Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Natural Advanced Facilities  —

NAF - Transfer Objects - Function 34

When you invoke this function, the Transfer Objects window appears.

Time 09:21:01        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-25 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
+------------Transfer Objects------------+                                     
!                                        !      Information                    
!   1     Transfer Objects               !                                     
!         to work file 3                 !      20 Cross-Reference             
!   2     Load Objects                   !      21 Statistics                  
!         from work file 3               !      22 Look at Spool File          
!   3     Transfer Objects               !      23 CALLNAT Handling            
!         to another spool file          !                                     
!   4     Transfer Report Data Area      !                                     
!         to work file 4                 !                                     
!   5     Load Report Data Area          !      Control Functions              
!         from work file 4               !                                     
!                                        !      40 Check Spool File            
!                                        !      41 Logging Data                
!   .     Exit                           !      42 Create Test Reports         
!                                        !      43 Delete Reports by Date      
!   Command / _  /                       !                                     
Enter command, or press a PF-key.                                              
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit  Unld3 Load3 Copy  Unld4 Load4                   Canc   

This document covers the following topics:

Tansfers Objects to Work File 3 - Function 34.1

This function unloads the data of all objects or the objects specified and writes them into the assigned Work File 3.

In the Unload Objects screen below, specify the selection criteria for the unload:

Time 09:35:22        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-25 
User SAG                        Unload Objects                 File 7/411      
                                                Include       Delete objects   
Mk  Object Type                     Name        Acc.Author.   after unload     
 -  ------------------------------  ----------  -----------   -----------------
 _   User Profile                   ________         _                _        
 _   Logical Printer                ________         _                _        
 _   Allocation Table               ________ _       _                _        
 _   Printer                        ________         _                _        
 _   Header Page                    ________         _                _        
 _   Application                    ________         _                _        
 _   Cluster                        ________         _                _        
 _   NTCC Table                     ________         _                _        
 _   Calendar                       ________         _                _        
 _   Message Header                 ________ _       _                _        
 _   Statistics                     ________ _                        _        
 _   Access Authorization           ________                          _        
 _   All Objects                    ________         _                _        
Enter values for selection.                                                    
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

For each Object Type, you can specify the following:

Top of page

Load Objects from Work File 3 - Function 34.2

This function provides selection options to transfer the object data unloaded from the spool file with Function 34.1 or the program SPPULDUS, into the target spool file.

The selection options are listed in the Load Objects screen below:

Time 09:38:27        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-25 
User SAG                         Load Objects                  File 7/411      
                                                Include       Replace existings
Mk  Object Type                     Name        Acc.Author.   objects          
 -  ------------------------------  ----------  -----------   -----------------
 _   User Profile                   ________         _                _        
 _   Logical Printer                ________         _                _        
 _   Allocation Table               ________ _       _                _        
 _   Printer                        ________         _                _        
 _   Header Page                    ________         _                _        
 _   Application                    ________         _                _        
 _   Cluster                        ________         _                _        
 _   NTCC Table                     ________         _                _        
 _   Calendar                       ________         _                _        
 _   Message Header                 ________ _       _                _        
 _   Statistics                     ________ _                        _        
 _   Access Authorization           ________                          _        
 _   All Objects                    ________         _                _        
Enter values for selection.                                                    
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

For each Object Type, additionally, you can specify the following:

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Transfer Objects to another Spool File - Function 34.3

To transfer objects from one spool file to another, you need to assign the target spool file first.

Function 34.3 is used to assign objects to a spool file as shown in the Copy Objects window below:

Time 09:45:28        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-25 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
+--------------------------- Copy Objects ----------------------------+        
!                 Assigned spool file 7/411                           !        
!                                                                     !        
! ------------------------------------------------------------------  !        
!                                                                     !        
!  Enter values for target spool file:                                !        
!                                                                     !        
!  DBID 10___   FNR 495__     Adabas Password                         !        
!                                                                     !        
!  Cipher Code .............. ________                                !        
!                                                                     !        
!  Password for spool file ..                                         !        
!                                                                     !        
! ------------------------------------------------------------------  !        
!  Terminate function immediately _                                   !        
!                                                                     ! e      
!                                                                     !        
Enter values.                                                                  
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

In the window, enter the database ID and file number (maximum is 5 digits) of the relevant target spool file. If relevant, enter an Adabas password and cipher code (maximum is 8 characters).

In the Transfer Objects screen below, specify the selection criteria for the objects:

Time 09:55:38        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-25 
User SAG                      Transfer Objects                 File 7/411      
                                                Include       Delete objects   
Mk  Object Type                     Name        Acc.Author.   after copy       
 -  ------------------------------  ----------  -----------   -----------------
 _   User Profile                   ________         _                _        
 _   Logical Printer                ________         _                _        
 _   Allocation Table               ________ _       _                _        
 _   Printer                        ________         _                _        
 _   Header Page                    ________         _                _        
 _   Application                    ________         _                _        
 _   Cluster                        ________         _                _        
 _   NTCC Table                     ________         _                _        
 _   Calendar                       ________         _                _        
 _   Message Header                 ________ _       _                _        
 _   Statistics                     ________ _                        _        
 _   Access Authorization           ________                          _        
 _   All Objects                    ________         _                _        
Enter values for selection.                                                    
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

For each Object Type, additionally, you can specify the following:

Top of page

Transfer Report Data Area to Work File 4 - Function 34.4

This function writes the data of all reports into one work file. Only use this function for error analyses and at the request of Software AG customer support.

An alternative of Function 34.4 is the functionality provided with the program SPPRUNLD.

Time 16:19:15        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-11-29 
User SAG                    Unload Report Data Area            File 7/411      
 The function Unload Report Data Area unloads into Work File 4                 
 all report data stored in Spool File 7/411                                    
 Only execute this function at the request of Software AG                      
 customer support.                                                             
 Do not modify the current data in Spool File 7/411                            
 while performing this function.                                               
 Enter the password defined for the spool file:                                
Enter password.                                                                
Command ===>                                                                   
            Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

Top of page

Load Report Data Area from Work File 4 - Function 34.5

This function unloads all report data from one work file. Only use this function for error analyses and at the request of Software AG customer support.

An alternative of Function 34.5 is the functionality provided with the program SPPRLOAD.

Time 16:19:52        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-11-29 
User SAG                     Load Report Data Area             File 7/411      
 The function Load Report Data Area loads all report data stored               
 in Work File 4 into the current Spool File 7/411                              
 Only execute this function at the request of Software AG                      
 customer support.                                                             
 This function deletes all existing reports. Do not modify                     
 the current data in Spool File while performimg this function.                
 Enter the password defined for the spool file:                                
Enter password                                                                 
Command ===>                                                                   
            Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

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