Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 5951-6000

NAT5960: Internal error - invalid function code (NOMPUT-N).

NAT5961: Internal error - report not opened.

NAT5962: Internal error - error during compression of print line.

NAT5963: Internal error - invalid CC type specification.

NAT5964: Internal error - invalid source type specification.

NAT5965: Internal error - invalid NAF DBID.

NAT5966: Internal error - invalid NAF FNR.

NAT5967: Internal error - invalid logical printer number (1-31).

NAT5968: Internal error - invalid User ID specification.

NAT5969: Internal error - invalid PROGRAM specification.

NAT5970: Internal error - invalid LIBRARY specification.

NAT5971: Internal error - invalid LPF specification.

NAT5972: Internal error - invalid function code (NOMPUTQN).

NAT5973: NOM control record missing.

NAT5974: FSPOOL not defined in the NOM monitor defaults.

NAT5975: Internal error - error during CMMPP call.

NAT5981: Invalid value specified (BLKCTRL/BLKSIZE/LRECL).

Text ESY5981 Invalid value specified (BLKCTRL/BLKSIZE/LRECL).
Expl. Invalid value for BLOCK CONTROL, BLOCK SIZE or RECORD LENGTH specified.
Actn. Please correct error.

NAT5982: Error during use of ISAM-key.

Text ESY5982 Error during use of ISAM-key.
Expl. Possible reasons: - duplicate key detected for DUPEKY=NO
- key must be generated, but KEYLEN is greater
than 8 bytes or no default KEYPOS
- key length of file is greater than 253 bytes
- key not found in ISAM-file
- no key supplied for UPDATE-INPLACE=YES
- invalid key sequence detected
Actn. Please check parameters or file attributes.

NAT5983: :1: not supported in :2:.

Text ESY5983 ... not supported in ....
Expl. Some views or features are not supported under certain circumstances.
View EVENTING is not supported in Single User Mode on BS2000/OSD.
Actn. No action possible.

NAT5984: Server is not authorized to access.

Text ESY5984 Server is not authorized to access.
Expl. ESY Server Task is not authorized to access various objects with
protection attributes, which not allows access for $TSOS.
Actn. No action possible.

NAT5985: Access to tape file not allowed.

Text ESY5985 Access to tape file not allowed.
Expl. Access to tape file was requested, but parameter TAPES=NO is specified
in ESY startup file.
Actn. Please contact your ESY Administrator.

NAT5986: No or not enough space for :1:.

Text ESY5986 No or not enough space for ....
Expl. Various startup parameter sizes are exceeded. See variable text for
Actn. Please contact your ESY Administrator.

NAT5987: Job Variable already exists.

Text ESY5987 Job Variable already exists.
Expl. An existing job variable cannot be allocated again.
Actn. Please check your input values.

NAT5988: Invalid task type detected.

Text ESY5988 Invalid task type detected.
Expl. Task type must have a value between 1 and 7.
Actn. Correct program.

NAT5989: Invalid ELEMENT specification.

Text ESY5989 Invalid ELEMENT specification.
Expl. Element name must be unique.
Actn. Correct element name.

NAT5990: Field RECORD not found in format buffer.

Text ESY5990 Field RECORD not found in format buffer.
Expl. An attempt was made to read a record without specifying the "RECORD"
Actn. Supply field RECORD in program.

NAT5991: Unknown product.

Text ESY5991 Unknown product.
Expl. An invalid "PRODUCT" value was specified.
Actn. Specify valid product code.

NAT5992: Requested job variable not found.

Text ESY5992 Requested job variable not found.
Expl. The requested job variable is not catalogued.
Actn. No action required.

NAT5993: Cannot open file.

Text ESY5993 Cannot open file.
Expl. An open request failed.
Actn. No action required.

NAT5994: File not on volume.

Text ESY5994 File not on volume.
Expl. The requested data set is not on the specified volume.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5995: File not in catalog.

Text ESY5995 File not in catalog.
Expl. The data set is not catalogued.
Actn. Specify VOLSER, or catalog data set.

NAT5996: Volume not online.

Text ESY5996 Volume not online.
Expl. The specified volume is currently not available.
Actn. Contact Operator or system programmer.

NAT5997: Data set is not PDS or sequential.

Text ESY5997 Data set is not PDS or sequential.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5998: MEMBER not found.

Text ESY5998 MEMBER not found.
Expl. The requested member was not found.
Actn. No action is required.

NAT5999: ENTIRE SYSTEM SERVER node :1: not active.

Text ESY5999 ENTIRE SYSTEM SERVER node ... not active.
Actn. Contact Operator or system programmer.

NAT6000: Error text not available.

Text Error text not available.

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