Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Natural Advanced Facilities  —

NAF - Reports/Queues - Function 10

When you invoke this function, the following screen appears:

Time 14:05:21        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User  SAG                    Reports by Job Number             File 7/411 
Cmd Q Dest/Form  T  Stat > Phy.Prt  Stat O P Dup D Pri Job No User ID  Cluster
--- - ---------- -  ---- - -------- ---- - - --- - --- ------ -------- -------
 SE _ ________ _           ________          *__ _ ___ ______ ________ ________
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1        1 MK
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1        4 MK
 __   DAEPRT12 A   LOAD       --             0   D 1        7 KOL
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1       85 MK
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1       88 KOL
 __   DARMSTD  1   LOAD       --           N 0   K 1       97 HHI
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1      286 MK
Mark with function or press PF key
Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit        Prtr  Selec  -     +    Det 1       Top   Canc

The display sequence in which the reports are listed is indicated in the screen name. It can be modified with the command SQ.

In the Cmd column on the left, you can enter various commands.

In the SE line, you can specify selection criteria. A list of reports matching the selection criteria will then be shown. For example, if you only want to display the reports of a specific user, enter the user ID in the User ID column of the SE line.

PF5 displays the Device Status screen.

PF6 displays the Report Selection screen (see the output example).

PF7 displays the previous screen page, PF8 displays the next screen page, and PF11 returns you to the top of the list.

Pressing PF9 repeatedly times displays different screens with more detailed data for each report (see the output examples).

This document provides information on the screen columns, the types of report status, the commands and the PF keys provided with the Reports/Queues function.

Screen Columns

Explained below are the columns and field values displayed on the screen.

Column Description
Q Indicates the current status of a queue:
A or blank    Activated.
D Deactivated.
M Monitor queue for BS2000/OSD.
Dest/Form Destination/Form (allocation) of report.
T An asterisk (*) indicates the definition of a time window for an allocation (only under BS2000/OSD).
Stat Report status.
> Indicates the number of pending or active devices.
Blank Currently, only this device has control over the queue.
> More than one device has control over the queue.
Phy.Prt Physical printer to which the report was assigned.
Stat Printer status.
O Indicates a pending operator command.
I Hold printer immediately.
F Flush current spool out.
S Stop printer after spool out.
D Deactivate printer.
P Indicates the protection level of a report.
N or blank   Not protected.
P Report can only be deleted by the user who sent it.
S Report can only be started by the user who sent it.
D Deactivate printer.
R report can only be read/shown by the user who sent it.
G Combination of S and R.
Dup Number of duplicates (modifiable field). See Function 31.2 for possible values.
D Disposition (scheduling) of report (modifiable field). See Function 31.2 for possible values.
Pri Priority of report (modifiable field). See Function 31.2 for possible values.
Job No Job number of report. The job numbers are not necessarily in ascending order. The job number assigned to a report corresponds to the first record number of that report (that is, to the address of the report on the spool file).
User ID The user who created the report.
Cluster The name of the cluster to which the logical printer used is assigned (only shown if the cluster option has been activated; see Function 30.5).

Top of page

Report Status

The following table describes the possible values in the Stat column of the screen.

Status Description
BATP Current active spool-out (batch).
DEL Report is being deleted.
DISA The queue for this allocation is currently disabled.
FINI Printed with Disposition K.

When a report with Disposition K is printed, it is assigned the status FINI and the Disposition L. If the user then alters the Disposition to K or D (to re-print the report), the status is set back to TOBE.

HOLD Report will not be printed.
HPER The header page assigned is inconsistent.
INCO Report was written to the spool file, but is inconsistent (an internal error occurred). In this case, execute Function 40.1 to narrow down the problem.
INER Internal error while printing the report.
LOAD Report is being created.

Natural has not yet closed the report. The most probable cause for this is that the Natural program has not yet ended, or has been interrupted. For example:


The wait on input in the example above causes the status LOAD.

LOCK Report is currently used by a move or copy operation.
LOST Printing of the report was suspended because of spool out errors.

The spool server has terminated because an ON ERROR condition has been entered in SVP xxx 01 in library SYSPRINT. When this occurs, a single-line WTO message is written to the system operator console. The message displays the DBID and FNR of the current spool file and the error number taken from the Natural system variable *ERROR-NR. The format of the WTO message is as follows:

nnnn in line 
MINT Incorrect or missing NTCC table.
MIPT Incorrect or missing NTCC printer type in NTCC table.
NOCL Report was written to the spool file but has not been closed (missing END OF TRANSACTION statement).

Natural is not in ET status when closing reports. The most probable cause for this is an UPDATE statement which is not followed by a corresponding END OF TRANSACTION statement. The reports with status NOCL are not printed, and are instead backed out from the spool file if the Natural session is terminated, or if the CLEAR key is pressed. This backout can be prevented by executing an END OF TRANSACTION statement. Recover the report for printing by entering RC in the Cmd column. This will force the status TOBE to be assigned to the report. In addition, the RC command issues an END OF TRANSACTION statement.

ONPR The report is being printed.
PEND Started, but not yet spooled out.
RECO Report was recovered from status INCO by the RC command.
TOBE The report is stored on the spool file and ready to be printed.
TOLA The report is reset from status NOCL after receiving an ET.
WAIT Print of report not started; printer was busy for another allocation.
WOER Error while preparing the report for spool-out.

Top of page


For each report, administration functions can be invoked by entering any of the line commands listed below in the Cmd column.

Command Description
Start functions
SD Start of all reports to a Destination/Form.
SJ Start of a specific report via the job number.
SU Start of all reports to a Destination/Form for a specific user ID.
XD As SD, but to an optional physical printer of the spool file.
XJ As SJ, but to an optional physical printer of the spool file.

See also the example below.

XU As SU, but to an optional physical printer of the spool file.
Delete functions
DA Delete all reports on the spool file.
DD Delete all reports to a Destination/Form (unless the report is protected).

Delete the current report only (unless the report is protected).

See also the example below.

DU Delete all reports to a Destination/Form for a specific user ID (unless the report is protected).

Delete reports older than the number of days or the date specified; see also Function 43 (Delete Reports by Date) in the section Control Functions.

Alter functions
AD Alter attributes of all reports to a Destination/Form.
AU Alter attributes of all reports to a Destination/Form for a specific user ID.
Display functions

Display formatted report using line feed and form feed.

See also the example below.

DH Display report in internal format.
SP Show all pointers of a report.
Operator functions
FL Stop printing on the activated printer and continue with the next report.
FR Set the printer to status FREE.
HI Stop the activated printer immediately.
PO Position the printer to the beginning of the page.
ST Stop the activated printer after the end of the report.
Report functions
CO Copy report to another logical printer.
MJ Move report to another logical printer.
MD Move all reports of this Destination/Form to another logical printer.
MU Move all reports of this Destination/Form created by a specific user ID to another logical printer.
Queue functions
Q* Show all queues, the corresponding status and the current number of reports within the queue (this command can be activated in any line).
QS Change the status of a queue (active, deactivated or monitor queue).
DQ Show all reports of a queue. The reports are displayed by using the sequence of spool-out (status, priority, creation date and time).
Miscellaneous functions
RC Recover report.
SC Scan a report for a specific string.
SQ Change the sequence of the Report/Queue display.
TI Show a time window for start of printing if defined for the corresponding Destination/Form (this function is available for BS2000/OSD only).
UI If Natural Security is installed, the long text for the sending user ID is displayed for this report.
WP Display which printers are available.
ZO Show detailed report attributes.

For further information on the commands above, see the online help.

See also the examples below:

Example of Command XJ

If you enter XJ in the Cmd column as shown below, a window appears, asking for the name of the physical printer to which you want to route the report.

Time 14:10:09        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User  SAG                    Reports by Job Number             File 7/411
Cmd Q Dest/Form  T  Stat > Phy.Prt  Stat O P Dup D Pri Job No User ID  Cluster
--- - ---------- -  ---- - -------- ---- - - --- - --- ------ -------- -------
 SE _ ________ _           ________          *__ _ ___ ______ ________ ________
 xj   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1        1 SAG
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1        4 MK
 __   DAEPRT12 A   LOAD       --     +--------Start of reports(s)-----------+
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --     !  To start Allocation DARMSTD/1   ,   !
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --     !  enter the name of a physical printer!
 __   DARMSTD  1   LOAD       --     !  or '*' to invoke a selection.       !
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --     !                                      !
                                     !  To return, enter '.'                !
                                     !                                      !
                                     !  Physical printer ________           !
Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  

Example of Command DF

If you enter DF in the Cmd column, the corresponding report data are shown.

Time 11:55:13        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User SAG                       Display Reports                 File 7/411
Cmd:  __ Page:     1 Dest.: STD      Form: R User:  SAG      Job Number      1
 001        11        21        31        41        51        61        71
=>                       **** top of report ****
 F ? Page 1           CROSS-REFERENCE/ SPOOL FILE              1997-08-21  14:1
 L ?
 L ?                        SPOOLFILE
 < ?                        SPOOLFILE
 < ?                        SPOOLFILE
 L ?
 L ? DATABASE / FILENUMBER 7     / 33      VERSION .................. 230
 < ?                       7       33                                 230
 < ?                       7       33                                 230
 L ?
 L ?                        LAYOUT OF REPORT AREA
 < ?                        LAYOUT OF REPORT AREA
 < ?                        LAYOUT OF REPORT AREA
 L ?
Command ===>
 +    Help  Menu  Exit        Hex   <<     >     +    Bot    -    Top   Canc
Field Description
Cmd Command input.
001 Column in which the display of the report is to start.

(If you enter a number greater than 250, Column 1 is used).

Page The number of the last report page on the screen.
Dest. Destination of the report.
Form Form of the report.
User User who created the report.
Job Number Job number of the report.

The printer control characters in Column 1 of the report are:

If you press PF5 on the above screen, the report is shown in internal (hexadecimal) format:

Time 11:56:26        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User SAG                       Display Reports                 File 7/411
Cmd:  __ Page:     1 Dest.: STD      Form: R User:  SAG      Job Number      1
 001        11        21        31        41        51        61        71
 F ? Page 1           CROSS-REFERENCE/ SPOOL FILE              1997-08-21  14:1
 0 04D8884F44444444444CDDEE6DCCCDCDCC64EDDDD4CCDC44444444444444FFFF6FF6FF44FF7F
 C C0717501000000000003962209565955351027663069350000000000000019970080210014A1
 L ?
 1 1444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
 5 5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 L ?                        SPOOLFILE
 1 1444444444444444444444444EDDDDCCDC444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
 5 5000000000000000000000000276636935000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 < ?                        SPOOLFILE
 0 0444444444444444444444444EDDDDCCDC444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
 D D000000000000000000000000276636935000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Command ===>
 +    Help  Menu  Exit        Hex   <<     >     +    Bot    -    Top   Canc

Example of Command DJ

If you enter DJ in the Cmd column as shown below, a window appears, asking to confirm the deletion.

Time 14:26:01        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User SAG                     Reports by Job Number             File 7/411
Cmd Q Dest/Form  T  Stat > Phy.Prt  Stat O P Dup D Pri Job No User ID  Cluster
--- - ---------- -  ---- - -------- ---- - - --- - --- ------ -------- -------
 SE _ ________ _           ________          *__ _ ___ ______ ________ ________
 dj   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1        1 SAG
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1        4 MK
 __   DAEPRT12 A   LOAD       --             0   D 1        7 KOL
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1       85 MK
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1       88 KOL
 __   DARMSTD  1   LOAD       --           N 0   K 1       97 HHI
 __   DARMSTD  1   TOBE       --           N 0   K 1      286 MK
                                     +------------- Confirmation -------------+
                                     !  To delete report with number   1      !
                                     !  confirm with report number ... ______ !
                                     !                                        !
                                     !  and mark to destroy report data ... _ !
                                     !                                        !
Command ===>
            Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

For the commands DA, DD and DU, you are also asked to confirm the deletion.

The option "destroy report data" is available which not only marks the report as "deleted" on the spool file, but also sets the report data to blanks. This might be required for confidential reports.

Top of page

PF Keys

Example of Output from PF6

Time 13:33:47        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                       Report Selection                File 7/411      
  Report selection                                                              
  For all user IDs     X                 Starting from job number ______        
  For own user ID      _                              For user ID ________      
  For group ID         ________                                                 
  Optional selection parameters                                                 
  Destination     ________ /Form _   Duplicates   *__   Disposition     _       
  Priority        ___                                                           
  Active printer  ________           Queue status _                             
  Cluster         ________                                                      
 Enter values for selection.                                                    
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit        Prtr                                      Canc   

On this screen, you can select reports.

If Natural Security is installed, the modifiable fields in this screen depend on the defined user type.

The Cluster(s) field only appears, if the cluster option has been activated (see Function 30.5).

Example of Output from PF9

Pressing PF9 once displays the first Detailed Attributes screen.

Time 13:34:30        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                    Detailed Attributes 1              File 7/411      
Cmd Q Dest/Form  No. Pages   No. Lines   %Prt. Date Printed        TF  Printer 
--- - ---------- ----------- ----------  ----- ------------------- --- --------
 SE   ________ _                                                               
 __   DR1171   A   1           1               2002-10-15 16:24:37 CPU SPPPRINT   
 __   DARMSTD  1   1           3
 __   DARMSTD  1   1           19
 __   DAEPRT12 A     
 __   DARMSTD  1   1           19
 __   DARMSTD  1   4           200
 __   DARMSTD  1
 __   DARMSTD  1   1           17
Mark with function or press PF key
Command ==>
      Help  Menu  Exit        Prtr  Selec  -     +    Det 2       Top   Canc
Column Description
No.Pages The number of logical pages in the report.
No.Lines The number of lines in the report.
%Prt. For active spooling, the percentage of completion is shown.
Date printed Date and time of the last spool-out.
TF Time format:
CPU Store clock value of CPU.

Natural time.

The time computed by using the DD, TD and/or YD values as defined in the Natural parameter module.

Printer The physical printer which was used for the last spool-out, or the name of the batch program used for the spool-out.

Pressing PF9 once more displays the second Detailed Attributes screen.

Time 14:43:26        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User SAG                    Detailed Attributes 2              File 7/411
Cmd Q Dest/Form    Log.Prtr Profile        Name     Forms    Library  Program
--- - ----------   -------- -------------- ------   -------  -------- --------
 SE   ________ _
 __   DARMSTD  1   PROF1    MK       (NAF)   --       --     SYSPOOL    --
 __   DARMSTD  1   PROF1    MK       (NAF)   --       --     SYSPOOL  NTEST
 __   DAEPRT12 A   DAEPRT12 *        (NAF)   --       --     SYSPOOL  SPFPAG01
 __   DARMSTD  1   PROF1    MK       (NAF)   --       --     SYSPOOL  NTEST
 __   DARMSTD  1   PROF1    MK       (NAF)   --       --     SYSPOOL  SPPTREP1
 __   DARMSTD  1   PROF1    MK       (NAF)   --       --     SYSPOOL  SPFPAG01
 __   DARMSTD  1   PROF1    MK       (NAF)   --       --     SYSPOOL  SPSCHE03
Mark with function or press PF key
Command ==>
      Help  Menu  Exit        Prtr  Selec  -     +    Det 3 Det 1 Top   Canc
Column Description
Log.Prtr The logical printer used for the creation of the report.
Profile NTCC table from the parameter used in the PROFILE clause of the DEFINE PRINTER statement.

When followed by MAC, the replacements are defined within the NTCCTAB table of the Natural system parameters.

When followed by NAF, the replacements are defined in the object NTCC table of the NATSPOOL environment, depending on the printer.
Name Value of the name parameter used in theNAME clause of the DEFINE PRINTER statement.
Forms Value of the forms parameter used in the FORMS clause of the DEFINE PRINTER statement.
Library The library in which the report was created.
Program The name of the program which created the report.

Pressing PF9 once more displays the third Detailed Attributes screen.

Time 14:45:25        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User SAG                    Detailed Attributes 3              File 7/411
Cmd Q Dest/Form    Init ID  Init User Device    LOST :   Program   Errnr  Line
--- - ----------   -------- --------- --------  -----------------  -----  ----
 SE   ________ _
 __   DARMSTD  1   0756     MK        VIDEO
 __   DARMSTD  1   0756     MK        VIDEO
 __   DAEPRT12 A   0804     KOL       VIDEO
 __   DARMSTD  1   0794     MK        VIDEO
 __   DARMSTD  1   0787     KOL       VIDEO
 __   DARMSTD  1   0751     HHI       VIDEO
 __   DARMSTD  1   0776     MK        VIDEO
Mark with function or press PF key
Command ==>
      Help  Menu  Exit        Prtr  Selec  -     +    
Column Description
Init ID Value of the system variable *INIT-ID when creating the report.
Inituser Value of the system variable *INIT-USER when creating the report.
Device Value of the system variable *DEVICE when creating the report.
LOST For reports with status LOST, the program name, error number and line are shown.

Pressing PF9 once more displays the fourth Detailed Attributes screen.

Time 13:40:56        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                    Detailed Attributes 4              File 7/411      
Cmd Q Dest/Form    Creation Date/Time  TF  Ret.P. Calendar Del. Date  ASA CCnt.
--- - ----------   ------------------- --- ------ -------- ---------- --- -----
 SE   ________ _
 __   DARMSTD  1   1997-07-18 07:51:56 CPU 1         --        --     On   No 
 __   DARMSTD  1   1997-07-18 08:19:26 CPU 1         --        --     On   No
 __   DAEPRT12 A   1997-07-18 09:37:20 CPU 1         --        --     On   No 
 __   DARMSTD  1   1997-07-18 10:15:13 CPU 1         --        --     On   No
 __   DARMSTD  1   1997-07-18 11:18:24 CPU 1         --        --     On   No
 __   DARMSTD  1   1997-07-18 12:48:38 CPU 1         --        --     On   No
 __   DARMSTD  1   1997-07-21 09:17:50 CPU 1         --        --     On   No
Mark with function or press PF key
Command ==>
      Help  Menu  Exit        Prtr  Selec  -     +    Det 5 Det 3 Top   Canc
Column Description
Creation Date/Time Date and time given from the CPU when the report was created.
Ret.P. Retention period specified for the used logical printer. See Function 31.2.
Calendar Name of the calendar assigned to the logical printer. See Function 31.2.
Del. Date Date when the report can automatically be deleted if this feature has been activated (see Function 30.5).

The deletion date is computed by using the retention period and the specifications in a calendar.

ASA Value ON indicates that the report lines start with the default control characters for line feed, form feed and carriage return.

Value OFF indicates that the default control characters are suppressed.

CCnt. Value Yes indicates that the report was created by using DEFINE PRINTER (rep) OUTPUT 'CCONTROL'.

Pressing PF9 once more displays the fifth Detailed Attributes screen.

Time 13:34:30        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                    Detailed Attributes 5              File 7/411      
Cmd Q Dest/Form  Additional error information   
--- - ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------
 SE   ________ _                                                               
 __   DR1171   A       
 __   DARMSTD  1    
 __   DARMSTD  1    
 __   DAEPRT12 A     
 __   DARMSTD  1    
 __   DARMSTD  1    
 __   DARMSTD  1
 __   DARMSTD  1    
Mark with function or press PF key
Command ==>
      Help  Menu  Exit        Prtr  Selec  -     +    Det 1 Det 4 Top   Canc

If the spool server detects any error, the report status is changed and an error message is sent to the console or written to the log file.

Part of this information is stored for the report and shown on this screen.

Top of page