Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Database Management System Interfaces  —

NDB - File Server Statistics

If a file server has been installed, the file server statistics part of the Natural Tools for DB2 is used to display statistics on the use of the file server.

Start of instruction set To invoke the File Server Statistics function

The File Server - Generation Statistics screen is displayed:

  16:53:20              ***** NATURAL TOOLS FOR DB2 *****             2006-05-24
                      - File Server - Generation Statistics -                    
    File Server Dataset Name ......: SAG.N2122.FSERV                             
    Enqueue Resource Name .........: FSERVV609                                   
    Total Number of File Server Blocks ..........: 1000                          
    File Server Block Size ......................: 4080                          
    Number of Space Map Blocks ..................: 2                             
    Number of Global Directory Blocks ...........: 1                             
                               Entries ..........: 203                           
    User Space Allocation Quantities Primary ....: 50                            
                                     Secondary ..: 10                            
    Total Number of Blocks permitted per User ...: 200                           
  Command ===>                                                                   
        Help        Exit                                            Next  Canc

This screen provides information on parameters that must be specified when generating the file server.

If the file server storage medium is the Software AG Editor buffer pool, the File Server - Generation Statistics screen looks as follows:

  16:53:20              ***** NATURAL TOOLS FOR DB2 *****             2006-05-24
                      - File Server - Generation Statistics -                    
    File Server Dataset Name ......: STORAGE MEDIUM IS EDITOR BUFFER POOL        
    Enqueue Resource Name .........:                                             
    Total Number of File Server Blocks ..........: 0                             
    File Server Block Size ......................: 4088                          
    Number of Space Map Blocks ..................: 0                             
    Number of Global Directory Blocks ...........: 0                             
                               Entries ..........: 0                             
    User Space Allocation Quantities Primary ....: 20                            
                                     Secondary ..: 10                            
    Total Number of Blocks permitted per User ...: 100                           
  Command ===>                                                                   
        Help        Exit                                            Next  Canc

If you press PF11 (Next), a second screen is displayed, the File Server - User Statistics screen, showing statistics that have been kept since the file server was installed - Statistics since Generation -, and statistics about the current Natural session - Current Session Statistics.

  16:53:20              ***** NATURAL TOOLS FOR DB2 *****             2006-05-24
                         - File Server - User Statistics -                       
      Statistics since Generation:                                               
     Active Users - Maximum Number: 3          Current Number: 1                 
     Maximum Number of used Blocks for single User ..........: 200               
                                   for all Users ............: 200               
     Number of Block Allocations PRIMARY ....................: 13                
                                 SECONDARY ..................: 17                
     Number of free Blocks ..................................: 997               
     Number of INIT SESSION Calls ...........................: 65                
      Current Session Statistics:                                                
     Total Number of Blocks .................. ...: 0                            
                     Free Blocks .................: 0                            
                     Secondary  Allocations ......: 0                            
     VSAM I/O Buffer inside DB2AREA ........... ..: YES   (Yes/No)               
  Command ===>                                                                   
        Help        Exit                                      Prev        Canc

If you press PF10 (Prev), you are returned to the File Server - Generation Statistics screen.

Statistics are updated, each time you press ENTER, PF10, or PF11.

If the file server storage medium is the Software AG Editor buffer pool, the user Statistics screen looks as follows:

  16:53:20              ***** NATURAL TOOLS FOR DB2 *****             2006-05-24
                         - File Server - User Statistics -                       
     Statistics since Generation:                                                
     Active Users - Maximum Number: 3          Current Number: 0                 
     Maximum Number of used Blocks for single User ..........: 0                 
                                   for all Users ............: 0                 
     Number of Block Allocations PRIMARY ....................: 0                 
                                 SECONDARY ..................: 0                 
     Number of free Blocks ..................................: 0                 
     Number of INIT SESSION Calls ...........................: 0                 
     Current Session Statistics:                                                 
     Total Number of Blocks .................. ...: 20                           
                     Free Blocks .................: 20                           
                     Secondary  Allocations ......: 0                            
     VSAM I/O Buffer inside DB2AREA ........... ..: YES   (Yes/No)               
  Command ===>                                                                   
        Help        Exit                                      Prev        Canc

Note that the section "Statistics since Generation" could not be provided by this display.

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