Version 6.3.8 for UNIX
 —  Using Natural  —

Miscellaneous Information

This document covers the following topics:

Help on Error Messages

To get more information on an error message displayed by Natural, issue the following system command:

HELP nnnn

where nnnn is the number of the error message.

An extended message text will be displayed, which provides more detailed information about the error. See also the description of the system command HELP.

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Natural Editors

The editors provided with Natural are described in the Editors documentation.

The editors are invoked with the system command EDIT. The editor invoked depends on the type of object you specify. If you specify an object by name, the appropriate editor is automatically invoked.

When you switch from one editor to another, all changes are lost unless previously saved. The editing area is overwritten by the new object to be edited.

See also First Steps with Natural. This tutorial provides a very simple and brief introduction to programming with Natural and to using the Natural editors.

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Asterisk Notation

Many Natural functions display lists of objects. Usually these lists contain all objects available (for example, all objects of a given type, all objects in a given library, etc.). If you do not wish all objects to be listed, but only a certain range of objects, you may specify that range by using asterisk notation.

By specifying a parameter value followed by an asterisk (*) you can get a list of only those objects whose names (or IDs or whatever the parameter is) begin with that value. This option to enter a value followed by an asterisk is referred to as asterisk notation.

Example 1

If you enter the system command SCRATCH without any parameters:


you will get a list of all objects in the current library. You can then mark the objects which are to be deleted.

Example 2

If you enter the system command SCRATCH as follows:


you will get a list of only those objects in the current library whose names begin with "BOC". You can then mark the objects which are to be deleted.

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