Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Dialog Component Reference  —


Determines the function of a menu item.

The values MT-CUT, MT-COPY, MT-PASTE, MT-DELETE and MT-UNDO are predefined functions that are executed by the windowing system. They are automatically enabled or disabled depending on the focus and on the selection.

Applies to Menu item, signal, tool bar item.
Data Type I4
Default Value MT-NORMAL

Possible Values

MT-NORMAL This is a menu item on the lowest level of the menu structure. Only items of this type can have an event handler.
MT-NORMAL This is a menu item on the lowest level of the menu structure. Only items of this type can have an event handler.
MT-SEPARATOR Items of this type are displayed as horizontal line in a submenu to separate menu items optically.
MT-EDITCUT Items of this type allow the end user to cut a selected portion of text and copy it to the clipboard. (The cut text is in the dialog element that currently has the focus).
MT-EDITCOPY Items of this type allow the end user to copy a selected portionof text to the clipboard. (The copied text is in the dialog element that currently has the focus).
MT-EDITPASTE Items of this type allow the end user to paste the portion of text that is in the clipboard. (The text is pasted into the dialog element that currently has the focus).
MT-EDITDELETE Items of this type allow the end user to delete a selected portion of text. (The deleted text is in the dialog element that currently has the focus).
MT-EDITUNDO Items of this type allow the end user to undo a text input operation. The previous text input operation is undone in the dialog element that currently has the focus.
MT-SUBMENU Items of this type represent a submenu. When selected, a (*) submenu drops down.
MT-WINDOWMENU Items of this type also represent a submenu, only that all MDI (*) children are entered automatically into it.
MT-MDITILE Arranges the MDI children of an MDI frame dialog in a tile (**) manner.
MT-MDICASCADE Arranges the MDI children of an MDI frame dialog in a cascade (**) manner.
MT-MDIARRANGE (**) Arranges the iconized MDI children of an MDI frame dialog.
MT-OBJECTVERBS Displays and enables the verbs (actions) available for an OLE container control in the current dialog if the OLE container control has the focus and is assigned to an OLE server application. If the focus is on another dialog element, the disabled entry "Object" appears.

* If you create a menu item of this type, you must assign the handle value of the submenu control to the MENU-HANDLE attribute.

** Menu items of this type must be contained in a menu item of type MT-WINDOWMENU.

The local data area NGULKEY1in library SYSTEM lists reserved keywords to be used in any event handler code. This enables you to refer to the above attribute values by the more meaningful keywords rather than by the IDs. It also enables you to use meaningful dialog element names as parameters in a CALLNAT to an NGU-prefixed subprogram or in an OPEN DIALOG to an NGU-prefixed Dialog or in a PROCESS GUI statement action.

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