Version 6.3.8 for UNIX


This documentation describes all editors available in Natural.

For a tutorial on using the editors, see the First Steps documentation.

For information on Unicode and code page support for Natural editors, see Editors in the SPoD Environment in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.

We strongly recommend that you only write source code with a Natural editor. Sources created beyond the control of Natural with a non-Natural editor cannot be read or interpreted by Natural. You can only use a non-Natural editor as an alternative to the Natural program editor if this editor is invoked with the Natural profile parameter EDITOR. This parameter guarantees correct source-code interpretation.

The Editors documentation is organized under the following headings:

Program Editor Describes the program editor which is used to create and modify Natural programs, subprograms, subroutines, classes, copycodes, helproutines, functions and text objects.

Data Area Editor Describes the data area editor which is used to create and modify local, global and parameter data areas.

Map Editor Describes the map editor which is used to create and modify maps (screen layouts).

DDM Services Describes DDM Services which are used to create, maintain and delete Natural data definition modules (DDMs).

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