Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Parameter Reference  —

EDBP - Software AG Editor Buffer Pool Definitions

This Natural profile parameter controls the initialization and operation of the editor buffer pool and its work file. It corresponds to the NTEDBP macro in the Natural parameter module NATPARM.

Possible settings See below Various keywords subparameter are available.
Default setting See below  
Dynamic specification yes This parameter can only be specified dynamically. In the Natural parameter module NATPARM, the macro NTEDBP must be used instead.
Specification within session yes Use the SYSEDT Editor Buffer Pool Administration utility.

The editor buffer pool is defined for a session by profile parameter BPI with TYPE=EDIT or by profile parameter EDPSIZE (editor auxiliary buffer pool).

Shared Editor Buffer Pool

If the editor buffer pool is shared between multiple Natural sessions, all subparameters (except DDNAME, DSNAME and FMODE) are honored by the very first session only, which initializes the editor buffer pool work file during a buffer pool cold start. During a buffer pool warm start, the editor buffer pool subparameters (except DDNAME, DSNAME and FMODE) are read from the buffer pool work file.

With subparameter COLD=ON, a buffer pool cold start can be forced during the initialization of the editor buffer pool.

Editor Auxiliary Buffer Pool

If an editor auxiliary buffer pool is used (see profile parameter EDPSIZE), only the following subparameters apply:


More Information

For more information on the editor buffer pool, refer to Editor Buffer Pool in the Operations documentation.

For more information on buffer pool performance, refer to the SYSEDT Editor Buffer Pool Administration utility documentation.

The following topics are covered below:

EDBP Parameter Syntax

The EDBP parameter is specified as follows:

EDBP=(keyword1=value1, keyword2=value2,...)

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NTEDBP Macro Syntax

The NTEDBP macro is specified as follows:

NTEDBP keyword1=value1, keyword2=value2,...

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Keyword Subparameters

The following keyword subparameters are available:


COLD - Buffer Pool Cold Start

Determines whether a buffer pool cold start is performed.

Possible values ON or OFF
Default value OFF

A cold start means that the buffer pool work file is cleared and reinitialized during buffer pool initialization. Any editor recovery information and all buffer pool parameters stored in the work file are lost.

CTOUT - Timeout for Changed Buffer Pool Blocks

Determines the timeout value (in seconds) for changed buffer pool blocks.

Possible values 1-32767
Default value 120

A changed buffer pool block is written to the work file after the specified time interval has been exceeded, and no unchanged or free block is available.

DDNAME - Logical Work File Name of the JCL Definition

Determines the logical work file name of the JCL definition.

Possible values 1 to 8 bytes
Default value CMEDIT


  1. Under CICS: A corresponding file control table entry must be defined for the editor work file.
  2. Under Com-plete: The specified logical work file name is the name of the SD file.

DSNAME - Work File Dataset Name

Determines the work file dataset name for batch and TSO under z/OS only.

Possible values 1-44 bytes
Default value None

If no DD JCL statement is supplied and no ALLOC statement is issued (under TSO only) for the editor work file, then DSNAME will be allocated dynamically.

DTOUT - Logical File Timeout Check Value

Determines the logical file timeout check value (in seconds).

Possible values 1-32767
Default value 300

Logical files are checked for timeout each time the specified time interval has been exceeded.

FMODE - Work File Mode (VM/CMS and Com-plete/SMARTS only)

Determines the file mode for the work file.

Possible values 1-2 characters
Default value A1

Under VM/CMS, the specified value determines the file mode for the work file. The file type is always DATA.

Under Com-plete/SMARTS, the value SM determines that a SMARTS work file is used. In this case, the SMARTS environment variable $NAT_WORK_ROOT determines the path.

Under Com-plete/SMARTS, if a value other than SM is specified, a Com-plete SD file is used.

In a SMARTS environment without Com-plete, SM must be specified.

FTOUT - Timeout Value for Logical Files

Determines the timeout value (in seconds) for logical files.

Possible values 60-16777215
Default value 86400

A logical file is deleted after the specified time interval has been exceeded and no access has occurred.

IMSG - Buffer Pool Initialization and Termination Message

Determines whether a buffer pool initialization and termination message is issued on the operator console.

Possible values ON or OFF
Default value OFF

ITOUT - Buffer Pool Initialization Timeout Value

Determines the buffer pool initialization timeout value (in seconds) for multi-user buffer pools only.

Possible values 1-32767
Default value 300

The buffer pool is initialized by the first user by whom it is accessed. Other users have to wait until the first user finishes initialization. If the initialization is not finished after the specified time interval (for example, due to an abnormal termination of the first user), all other users receive an error message.

LRECL - Work File Record Length

Determines the buffer pool block size and work file record length.

This parameter is honored under BS2000/OSD, under Com-plete, under VM/CMS and for editor auxiliary buffer pools only.

For other environments, the work file record length is determined when the editor work file is created.

Possible values 800-16384
Default value 4096

Under BS2000/OSD, the record length must be a multiple of 2048 bytes.

LTOUT - Timeout Value for Locked Buffer Pool Blocks

Determines the timeout value (in seconds) for locked buffer pool blocks.

Possible values 1-32767
Default value 20

A buffer pool block that was locked during a read from the work file is freed after the specified time interval has been exceeded.

MAXLF - Maximum Number of Logical Files

Determines the maximum number of logical files.

Possible values 100-999999
Default value 1000

PWORK - Percentage of Work File Records Used as Work Records

Determines the percentage of work file records used as work records during an editor buffer pool cold start.

Possible values 0-100
Default value 50

The remaining records are used as recovery records.

RECNUM - Number of Work File Records

Determines the number of work file records (under VM/CMS and Com-plete only) during an editor buffer pool cold start.

Possible values 100-65535
Default value 200

This number determines the size of the work file.

For environments other than CMS, the number of work file records is determined when the editor work file is created.

RWORK - Percentage of Work Records Used for Regular Logical Files

Determines the percentage of work records that is used for regular logical files during an editor buffer pool cold start.

Possible values 51-100
Default value 90

The remaining records are used internally to release blocks from the buffer pool.

UTOUT - Timeout Value for Unchanged Buffer Pool Blocks

Determines the timeout value (in seconds) for unchanged buffer pool blocks.

Possible values 1-32767
Default value 20

An unchanged buffer pool block is written to the work file after the specified time interval has been exceeded and no free block is available.

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