Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 2401-2450

NAT2401: Function:1:terminated normally.

Text Function:1: terminated normally.

NAT2402: No xref data for this selection available.

Text No xref data for this selection available.

NAT2403: Type of referenced program and invoking mode do not match.

Text Type of referenced program and invoking mode do not match.
Expl. Valid combinations:
Subprogram: CALLNAT
Subroutine: PERFORM
Helproutine: HELP
Map: MAP
External Program: CALL
Expert model: INVESTIGATE

NAT2404: Program:1:of type:2:not found.

Text Program:1:of type:2:not found.

NAT2405: Enter a valid:1:.

Text Enter a valid:1:.

NAT2406: Error on data base. Adabas response code:1:.

Text Error on data base. Return code =:1:.
Expl. An Adabas response code was received.

NAT2407: Program type and data area type do not match.

Text Program type and data area type do not match.
Expl. A parameter data area can only occur in a subprogram.

NAT2408: Data area:1:of type:2:not found.

Text Data area:1:of type:2:not found.

NAT2409: Valid input for:1:::2:.

Text Valid input for:1:::2:.

NAT2410: Warning::1::2:.

Text Warning::1::2:.
Expl. A function was not executed completely due to an internal error
or internal restrictions.

NAT2411: Internal table overflow during:1:.

Text Internal table overflow during:1:.
Expl. There are two different situations, where this message my appear:
1. The function "list programs not referenced starting from one program"
has some restrictions concerning the number of objects which can be
The message specifies the concerned retrieval object.
2. In the function "operate on sets" the result of any union or
intersection operation may not exceed 9999 records (approximate
600000 members).

NAT2412: Shortage of sort space. Restrict search. Object::2:.

Text Shortage of sort space. Restrict search. Object::1:.
Expl. The output may be not completely sorted due to shortage of internal
sort space. The message specifies the concerned retrieval object.

NAT2413: No:1:found.

Text No:1:found.

NAT2414: Syntax error in command line.

Text Syntax error in command line.
Expl. The text entered in the command line was no valid LIST XREF

NAT2415: Function not available for library:1:.

Text Function not available for library:1:
Expl. The function is only applicable to Natural libraries.

NAT2416: Please select reports.

Text Please select reports.
Expl. At least one report must be selected for this function.
Actn. Select report.

NAT2417: PF key is already assigned.

Text PF key is already assigned.
Expl. The PF key is already assigned to another function.
Actn. Assign a different PF key to this function.

NAT2418: PF key is assigned for function "Show PF keys".

Text PF key is assigned to function "Show PF keys".
Expl. The PF key is already assigned to the function "Show PF keys".
If the function "Show PF keys" is assigned to one PF key,
it will be automatically assigned to the corresponding PF key
on the other level.
Actn. Select other PF key.

NAT2419: Command not allowed in online mode.

Text Command not allowed in online mode.
Expl. The selected command can only be used in batch mode.

NAT2420: Valid values: *SYSCOB*, *SYSBAL*, *SYSPLI* and *SYSFOR*.

Text Valid values: *SYSCOB* , *SYSBAL* , *SYSPLI* and *SYSFOR* .
Expl. An invalid value was entered for the library name.
Actn. Enter a valid value.

NAT2421: Profile:1:updated.

Text Profile:1:updated.
Expl. The function "Update profile" terminated successfully.

NAT2422: Updated profile is valid only for this session.

Text Updated profile is valid only for this session.
Expl. The updated user profile is valid only for this session because the
user is not defined in Predict.
Actn. Ask the Data Dictionary Administrator to define your user ID
in Predict.

NAT2423: Profile saved with name:1:.

Text Profile saved with name:1:.
Expl. The updated profile is saved in Predict under this name.

NAT2424: Help displayed.

Text Help displayed.
Expl. The Help system has been used.

NAT2425: Function:1:terminated with error.

Text Function:1:terminated with error.
Expl. The execution of function was terminated with error.
Actn. Check error and reexecute function.

NAT2426: Profile with name:1:not found.

Text Profile with name:1:not found.
Expl. The selected profile was not found in Predict.
Actn. Select other profile.

NAT2427: Entered command is ambiguous.

Text Entered command is ambigous.
Expl. The entered command could not be uniquely identified by the
command processor.
Actn. Correct the command.

NAT2428: Active library structure is::1:.

Text Active library structure is::1:.
Expl. This message is shown to inform about the currently active library
structure which is set in the LIST XREF profile of an user or the
default profile.

NAT2429: :1:set(s) marked with:2:.

Text :1:set(s) marked with:2:.
Expl. The listed number of sets is marked with the listed operation.
Actn. To finish the operation, mark a second with "X" or "Y" if a set is
already marked with "Y" or "X" or confirm the action with the
corresponding PF-KEY is two or more sets marked with "U" or "I".

NAT2430: Name of startup program must be entered for this function.

Text Name of startup program must be entered.
Expl. This function checks for programs references / implementation starting
with the specified program.
Actn. Enter the program name.

NAT2432: Set not saved. Error in editor:1:.

Text Set not saved. Error in editor.
Expl. An internal error occurred in the handling of the Natural editor.
The set could not be saved.

NAT2434: Resulting set is empty.

Text Resulting set is empty.
Expl. The result of executed operations was empty. Set has not been saved
in Predict.

NAT2435: Set nr:1:has been saved.

Text Set is saved.
Expl. The result of the executed function has been saved in Predict
for later operation.

NAT2436: Operations terminated normally.

Text Operations terminated normally.

NAT2437: User is not defined in Predict. Set can not be saved.

Text This option requires that the user is defined in Predict.
Expl. You attempted to save the result of a LIST XREF function in Predict.
This is only possible if your user ID is defined in Predict.
Actn. Ask the Data Dictionary Administrator to define your
user ID in Predict.

NAT2438: Maximum number of sets exist. A new set can not be created.

Text Maximum number of sets exist. A new set can not be created.
Expl. Since Predict version 4.4.1, up to 99 sets can exist at the same
time per user and application.
With Predict versions below 4.4.1, up to 12 sets can exist at the same
time per user and application.
Actn. Purge sets that are no longer needed.

NAT2439: *-notation is not allowed for this function.

Text *-notation is not allowed for this function.
Actn. Enter a complete program name.

NAT2440: :1:keyword not defined.

Text Keyword is not defined.
Expl. A keyword must exist within the dictionary before it can be
assigned to other dictionary objects.
Actn. Enter a valid keyword or define the keyword in Predict.

NAT2441: Invalid:1:.

Text Invalid object.
Expl. An attempt was made to reference a nonexisting object type.
Actn. Enter a correct object type.

NAT2442: From map editor only verification status free allowed.

Text For map editor only verification status free allowed.
Expl. It was tried to define a verification with a status other
than "free".
Only free processing rules can be defined from within the
map editor.
Actn. Enter status "free".

NAT2443: No set found.

Text No set found.
Expl. Sets of Natural members can be created using several
LIST XREF functions.
At the moment, no set exists in this application under your
user ID.

NAT2444: Only 24 keywords supported.

Text Only 24 keywords supported.
Expl. It is not possible to enter more than 24 keywords for one
Predict entry.

NAT2445: Duplicate keywords defined.

Text Duplicate keywords are entered.
Expl. It is not possible to enter the same keyword twice for one
Predict entry.

NAT2446: Userexit activated, but not available in SYSLIB.

Text User exit activated, but not available in SYSLIB.
Expl. In the "Special functions" of Predict, the user exit for the
maintenance of verifications from within the map editor
was activated, but the user exit program is not available
Actn. Copy the program SUMPRDEX to SYSLIB.

NAT2447: More than 1 set exists, but no set number was specified.

Text More than one set exists, but no set number was specified.
Expl. There is more than one set saved for this user. The number of
the set to be catalogued or stowed must be specified.

NAT2448: Please enter a valid value: "CATALOG" or "STOW".

Text Please enter valid value.
Expl. Valid values are "CATALOG" and "STOW".

NAT2449: Specified set number not found.

Text Specified set number not found.

NAT2450: Specified startup program not found in application.

Text Specified startup program not found in application.

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