Using Natural Tools for DB2 |
Invoke the Natural Tools for DB2. |
Application Plan Maintenance | Maintain application plans and packages. | |
Catalog Maintenance | Maintain the DB2 catalog. | |
Procedure Maintenance | Define, list and insert DB2 stored procedures. | |
Interactive SQL | Generate and issue interactive SQL statements. | |
Retrieval of System Tables | Retrieve data from system tables. | |
Environment Setting | Display and modify environment settings. | |
Explain PLAN_TABLE | List and Explain PLAN_TABLEs. | |
File Server Statistics | Display file server statistics. | |
Issuing DB2 Commands from Natural | Issue DB2 commands from Natural. | |
Natural System Commands for DB2 | Display and explain generated SQL statements. | |
Natural Tools for DB2 with Natural Security | Restrict the use of the Natural Tools for DB by Natural Security. |