Command Reference

This document lists, explains and provides examples of all Natural ISPF session, function and local commands.

Before consulting any command described here, you should read section Command Logic.

Bear in mind that you can issue session and function commands from any system screen. You can issue local commands only from Editor screens (lists of object names, objects in EDIT or BROWSE mode).

Editor commands are described in section Editor.

This document covers the following topics:

Note about Command Syntax Symbols

The following symbols are used in the description of command syntax:

Symbol Name Meaning
[ ] Square brackets Enclosed elements are optional.
{ } Braces Only one of the enclosed elements can be specified.
[{ }]   Enclosed elements are optional, but if you do make a selection, only one element may be specified.
; Semicolon Assumed command delimiter when entering multiple commands (see your user profile).

Do not type in brackets or braces as part of the command input.

Session Commands - Description

With Natural ISPF session commands, you can control your Natural ISPF session(s) and navigate within the system. Session commands can be issued from any system screen.

This subsection describes session commands in alphabetical order.


Opens a window with a list of all Natural ISPF sessions you have started. The current session appears highlighted.

The command format is:



You can issue any of the following line commands for any session in the list:

Command Function
P Makes the selected session the current session (see the POP session command).
S Moves the selected session to the other half of the screen in split-screen mode.
- Terminates the selected session(s); if the session is an edit session, it is ended without saving modifications.

When you close the activity display with ENTER or PF3, the session selected with the P line command will be the current (active) session.

You can give a session a short name by typing the short name in the appropriate field in the column headed Name in the activity window. This serves for easy identification of the session in a subsequent POP command. Alternatively, you can type a PF key name in the Name field. Pressing this PF key calls the associated session to display. This PF key is valid only until you change it or log off from Natural ISPF, and overrides the PF definition in your user profile.

The following is an example of an ACTIVITY window:

   S*>>>EDIT-NAT:NSPFHELP(ALL)-Text->Report-Free-42K ------------- Columns 001 072
    COMMAND===> activity                                           SCROLL===> CSR
   ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
    +------------------------N-ISPF ACTIVITY TABLE-------------------------+
    !                                                                      !
    !  Cmd Name Session                                                    !
    !  --- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------- !
    !      PF6  WORKPOOL - ENTRY PANEL                                     ! e  to
    !      PF7  LIST-PDS:BRY.COMN.SOURCE(*)                                ! list.
    !      PF5  NATURAL VIEW - ENTRY PANEL                                 ! uting
    !      F1   EDIT-NAT:NSPFHELP(ALL)-Text                                !
    !                                                                      !
    !                                                                      !
    !                                                                      !
   000130 &L
   000140   ALL ED
   000150   The command edit is executed for  all  members  of  the  list.  If  an
   000160  #end§command usually assigned to #PF3§ is  entered,  the  current  edit
   000170   session is terminated and an edit session for the next§member from the
   000180   list is opened.
   000190 &L
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

The window shows four Natural ISPF sessions, the Natural EDIT session being the current session. You can call this session to display from any screen using the command:


If you press PF6 from any screen, the Workpool Entry Panel becomes the current session.


Activates the Natural application specified in the command parameters.

The command format is:

APPLICATION library[startup-program[parameters]]


Parameter Meaning
library The Natural library to be invoked.
startup-program The program to be started.
parameters First parameter(s) of the startup program


Command Function
APP SYSERR Displays the Natural SYSERR Utility Menu.
APP SYSDDM MENU Displays the Natural View Maintenance Menu.
APP SYSMAIN MENU C Selects the COPY function on the SYSMAIN menu.

The APPLICATION command is especially useful for the system administrator in menu definition, allowing applications written in Natural to be integrated into the Natural ISPF menu structure (see also the section Menu Maintenance in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide).


Invokes the Natural Edit Buffer Pool Utility (see the section Buffer Pool and Recovery Files in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide).

The command format is:



Modifies the break interval defined in your user profile. The value specified is the number of trace windows to be displayed before you are prompted to interrupt processing: BREAK PROCESS (Y/N). For example, after the command BREAK 3, you are given the opportunity to interrupt processing every 3 trace windows.

The command format is:

BREAK {n }

where n stands for the number of trace windows to be displayed before the break in processing is allowed, and OFF disables the break feature.

For more information, see the subsection Break in Processing in the section Useful Features.


Invokes the calculator on your screen that allows you to perform computation in numeric or hexadecimal mode.

The command format is:


For more information, see the subsection Using the Calculator in the section Useful Features.


Invokes the Magic-Character definition screen in your user profile. You can define magic characters for any number of Natural ISPF commands (see the subsection Magic-Character Definition in the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:



Defines the colors to be used by the Natural ISPF browser, which is responsible for all LIST, BROWSE and EDIT sessions. The colors used in other screens cannot be modified with this profile option.

The command format is:


For more information, see the subsection Editor Color Definition in the section Profile Maintenance.


Specifies whether confirmation windows are used when performing functions such as DELETE, COMPRESS, CATALOG and UNCATALOG. You can use this command to override the setting in your user profile.

The command format is:


Meaning of the parameters:

Parameter Meaning
ON (default) Used after a CONFIRM OFF command issued from the same system screen. Reactivates the confirmation feature according to the setting in your user profile (LONG or SHORT).
OFF Deactivates the confirmation feature for the current screen. Useful when deleting multiple items from a list in a single input operation with multiple D line commands. The message CONFIRM OFF is displayed in the message line. As soon as another system screen is invoked from the current one, an implicit CONFIRM ON is performed.
LONG Confirmation windows are used. Confirm by entering the object name in the window.
SHORT Confirmation windows are used. Confirm by entering Y in the window.

If you issue the CONFIRM command without parameters, the default is ON, taking LONG or SHORT from your user profile.


The command format is:


The CONTINUE command can be used in command scripts to gain more flexible control in error situations. If no CONTINUE statement is in the command script, the script is set to PAUSE mode after an error.

If a CONTINUE statement (which can be compared to a label) is in the script and an error occurs, the following actions are taken:

  • RECORD ON is set internally if not activated by the user.

  • The command causing the error and the message is recorded.

  • All lines of the script until the next CONTINUE command are deleted and execution of these lines is skipped.

  • Processing continues with the next CONTINUE statement. All following statements are executed.

  • Termination resets RECORD to its previous value and informs the user if an error has occurred.


The above script modifies the user profile, and by using the CONTINUE command, it makes sure that PF3 is reset to the value from the user profile after execution of the script, even if errors have occurred during execution of the script.


Applies to CA Panvalet and CA Librarian only. CONTROL OFF suppresses the automatic control cards passed to CA Panvalet or CA Librarian when a member is saved. Only the edited data (which may include user-defined control cards) are sent to CA Panvalet or CA Librarian.

The command format is:


Meaning of the parameters:

Parameter Meaning
ON (default) Re-activates the automatic control cards
OFF cards in the member Suppresses the automatic control cards. You can define your own control

You must issue the CONTROL command before opening the new Editor session.


Displays your User Defaults definition screen in your user profile. You can modify any default (see the subsection User Defaults in the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:



Displays the general defaults specific to BS2000 sites in your user profile. You can modify any default as required (see the subsection General Defaults in the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:


Note that this command is available only if the BS2000 subsystem is enabled at your site.


Displays the defaults specific to submitting BS2000 jobs in your user profile. You can modify any default as required (see the subsection Submit Defaults in the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:


Note that this command is available only if the BS2000 subsystem is enabled at your site.


Invokes the Editor Profile definition screen in your user profile. You can modify your Editor profile (see the subsection Editor Profile in the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:


Any modifications made to your Editor profile using this command only affect subsequently opened edit sessions, not already existing ones.


Returns you to the previous screen. Issued from the Main Menu, END terminates the Natural ISPF session. Issued from the last session, this command returns you to Natural.

This command is usually assigned to PF3.

The command format is:



Terminates all Natural ISPF sessions and Natural immediately. The command corresponds to LOGOFF IMM;FIN.

The command format is:



Switches between PF key display (from PF1-PF12 to PF13-PF24 or vice versa). See also the KEYS session command.

The command format is:



Starts the generation of a command processor for Natural ISPF. For more information, see the subsection NCP Concept in the section System Configuration of the Natural ISPF Administration Guide.

The command format is:



Issued without parameter, displays a screen-related help text. The HELP command is usually assigned to PF1.

The help text is displayed according to the following hierarchy:

  • Menu help text defined by your system administrator;

  • Help text from the online help facility.

You can also issue the HELP command with a parameter indicating the topic on which help is required from any system screen in the format



Parameter Meaning
INDEX Lists all objects for which there is a help text. You specify any object in a HELP command to display the related help text.
object The object for which a help text is required. This can be any object listed by the HELP INDEX command. Enter the asterisk wildcard (*) and press ENTER to generate selection lists of objects with the same prefix (see examples below)
:C Is substituted by the string marked by the cursor (see the subsection Cursor-Sensitive String Selection in the section Useful Features). If you use the :C directive from a help screen, you need not type in the HELP command keyword.

In addition to the HELP command, most menus offer the command NHLP which takes you to the Natural help system directly.


Command Function
HELP LIST Displays the help text for the command LIST.
HELP L* Displays a selection list of all items and commands starting with L for which there is a help text. You can select any item from the list to display the associated help text.
HELP FEATURES Displays help text for special Natural ISPF features.
HELP nnnn Displays a help text for error message number nnnn.
HELP :C With cursor on string EDIT, executes the command HELP EDIT.

Items in the body of a help text for which there is a separate help appear in reverse video (on color terminals: yellow).


Used without parameter, displays current PF key assignments in your user profile. You can modify the assignments and specify whether and which PF keys are displayed on system screens (see the subsection PF-Key Definition in the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:

       [OFF] [string]
       [FIRST] [INITIAL]

The string and INITIAL parameters are only valid in conjunction with n (see below).

The parameters have the following meaning:

Parameter Meaning
OFF Eliminates the PF key line and associated command line from display.
ON (default) Displays the PF key line and associated command line.
FIRST Displays PF1 - PF12.
LAST Displays PF13 - PF24.
n string Assigns a command string to PF key n. If the string consists of more than one command, you must separate the commands with two command delimiters. If you use only one command delimiter here, Natural ISPF executes the KEYS command up to the first delimiter, and then executes each command in the string in turn (see also the subsection PF Key Assignments in the section Command Logic).
n INITIAL Resets PF key n to its initial value as defined in the user profile. This is especially useful for resetting a PF key in a command script to its original value after temporary modification.


Command Function
KEYS 24 SEP;;SPLIT Assigns the command sequence SEPARATE;SPLIT to PF24 (note the use of the double command delimiter).
KEYS 3 PAUSE Assigns the command PAUSE to PF3
... CONTINUE KEYS 3 INITIAL ... and resets it later to its initial value.


Redisplays the last ten (10) commands entered via the keyboard in this session (but see note below). You can select any command for reexecution, or modify any command by overtyping it before reexecution. Select the required command from the list by placing the cursor on it and pressing ENTER.

If a command is executed again, it is always put on top of the last command buffer. This keeps the commands used most in the buffer. Additionally, you can also delete commands from the last buffer. Commands not used again can be deleted; this avoids automatic deletion of commands likely to be reused.

The command format is:


To be stored for redisplay, the command must consist of at least two words. Commands entered by PF key, magic character or selected from a selection window are not stored. This also applies to commands entered using menu options.


The LOGOFF session command allows you to terminate Natural ISPF even if you are working with several sessions.

The command format is:

LOGOFF [IMM] [;Natural-command]
  • If your Editor profile has AUTOSAVE=OFF and you issue the LOGOFF command without parameters, logoff processing is interrupted if an Editor session with modified data is detected.

  • If your Editor profile has AUTOSAVE=ON and you issue the LOGOFF command without parameters, all modifications are saved during logoff processing.

If you wish to terminate Natural ISPF immediately, that is, regardless of any modifications, you can use the IMM (IMMEDIATE) parameter. All sessions will be closed without saving and Natural ISPF will be terminated.

You can concatenate the LOGOFF command with any valid Natural command.

If Natural ISPF is the only user interface installed, all sessions will be closed and you return to the Natural ISPF main menu.


Command Function
LOGOFF;FIN Terminates Natural ISPF as described above and terminates the Natural session.
LOGOFF IMM;FIN Terminates Natural ISPF immediately and terminates the Natural session.
LOGOFF IMM;SYSPROF Terminates Natural ISPF immediately and logs on to library SYSPROF.


Logs on to the specified Natural library as a default library from any system screen.

The command format is:

LOGON  library-name

The new library is addressed as the default library by function commands for Natural objects and as the library in the session command Natural.

Use this command especially if Natural ISPF is installed as the only user interface, because in this case, the Natural LOGON command (NAT LOGON) does not apply.


The MACPARM command is used in command scripts to stack data which is read by a macro using an input statement later in the command script.

This avoids prompting by the macro for parameters, when using macros in a command script. The MACPARM command must be the only command in a source line.

The command format is:



Parameter Meaning
p1 Maximum length of this parameter is 50 bytes and it can contain blanks.


Command Function
MACPARM LS PDS JW(A*) PLAY MAC MAC1 Passes command LS PDS JW(*) to macro MAC1.

Another useful example can be found in member VERIFY in our example library.


Specifies whether macros are expanded in Natural programs and other sources that include inline macros or the INCLUDE-MACRO statement. For details, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.

The command format is:


where ON specifies macro expansion and OFF specifies non-expansion. Default is ON.


Activates a defined menu. For example, the command MENU MAIN displays the Natural ISPF Main Menu. The name of the menu must be defined in the menu maintenance facility, see the section Menu Maintenance in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide.

The command format is:

MENU name

where name specifies the menu name as defined in the menu maintenance facility.


The MESSAGE command can be used in command scripts to display a text during execution of a script on the screen and to interrupt the active command script. The MESSAGE command must be the only command in a source line.

The command format is:

MESSAGE  nnnn[p1,p2 ... pm]


Parameter Meaning
nnnn Must be a 4-digit error message number. First, the user library SYSISPFU is searched for the message text. If it does not exist, it is taken from the system library SYSISPS1.
p1, ... pm Optional parameters which are used to replace variable parameters (:1: . . . . . . :m:) in the text. Parameters must be separated with your parameter delimiter, usually a comma , and can contain blanks.


Command Function

Results in the following message if no text for this number is available in the user library SYSISPFU:

Member MYPROG not found.
MESSAGE 6809,Please enter some text

Results in the following message if no text for this number is available in the user library SYSISPFU:

Please enter some text

Another useful example can be found in member VERIFY in our example library.


Invokes the Natural Defaults definition screen in your user profile which allows you to set several defaults that affect your working environment in Natural ISPF. For more information, see the subsection Natural Defaults in the section Profile Maintenance.

The command format is:



When you enter this command, a window prompts you for your user ID, password and Entire System Server node ID. Performs a logon to Entire System Server on the specified node.

The command format is:



Suspends your Natural ISPF session and invokes the Natural environment. You can return to your Natural ISPF session at any time by issuing the command SPF.

The command format is:

NATURAL [Natural-command and parameters]

If the Natural command is issued with parameters, the parameters are executed by Natural and you are automatically returned to Natural ISPF.


Displays a summary of changes in the current release of Natural ISPF (new features, enhancements, etc.), selectable by topic after the NEWS command has been issued.

The command format is:



From Version 2.1.1 onward, this command is no longer needed and has no effect. However, it is still accepted for compatibility reasons.

The command format is:



Selects the Entire System Server node ID specified with the command keyword. This command changes the default node and has no effect on existing sessions.

The command format is:



Invokes the Entire System Server node table, which offers active help for the NODE field in several Natural ISPF screens. For more information, see the subsection Entire System Server Node Table in the section System Configuration of the Natural ISPF Administration Guide.

The command format is:



Displays the NSPF Parameters definition screen. You can modify any parameter (see the subsection Natural ISPF Parameters in the section System Configuration in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide).

The command format is:



Signals Natural ISPF that the command entered in the same input operation is an operator command. For easier operator command input, you are advised to assign this command to a magic character (see the subsection Magic-Character Definition in the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:

OPERATOR operator-command

If the command line is too short for an operator command, type a plus sign + at the end of the command line. This invokes a prompt window in which you can enter an operator command of up to 80 bytes long. Also, you are advised to use the plus sign if the operator command string contains special characters that have a special function in Natural ISPF (magic character, delimiter), as the window does not interpret special characters.


The PAUSE session command can be written in a command script that is executed with the PLAY function command. It must be either the only or the last command in a source line of the script. When the script is executed, it is interrupted at the place of the PAUSE command.

To continue the script, you can issue the PAUSE command from the Natural ISPF command line. You can also use the PAUSE command if a command script is interrupted due to an invalid command: the command appears in the command line. You can correct the command, press ENTER to reexecute it, and then issue the PAUSE command to continue the script.

The PAUSE command must always be the last command or the only command in a script line, otherwise it is ignored.

The command format is:


See also the subsection Executing Command Scripts in the section Useful Features.


If the execution of a Natural ISPF command script is interrupted due to the PAUSE command, you can cancel the script by issuing the command PLAY OFF. The script entry is also deleted from the workpool.

The command format is:


See also the subsection Executing Command Scripts in the section Useful Features.


Selects the specified Natural ISPF session for work.

The command format is:

POP [string]

where string identifies the required session by the short name assigned in the ACTIVITY window or by any string from the session's header line. For example, the command


selects the Natural ISPF session that might have EDIT-PDS:NSP.V100.JCL(JOB1) as its header. If you use the POP command without a parameter, you can select a session by placing the cursor on it (usually on its header line). If the cursor remains in the current session, a window with selectable sessions appears. The current session is highlighted, the other sessions are numbered. Press ENTER to select the current session, or select any other session by entering its number in the input field.


Invokes the user Profile Menu. You can select any option (see the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:



Activates the recording of Natural ISPF commands issued and the resulting error messages. The recorded messages are held in the User Workpool in the member RECORD. This member can be played (the commands are executed, see the PLAY function command).

The command format is:


RECORD or RECORD ON activates recording of commands. RECORD OFF ends recording. If a command causes an error, the error message is also recorded, but prefixed by two asterisks (**). The PLAY command ignores these lines.


If you lose files for any reason (for example, after an abnormal termination), Natural ISPF notifies you with a message the next time you log on. The RECOVER command displays a list of the lost files which you can select with a line command for further editing and saving, browsing or deleting.

The command format is:


See also the subsection Recovery in the section Useful Features.


Refreshes screen display.

The command format is:



The REMARK command is used in command scripts for documentation purposes and must be the only command in a source line.

The command format is:



REMARK The following command extracts all members
REMARK including the string ADABASLIS


Returns directly to the Natural ISPF Main Menu of the current session. If you issue this command from an edit session, Natural ISPF prompts you to SAVE or CANCEL any modifications.

The command format is:



Allows you to send a message to up to five TSO, TIAM or Com-plete users anywhere within the network. A window opens prompting you for user ID(s), destination node number and message text. See also the subsection Message Switching in the section Useful Features.

The command format is:



Splits the current screen from its session to create two separate and distinct sessions, for example, after selecting a member from a list for an EDIT operation: the edit screen and the list become two separate sessions.

The command format is:


Useful in conjunction with the SPLIT session command to display two screens from the same session, for example, an edit session and the list of objects from which it was started. Use the command sequence:


See the subsection Multi-Session Operations in the section Useful Features for a more detailed example.


Displays the Short Libraries definition screen for library names in your user profile. You can define a two-character alias for any library (see the subsection Library Definition in the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:



Switches your session to split-screen mode. Your screen is divided horizontally into two at the cursor position or at the line number specified as command parameter. An existing session is redisplayed in the lower part of your screen. If there are no other existing sessions, a new one is started.

The command format is:


where n is the line number at which the screen is to be split (n must be smaller than the available number of lines for the screen). The SPLIT command is usually assigned to PF2.


Suspends the current Natural ISPF session and starts a new one.

The command format is:


The SUSPEND command is usually assigned to PF4.


When in split-screen mode, makes the other session active. The cursor moves to the first input field of the activated session. When issued from a session in full-screen mode, recalls a suspended session in wrap-around fashion.

The command format is:


The SWAP command is usually assigned to PF9.


Displays technical information on Natural ISPF.

The command format is:



Modifies the trace interval in seconds defined in your user profile. When you issue a command, a message appears in a window if the function is not yet complete after the specified interval. The message informs you of Natural ISPF activity, for example, PROCESSING 44 MEMBERS. The message is updated at the specified interval.

The command format is:


where n stands for the interval in seconds, and OFF disables the trace feature.

If you specify TRACE 0, the trace function is also disabled.


Displays site-specific information maintained by your system administrator. For more details, see the subsection Online Technical and Site-Specific Information in the section Useful Features (see also the section Site-specific Online Information in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide).

The command format is:



Reverses the effect of a previous ZOOM command (see the ZOOM command below).

The command format is:



Specifies versioning for PDS, z/VSE and Natural members. This command overrides the setting of the VERSIONS parameter in your user profile (see the subsection User Defaults in the section Profile Maintenance).

The command format is:


where OFF deactivates versioning and ON (re-)activates versioning. ON is the default.


Eliminates the header lines of suspended sessions from your screen. When in split-screen mode, a second ZOOM command displays the current session in full-screen mode. You can return to split-screen mode using the UNZOOM command.

The command format is:


Function Commands - Description

Function commands perform functions on Natural ISPF objects. You can issue a function command in three different ways:

  • Enter a command in the command line and parameters in the parameter fields of the object Entry Panel as appropriate;

  • Use a line command to select an object from a list;

  • Enter command syntax in the command line of any screen in the format

    COMMAND object-type object-parameters,function-parameters

A description of the command parameters follows.

Object Types

Abbreviations of object types used in command syntax are:

In all environments Explanation
BPF Buffer pool files
BPR Recovery files
CON Console
CNF Configuration members
CTN Incore database container
DOC Con-nect documents
ERR Natural error messages
MAC Macro objects
MNU Menus
MV Previous versions of all types
N Natural objects
NLI Natural libraries
NV Natural versions
O Output in workpool
PRD Predict descriptions
R Recovery files
SET Predict cross-reference set
USR Users
V Views
Additional objects under z/OS Explanation
A Active jobs
D Datasets
ENQ System enqueues
J Jobs
LMO Loaded modules
LIB CA Librarian members
LV CA Librarian versions
LOG System log
P PDS members
PV PDS versions
SYS Job SYSOUT files
VOL Volumes
PAN CA Panvalet members
UNI System units
Additional objects under z/VSE Explanation
DA Active jobs
DJ Jobs
DV Volumes
FIL Files
LIB CA Librarian members
LV CA Librarian versions
LOG System log
MEM z/VSE members
SUB Sublibraries
PAN CA Panvalet members
UNI System units
VV Member versions
Additional objects under BS2000 Explanation
BF BS2000 files
BJ BS2000 jobs
BV BS2000 job variables
LMS LMS elements
LMV LMS element versions


There are two types of object parameters.

  • Positional parameters:
    These correspond to the name parameter fields on the object Entry Panel and identify the required object, for example library(member);

  • Keyword parameters:
    Specify a further characteristic of the object that corresponds to a parameter field on the object Entry Panel other than the name parameters. Keyword parameters take the format KEYWORD=value, for example TYPE=t.

    Keyword parameters can be abbreviated. The abbreviation must be long enough to identify the keyword, for example, LIST DS * V=MYDISK. In this case, V is a valid abbreviation for the keyword VOLSER.

    A list of possible keywords and their valid synonyms can be found in the section Keyword Parameters at the end of this documentation.


Command Function Parameters Meaning (Member: KEY-FUNC)
CHANGE NEWCLASS Changes class of job (valid in z/OS and z/VSE environments).
DISP Changes disposition of job in R queue (z/VSE only).
PRIORITY Changes job priority (z/VSE only).
COPIES Changes the number of output copies (z/VSE only).
NEWDEST Changes output destination (valid in z/OS and z/VSE environments).
SHARE Makes file/job variable accessible to other users (for BS2000 files/job variables)
ACCESS Changes protection against modification (for BS2000 files and job variables).
RETPD Changes retention period (for BS2000 files and job variables).
READPSWD Changes read protection (for BS2000 files and job variables).
WRITEPSWD Changes write protection (for BS2000 files and job variables).
EXECPSWD Changes execution protection (for BS2000 files only).
BACKUP-TYPE Changes backup class (for BS2000 files only).
COPY target-parms Object parameters of the source to which the object is to be copied. Replaces the target object with the same name. If this parameter is omitted, no replacement occurs.
DOWNLOAD SOURCE Downloads program source (Natural views and members only).
BINARY Downloads a Natural view or member in binary format.
OBJECT Downloads a cataloged Natural object.
DESTINATION Destination of downloaded Natural object (for example, PC file name).
EXPORT PC Target environment is a PC.
CNT Target environment is Con-nect.
CABINET Name of Con-nect cabinet, where object is to be stored as a document.
PASSWORD If required, Con-nect password to access the cabinet.
DESTINATION Document name under which the object is to be stored. Not required when using the SEND function.
SEND Name of recipient.
TARGET PC or Con-nect.
HOLD LEVEL Holds a version and sets the version number to n.
PRINT name Name of the printer. This printer overrides the printer specified in your user profile.
ASIS Valid from an Editor session only: prints the whole Editor session, including header, PF key line, etc.
CONTROL Honors any ASA or machine code control characters. No additional headers will be printed.
NOCONTROL Deactivates automatic carriage control when printing Natural objects or job SYSOUT files.
DRIVER Specifies the name of a printer control characters table as defined in the Natural NTCC macro, or under Com-plete the name of a logical output driver routine, which can perform additional output formatting during printing.
FORM Specifies a printout form.
NAME Specifies a list name for the printout.
DISP Disposition of the printout.
COPIES Specifies the number of additional printouts.
WORKPOOL Writes the output to the user workpool.
PS Specifies the number of lines per page for the printout.
SUPPRESS Suppresses header information and generation of form feeds.
PRINTER Name of the printer. This printer overrides the printer specified in your user profile.
NOM Uses the extended interface between Natural ISPF and Entire Output Management (NOM).
RELEASE NEWCLASS Releases held output of a job and assigns new class (z/OS only).
RENAME NEWNAME New name of the object to be renamed.
VERSION New version name to be assigned. This keyword is accepted only when renaming an LMS element version.
SUBMIT TARGET=id Where id is the target node on which the job is to be submitted, if different from the current node.
TYPE=IDCAMS The object is not treated as a job, but the command sequence is passed to the IDCAMS utility.
TYPE=TSO The object is passed to the TSO Batch interface and should contain valid TSO commands.
UPLOAD SOURCE Uploads program source (Natural views and members only).
BINARY Uploads a Natural view or member in binary format.
OBJECT Uploads a catalogued Natural.
REPLACE Overwrites an existing object.
FROM Location of Natural object to be uploaded (for example, PC file name).

Which Commands for which Object Type?

Full parameter syntax is described for each object type in the relevant section of this documentation. No special distinction of required and optional parameters is made here, as Natural ISPF supports function command input with windows that prompt you for any required parameter you omit.

This subsection describes all function commands in alphabetical order and gives some examples. Each function command appears together with its valid abbreviation, which can be used as a line command from a list of object names.

Not all function commands apply to each object type. To find out which commands are available for a specific object type, simply type the object type code in the Natural ISPF command line and press ENTER. A window opens with a list of the valid functions.


To list available functions for Natural objects, type the object code N in the command line and press ENTER. The list of valid functions is displayed:

   -------------------------- NATURAL ISPF MAIN MENU -----------------------------
   OPTION  === +---------------------------------------------------+
               ! ENTER FUNCTION:                                   ! id   BRY
               !   1 L  LIST               17 DS DESCRIPTION       !      11:04:01
      0    PRO !   2 B  BROWSE             18 FR FORMAT            ! inal DAEFTC55
      1    NAT !   3 E  EDIT               19 DW DOWNLOAD          ! ary  BRY
      2    VIE !   4 D  DELETE             20 UP UPLOAD            !      148
      3    ERR !   5 R  RENAME             21 CR COMPARE           !
      4    PRE !   6 SB SUBMIT             Select ==> __           !
      5    WOR !   7 PL PLAY                                       !
               !   8 PR PRINT                                      !
      6    JOB !   9 CP COPY                                       !
      7    PDS !  10 CT CATALOG                                    !
      8    DAT !  11 U  UNCATALOG                                  !
      9    JOB !  12 I  INFORMATION                                !
      10   MEM !  13 HL HOLD                                       !
      11   VSE !  14 RU RUN                                        !
      12   BS2 !  15 XE EXECUTE                                    !
      13   LMS !  16 EX EXPORT                                     !
      14   BS2 +---------------------------------------------------+
      15   JOB-VAR'S  - Maintain job variables (BS2000)
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso


Allocates a z/OS dataset, a z/VSE file or a BS2000 file. The ALLOCATE command is usually issued for an existing dataset or file. The allocation information for the existing item is displayed, and you can overtype the name and modify the specifications for the new item.


Command Function
AL D MYFILE Assuming you have a cataloged dataset named MYFILE, this command displays the Allocate Dataset screen with information for the MYFILE. Modify the display for the dataset to be allocated.
AL D NEWFILE VOL=COM811 If you wish to allocate a new, uncataloged dataset without a model, this command displays the blank Allocate Dataset screen for file NEWFILE on Volume COM811.

Under z/OS, this command is invoked implicitly if the target dataset of a copy operation does not exist.


Displays the specified object in Editor format. This means you can use all Editor scrolling commands, including FIND and LOCATE, as well as appropriate local commands described in the subsection Local Commands - Description.


Command Function
BR N NATLIB Browses the Natural object MYPROG in the (MYPROG) library NATLIB.
BR P MYLIB(EX*) Displays a list with members starting with EX in PDS library MYLIB. You can enter another prefix in the window to modify the list, or mark a member with any character to browse it.
BR CON Displays the console; you can issue any operator command if you precede it with the Natural ISPF command OPERATOR.
BR LOG Displays the system log.


Catalogs the specified Natural program or dataset.


The command:


catalogs the Natural program MYPROG in the library NATLIB.


Displays the condition codes of the job specified in the command parameters. Condition codes appear in Editor format in browse mode.


The command:


displays the condition codes for job COM444. If there are several copies of the same job, use the job number parameter, otherwise you are notified with a message and the code for the copy last submitted is selected.

If you issue the CC command without parameters, the job last submitted from Natural ISPF is selected.


Changes one or more attributes of the specified object; valid for z/OS jobs and SYSOUT file(s), z/VSE jobs, BS2000 files and job variables. The new attribute values can be specified by means of function parameters (see below). If none of the available function parameters are present, the new attribute values are prompted.

Available function parameters and restrictions:

Parameter Restriction
NEWCLASS=c (valid in z/OS and z/VSE environments)
DEST=destin or NEWDEST=destin (valid in z/OS and z/VSE environments).
DISP=disp (z/VSE only)
PRIORITY=p (z/VSE only)
COPIES=nnn (z/VSE only)
USER=user (z/VSE only, synonym for DEST)
SHARE=YES/NO (for BS2000 files and job variables)
ACCESS=READ/WRITE (for BS2000 files and job variables)
RETPD=nnnn (for BS2000 files and job variables)
READPSWD=password (for BS2000 files and job variables)
WRITEPSWD=password (for BS2000 files and job variables)
EXECPSWD=password (for BS2000 files only)
BACKUP=t (for BS2000 files only)

Combinations of the above parameters can be specified in one command.

Job classes, output classes and output destinations are installation-dependent.

Example Job Class (z/VSE):

The command:


changes the class of job MYJOB in an z/OS environment from C to a new class which is prompted. Additionally a new output destination can also be specified in the prompt window. If there is more than one copy of the job, use the job number parameter. If JES2.4.1 or a lower version of JES2 is installed at your site, the specified job queue entry must not be in the HOLD queue.

Example Job Class (z/OS):

The command:


changes the class of job MYJOB in an z/OS environment from C to a new class which is prompted. Additionally a new output destination can also be specified in the prompt window. If there is more than one copy of the job, use the job number parameter. If JES2.4.1 or a lower version of JES2 is installed at your site, the specified job queue entry must not be in the HOLD queue.

Example Job Variable (BS2000):

The command:


makes job variable PARMJV shared, that is, accessible to other users; modification of the job variable is password protected.

Example SYSOUT File:

The command:


prompts you for a new job class to which file SO-2 of job number 3982 is to be redirected. The specified job file must be in the HOLD queue.


Compares Natural sources stored in the Natural system file. For further information, see the example in the corresponding subsection of the section Common Objects.


Compresses the specified dataset.


The command:


compresses the dataset L99022.EDITOR.LOAD after confirmation. You are notified of completion by a message.


Copies the specified object as another object of the same or different object type. You can enter target parameters as part of the command syntax.

Under z/OS, if the target dataset of a COPY D dataset-name command does not exist, you are prompted for a file allocation.


Command Function
CP N NATLIB(MYPROG), P MY.ONLY.SOURCE(PROG01) REP Copies Natural program MYPROG in library NATLIB to PDS member PROG01 in dataset MY.ONLY.SOURCE. If member PROG01 already exists in the target library, it is replaced.
CP P MYLIB(ISP*),P YOURLIB Copies all members in PDS library MYLIB that start with ISP to the PDS library YOURLIB.
CP LMS,NAT Prompts you first for the LMS element to be copied, then for the Natural object as destination.

See also the subsection Copying Objects in the section Useful Features, as well as the COPY local command.


Displays the specified Natural DDM.


Command Function
DF V PERSONNEL Displays the field definitions in the PERSONNEL view.
DF V P* Displays a list of views starting with P. You can mark a view with any character to display the field definition.


Deletes the specified object from the system file or system environment after confirmation.


The command:


deletes, without the confirmation prompt, the Natural member NATMEM from the library NATLIB.


Opens an edit session with the Predict long description of the selected Natural object, Natural view or any other Predict object type in Editor format. You can modify the description as required.


The command:


starts an edit session with the Predict description of Natural program MYPROG in library NATLIB.

A Predict entry must exist for the selected object.


Not available for LMS versions.

The DIFFERENCE function is available for any previous version of a versioned object. It displays the current version together with any changes made during the period between the selected version and current version. Changes are indicated by highlighting and a corresponding remark in the prefix area.

For example, the command:


opens a window prompting you for the date and time of a previous version for Natural member MYPROG in library MBE. It is more common, however, to issue the DIFFERENCE function as a line command from a list of previous versions for the member.

See the subsection Versioning in the section Useful Features for an example.


In addition to the EXPORT command, which usually handles text only, the DOWNLOAD command also downloads binary data. Currently it is available for the following Natural ISPF objects:

Object Explanation
N Natural Objects and sources as well as data areas and maps are processed.
V Views Text and binary download possible.
P PDS members Load modules are handled.

The command format is:


The keywords SOURCE BINARY OBJECT are evaluated for views and Natural members only. They have no meaning when downloading PDS members. Any combination of these keywords can be entered in one command, allowing Natural source and object to be downloaded in a single command. If multiple download types are entered, the DESTINATION parameter cannot be entered.

The DESTINATION parameter can be used to enter the PC file name.


Command Function
DOWNLOAD PDS ML(PROG1), DEST=PROG1.NCD Downloads the load module PROG1 to PROG1.NCD in your working directory, if ML is an abbreviation of an z/OS load library.
DOWNLOAD NAT MYPROG, SOURCE OBJEC Downloads source and object of Natural program MYPROG. Entire Connection prompts for PC file names.
DOWNLOAD V EMPLOYEES, BINARY Downloads view (DDM) EMPLOYEES in binary format. Entire Connection prompts for PC file name.

All PC files created with a Natural ISPF DOWNLOAD command can be processed by the UPLOAD command.

You can transfer data to a PC only if you are using a PC to emulate a mainframe terminal with Software AG's Entire Connection.


Starts an edit session with the specified object. If the object does not exist, it is created.


Command Function
E N NATLIB(MYPROG) Starts an edit session with Natural member MYPROG in library NATLIB.
E P MYLIB(EX*) Opens a window with a list of all members starting with EX in the PDS library MYLIB. You can type another prefix in the window to modify the list, or mark a member with any character to start the edit session.
E MYPROG Assuming NAT is set as default object type and NATLIB as default library name in your user profile, this command entered from the Natural ISPF Main Menu is sufficient to start an edit session with member MYPROG in the default library.


The ENTRY command displays the Entry Panel for the specified object type, for example, the command:


displays the Natural Objects Entry Panel. Usually, the system administrator uses this command in menu definition (see the section Menu Maintenance in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide). When working with Natural ISPF, you will normally display an Entry Panel by selecting an option from the Main Menu.

If you use this command as a line command (EN), you can select a specific object from a list. This invokes the Entry Panel for the object type, with the parameter fields filled with the selected object's parameter values. This makes it easy to start sessions with objects with similar names.

See the subsection ENTRY as Line Command in the section Useful Features for an example.


Executes the specified Natural object. The object must be cataloged (CATALOG or STOW command). If the object is a macro object, the generated output is written to the user workpool (see also the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide).


The command:


executes the Natural object MYPROG in library NATLIB.


Exports the specified object to the specified target environment (PC or Software AG's automated office system Con-nect). For more details, including command syntax and available keywords, see the subsection Natural Interface to External Environments in the section Useful Features.


The command:


opens a window in which you can specify the PC file name under which the PDS member MYMEM in library MY.ONLY.SOURCE is to be downloaded.

When you use the EXPORT command from an Editor session, the shortest possible abbreviation is EXP.

You can transfer data to a PC only if you are using a PC to emulate a mainframe terminal with Software AG's Entire Connection.


The EXTENT command displays the extents for a specific dataset, giving the disk address and cylinder size of each one.


The command:


displays extent information for dataset MBE.COMN.SOURCE. For an example of the EXTENTS command, see the section z/OS Objects in this documentation.


Displays all external references to a load module or CSECT (z/OS only).


The command:


displays a list of external references to the load module NATPARM in the load library MBE.COMN.LOAD. For an example, see the subsection Load Modules and CSECTs in the section z/OS Objects.


Instructs Natural ISPF to report progress of the specified job. The status message remains in the message line until the job is in the output queue (z/OS and z/VSE) or until job execution has been completed (BS2000). You can discontinue the status reports by using the command FOLLOW OFF.


The command:


reports the status of job ISPINST in an z/OS environment every time you invoke another system screen. If there is more than one copy of the same job, you are notified with a message, and the copy submitted last is selected.

If you use the FOLLOW command without parameters, the job submitted last from Natural ISPF is the default.


This function command applies only to Natural objects of the type map. The map layout is displayed in a Natural ISPF Editor session. Modifiable fields (AD=A and AD=M) are replaced by a special filler character which is the underscore (_). Variable output fields (AD=O) are replaced by a period (.) .


The command:


displays the map layout in an Editor session.


Issued for a job, this command puts the SYSOUT of the specified job on hold.


The command:


puts the SYSOUT of job ISPINT on hold.

The HOLD command is also available for the current version of an object (not applicable to LMS elements). Placing a member in HOLD status means that it is not counted as an existing version and will not be automatically deleted as further versions of the member are created. For more information and an example, see the subsection Versioning in the section Useful Features.


Displays information about the specified object.


The command:


displays information about Natural object NATPROG in library NATLIB.


Displays a list of specified objects. You can select an object from a list for further handling using appropriate line commands (abbreviations of function commands).

The command LIST DS * gives a list of short names for libraries at system and at user level (see the subsection Library Definition in the section Profile Maintenance.


Command Function
L N NSPFWORK(ISPF*) Lists all Natural objects with prefix ISPF in the library NSPFWORK.
L N SYSTEM(A*) TYPE=PM Lists all Natural programs and maps whose names start with A in library SYSTEM.
L N NATLIB(*) MACRO=MODEL Lists all Natural objects in library NATLIB that used macro object MODEL as edit macro.
L P MB(*INPL) Lists all PDS members in library with short name MB with suffix INPL.
L A OP* TYPE=J Lists all active standard-type jobs with prefix OP (z/OS).
L N C < Lists all Natural members which start with a value less than C in the current library.


  • Displays the output of CA Panvalet or CA Librarian protocol after a member is saved and refers to the member saved most recently.

  • Displays a list of files created by a specific BS2000 job. If the job is not explicitly specified, the job submitted most recently from your Natural ISPF session is selected.


Command Function
OT PAN Displays the protocol of the saved member.
OT BJ 1422 Displays a list of files created by the BS2000 job identified by TSN 1422.


Executes the specified member as a Natural ISPF command script.


The command:


executes the Natural member SCRIPT in the library MYLIB as Natural ISPF commands. For more information and examples of command scripts, see the subsection Executing Command Scripts in the section Useful Features.

The commands described below can be entered interactively but they are meant to be used in Natural ISPF command scripts.

Command Function
CONTINUE Defines labels where processing is to continue after errors during execution of a command script.
MACPARM P112273 Used to enter input parameters in a script for a macro.
MESSAGE Displays a message in the top right corner and enters PAUSE mode.
REMARK Used to document a command script.


Prints the specified object at the hard copy device selected as follows:

  • Printer specified in the function parameters;

  • Printer specified by name in your user profile;

  • Printer specified by name in your user group profile (for example, if your user ID is ABC, profile A*);

  • Printer specified in prompt window that appears if an asterisk (*) is specified as printer in your user profile;

  • If no printer specification is made in your user profile, the printer defined in your TP environment;

  • If no printer is defined in your TP environment, the printer specified by the Natural profile parameter PRINTER2.


Command Function
PR N NATLIB (MYPROG),PRINTER1 Prints Natural member MYPROG from library NATLIB at printer PRINTER1. Automatic carriage control is performed.
PR P MY.ONLY. SOURCE(MYMEM),CC Prints PDS member MYMEM in library MY.ONLY.SOURCE at the selected printer, honoring any ASA or machine code characters in the member. No other headings are printed.
PR N NSPF120(ISPEX1),WORKPOOL Prints Natural member ISPEX1 in library NSPF120 to the user workpool.
PR J COM444,NO Prints the SYSOUT of z/OS job COM444. Automatic carriage control is deactivated.
PR N MYPROG, PRINTER= PRINTER7 COPIES=2 Prints two copies of Natural member MYPROG from the current library at PRINTER7.

The functional parameter NO is available for Natural and job SYSOUT only: without this parameter, automatic carriage control is performed

Printing from an Editor Session

  1. Issue the PRINT command from an Editor session with the object in EDIT or BROWSE mode to print the member;

    When issuing the PRINT command from an Editor session, the current boundary settings (BNDS Editor command) are respected: only the data within the set boundaries are printed.

  2. Use the Editor line command P to print the selected line, or mark the first and the last lines of a block of text with the Editor PP line command to print the block from the member;

When issuing a PRINT command from an Editor session, you can use the special parameter ASIS as follows:

  • If a printer is defined in your Natural ISPF profile, the whole Editor session is printed, including header, prefix, etc.

  • If an asterisk (*) is defined as printer in your Natural ISPF profile, you are prompted with the following window:

      +-----------Print parameters------------+
      !                                       !
      ! Lines per page    : 60                !
      ! Take linesize from                    !
      !   edit session    : X                 !
      !   or screensize   :                   !
      ! Print prefix      : X                 !
      ! Enter printer     : _________         !
      ! Listname          : ________          !
      ! Form              : ____              !
      ! Disp              : L___   (D/H/K/L)  !
      ! Copies            :          (0-255)  !
      ! Log.-Driver       : ________          !
      ! Print via NOM     :          (Y/N)    !

Meaning of the input fields:

Input Field Meaning
Lines per page Number of lines to be printed on a page before a page break.
Take linesize from edit session Mark this field if the line length of the printout is to correspond to the length of the edit session (this might be more than 80).
or screensize Mark this field if the line length of the printout is to correspond to the line length of your screen.
Print prefix Mark this field if you want the prefix area (line numbers, labels, etc.) printed.
Enter printer Enter printer name (this can also be Workpool).
Listname Specify a name of the printout.
Form Specify a printout form.
Disp Specify the disposition of the printout:
D or DEL Delete after printing (default).
H or HOLD Hold printout, do not print.
K or KEEP Keep after processing.
L or LEAV Leave in spool queue after printing.
Copies Specify number of copies (maximum is 255).

Specify the name of a logical output driver routine to perform additional output formatting during printing.

If you want to use the logical output drivers under Software AG's TP monitor Com-plete ask your administrator to activate the special USPOOL interface with APPLYMOD 22.

Print via NOM Enter Y to use the extended interface between Natural ISPF and Entire Output Management.


Purges the SYSOUT of a job from the job entry queue.


The command:


purges the SYSOUT of job ISPINST from a z/VSE job entry queue.


Releases a job, its output or a specific SYSOUT file (object-type S, z/OS only) from HOLD status (when job has been held explicitly) or from Hold Queue (when job output is associated with a held output class).

Available function parameter (optional):

Parameter Meaning
NEWCLASS=c Assigns new output class. Valid for z/OS objects only.


Examples for use with function command syntax:

Command Function
RL J ISPINT RL DJ ISPINT Releases job ISPINT from Hold status or from Hold queue, whichever applicable. If the job name is not unique, specify job number.
RL J 3687 QUEUE=H CLASS=O Releases held output of job 3687 from class O and prompts for optional specification of a new class.
RL J 3687 CL=O,NEWCL=Y Releases held output of job 3687 from class O and assigns new output class Y (without prompting).
RL S ISPINT Prompts for the name and number of the required SYSOUT file to be released, and for optional specification of a new class.

Only SM and SO files can be subject to RELEASE operations.

Similar considerations apply for use as line command (RL).


Renames the specified object to the new name specified in the function parameters. If you enter the RENAME command without the function parameter, a window is opened in which you can specify the new name.


Command Function
RN LMV MYLIB(MYELEM/§), VERSION=V001 Renames version § of element MYELEM in LMS library MYLIB to V001.


Compiles and executes the specified Natural program. If the program uses the macro facility or contains the INCLUDE-MACRO statement, the macros are executed and the output is written to the user workpool.


Displays a status message of the specified job.


The command:


reports the status of job ISPINST in an z/OS environment. If there is more than one copy of the same job, you are notified with a message, and the copy submitted last is selected.

If you use the STATUS command without parameters, the job submitted last from Natural ISPF is the default.


Submits the specified object to the operating system. You can follow the submitted job with the FOLLOW and STATUS commands. If the job control contains macros, expansion is performed before submission, provided that the macro expansion has been activated in your current User Defaults profile (see the subsection User Defaults in the section Profile Maintenance). In this case, you can access the submitted object in the WORKPOOL facility.

The SUBMIT command can be issued with the following function parameters:

Parameter Meaning
TARGET Allows you to execute a JCL member on a node different from its physical location.

Possible options:

IDCAMS - The submitted object is treated as a command sequence and passed to the IDCAMS utility.

TSO - The object is passed to the TSO Batch interface and should contain valid TSO commands.


Command Function
SB N NATLIB(MYPROG) Submits Natural program MYPROG.
SB P MYLIB(MYPROG),TARGET=69 Submits PDS member MYPROG located on the default node (usually 148) on Node 69.


Uncatalogs the specified Natural object or dataset.


The command:


uncatalogs Natural program MYPROG.


In addition to the IMPORT command, which is a local command in the Editor and handles text only, the UPLOAD command also uploads binary data. Currently it is available for the following Natural ISPF objects:

Object Explanation
N Natural Objects and sources as well as data areas and maps are processed.
V Views Text and binary upload possible.
P PDS members Load modules are handled.

The command format is:

UPLOAD object-type object-id, SOURCE BINARY OBJECT FROM=file.ext REPLACE=YES

The keywords SOURCE BINARY OBJECT are evaluated for Views and Natural members only. They have no meaning when uploading PDS members. Any combination of these keywords can be entered in one command, allowing Natural source and object to be uploaded in a single command. If multiple upload types are entered, the FROM parameter cannot be entered.

The FROM parameter can be used to enter the PC file name. The REPLACE parameter can be used to overwrite an existing object.

Upload of a load module with REPLACE=YES should not be interrupted, because the old module is deleted before starting the upload from PC.


Command Function
UPLOAD PDS ML(PROG1), FROM=PROG1.NCD Uploads the load module PROG1 is from PROG1.NCD from your working directory, if ML is an abbreviation of an z/OS load library. Upload of load modules works only if the PC files have been created with Natural ISPF DOWNLOAD command. In addition, the BLOCKSIZE of the source and target load library must be identical.
UPLOAD NAT MYPROG, SOURCE OBJECT Uploads source and object of the Natural program MYPROG. Entire Connection prompts for PC file names.
UPLOAD V EMPLOYEES, BINARY REP=YES Uploads view (DDM) EMPLOYEES in binary format. Entire Connection prompts for PC file name. If view EMPLOYEES already exists, it is replaced.

You can transfer data from a PC only if you are using a PC to emulate a mainframe terminal with Software AG's Entire Connection.


Displays a list of Zaps applied to the specified load module or CSECT (z/OS only).


Command Function
ZP P JWO.COMN.LOAD(NATPARM) Displays a list of Zaps applied to the load module NATPARM in the specified load library. The list shows CSECT name, date and IDR-DATA.
ZP CST Opens a window in which you can specify the CSECT for which to list Zaps.

Local Commands - Description

Local commands are object-specific and can be issued only when displaying an object in Editor format in LIST, EDIT or BROWSE mode. If you enter an asterisk (*) in the command line, a window opens that lists all valid local commands and you can select a command for execution. Some local commands are available only in LIST mode, others only in EDIT or BROWSE mode.

This subsection describes all local commands in alphabetical order according to object type. Valid abbreviations of local commands are indicated in the command title.

All Objects that can be Edited


Copies a specified object into the current edit session. The place at which the copied object is to be inserted must be marked by appropriate Editor line commands (A, B, O or OO). The following object types can be copied:

Object type Meaning
BF BS2000 file
D Dataset (sequential)
DJ Job (z/VSE)
FIL z/VSE file
J Job (z/OS)
LIB CA Librarian member
LMS LMS library element
LMV LMS element version
LV CA Librarian member version
MAC Macro object
MEM z/VSE member
N Natural object
O Output file in workpool
P PDS member
PAN CA Panvalet member
USR Natural ISPF user profile
V Database view

You can issue the COPY local command with full name parameters, for example:

COPY MAC library (name)

If you issue the COPY command without parameters, you are prompted for object type and name. For special considerations that apply when copying Natural objects and views, see the subsection Natural Objects and the subsection Natural Views in the section Common Objects.


Copies the specified PC file or Con-nect document into the edit area. If the edit area already contains data, you must mark the place at which you want the file or document copied with Editor line commands A (after this line) or B (before this line).

The command format is:


Prompt windows open to prompt you for identifiers of the file or document you wish to copy.

For more information, including examples, see the subsection Natural Interface to External Environments in the section Useful Features.

To import Natural objects in binary form, use the UPLOAD command as described in the section Function Commands.


Opens a window with your current edit profile. You can modify any parameter by overtyping the value.

The command format is:


Lists of Objects


Executes a command or command sequence for all objects shown in the list. For details, see the subsection ALL Command for Lists in the section Useful Features.

The command format is:

ALL command-string


Opens a window in which you can define a new layout for the list. For details, see the subsection LAYOUT Command for Lists in the section Useful Features.

The command format is:



Rebuilds the list to reflect changes from line commands such as DELETE, RENAME or EDIT. For details, see the subsection RELIST Command for Lists in the section Useful Features.

The command format is:



When displaying lists of objects, you can use the Editor SORT command with special parameters:

SORT [column-header] [a] [d]

Where a is ascending order (default), d is descending order and column-header is the string of the column header according to which the items in the list are to be sorted. For details, see the subsection SORT Command for Lists in the section Useful Features.

Views - object type V


Issued from a view definition displayed using the DEFINITION function command, generates data definition statements for a Natural source.

Natural Objects object types N and MAC - in LIST mode


Catalogs multiple Natural objects displayed in a list. The command format is:

CATALL [name] [type]

where name can be an optional name pattern, and type an optional Natural object type.

Command Function
CATALL ISP* Catalogs all Natural objects in the list whose names start with ISP.
CATALL ISP* P Catalogs all Natural programs in the list whose names start with ISP.

If you issue the CATALL command for objects that do not use the macro facility, it is recommended that you issue a MACRO OFF command first, otherwise resources are wasted as the objects are searched for the macro character. If any object uses the macro facility, you must have MACRO ON.

Natural Objects object types N and MAC - in EDIT mode


Stores the edited Natural member in object form only (the source remains unchanged).


Checks syntax of current Natural object. If the object is a macro-type program, only a check of processing statements and variables to be substituted is performed. The CHECK local command does not check that the lines generated by the macro are valid Natural source. To do this, execute the macro, and copy its generated output from the user workpool as a Natural program into a Natural library (see the subsection User Workpool in the section Common Objects).


Starts an edit session with the output of the current program in the user workpool (only valid after a RUN command issued from the edit session).


Available for Natural programs written using the Edit macro option. Reexecutes the specified macro object and writes the result in the current edit session. Any defined user code remains in place. For details, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.

STOW 'text'

Stores the Natural program in source and object form. The text parameter is relevant when stowing the program with versioning on: you can specify a reason for changing the program. The text must be enclosed in quotation marks.

If the current Natural program includes inline macros and/or INCLUDE-MACRO statements, macro expansion is performed before compilation (MACRO ON must be set).


Performs structural indentation of Natural source statements and identifies any structural inconsistencies. This command does not apply to macro objects.


Enables/disables structured mode. The command format is:



Specifies Natural object type. The command format is:


where t can be any of the following:

C Copy code
H Help routine
N Subprogram
O Macro program
P Program
S Subroutine
T Text

Natural Error Messages - in BROWSE or EDIT mode


In BROWSE mode: Displays the next existing error message.
In EDIT mode: The current message is saved automatically if it has been modified. Then, an EDIT session is opened with the next existing error message.

Job SYSOUT - object type S

Job SYSOUT is displayed in BROWSE mode only.


Selects SYSOUT file for display. The command format is:

[FILE] [SI] [n]

where n stands for file number.


Selects next SYSOUT file for display.


Selects previous SYSOUT file for display.

Library Members and Sequential Files - in EDIT mode

The following commands apply to object types PDS, MEM, LMS, DS, FIL and BF.


This command is available when editing files that are password-protected for update.

The command format is:

PASSWORD password

Use this command to enter the valid password in order to update the protected file.


Available for source members written using the Edit macro option. Reexecutes the specified macro object and writes the result in protected lines in the current edit session. Any defined user code remains in place. For details, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.


If the member contains JCL, you can submit the job to the operating system from the edit session with the SUBMIT local command.

Additional Local Commands for z/VSE Members object type MEM - in EDIT mode

When selecting a member for EDIT from the VSE Members Entry Panel, or when displaying a member in edit mode, the following local commands are available:


Specifies whether MSHP protection is to be bypassed YES or NO. The command format is:



Specifies whether the member contains SYSIPT data YES or NO. The command format is:


Additional Local Commands for LMS Library Elements - in EDIT mode

Applies to object types LMS and LMV.


Use this command to specify a new element name and/or a new version name, to be written when saving a member. The command format is:

NEWNAME [ename][nversion]

If you issue the NEWNAME command without parameters, a window opens in which you can specify the new name and/or version name. For more details, see the subsection LMS Library Elements in the section BS2000 Objects.

Online Help Facility and UINFO Texts


When scrolling help or information screens, you can use the UP command with the parameter LEVEL to move directly to the next higher level in the screen hierarchy.

The command format is:


Assuming the UP command is assigned to PF7, you can type L in the command line and press PF7.