Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Database Management System Interfaces  —

Natural Tools for DB2

Using Natural  Tools for DB2

Invoke the Natural Tools for DB2.
Edit within the Natural Tools for DB2.
Gobal PF-key settings.
Global maintenance commands.

Application Plan Maintenance Maintain application plans and packages.

Catalog Maintenance Maintain the DB2 catalog.

Procedure Maintenance Define, list and insert DB2 stored procedures.

Interactive SQL Generate and issue interactive SQL statements.

Retrieval of System Tables Retrieve data from system tables.

Environment Setting Display and modify environment settings.

Explain PLAN_TABLE List and Explain PLAN_TABLEs.

File Server Statistics Display file server statistics.

Issuing DB2 Commands from Natural Issue DB2 commands from Natural.

Natural System Commands for DB2 Display and explain generated SQL statements.

Natural Tools for DB2 with Natural Security Restrict the use of the Natural Tools for DB by Natural Security.

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