Version 6.3.8 for UNIX
 —  Installation on UNIX  —

Installing Natural Security on UNIX

This document describes how to install Natural Security on a UNIX platform.

It is recommended that you install Natural Security after having installed all other subproducts of Natural, as this makes defining the subproducts' system libraries to Natural Security easier.

Once Natural Security is installed, Natural on the assigned system file (FNAT) can only be accessed under the control of Natural Security. Natural Security cannot be removed once it has been installed. It is therefore recommended that you make a backup copy of your FNAT system file before you install Natural Security.

The following topics are covered:

See also Natural Security On Different Platforms in the Natural Security documentation.

Product Requirements

The following topics are covered below:


Make sure that the following software has been installed on your computer:

Natural Security uses the same versions of Adabas and Entire Net-Work as Natural. For the supported versions, see Related Software AG Products.

Also, make sure that the environment variables for the above products have been set correctly.

License Key File Issues

You need a license key file to install and activate Natural Security.

During the Natural Security installation, you will be required to specify the location of the license key file provided by Software AG.

Before you start the installation, ensure that the license key file is available locally on the machine where you intend to install Natural Security.

In general, Software AG recommends you to place the license key file on the file system before starting the installation.

Shared Natural Security System File FSEC

With this version, you can continue to use your existing FSEC system file. No migration of Natural Security data from the previous version to the current version is necessary.

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Installation Steps

The first steps of the installation are the same as during the installation of Natural. If you are installing Natural and Natural Security together, they need not be performed again. You can then continue the installation with the step SAG Environment Shell.

The installation can be performed in two installation modes, either in graphical mode or in character mode.

See the following list for an overview of the necessary steps:

Step 1: Mount the Drive for Your Installation Medium

Step 2: Choose Character or Graphical Mode

The installation procedure examines the environment variable DISPLAY to determine whether to run in graphical or character mode.

Step 3: Start the Installation Process

To perform this step, you must be either the user "sag" or a member of the group "sag" to which the administrator and all users of Software AG products are assigned. Do not perform this step as the user "root".

Step 4: Welcome

In this screen, the variant of Natural that is to be installed is displayed.

Step 5: SAG User

This screen appears only when you are logged in as the user "root".

It is not intended that you perform the installation as "root". It is recommended to use the Software AG user "sag" instead.

  1. If you still need to perform the installation as "root", enter the user ID of the Software AG user to be able to continue.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 6: Destination Location

In this screen, you can change the value of the SAG environment variable, which is the path name of the directory tree where all Software AG products are installed.

By default, the content of the current $SAG variable is displayed.

  1. Optional. Enter a different path or use the Browse button to change the path.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 7: SAG Environment Shell

This screen appears only if you are installing Natural Security separately. In this case, you have to select the path to the environment file.

This screen does not appear if you have selected to install both Natural and Natural Security at the same time. In this case, the environment settings were selected during the Natural installation.

The default name is This documentation assumes that the environment file is called

  1. Optional. Select another environment file.

    You can use any name for your environment file.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 8: Choose Programs

This screen appears only if you are installing Natural Security separately.

Natural must have been installed before you can install Natural Security.

  1. Activate the check box for Natural Security.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 9: Software License Agreement

When you have selected to install both Natural and Natural Security at the same time, this is the first Natural Security installation screen to appear after you have chosen Finish in the Installation Complete screen.

In this screen, the license agreement is displayed.

Step 10: License File

In this screen, you specify the path to the Natural Security license key file.

If no common Software AG environment exists yet, <your-current-directory>/<product-code>.xml is displayed.

  1. If you do not want to use the displayed license key file, specify the path to your license key file.

    Choose the Browse button to select the license key file from a dialog.

  2. If you choose the View button, the content of your license key file is displayed in a separate screen. Choose OK or Quit to go back to the License File screen.

  3. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 11: Installation Information

In this screen, the name of the source directory and $SAG directory are shown.

  1. To review or change your settings, choose the Back button.

  2. Choose Next to begin extracting files.

Step 12: Installation Status

This screen, which contains a progress indicator, informs you about the installation status.

Step 13: Environment Check

In this screen, you have to specify where Adabas is installed ($ADADIR/$ADAVERS).

If you use Natural Security on multiple platforms, see also the section Central FSEC System File in the Natural Security documentation.

  1. Specify the path to the directory in which Adabas has been installed.

    You can also use the browse button to select to the required directory.

    To use a remote FSEC, select Use remote database.

    Adabas databases outside of the current $SAG directory (that is: in another $SAG directory) must be defined as remote.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 14: Parameter File Template

In this screen, you specify the Natural parameter file you want to use as a template.

  1. Select the Natural parameter file.

    The settings in this Natural parameter file will be used to create a new parameter file for Natural Security called NSCPARM. If NSCPARM already exists, a copy of it will be saved.

    If you want to create a Natural Development Server environment with Natural Security, use the parameter file named NDVPARM as a template.

    You can choose the command button displaying a magnifying glass to display the contents of the currently selected parameter file.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 15: FNAT System File Settings

In this screen, the environment settings for FNAT are shown.

  1. If required, select a different system file.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 16: FSEC File Selection

In this screen, you have to enter a database ID and file number for the FSEC system file.

  1. Select an existing DBID and FNR.

    If you are using a local FSEC system file, all available databases are available for selection.

    If you specified Use remote database in the step Environment Check, enter the DBID and FNR of an existing FSEC on your remote database you want to use.

    To create a new system file, select an existing DBID and enter an unused number for FNR. In this case, you will be asked whether you want the new system file to be created.

    If no local FSEC exists yet, the system file will be created and initialized. If you choose an existing FSEC, its contents will not be modified.

    FNAT/FUSER reside on the file system and the FSEC in Adabas. It is therefore not possible to use the same DBID for FNAT/FUSER and FSEC.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 17: Log File Selection

Before this screen appears, you are asked whether you want to use a log file with your Natural Security installation.

  1. Choose Yes, if you want to use the Natural Security feature Logging of Maintenance Functions (see Maintenance Log Records in the Natural Security documentation).

    The option Logging of Maintenance Functions must additionally be enabled in Natural Security after the installation.

  2. Enter or select the database ID and file number for the Natural Security log file. If you do not want to use this feature, enter "0" as DBID.

    If you are using a local database, all available database IDs and file numbers are available for selection.

    If you want to use an existing log file, select the DBID and FNR. If no log file exists yet, the Natural Security installation creates a new log file. Enter a DBID and FNR.

    If you specified Use remote database in the step Environment Check, enter the DBID and FNR of an existing log file on the remote database you want to use.

  3. Choose Next to proceed.

    You are asked whether you want to create a log system file with the specified numbers.

  4. Choose Yes to create the log system file.

Step 18: Relinking Natural or Shared Library Nucleus

In this screen, you can decide whether you want to link a new Natural nucleus and/or a new shared library nucleus.

If you have selected Entire Screen Builder, ApplinX and/or Natural for Tamino or if Entire Access is installed, the option Relink Natural nucleus is preselected.

Natural Security is delivered with a prelinked Natural Security nucleus called "natsec" and a Natural Security shared library nucleus. However, if you want to use additional packages such as Entire Screen Builder, ApplinX, Natural for Tamino or Entire Access, you need to relink the Natural Security nucleus. See Compilers Used to Build Natural for the compiler you must use.

  1. Select the option Relink Natural nucleus and/or Relink shared library nucleus

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 19: Parameters for Relinking Natural Nucleus

This screen appears only when you have selected the option Relink Natural nucleus.

  1. Select the required options.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 20: Relinking Process (for Natural Nucleus)

This screen appears only when you have selected the option Relink Natural nucleus. It displays the output of this relinking process.

The relinking process creates a new Natural Security nucleus called "natnsc".

When you have not selected to relink Entire Screen Builder or ApplinX, you are first asked whether the new nucleus shall be the default nucleus and replace the current Natural nucleus which is called "natural".

If you have selected to relink Entire Screen Builder or ApplinX, a nucleus called "natnsw" (for Entire Screen Builder) or "natapx" (for ApplinX) is created. The Natural nucleus called "natural" is not replaced in this case. Therefore, you are not asked whether you want to replace the current nucleus.

  1. Review the results of the relinking process.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 21: Parameters for Relinking Shared Library Nucleus

This screen appears only when you have selected the option Relink shared library nucleus.

The relinking process creates a new shared library nucleus.

  1. Select the required options.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 22: Relinking Process (for Shared Library Nucleus)

This screen appears only when you have selected the option Relink shared library nucleus. It displays the output of this relinking process.

However, you are first asked whether the new nucleus shall be the default nucleus and replace the current shared library nucleus.

  1. Choose Yes to use the new nucleus.

  2. Review the results of the relinking process.

  3. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 23: INPL Process

This screen, which contains a progress indicator, appears after the above configuration steps have been completed. The installation now loads the libraries.

Step 24: Installation Complete

This screen informs you that the installation of Natural Security has finished successfully. You are asked whether you want to read the Readme file for Natural Security.

It is recommended that you read the Readme file.

  1. If you do not want to display the Readme file, remove the corresponding selection.

  2. Choose Finish.

Step 25: Activate Installed Products

You have to activate Natural Security in this screen.

This screen is also shown when you install both Natural and Natural Security at the same time.

  1. Select the product(s) you want to activate in the Software AG environment file.

  2. Choose Next to proceed.

Step 26: Installation Finished

This screen appears when the installation has finished.

Step 27: Execute the SAG Environment File

It is necessary to execute the file after finishing this installation program to set the environment variables NATDIR, NATVERS and PATH. You can do this now, if you want to work with Natural immediately, or later, if you want to perform other tasks first. But the environment file must have been executed before using Natural.

When you install both Natural and Natural Security at the same time, this step is required only once. When you install Natural and Natural Security separately and do not use Natural in the meantime, you can perform this step directly after the installation of Natural Security. Otherwise, you have to perform this step twice (after the installation of Natural and after the installation of Natural Security).

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After the Natural Security Installation

If you have installed Natural Security for the very first time (that is, if the version you have installed is your first version of Natural Security on this FSEC system file), proceed as described in the Natural Security documentation under the heading First Steps After the Installation. Do this immediately after a successful installation of Natural Security.

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