSECTION" or "DIFFERENCE" operation
purge sets which are no longer needed.

NAT2463: Specification is not allowed.

Text Specification is not allowed.
Expl. Entered function and specifications are not compatible.
Actn. Check entered parameter.

NAT2464: If status = "A" only format "A", "B" or "N" allowed.

Text If status = "A" only format "A", "B" or "N" allowed.
Expl. The Format of AUTOMATIC RULES, which are connected to fields,
must be "A", "N" or "B", because the field formats "L", "D" and "K" in
Predict not allowed.
Actn. Change format.

NAT2465: If you want to edit rules, rule format must be entered.

Text If you want to edit rules, rule format must be entered.
Expl. The rules are only be activated, if the format of the rule
and the field format are compatible.
Actn. Enter rule format.

NAT2466: Rule format must be "A", "N", "B", "D" OR "K".

Text Rule format must be "A", "N", "B", "D" OR "K".
Expl. A rule must have one of this formats:
A - Alpha-numeric
N - Numeric
B - Binary
D - Date/Time
K - Function key
Actn. Enter correct rule format.

NAT2467: :1:set(s) exist.

Text The given number of sets exist in this application under your user ID.

NAT2470: For a free rule at least one modifier required.

Text For a free rule at least one modifier required.
Expl. The DDA has set one of the rule protection switches to "force".
For MIGRATION utility this message is only a warning.
Actn. For MIGRATION utility: add later the required modifier to the

NAT2471: User/Group:1: is not defined in Natural Security.

Text The marked user or group is not defined in Natural Security.
Expl. All modifiers of a free rule must be defined in Natural Security.
Actn. Define user or group in Natural Security before using it in Predict
or correct name.

NAT2472: :1:not allowed for this:2:.

Text Object of this type not allowed in this case.
Actn. Select one type shown in the pop-up-menu, or change function-code.

NAT2473: You are not in the list of modifiers.

Text You are not in the list of modifiers.
Expl. If modifiers are entered then you must be member of the list.
Actn. Enter correct language.

NAT2474: Function not allowed for this language.

Text Function not allowed for this language.
Expl. Function "DISPLAY" (D) and "RENAME" (N)" not allowed for
DDM, SUPER Natural and Verification rule.

NAT2475: Sets are sorted differently.

Text Sets are sorted differently.
Expl. All sets included in the set operation should be sorted in the
same manner (e.g either by name or by type).
Actn. Sort all sets by name or by type.

NAT2476: Function not supported in this Natural version.

Text Function not supported in this Natural version.
Expl. Functions are only supported in Natural V2:
- Generate Verification rules
- Edit rule of verification
Actn. Contact your DDA.

NAT2477: ADAMINT not installed.

Text ADAMINT not installed.
Expl. ADAMINT is a "selectable unit", which may not be available in your
Actn. Please contact your DBA.

NAT2478: Invalid edit command: EDIT "object1" "object2".

Text Invalid edit command: EDIT "object1" "object2".
Expl. Function EDIT "object1" of "object2" not implemented.
Actn. Change function or correct command.

NAT2479: Invalid object: for command.

Text Invalid object: for command.
Expl. The direct command is not allowed in connection to the entered object.
Actn. Change direct command.

NAT2480: No format, length allowed for 2. redefinition.

Text No format, length allowed for 2. redefinition.
Expl. If multiple redefinitions of a field exist (field-type = "RE" and
field-name = "FILLER") no format and length definitions allowed.
The format and length definitions of the basic field are already
Actn. Delete format and length definitions.

NAT2481: Starting position out of field.

Text Starting position out of field.
Expl. The starting position of an VSAM primary key or alternated key
is out of the source field.
Actn. Correct error or change source field.

NAT2482: Source field format "F" or "I" not allowed.

Text Source field format "F" or "I" not allowed.
Expl. The field formats "F" or "I" are not valid in Adabas V4.1.
Actn. Change descriptor or change source field format.

NAT2483: Only one MU-field as source field allowed.

Text Only one MU-field as source field allowed.
Expl. Only one source field of a superdescriptor can be of field type "MU".
Actn. Change the superdescriptor

NAT2484: One source field must be entered.

Text One source field must be entered.
Expl. One and only one source field must entered to a sub- or phonetic-
Actn. Enter name of source field

NAT2485: Related file deleted.

Text Related file deleted.
Expl. If a MASTER file (FILE TYPE Adabas or VSAM) is replaced by the MIGRATE
utility, the old related USER VIEWS will be deleted.

NAT2486: A rule of status "A" may not be replaced

Text A rule of status "A" may not be replaced
Expl. with a rule of status "F" or BLANK.
Actn. The loading of this verification is rejected.

NAT2487: Migration utility failed by error.

Text Migration utility failed by error.
Expl. Check message and correct error.

NAT2488: Internal error in "program". Restart with "MENU".

Text Internal error in "program". Restart with "MENU".
Expl. Restart with "MENU".

NAT2489: Owner/keyword not allowed for unload keywords.

Text Owner/keyword not allowed for unload keywords.
Expl. Correct error

NAT2490: Only all-option "N" allowed for object "ALL".

Text Only all-option "N" allowed for object "ALL".
Expl. Correct error

NAT2491: Code "Y" not allowed for command "VERSIONS".

Text Code "Y" not allowed for command "VERSIONS".
Expl. Correct error

NAT2492: ENTER "Y" OR "N" OR "L".

Text ENTER "Y" OR "N" OR "L".
Expl. Check program and correct error

NAT2493: ENTER "Y" OR "N" OR "S".

Text ENTER "Y" OR "N" OR "S".
Expl. Check program and correct error

NAT2494: Function not allowed for files which have DDM"s.

Text Function not allowed for files which have DDM"s.
Expl. The RENAME function is not allowed for files which have DDM"s.
Actn. Also it is not allowed to change the file type of such a file
to "C" (conceptional) or to "Z" (standard).
Use the copy function.

NAT2495: File is a SUPER Natural USER FILE.

Text File is a SUPER Natural USER FILE.
Expl. The user-files of SUPER Natural can only be maintained
in SUPER Natural and not in Predict.
Actn. For prototyping user-files of SUPER Natural can be incorporated
to predict.

NAT2496: Function not supported in Natural VMS.

Text Function not supported in Natural VMS.
Expl. VSAM is not supported in a VMS environment. Therefore no DDM
generation is allowed for VSAM files (file type "V","W","L","R")
and no VSAM DDMs can be incorporated. However, you may maintain
your descriptions of VSAM files in your dictionary.
Actn. Incorporate COBOL is also not available in a VMS environment.

NAT2497: Library name may not start with "SYS".

Text Library name may not start with "SYS".
Expl. The Natural Librarys starting with "SYS" are reserved for
usage by the products of the Software AG.
Actn. Enter a valid library name.

NAT2498: Member name not valid.

Text Member name not valid.
Expl. The entered member name is not valid.
The member name for the generated code must confirm the following
- first character must be alfa (A-Z)
- the other characters must be alfa-numeric (A-Z,0-9)
or hyphen (-)
- no imbedded blanks are allowed
Actn. Enter a valid member name or "*".
If "*" is entered Predict will build a valid member name.

NAT2499: Library name not valid.

Text Library name not valid.
Expl. The library name for the generated code is not valid
according the following rules:
- the first character must be alfa (A-Z)
- the other characters must be alfa-numeric (A-Z,0-9)
or hyphen (-)
- no imbedded blanks are allowed
Actn. Enter a valid library name.

NAT2500: Different error messages of the function "INCORPORATE COBOL".

Text Different error messages of the function "INCORPORATE COBOL".
Expl. These messages describe especially COBOL data definitions, which
are not supported by the selectible unit "INCORPORATE COBOL".
Actn. See message.

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