Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 6451-6500

NAT6452: Value stack overflow.

Text Value stack overflow.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6453: Symbol stack overflow.

Text Symbol stack overflow.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6454: Unexpected return code in module LANPROC.

Text Unexpected return code in module LANPROC.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6455: Value stack underflow.

Text Value stack underflow.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6456: Duplicate information in Search Buffer.

Text Duplicate information in Search Buffer.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6457: Duplicate value in Search Buffer.

Text Duplicate value in Search Buffer.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6458: Syntax-unit is not correct.

Text Syntax-unit is not correct.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6459: Unexpected end of text in Search Buffer.

Text Unexpected end of text in Search Buffer.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6460: Extraneous or unrecognized information in Search Buffer.

Text Extraneous or unrecognized information in Search Buffer.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6461: Illegal special character in Search Buffer.

Text Illegal special character in Search Buffer.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6462: Error in language definition in module LANTAB.

Text Error in language definition in module LANTAB.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6473: External library does not exist.

Text External library does not exist.
Expl. A DLOGON was tried to an external library that is not
defined in the slave environment, where it is expected.
Actn. Contact your Entire DB administrator.

NAT6474: Library belongs to invalid application.

Text Library belongs to invalid application.
Expl. A DLOGON was tried to a library that is not assigned to the
specified application.
Actn. Retry DLOGON for another library assigned to the correct

NAT6475: DLOGON from current master environment not allowed.

Text DLOGON from current master environment not allowed.
Expl. A DLOGON to the desired environment is not allowed from
the current master environment.
Actn. Contact your Entire DB administrator.

NAT6476: External password missing or incorrect.

Text External password missing or incorrect.
Expl. If Syntax 2 is used for the DLOGON statement for an external
library and the password of the user in the master environment
is different from the user"s password in the new environment,
then the user"s password in the slave environment must be
specified, too.
Actn. Retry DLOGON with correct external password.

NAT6477: DLOGON to another environment failed: restart Natural session.

Text DLOGON to another environment failed: restart Natural session.
Expl. An overflow occurs in the logical file table and therefore,
it is not possible to DLOGON to another Entire DB
environment in the current Natural session.
Actn. Restart your Natural session and retry DLOGON.

NAT6478: Entire DB system files are not coupled.

Text Entire DB system files are not coupled.
Expl. If the Entire DB system files are not coupled, Entire DB cannot
recognize whether system file 2 belongs with system file 1.
For performance reasons it is recommended to use physically coupled
files, although it is also possible to use files which are not
coupled. To avoid errors, Entire DB requires that consecutive file
numbers be used if the Entire DB system files are not coupled.
Actn. Check that LFile assignment is correct and contact your Entire DB
system administrator.

NAT6479: Index > UP TO option, update not done for illegal index.

Text An index for multiple attribute or an attribute in a periodic group was specified that is larger than the corresponding UP-TO option.
Expl. Although the UPDATE command is continued, no attribute
values with an illegal index will be stored.
Actn. Check program and correct error or contact your Entire DB
administrator to increase the UP-TO option.

NAT6480: Alias name rejected because already name of another ERE.

Text During an IMPORT an alias name was rejected, because this name is already the name of another ERE.
Expl. The name is rejected, because we otherwise would get a duplicate
names error. All other attributes of the imported ERE are updated.
Actn. Check, which ERE should have the name and update the EREs
if necessary.

NAT6481: Update of ERE rejected.

Text During an import the update of an occurrence was rejected.
Expl. The Entire DB import rejects the update of the following occurrences:
- library independent occurrences of library semi-independent
categories if the DLOGON library is not the GLOBAL-LIBRARY;
- the DLOGON user;
- libraries which are not dummy.
Actn. Check if the ERE in the GLOBAL-LIBRARY is the same as the rejected ERE.
If not, rename the ERE in the export library and re-run the EXPORT and
IMPORT programs. If it is, do required update with normal update program

NAT6482: Entire system file 2 is defined with ISN reusage.

Text Adabas system file 2 for Entire DB is defined with ISN reusage.
Expl. A record has been stored with an ISN larger than the MAX-ISN
of system file 2 has been stored in system file1.
The Entire DB nucleus tried to perform an Adabas N1 call
for system file 2 to force Adabas to create an extension of
the Adabas address converter. But because of ISN reusage
Adabas created an ISN with a small ISN, and didn"t create the
extension of the address converter. Until the ISN reusage option
has been reset or the MAX ISN has been increased, it is not
possible to store new records and to perform some updates.
Actn. Contact your DBA to reset the ISN reusage option for Adabas
Entire system file 2.

NAT6483: An ISN exists only in Entire system file 2, but not in file 1.

Text An ISN exists only in Entire system file 2, but not in file 1.
Expl. The Entire DB nucleus detected an unexpected situation, that
probably resulted from an error in the Entire DB nucleus.
Actn. To continue work with Entire DB terminate Natural session
and begin a new one. Try to reproduce the error with DU=ON to get a dump
and contact Software AG.

NAT6484: DLOGON rejected, because library contains invalid attributes.

Text DLOGON rejected, because library contains invalid attributes.
Expl. This may happen, if the library has not been defined using
the utilities or subprograms provided by SAG. One typical
reason is that an import of EREs referencing a library has
been executed, and the library has been created as dummy,
or a non existing library name has been specified for a
linkage attribute with domain library.
Actn. Contact your Entire DB administrator to correct the
library definition.

NAT6485: ISN in control block is not ISN of ER-category.

Text ISN in control block is not ISN of ER-category.
Expl. Either a DLOGON to an environment where the requested category
doesn"t exist has been performed, or a native call with
an illegal ISN in the control block has been performed.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT6486: READ LOGICAL only implemented for descriptive attributes.

Text READ LOGICAL only implemented for descriptive attributes.
Expl. This error can have the following reasons:
1) A linkage attribute has been specified in a READ statement.
This is not implemented. Use a FIND statement and a SORT
statement instead.
2) The DDM did not correspond with the category, perhaps because
a DLOGON to an environment with other categories has been
3) An invalid Entire L3/L6 direct call has been performed.
Actn. Check program and previous DLOGON-statement and correct error.

NAT6487: Error in search buffer or value buffer of an Entire call.

Text Error in search buffer or value buffer of an Entire call.
Expl. An Entire direct call with an invalid search buffer or value
buffer has been performed.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT6488: Number of data blocks invalid.

Text Number of data blocks invalid.
Expl. The number of data blocks defined must be either 0, or have
a value between 10 and 16, whereby the default value is
either 0 or 10.
Actn. Contact your Entire DB administrator regarding Record Size
maintenance in Entire DB Utilities.

NAT6489: ZSIZE insufficient for this environment.

Text ZSIZE insufficient for this environment.
Expl. The ZSIZE requirements are dependent upon the value assigned
to the number of data blocks (record size) in the environment
(system files).
Actn. Increase ZSIZE and restart Natural session.

NAT6490: ERE is inconsistent.

Text ERE is inconsistent.
Expl. The kind of ERE inconsistency, appearing during a SHOW statement,
can be inferred from the kinds of warnings displayed.
Actn. This inconsistency should be removed in accordance with the
instructions given on "Inconsistency" in the Entire DB Reference

NAT6491: "ERRORS" not allowed here.

Text "ERRORS" not allowed here.
Expl. The reserved word "ERRORS" has been detected, but is not allowed,
in the Search Buffer.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT6492: Category Table could not be written. Modules not linked.

Text Category Table could not be written. Modules not linked.
Expl. The modules required for Usage of Category Table are not linked to
Natural. Please see the Entire DB Installation documentation for further
Actn. Check the link job and re-link Natural with the required modules.

NAT6493: Invalid Relation Elements for Relationship Occurrence.

Text Invalid Relation Elements for Relationship Occurrence.
Expl. Invalid relation elements were specified for storing Relationship
Occurrence. Either all relation elements have NULL value, or
relation element n has NULL value and relation element n+1 does not
have NULL value.
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT6494: Illegal DLOGON session.

Text Illegal DLOGON session.
Expl. A DLOGON session can have a value between "0" and "9" or "+" or "-".
"+" is only allowed if the previous DLOGON session was less than "9".
"-" is only allowed if the previous DLOGON session was more than "0".
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT6495: Illegal MASTER Environment.

Text Illegal MASTER Environment.
Expl. Either invalid LFILE parameter have been specified for the Entire DB
system files, or the Entire DB MASTER Environment has not been installed
Actn. Check your system file assignments with the SYSPROF command. If they
are correct, check that the Entire DB MASTER Environment has been
installed correctly.

NAT6496: Illegal Slave Environment.

Text Illegal Slave Environment.
Expl. Either the Slave Environment entry of an external library has been
specified incorrectly, or the Entire DB Slave Environment has not
been installed correctly.
Actn. Check your definition of the slave environment, using Entire DB Online
Services. If it is correct, check that the Entire DB Slave Environment
has been installed correctly.

NAT6497: Copy rejected because REPLACE option not specified.

Text Copy rejected because REPLACE option not specified.
Expl. A copy where the target ERE already exists and is not dummy
is only allowed if the REPLACE option has been specified.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT6498: Update operation rejected due to concurrent update.

Text Update operation rejected due to concurrent update.
Expl. An update operation could not be carried out for one of the
following reasons:
1) A record to be updated is held by another user.
2) A referenced record is held by another user.
3) The "hold" queue is full.
Actn. Try again later. If the "hold" queue is too small, contact your
database administrator.

NAT6500: EDITOR buffer SSIZE not allocated or too small.

Text EDITOR buffer SSIZE not allocated or too small.
Expl. The initialization of the EDITOR failed due to insufficient
main storage for its SSIZE buffer.
Actn. Restart Natural with a larger SSIZE value, or in a larger

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