Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Editors  —

Opening the Map Editor

In this session, you will invoke the map editor, specify map settings and open the map editing screen.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the Map editor

  1. In the Natural Main Menu, select Development Functions and press ENTER.

    The Development Functions menu appears.

  2. If you are working in reporting mode, change the programming mode to structured mode:

    Enter an S in the first position of the Mode input field and press ENTER.

    The Mode field now indicates Structured.

  3. Enter an E (for Edit Object) in the Code field and an M (Map) in the Type field. Ignore the Name field.

  4. Press ENTER.

    The Edit Map menu appears:

    14:08:08                ***** NATURAL MAP EDITOR *****               2007-12-14
    User SAG                         - Edit Map -                  Library SAGTEST 
                       Code    Function                                            
                       ----    ---------------------------------                   
                         D     Field and Variable Definitions                      
                         E     Edit Map                                            
                         I     Initialize new Map                                  
                         H     Initialize a new Help Map                           
                         M     Maintenance of Profiles & Devices                   
                         S     Save Map                                            
                         T     Test Map                                            
                         W     Stow Map                                            
                         ?     Help                                                
                         .     Exit                                                
                 Code .. I     Name .. ________       Profile .. SYSPROF_          
    Command ===>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Test  Edit

    The Edit Map menu is the main menu of the map editor.

    The map editor contains an extensive help system. Any time you require help, enter a question mark (?) in the field for which you want to obtain further information. This will invoke the online help for that field. If a field does not have an individual help assigned, a help menu will be displayed, from which you can select the required item of information.

  5. Enter an I (for Initialize new Map) in the Code field and MAP001 in the Name field.

  6. Press ENTER.

    The Define Map Settings for MAP screen appears:

    14:10:19               Define Map Settings for MAP                   2007-12-14
     Delimiters           Format                         Context                   
     -----------------    ---------------------------    --------------------------
     Cls Att CD  Del      Page Size ...... 31            Device Check .... ________
      T   D      BLANK    Line Size ...... 79            WRITE Statement   _       
      T   I      ?        Column Shift ... 0 (0/1)       INPUT Statement   X       
      A   D      _        Layout ......... ________      Help  ____________________
      A   I      )         dynamic ....... N (Y/N)        as field default N (Y/N) 
      A   N      ¬        Zero Print ..... N (Y/N)                                 
      M   D      &        Case Default ... UC (UC/LC)                              
      M   I      :        Manual Skip .... N (Y/N)       Automatic Rule Rank  1    
      O   D      +        Decimal Char ... .             Profile Name .... SYSPROF 
      O   I      (        Standard Keys .. N (Y/N)                                 
                          Justification .. L (L/R)       Filler Characters         
                          Print Mode ..... __            ------------------------  
                                                         Optional, Partial ....    
                          Control Var .... ________      Required, Partial ....    
                                                         Optional, Complete ...    
                                                         Required, Complete ...    
          Help        Exit                                                  Let
  7. Move the cursor to the Filler Characters section of the screen. Type in an underscore ( _ ) after each of the four options as shown below:

    14:10:19               Define Map Settings for MAP                   2007-12-14
     Delimiters           Format                         Context                   
     -----------------    ---------------------------    --------------------------
     Cls Att CD  Del      Page Size ...... 31            Device Check .... ________
      T   D      BLANK    Line Size ...... 79            WRITE Statement   _       
      T   I      ?        Column Shift ... 0 (0/1)       INPUT Statement   X       
      A   D      _        Layout ......... ________      Help  ____________________
      A   I      )         dynamic ....... N (Y/N)        as field default N (Y/N) 
      A   N      ¬        Zero Print ..... N (Y/N)                                 
      M   D      &        Case Default ... UC (UC/LC)                              
      M   I      :        Manual Skip .... N (Y/N)       Automatic Rule Rank  1    
      O   D      +        Decimal Char ... .             Profile Name .... SYSPROF 
      O   I      (        Standard Keys .. N (Y/N)                                 
                          Justification .. L (L/R)       Filler Characters         
                          Print Mode ..... __            ------------------------  
                                                         Optional, Partial .... _  
                          Control Var .... ________      Required, Partial .... _  
                                                         Optional, Complete ... _  
                                                         Required, Complete ... _  
          Help        Exit                                                  Let

    This will cause any blank positions within an input field on the map to be filled with the underscore ( _ ). You can then see the exact position and length of a field which makes entering input easier.

  8. Ignore the other map settings and press ENTER twice.

    The map editing screen appears:

    Ob _                                    Ob D CLS ATT  DEL    CLS ATT  DEL      
    .                                       .     T  D    Blnk    T  I    ?        
    .                                       .     A  D    _       A  I    )        
    .                                       .     A  N    ¬       M  D    &        
    .                                       .     M  I    :       O  D    +        
    .                                       .     O  I    (                        
    .                                       .                                      
    001   --010---+----+----+---030---+----+----+---050---+----+----+---070---+----
          Help  Mset  Exit  Test  Edit  --    -     +     Full  <     >     Let

The screen appears in split-screen mode: the top half displays the delimiter characters, which are valid for the map to be created, and the bottom half is the editing area where you actually design a map.

You can now proceed with Creating, Positioning and Deleting Map Fields.

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