Version 6.3.8 for Windows
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Start of instruction setAccessible Using

  1. First open the attributes window of a dialog or dialog element by double-clicking on it or by pressing ENTER.

  2. Then select the "..." push button to the left of an attribute entry.


Define the source of attribute values, for example for the STRING attribute.

Entry Function
Value Current attribute value; the name of this entry varies depending on the attribute source.
... Opens the standard file selection dialog. This button is only available if "Attribute Source" is set to "Constant".
Attribute Source:  
Constant Text string.
Message file Number of the string in the message file. If you have specified an array of dialog elements, the number of the first string appears here. The number of the string for each occurrence in the array is generated in ascending order from the first string number onwards.
Variable When a dialog is opened with an OPEN DIALOG statement, the content of this variable will be assigned to the attribute. You can dynamically change the content of this variable in the before-open event handler.
For more information, see Message Files and Variables as Sources of Attribute Values.
Linked variable Only applicable to input field controls and selection box controls. The input of an end user will automatically be moved to this variable when the dialog element is left. When you have changed the content of a linked variable dynamically (during processing of an event handler section), you can use the PROCESS GUI statement action REFRESH-LINKS and the refreshed variable content will be displayed in the input field control or selection box control.
Array Values: Attribute values if there is an array of dialog elements.
Individual values Each occurrence in the array will have its individual attribute value.
Repeated single value All occurrences in the array will have the same attribute value.
OK Saves the settings and exits the dialog box.
Cancel Exits the dialog box without saving the settings.
Help Provides online help.

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