Natural Main Menu

This document covers the following topics:

Description of the Main Menu

When you invoke Natural, the main menu is displayed:

2008-03-10                         NATURAL                 Library: SYSTEM 
 15:12:57                   V 6.3.4 Software AG 2008        Mode   : REPORT 
 User: SAG                                               Work Area : empty  
¦Library          Direct           Services         OS                Fin      ¦
 Select Library

The top left-hand corner of the main menu displays the following information:

  • The current date and time.

  • The current user ID. By default, this is your UNIX user ID.

The top right-hand corner of the main menu displays the following information:

  • The name of the current library. See also Using Natural Libraries.

    A minus (-) character after the library name indicates that in this library the line numbers are suppressed in the source code which is saved in the file system. The line number suppression state can be changed using the FTOUCH utility.

  • The current programming mode (reporting mode or structured mode). See also Programming Modes below.

  • The name of the programming object currently in the editor work area. This work area is where Natural places a programming object which is to be edited. The string "empty" indicates that there is no object in the work area.

For information on the menus provided in the main menu, see Overview of Menus below.

Programming Modes

Natural supports two programming modes:

  • Structured Mode
    Structured mode is intended for complex applications with a clear and well-defined program structure. It is recommended to use structured mode exclusively.

  • Reporting Mode
    Reporting mode is useful only for the creation of ad hoc reports and small programs which do not involve complex data and/or programming constructs.

For more information on the differences between reporting and structured mode, see Natural Programming Modes in the Programming Guide.

Start of instruction setTo switch to another mode

  • Select the Direct menu and press ENTER. In the resulting Direct Command window enter the system command GLOBALS as described below and press ENTER.

    To switch from reporting mode to structured mode:


    To switch from structured mode to reporting mode:


Overview of Menus

The following menus are available from the main menu:


If you choose this menu, you can create a new Natural library or log on to an existing Natural library. For detailed information, see Using Natural Libraries.


If you choose this menu, the Direct Command window is displayed in which you enter the name of the system command or program you wish to be executed (provided the program is in your current library, the steplib or the library SYSTEM). See also Commonly Used System Commands.

Natural system commands are used, for example, to:

  • find, access, manipulate, check, and compile objects in a Natural library;

  • start, end, and display information about a Natural session;

  • access Natural utilities.


  1. You can also enter a system command in response to a MORE prompt. In this case, the program that is being executed will be stopped and the system command will be executed.
  2. Do not confuse Natural system commands, which are used to perform session functions, with Natural statements, which are the components of Natural programs.


If you choose this menu, a window appears and you can choose one of the following commands:

Command Purpose
DDM Services Data Definition Modules (DDMs) can be created/edited, and various other DDM maintenance functions can be performed. For detailed information, see DDM Services in the Editors documentation.
SYSMAIN Various library-related functions can be performed. For detailed information, see SYSMAIN Utility in the Tools and Utilities documentation.


If you choose this menu, a window appears and you can choose the following command:

Command Purpose
Exit to OS Invokes the UNIX system screen. You can then enter any UNIX system command or program name.

To return to the current Natural session, enter the command exit at the operating system prompt.

If you are not able to start another UNIX command process, shell access has been disallowed in the Configuration Utility (profile parameter SHELL); in this case, contact your Natural administrator.


If you choose this menu, you are asked whether you want to exit from Natural.