Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Editors  —

Signal Attributes Window

Start of instruction setAccessible Using

  1. "Dialog > Signals"; or

  2. CTRL+ALT+N.


For context-sensitive help on attribute entries, select the entry so it has the focus, and press F1.

Entry in Attributes Window Represents
Signals: Displays the handle name of the signals already created. If you select a signal in the list, its attributes are displayed for editing. You can also select several signals for cutting and pasting.
New Creates a new signal.
Cut Cuts the selected signal and copies it to the clipboard. You can also cut and paste several signals at once.
Copy Copies the selected signal(s) to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes a signal from the clipboard.

The "New" and "Paste" entries insert signals behind the currently selected signal, or, if no signals are selected, at the top of the list. You deselect items by holding down CTRL while selecting the selected items.

Selected signal: In this group frame, you assign attribute values to the signals selected in the "Signals" list box on the left.
Name Handle name of the signal (may be overwritten with another name).
Type MENU-ITEM-TYPE attribute value for the selected signal.
Bitmap BITMAP-FILE-NAME attribute value.
... Dialog box for determining sources of BITMAP-FILE-NAME attribute values. Also provides a list of all available bitmaps to be used.
DIL text DIL-TEXT attribute value (string).
... Dialog box for determining sources of DIL-TEXT attribute values.
Accelerator ACCELERATOR attribute value.
... Dialog box for determining sources of ACCELERATOR attribute values.
Tooltip TOOLTIP attribute value.
... Dialog box for determining sources of TOOLTIP attribute values.
Command ID CLIENT-KEY attribute value (used in this context for associating a command ID).
Background Color:  
Selection box BACKGROUND-COLOUR-NAME attribute value to be used for display of the signal's bitmap (if any). If 'default' is specified, the color of the first (top-left) pixel in the bitmap determines the background color.
... Dialog box for editing BACKGROUND-COLOUR-VALUE attribute value.
Visible VISIBLE attribute value.
Enabled ENABLED attribute value.
Checked CHECKED attribute value.
Shared SHARED attribute value. If checked, CLICK events for this signal will be forwarded to the active MDI child dialog (if any). This attribute is ignored for non-MDI dialogs.
Events Dialog box for editing event handlers; may only be used with the appropriate "Type" entry.
OK Save settings and exit the window.
Cancel Exit the window without saving the settings.
Help Provides online help on the attributes window.

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