Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Editors  —

Invoking a Map with INPUT USING MAP

In this session, you will create and execute the example program PROG001 to test the effect of the INPUT USING MAP statement, which invokes map MAP001.

PROG001 is provided in the Natural system library SYSEXPG; ask your Natural system administrator for details.

Start of instruction setTo create and execute PROG001

  1. If you have access to a copy of PROG001, in the Command line of the Edit Map menu, enter the following:

    EDIT PROG001

    The program editor is invoked and the source code of PROG001 is displayed in the editing area. Make sure that the program is identical to the one shown below.

    If you do not have access to a copy of PROG001, in the Command line of the Edit Map menu, enter the following:


    The program editor is invoked. If necessary, clear the editing area by entering the command CLEAR at the program editor's command prompt (>). Then type in the following program:


    ** Example 'PROG001': Example program for the Map Tutorial              
     DEFINE DATA LOCAL                                                       
     01 PERS-VIEW VIEW OF EMPLOYEES                                          
       02 NAME                                                               
       02 FIRST-NAME                                                         
       02 CITY                                                               
     01 #NAME (A20)                                                          
     01 #CITY (A20)                                                          
       INPUT USING MAP 'MAP001'                                              
       IF #CITY NE ' ' AND #NAME NE ' '                                      
         FIND PERS-VIEW WITH NAME = #NAME AND CITY = #CITY                   
                     MARK *#CITY                               
           DISPLAY NOTITLE NAME FIRST-NAME CITY                
         IF #NAME NE ' '                                       
           FIND PERS-VIEW WITH NAME = #NAME                    
             IF NO RECORDS FOUND                               
               REINPUT 'PLEASE TRY ANOTHER NAME.'              
             DISPLAY NOTITLE NAME FIRST-NAME CITY              
  2. If no program name is displayed in the top line of the editor, at the program editor's command prompt, enter the command STOW PROG001.

    If the program name PROG001 is displayed in the top line of the editor, at the program editor's command prompt, enter the command STOW.

    If required, correct any syntax errors and repeat the STOW.

    After the STOW completed successfully, the program is stored as a source object and a cataloged object in the current Natural library in the current system file.

  3. At the program editor's command prompt, enter the following:


    PROG001 is executed and map MAP001 appears.

Start of instruction setTo check whether MAP001 works as intended

  1. Press ENTER without typing in anything.

    The following message is displayed: PLEASE TYPE IN A NAME.

  2. In the first input field, enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER.

    Help map HELP001 appears.

  3. Press ENTER.

    The help map disappears.

  4. In the first input field, enter the name MCKENNA and press ENTER.

    The following message is displayed: PLEASE TRY ANOTHER NAME.

  5. Replace MCKENNA by JONES and press ENTER.

    The program produces the following list:

            NAME              FIRST-NAME              CITY         
    -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 
    JONES                VIRGINIA             TULSA                
    JONES                MARSHA               MOBILE               
    JONES                ROBERT               MILWAUKEE            
    JONES                LILLY                BEVERLEY HILLS       
    JONES                EDWARD               CAMDEN               
    JONES                MARTHA               KALAMAZOO            
    JONES                LAUREL               BALTIMORE            
    JONES                KEVIN                DERBY                
    JONES                GREGORY              NOTTINGHAM
  6. Press ENTER.

    MAP001 appears.

  7. In the first input field of the map, enter the name JONES and, in the second input field, enter the name DUNFERMLINE.

  8. Press ENTER.

    The following message is displayed: NO ONE BY THIS NAME LIVING IN THIS CITY.

  9. In the first input field of the map, enter the name JONES and, in the second input field, enter the name TULSA.

  10. Press ENTER.

    The program produces the following list:

            NAME              FIRST-NAME              CITY         
    -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 
    JONES                VIRGINIA             TULSA
  11. Press ENTER.

    MAP001 appears.

  12. In the first input field, enter a period (.) and press ENTER.

    The editing area of the program editor appears with the source code of PROG001.

You can now proceed with Creating a Map for WRITE and Copying Field Definitions.

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