Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Installation  —

Overall Installation Verification

This document describes how to verify the successful completion of the preceding installation procedures.

The following topics are covered:

Installation Verification for Base Natural

For base Natural, there are no specific installation verification procedures. After the last step of the installation procedure has been successfully performed, check that the following results are available:

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Installation Verification for the TP-Monitor Interface

Once you have installed a Natural/TP-monitor interface (as outlined at the beginning of this documentation in the section Overview of the Installation Process), you should verify the successful installation of the TP-monitor interface.

Before you start the verification procedure, ensure that you have already created the EMPLOYEES sample file; if not, refer to the appropriate Adabas documentation for information on how to create it.

Start of instruction setTo verify the successful installation of the TP-monitor interface, proceed as follows:

  1. Invoke the Natural utility SYSDDM by entering the following command in the Natural command line:


    On the SYSDDM menu, enter Code "E" (Edit DDM) and DDM Name "EMPLOYEES". Press PF3 to quit.

    Enter Code "C" (Catalog DDM), the file number and the database ID of your EMPLOYEES demo file and Replace "Y".

    After these functions have been performed, exit from SYSDDM.

  2. Log on to library SYSEXSYN:


    EDIT, CHECK, STOW, RUN, EXECUTE the example programs FNDSOR and REAEX1S in this library.

  3. Invoke SYSEXV:


    Try the programs in this library; they demonstrate the new features provided by the current Natural version.

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