Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Editors  —

Dialog Attributes Window

Start of instruction setAccessible Using

  1. Double-click on the dialog background; or

  2. "Dialog > Attributes"; or by selecting 'Attributes...' from the dialog's context menu or

  3. ENTER.


For context-sensitive help on attribute entries, select the entry so it has the focus, and press F1.

Entry in Attributes Window Represents
Name Handle name of the dialog window (may be overwritten with another name).
Type TYPE attribute value. Allows you to decide whether the dialog provides a Multiple Document Interface (MDI frame or MDI child) or not (standard).
String STRING attribute value (title of the Dialog window).
... "Source" dialog box for determining sources of STRING attribute values. For more information on the "Source" dialog box, see Source.
Font Value of the FONT-STRING attribute. Decides the font for all dialog elements in this dialog except for the system-supplied window decorations and the dialog elements for which a font has been chosen explicitly.
... "Font" dialog box for determining sources of FONT-STRING attribute values. For more information on the "Font" dialog box, see Source.
Context Menu CONTEXT-MENU attribute value. Specifies the context menu (if any) associated with the dialog itself.
Icon BITMAP-FILE-NAME attribute value. Also provides a list of all available icons to be used.
... "Source" dialog box for determining sources of BITMAP-FILE-NAME attribute values. For more information on the "Source" dialog box, see Source.
Wallpaper WALLPAPER attribute value. Specifies the wallpaper (if any) associated with the dialog.
Drop Mode DROP-MODE attribute value. Indicates whether the control can act as the target in a drag-drop operation and, if so, which types of drag-drop operation it supports.
Help file HELP-FILENAME attribute value. Decides a dialog's help file name (without extension).
Default button DEFAULT-BUTTON attribute value: type in or select the handle name of the push-button control for which you want to assign this attribute.
Help ID HELP-ID attribute value. You must use the help topic's .h file to map the numerical ID that you enter here to the corresponding help topic ID (created by a markup in the .hlp file).
Docking DOCKING attribue value. Determines the sides of the dialog (if any) on which dialog bars or tool bars are allowed to dock.
Compatibility COMPATIBILITY attribute value. Determines whether the dialog should behave compatibly to an earlier Natural version.
Background Color:  
Selection box BACKGROUND-COLOUR-NAME attribute value. Choose a predefined color.
... "Custom" dialog box for editing BACKGROUND-COLOUR-VALUE attribute value.
Modeless (Popup) /Modal /Dialog box Mutually exclusive values for the STYLE attribute.
Relative position STYLE attribute value. The dialog position is interpreted as being relative to its owner window.
Centered position STYLE attribute value. The dialog will be centered on screen.
Default position STYLE attribute value. If set, the initial position (but not size) of the dialog is determined by the windowing system.

The setting will be ignored if "Dialog box" is set. This option is especially useful for MDI child dialogs.

Default rectangle Value of the STYLE attribute. If set, the initial position and size of the dialog are decided by the windowing system. The setting will be ignored if "Dialog box" is set.
Control clipping Value of the STYLE attribute. If set, dialog elements are not allowed to overpaint other dialog elements with the same parent which occur later in the control sequence.
3-D client window STYLE attribute value. If set, the dialog interior is drawn with a sunken 3-D appearance.
Property Sheet STYLE attribute value. This option is only enabled if the dialog contains at least one tab control. If set, the Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab keys are used for browsing forwards and backwards (respectively) between the tab control's tabs.
Visible VISIBLE attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog is visible.
Enabled ENABLED attribute value. If you check this entry, the end user may interact with the dialog.
Maximized MAXIMIZED attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog is maximized to fill the entire screen.
Minimized MINIMIZED attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog is minimized to icon size. The end user then will have to double-click on the icon to restore the dialog to its default size.
Save layout If checked, the dialog's size and position, together with the layout of any dialog bars, tool bar controls and status bar controls, will be automatically saved and restored on a per-user basis between sessions at run-time.

This option is not available for MDI child dialogs, or if the dialog is currently untitled.

Popup help POPUP-HELP attribute value. Help for this dialog or any of its controls will be displayed in a popup window.
Auto-adjust AUTOADJUST attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog will be scaled at run time according to the current system font size (i.e. "large fonts"/"small fonts" setting).
Event queueing EVENT-QUEUEING attribute value. If you check this entry, messages for this dialog are queued instead of being processed immediately.
Background color:  
Selection box BACKGROUND-COLOUR-NAME attribute value. Choose a predefined color.
... "Custom" dialog box for editing
  BACKGROUND-COLOUR-VALUE attribute value.
Menu bar MENU-HANDLE attribute value: if checked, the dialog editor will assign the handle value specified in the menu bar attributes window.
Toolbar HAS-TOOLBAR attribute value: if checked, the dialog editor will assign the handle value specified in the toolbar attributes window and set HAS-TOOLBAR to TRUE.
Status bar HAS-STATUS-BAR attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog has a status bar.
Dynamic info line HAS-DIL attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog has a dynamic information line.
System button HAS-SYSTEM-BUTTON attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog has a system button.
Size modifiable SIZE-MODIFIABLE attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog's size may be modified.
Maximizable MAXIMIZABLE attributes value. If you check this entry, the dialog may be maximized.
Minimizable MINIMIZABLE attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog may be minimized.
Horizontal scroll bar HORIZ-SCROLLABLE attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog has a horizontal scroll bar.
Vertical scroll bar VERT-SCROLLABLE attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog has a vertical scroll bar.
Help button HAS-HELP-BUTTON attribute value. If you check this entry, the dialog title bar contains a help button.

Windows does not display the help button if minimize and maximize buttons are present.

Rectangle: The following four attributes decide the dialog's x and y axis position, its height and its width on the screen.

X - RECTANGLE-X attribute value.
Y - RECTANGLE-Y attribute value.
W - RECTANGLE-W attribute value.
H - RECTANGLE-H attribute value.

OK Save settings and exit the window.
Cancel Exit the window without saving the settings.
Subroutines Dialog box for editing subroutines.
Help Provides online help on the attributes window.

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