Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 2951-3000

NAT2999: Program is not documented in Predict.

Text Program is not documented in Predict.
Expl. If the XREF switch is set to FORCE, the Natural program to be
cataloged must be documented in Predict.
Actn. Document the program in Predict.

NAT3000: A non-zero response code was received from the database.

Text A non-zero response code was received from the database.
Expl. The Natural error messages NAT3001 - NAT3999 deal with database response
codes; that is, an error message "NAT3nnn" indicates that the database
has replied to a command with a response code "nnn".
The error may be caused by one of the following:
- An invalid request was made to the database.
- A malfunction occurred in the database.
Actn. Retain the number of the response code and contact your database

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