Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Installation  —

General Installation Information

This document contains general installation information concerning the operating systems z/OS, z/VSE, VM/CMS, BS2000/OSD, the TP monitor system interfaces and the Natural add-on units.

The following topics are covered:


Before you can install the new version of Natural, the following products must already be installed and the following requirements must be met at your site:

To use VSAM system files, see Using VSAM System Files.

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Overview of the Installation Process

The installation process comprises the following basic parts:

  1. Creating an executable module for batch operation

  2. Creating a system file containing the Natural objects (programs, maps, etc.)

    Part 1 and Part 2 are described in the sections:

    Installing Natural under z/OS

    Installing Natural under z/VSE

    Installing Natural under VM/CMS

    Installing Natural under BS2000/OSD

  3. Creating executable environments under different TP monitors for using Natural in online mode

    The steps required for Part 3 are described for each TP monitor in the corresponding section of this document.

    Installing the Natural/Com-plete/SMARTS Interface

    Installing the Natural CICS Interface

    Installing the Natural IMS TM Interface

    Installing the Natural TSO Interface

    Installing the Natural UTM Interface

    Installing the Natural TIAM Interface

  4. Installing the optional Natural add-on products and other optional Natural features

    Natural Advanced Facilities *

    Natural Connection *

    Natural for DB2 *

    Natural for SQL/DS *

    Natural SQL Gateway *

    Natural for DL/I *

    Natural for VSAM *

    Natural Optimizer Compiler *

    Installing the Software AG Editor

    Installing the Entire Systems Server Interface

    Installing Natural Security

    Installing and Activating Natural SAF Security *

    Installing the Natural Net Data Interface

    Installation Steps for REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML

    * For installation procedures not included in this document, refer to the relevant add-on product documentation.

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INPL Format

The installation instructions frequently refer to the Natural utility INPL. INPL is used to load the Natural system objects (dataset NATvrs.INPL) into the Natural system files (see below). For details of this utility, refer to the section INPL Utility in the Natural Utilities documentation.

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Installation Options

Natural offers various installation options which affect the setting up of your Natural system. For example, you can decide whether or not to use a Natural global buffer pool, a Natural shared nucleus, etc.

These options are described in the Natural Operations documentation or in the Natural TP Monitor Interfaces documentation. You are recommended to read this information before you begin with the installation of Natural.

Before you install Natural-based subproducts in a new Natural Version 4.2 environment, refer to the corresponding subproduct-specific installation description regarding INPL procedures.

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Natural System Files

Concerning the Natural system files, the following installation-related information applies:


If you wish to upgrade from a previous Natural version, either a new FNAT system file can be used or the previous system file can be reused. For further information, see Migration Hints in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes.


The FUSER system file can be used exclusively by the new Natural version or it can be shared by different versions of Natural. See the step Load the FUSER System File in the appropriate operating-system-specific installation documentation.


The FDIC system file can be used exclusively by the new Natural version or it can be shared by different versions of Natural. See the step Load the FDIC System File in the appropriate operating-system-specific installation documentation.


The FSEC system file can be used exclusively by the new Natural version or it can be shared by different versions of Natural. See the step Load the FSEC System File in the appropriate operating-system-specific installation documentation.

Scratch-Pad File

The Scratch-Pad File is a system file that can be used exclusively by the new Natural version or be shared by different versions of Natural. See step Load the Scratch-Pad File in the appropriate operating-system-specific installation documentation.

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Using VSAM System Files

If you want to use the Virtual Storage Access Method VSAM for storing your system files, a supported version of Natural for VSAM is required.

For the supported versions, refer to Natural and Other Software AG Products in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes.

For further information on the Natural interface to VSAM, refer to the Natural for VSAM documentation.

It is possible to store the system files of different Software AG products on different data base management systems (for example, the Con-nect system file on Adabas and the Natural system file on VSAM). However, if Adabas is available, it is recommended that you use Adabas for all system files.

For information about which Software AG products can be used with VSAM system files, please contact Software AG support or your Software AG representative.

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Using Installation Jobs Generated by System Maintenance Aid (SMA)

The installation of Software AG products is performed by installation jobs. These jobs are either created "manually" or generated by System Maintenance Aid (SMA) Version 2.1.2.

For each step of the installation procedures described below, the job number of a job performing the corresponding task is indicated. This job number refers to an installation job generated by SMA.

For information on the concepts and the usage of Software AG's System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the System Maintenance Aid documentation and to SMA Readme Files.

SMA Readme Files:
For information on important parameters and options, refer to the SMA Function RM (Show Readme File) of the corresponding product.

System Maintenance Aid (SMA) is not available for the operating system VM/CMS.

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Creating Your Own Installation Jobs

If you are not using System Maintenance Aid, you can use the example installation job of the same job number in the job library on the Natural installation tape. You must adapt this example job to your requirements.

Note that the installation job numbers on the tape are preceded by a product code (see list of job number prefixes below).

Job Number Prefixes

The installation job numbers on the tape are preceded by a product code (for example, NATI060 or NATI080). The relevant product codes are mentioned at the beginning of each product-specific installation instruction. The table below contains only some examples.

Product Code Product Name
NAF Natural Advanced Facilities
NAT Base Natural
NCI Natural CICS Interface
NCF Natural Com-plete/SMARTS Interface
(corresponds to Natural Com-plete Interface)
NDB Natural for DB2
NDL Natural for DL/I
NDV Natural Development Server
NII Natural IMS TM Interface
NSB Natural SQL Gateway
NSC Natural Security
NSF Natural SAF Security
NSQ Natural for SQL/DS
NTC Natural Connection
NTI Natural TSO Interface
NVS Natural for VSAM

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