Version 6.3.13 for Windows
 —  Editors  —

Finding Text

You can search for any string of characters contained in the source code of an active editor window by using one of the following methods:

By default, Incremental Find and Find restart a search from the beginning when the end of the source code is reached. If you want to terminate the find operation when the end of the source is reached, set the Stop find at end editor option described in Program Editor Options in the Using Natural Studio documentation.

Start of instruction setTo find a string by marking text

  1. Select a whole word by positioning the cursor anywhere in the word you want to find. See also To select a whole word in the section Creating and Modifying Source Code.

    Select any series of characters. See also To select any portion of text in the section Creating and Modifying Source Code.

    Note that the character string may not span one or more lines.

  2. Press the CTRL+SPACEBAR toggle.

    All instances of the search string found are highlighted.

  3. If you want to switch highlighting off, press ESC or position the cursor anywhere within a highlighted word or in the white space areas of the source code and press CTRL+SPACEBAR.

Start of instruction setTo find a string by using Incremental Find

  1. From the Edit or context menu, choose Incremental Find.

    Press CTRL+J.

    The Incremental Find mode is set as indicated by the corresponding message in the status bar: Incremental find started.

  2. Type any text.

    As you type text, the first match for this text is highlighted. The search string is updated for each character typed. The current search string is indicated in the status bar.

  3. You can press DOWN-ARROW or UP-ARROW to go to the next or previous match respectively.

  4. You can terminate the find operation by pressing ESC or ENTER.

    The Incremental Find mode is deactivated as indicated by the corresponding message in the status bar: Incremental find canceled.

Start of instruction setTo find a string by using Find

  1. From the Edit or context menu, choose Find.

    Choose the following toolbar button:


    Press CTRL+F.

    The Find dialog box appears.

  2. In the Find dialog box, you can specify the following:

  3. Choose the Find Next button to execute the find function.

    Depending on the setting of the Search up check box, the find goes down or up the source code from the current caret position:

  4. If the first instance of a search string is selected, you can go to the next instance by choosing one of the following methods:

    In the Find dialog box, choose the Find Next button.

    From the Edit or context menu, choose Find Next.

    Choose the following toolbar button:


    Press F3.

  5. You can choose the Close button to close the Find dialog box. However, you can also edit the current source when the Find dialog box is open.

    When the Find dialog box is closed, you can continue the search function by using the alternative methods described earlier in Step 4.

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