Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Natural Advanced Facilities  —

NAF - Devices - Function 11

When you invoke this function, the Device Status screen appears.

Time 14:48:52        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User  SAG                        Device Status                 File 7/411
Cmd Phys.Prt Stat  Reason  /Fct. Cluster   O  P Dest/Form  Job No System
--- -------- ----  ------------- --------  -  - ---------- ------ -------------
 SE ________ ____                             _ ________ _        ________
 __ A001     FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
 __ BPM      DEAC     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
 __ BS2PID   FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   BS2000
 __ DAEPRTCA FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
 __ DAEPRT10 FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
 __ DAEPRT12 FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   IMS TM
 __ DAEPRT13 FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
 __ DAEPTR10 FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
 __ DAPERT13 FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
 __ DEAPRTCA FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
 __ DR1171   FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   BS2000
 __ DR1490   FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   BS2000
 __ HCTEST   FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
 __ HHIPID   FREE     --     --     --     -  N                   CICS
Enter command or press PF key.
Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Repo        Selec  -     +    Det 1       Top   Canc

In the Cmd column on the left, you can enter the commands described below.

In the SE line, you can specify selection criteria. A list of printers matching the selection criteria will then be shown. For example, if you only want to display a list of deactivated printers, enter DEAC in the Stat column of the SE line.

PF4 displays the Report(s) screen.

PF6 displays the Printer Selection screen.

PF7 displays the previous screen page, PF8 displays the next screen page, and PF11 returns you to the top of the list.

Pressing PF9 two times displays two different screens with more detailed printer information (see the output examples).

This section provides information on the screen columns, the types of printer status, the commands and the PF keys provided with the Devices function.

Screen Columns

Column Description
Phys.Prt Physical printer to which the report has been assigned.
Stat Printer status.
Reason/Fct. CICS:

Error during the check of availability of a printer or during the start of the spool server.


Error during START REGION command for BMP (see relevant IMS/VS literature for status code).


Return codes from the spool server, especially those of the system macros YSEND, YRECEIVE, SOLSIG and PRINT, or negative acknowledgments from the printer hardware.

Cluster Name of the attached cluster.
O Entered operator command.
P Printer mode Private (Y/N).
Dest/Form Destination and form of the report.
Job No Job number of the report.
System The TP system for which the printer has been defined.

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Printer Status

The following table describes the various types of printer status.

Status Description
BUSY A free printer has been selected and the spool server has got control.
FREE The printer is ready to be activated (a spool server can be started on the printer).
DEAC The printer has been deactivated by the operator command DE. To restart the printer, reset it to FREE by using the command FR or AC, and enter a start command on the Report Selection screen.

A start command for a spool server was issued, but failed. Reasons for failure are any exceptional conditions of the EXEC CICS START command.

The most probable conditions are: the physical printer as added on the spool file is not defined or has been mistyped in the CICS Terminal Control Table; or the transaction identifier of the spool server as defined in the CICS options is not defined or has been mistyped in the CICS Program Control Table.

To restart the printer, reset it to FREE by using FR, and enter a start command on the Report Selection screen.


An IMS TM /STA REG command was issued, and a non-blank status code was returned.


The printer cannot be activated, because information on the DCAM table, the message header or the header page is missing.


A start command for a spool server has been executed successfully. After logon to SYSPRINT, it was detected that the printer:

  • was not available; or

  • was no longer available (invalid terminal ID); or

  • the terminal status (TCTTETS) of the printer is greater than 15.

The most probable cause is an invalid definition in the CICS Terminal Control Table. To restart the printer, reset it to FREE by using FR, and enter a start command on the Report Selection screen.


A start command for a report has successfully been executed, but the printer is not available. The printer has to be restarted manually by resetting it to FREE using FR, and issuing a start command on the Report Selection screen.

OUTS This status only applies to CICS.

The printer is designated as OUT OF SERVICE by CICS (that is, it is not polled by CICS).

To restart the printer, reset it to FREE by using FR, and enter a start command on the Report Selection screen.

If the printer is still OUT OF SERVICE in CICS, a window appears indicating possible CICS problems. If you enter the FORCE command in this window, NATSPOOL sets the printer IN SERVICE and starts the spool server.

PDER Error in printer definition.
PEND A free printer has been selected but the spool server has not yet got control.

For CICS usage, each status type describes the printer as it is defined to NATSPOOL. The CICS printer status (CEMT I TERM(XXXX)) can be different from the NATSPOOL status. For example, it is possible to set a printer FREE in NATSPOOL while it is OUT OF SERVICE in CICS.

Top of page


For each printer, administration functions can be invoked by entering any of the line commands listed below in the Cmd column.

Command Description
Status functions
AC Activate a printer which has the status DEAC.
DE Deactivate the printer.
FR Set the printer to status FREE.
Form functions
PM Premount a form (Destination/Form).
RM Remove a form (Destination/Form).
Operator functions
FL Stop printout on the activated printer and continue with the next report.
HI Stop the activated printer immediately.
ST Stop the activated printer after the end of the report.
PO Position the printout to the beginning of the page.
Miscellaneous functions
DQ Show the current report queue for the active printer.
ZO Show detailed information for a physical printer.

Top of page

PF Keys

Example of Output from PF6

Time 13:58:06        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                      Printer Selection                File 7/411      
 Printer selection                                                             
 All printers         X                                                        
 For user ID          ________                                                 
 For printer          ________                                                 
 Optional selection parameters                                                 
 Destination ________ /Form _       Status ____       Private (Y/N)   _        
 System      CICS____                                 Cluster         ________ 
Enter values for selection.                                                    
Command ===>                                                                   

On this screen, you can select printers.

If Natural Security is installed, the modifiable fields in this screen depend on the defined user type.

The Cluster field only appears, if the cluster option has been activated (see Function 30.5) .

Example of Output from PF9

Pressing PF9 once displays the first Detailed Attributes screen.

Time 13:59:09        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                    Detailed Attributes 1              File 7/411      
Cmd Phys.Prt Stat Std Ow St Fc La.Dest/Form  FF C. FF   LF   Ser.Exi. NTCC Type
--- -------- ---- --- -- -- -- ------------- ----- ---- ---- -------- -------- 
 SE ________ ____                                                              
 __ A001     FREE  N   N  Y       --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01 --
 __ BPM      DEAC  N   N  N  N    --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01 --
 __ BS2PID   FREE  N   N  Y       --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPD9001 D9001
 __ DAEPRTCA FREE  N   N  N  N    --     / -   B   0C00 1500 USPSER01
 __ DAEPRT10 FREE  Y   N  N  N    --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01
 __ DAEPRT12 FREE  Y   N  Y  N    --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01
 __ DAEPRT13 FREE  Y   N          --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01
 __ DAEPTR10 FREE  N   N          --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01
 __ DAPERT13 FREE  N   N          --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01
 __ DEAPRTCA FREE  N   N  N  N    --     / -   B   0C00 1500   --
 __ DR1171   FREE  N   N  Y  N    --     / -   B   0D15 0D15 USPSER01 STDPRT
 __ DR1490   FREE  N   N  N  N    --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01 STDPRT
 __ HCTEST   FREE  N   N  N  N    --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01
 __ HHIPID   FREE  N   N  N       --     / -   B   0D0C 0D15 USPSER01
Enter command or press PF key.
Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Repo        Selec  -     +    Det 2       Top   Canc
Column Description
Std Indicates whether existing standard profiles (logical printer, allocation) are used (Y/N).
Ow. Indicates whether an owner was defined for the printer (Y/N).
St. Indicates whether statistics have been activated (Y/N).
Fc. Indicates whether a check for form is to occur (Y/N).
La.Dest/Form The last or currently mounted form.
FF-C. Form feed control definition.
FF Definition for form feed sequence.
LF Definition for line feed sequence.
Ser.Exi. The name of the subprogram called by the spool server when printing on this printer.
NTCC Type Defined printer type.

Pressing PF9 once more displays the second Detailed Attributes screen. The layout of this screen depends on the operating and TP system (BS2000/OSD, CICS or IMS TM).

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