BS2000 Objects

This document explains all the functions you can perform on objects only available in a BS2000 environment. It covers the following topics:

BS2000 Files

The BS2000 file maintenance facility enables you to perform functions on cataloged disk files of type SAM, ISAM and PAM, including LMS libraries. You can:

  • LIST, COPY, RENAME and DELETE all types of files, display INFORMATION for them and CHANGE file attributes;

  • ALLOCATE all types of files except LMS libraries;

  • BROWSE, EDIT, SUBMIT, PRINT and EXPORT files of type SAM and ISAM.

If the file consists of job control, you can make use of the Natural ISPF macro facility. You can use all types of macro statements. Macro expansion is performed at submission time (see the SUBMIT command below).

When creating a new file, you can also use the Edit macro feature to automatically create text lines which can then be modified. For details on the macro facility, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide).

Start of instruction setTo enter the BS2000 files maintenance facility

  • Select the BS2000 FILES option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu.

    The BS2000 Files Entry Panel appears:

       ------------------------ BS2000 FILES - ENTRY PANEL ---------------------------
       COMMAND ===>
          File Name     ===> *
          Volume        ===>                         ( for selection list    )
          Password      ===>                         ( If password protected )
          Edit macro    ===>
          Shared file   ===>                         ( for selection list    )
          More criteria ===>                         ( mark for special selection )
          Node          ===> 31

    You can specify the file you wish to maintain in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
File Name Displays the file name last used. You can select any other file by overtyping this name. Leave blank or use strings and wildcards (* and _) to generate a more selective list of files. See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in the section Command Logic.
Volume Volume serial number. Usually not needed, unless you want to restrict a list of files to those on a specific volume.
Password System password if file is protected. Must be specified irrespective of read or write protection.
Edit macro Name of macro object to be used as a model for the file. The specified macro is executed and loaded into the Editor. See the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide for details. When used with LIST, the list contains all files according to the name criteria that use the specified macro as a model.
Shared file Enter YES to restrict the LIST function to shared (public) files or NO to restrict it to non-shared files.
More criteria Option. Can be marked with any character to open a window where additional criteria for LIST selection can be specified. See the corresponding subsection.
Node Select Entire System Server node. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to open a window in which all node numbers are scrolled with an ACTIVE or INACTIVE status report. If you do not specify a node, the default node indicated on the Main Menu is assumed.

Apart from the input fields listed above, some parameters of the LIST command are supported which do not correspond to an input field of the panel, but which can be specified either by direct command syntax (see below) or by means of the More criteria option:

   ------------------------ BS2000 FILES - ENTRY PANEL ---------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
   +-------------------------Options for LIST-BS2FILE:-------------------------+
   !                                                                           !
   ! File Name      ==> *_____________________________________________________ !
   ! Volume         ==> ______                                                 !
   ! Support Type   ==> ____        ( blank, PUB, PRD, ANYDisk or TAPE    )    !
   ! Access Type    ==> _____       ( blank, READ or WRITE                )    !
   ! Shared File    ==> ___         ( blank, YES  or NO                   )    !
   ! FGGs only      ==> _           ( mark to restrict search             )    !
   ! Unclosed only  ==> _           ( mark to restrict search             )    !
   ! FCB Type       ==> _____       ( P, S, I, N or combination           )    !
   ! ==> _____       ( R, W, E, N or combination           )    !
   ! Range keyword  ==> ___         ( SI, FR, CR, LA, MD, EXD, EXT or BAC )    !
   ! Range value    ==> ___________________                                    !
   ! Node           ==> 31_                                                    !
   !                                                                           !

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Support Type

Select BS2000 files that reside on a specific storage medium. If you omit this parameter, or if you enter the asterisk wildcard (*), all kinds of files are selected, including tape files. Valid options are: **

ANYDISK - Files residing on any kind of disk.

PRDISK - Files on private disks.

PRIVATE - Synonym for PRDISK.

PUBLIC - Files on public disks.

TAPE - Tape files.

Access Type

Select BS2000 files that are - or are not - protected against modification. Valid options are: **

READ - Protected files only.

WRITE - Non-protected files only.

FGGs only Mark this field with any non-blank character if only file generation groups and the related individual generations are to be selected and included in the resulting list of BS2000 files.
Unclosed only Mark this field with any non-blank character if you want the resulting list of BS2000 files to contain only files that were opened for output (write, extend or update) and that have not yet been closed.
FCBType Select BS2000 files that correspond to one or more file organization attributes (SAM, PAM, ISAM, NONE or combination). To select for a combination, concatenate the first characters of the requested attributes to form a string, for example: PI for PAM and ISAM)

* Fields not mentioned here (File Name, Volume, Shared File and Node) contain the values specified in the corresponding fields of the BS2000 Files Entry Panel and have the same meaning as described above.

** Options can be abbreviated.

Field Meaning
Passw. security

Fill in the appropriate specification if you want the resulting list of BS2000 files to contain only files that are (or are not) password protected. Possible values:

E, EXEC or EXPASS: Selects only files protected against unauthorized execution

N or NONE: Selects only files without any kind of password protection

R, READ or RDPASS: Selects only files protected against unauthorized read access

W, WRITE or WRPASS: Selects only files protected against unauthorized modification

Combinations of the above values can also be specified as selection criteria simply by concatenating the value abbreviations.


RWES: Selects all files that are subject to any kind of password protection

NW: Selects all files that are either not protected by any password definition, or that are protected against modification.

Range keyword

The range options listed below narrow down a list of files. To use one of these, enter one of the following abbreviations:

BAC Backup class option: selects files with a backup frequency attribute that corresponds to the specified value or list of values. Each value must be a character A, B, C, D or E.

CR Creation date option: selects files created (or updated) in the period specified in the range field.

FR Freesize option: selects files with a number of unused PAM pages within the specified range.

EXD Expiration date option: selects files with an expiration date corresponding to the specified time range.

EXT Extents option: selects files with an extent count value corresponding to the specified range.

LA Last-access-date option: selects files last accessed in the period specified in the range field.

MD Modification-date option: selects files last modified in the period specified in the range field.

SI Size option: selects files with space allocation (number of PAM pages) corresponding to the given value or range of values.

The above options cannot be combined in the same selection, that is, only one of these options can be specified in one selection.

If you specify one of these options, you must specify the corresponding range itself (either single value or list of values) in the Range value field below.

Range value

Use this field to specify:

  • a range of numbers or dates (i.e. a time period); or

  • a single value or a list of values.

The format of this specification depends on the Range option entered in the previous field and is identical to the notation used with a BS2000 FSTATUS command. The only exception is that a range can be given either in the notation (start-v,end-v) or as (start-v:end-v), that is, both a comma and a colon are accepted as separators.


Range keyword: CR

Range value: (1994-06-01,1994-09-30)

Range keyword: CR

Range value: Yesterday created on previous day

Range keyword: LA

Range value: (-30:Today) last 30 days

Range keyword: SI

Range value: (80:) 80 or more PAM pages

Function Commands

The available function commands for BS2000 files are as follows:

Command Parameter Syntax
COPY file-name PASSWORD=p NODE=id, object-type object-parms, REP
EDIT file-name PASSWORD=p NODE=id RECLEN=nnn MACRO=name
EXPORT file-name PASSWORD=p NODE=id, target-environment
PRINT file-name PASSWORD=p NODE=id, printer-name CC
RENAME file-name PASSWORD=p NODE=id, new-name
SUBMIT file-name PASSWORD=p NODE=id1, TARGET=id2

1 For the CHANGE command, see also the subsection Changing the Attributes of a BS2000 File.

2 Enter only one of the parameters enclosed in brackets < >. For the LIST command, see also the subsection Listing BS2000 Files.

A full description of these commands is contained in the section Command Reference. For all function commands except LIST and CHANGE, the object parameters correspond to the input fields on the BS2000 Files Entry Panel.


  1. If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the BS2000 files facility, you must specify the object-type parameter BF before the object parameters.
  2. The RECLEN parameter can be specified on the EDIT command to reduce storage requirements. For example, you can specify RECLEN=80 if you issue an EDIT command for a file with record format V which does not contain lines that exceed length 80. If you omit the RECLEN parameter, the value from the catalog information is assumed, if available. Otherwise, the maximum line length for BROWSE or EDIT sessions is taken, that is, 253.
  3. The ALLOCATE command applies only to non-standard files. A file with standard attributes (that is, SAM files with record format V) is automatically allocated simply by starting an edit session and issuing the SAVE command. The ALLOCATE command also applies to LMS libraries. LMS libraries can be allocated using the COPY command (for example, copy an empty library) or the ALLOCATE command.
  4. For all commands except LIST, if you do not specify the full file name, but only a prefix followed by the asterisk wildcard (*), a selection window opens that lists the existing files which start with that prefix. If you specify only the asterisk wildcard (*) as file name without a prefix, the selection window lists file names for which short IDs are defined, that is, in this case the selection is based on profile definitions rather than on catalog information (see the subsection Library Definition in the section Profile Maintenance). In both kinds of selection window, you can select a file for further processing by marking it with any character and pressing ENTER.

Listing BS2000 Files

Selecting Files by a Pathname Pattern and/or by Descriptive Parameters

Lists of BS2000 files can be generated using the LIST command and selection criteria in the parameter input fields of the BS2000 Files Entry Panel. Alternatively, you can issue the LIST command with appropriate parameters from any system screen. In the FILE-NAME parameter, you can optionally specify a catalog ID and/or a user ID. This lists shared files only. If you omit the catalog ID / user ID specification, or if you specify the current user ID, all files for which the user ID is authorized are listed.


  1. If a catalog ID is specified, it must be embedded between colons (:).
  2. If a user ID is specified, it must be preceded by the dollar sign ($).

Keyword Syntax for Descriptive Parameters

Descriptive parameters can be specified with usual keyword syntax.

  • The keyword parameters SHARE and VOLSER correspond to the fields on the BS2000 Files Entry Panel (see above).

  • The keyword parameters ACCESS, SUPPORT and FCBTYPE correspond to the fields on the More criteria options screen; the keyword parameter STATE corresponds to the field Unclosed only on that screen. Specify STATE=NOCLOSE to restrict the list to files that were opened for output (WRITE, EXTEND or UPDATE) and have not yet been closed.

  • The keyword parameter SIZE can be used to select BS2000 files with space allocation (number of PAM pages) corresponding to the given value or range of values. A range must be specified as (n:m), for example: (24:999). If only one of the boundaries n and m is relevant, you can omit the other.

  • The keyword parameter CREATION can be used to select BS2000 files that were created (or updated) on a specific day, or within a range of days. A range must be specified as (from:to). If only one of the boundaries (from or to) is relevant, you can omit the other one. The boundaries, as well as a specific day, can both be specified in one of the following notations:

    Notation Description
    YYYY-MM-DD Long date notation
    YYMMDD Short date notation
    -n Relative date notation
    T or TODAY (relative to the current day) Current day
    Y or YESTERDAY Previous day
  • The keyword parameter LAST-ACCESS can be used to select BS2000 files that were last accessed on a specific day, or within a range of days. The syntax conventions for specifying the day or time range are the same as for CREATION.

  • The keyword parameters SIZE, CREATION and LAST-ACCESS are mutually exclusive, that is, these must not occur in the same command.

Example: LIST BF (1)

Below are some examples of the LIST function commands using full command syntax.


    lists all files starting with ADA owned by current user ID.


    lists all public files owned by user ID DEMO that have ADA as part of their name.

  3. LIST BF :K:$DEMO.*

    lists all public files in catalog K owned by user ID DEMO.

  4. LIST BF *LIS* LAST-ACCESS=(940601:940930)

    lists all files owned by current user ID with string LIS occurring as part of the file name, and last accessed within the specified period.

  5. LIST BF $DEMO.* NODE=38

    lists all public files owned by user ID DEMO on Entire System Server Node 38 in a multi-node environment.

An example of a list of BS2000 files follows.

Example: LIST BF (2)

The following figure shows an example of a list of BS2000 files generated using the command:


The list generated shows all public files owned by user ID ABC in catalog NAT that have the string TEST in their names:

LIST-BF:(125)*TEST* ----------------------------- Row 0 of 37 - Columns 056 076
 COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> PAGE
   PATH-NAME OF FILE                                               PAM-PAGES  M
** ******************************** top of list *******************************
   :NAT:$ABC.D.TEST.JOBLIB                                         0000005475 2
   :NAT:$ABC.D.TEST.NPR.JOBLIB                                     0000004800 2
   :NAT:$ABC.D.TEST.PAM                                            0000000450 2
   :NAT:$ABC.D.TEST.SAM                                            0000000192 2
   :NAT:$ABC.E.ISP.TEST                                            0000000003 2
   :NAT:$ABC.E.TEST.NPR.SPOOL                                      0000000003 2 

Use the RIGHT command (usually assigned to PF11) to scroll right in order to display more information:

LIST-BF:(125)*TEST* ----------------------------- Row 0 of 37 - Columns 071 091
 COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> PAGE
   PATH-NAME OF FILE                                      GES  MODIF-DATE TIME 
** ******************************** top of list *******************************
   :NAT:$ABC.D.TEST.JOBLIB                                5475 2012-11-16 13:11
   :NAT:$ABC.D.TEST.NPR.JOBLIB                            4800 2012-11-16 13:11
   :NAT:$ABC.D.TEST.PAM                                   0450 2000-08-31 10:08
   :NAT:$ABC.D.TEST.SAM                                   0192 2000-08-31 10:08
   :NAT:$ABC.E.ISP.TEST                                   0003 2000-05-25 17:05
   :NAT:$ABC.E.TEST.NPR.SPOOL                             0003 2000-02-15 16:02

Meaning of column headings:

Column Meaning
PATH-NAME OF FILE Full path name including catalog ID and user ID specification.
PAM-PAGES Number of disc pages allocated for the file.
MODIF-DATE Date when the file was last modified.
TIME Time when the file was last modified.

Session Header Information

The session header reflects the path name pattern used for selection and, optionally, additional criteria specified by means of function command syntax in the BS2000 Files Entry Panel or in the LIST options window. If this information does not fit into a screen line, it is truncated.

Example: Session Header Line
LIST-BF:*LIB*/LAST=(940601:940930) ----------- Row 0 of 2 - Columns 056 071

Line Commands

You select a file from a list by typing in a line command in the input field preceding the file name and pressing ENTER. Each line command is an abbreviation of a function command.

Line Command Function Command Meaning
A ALLOCATE Allocate a new file. The attributes of the selected file are displayed, which you can modify for the new file.
B BROWSE Display sequential file (SAM or ISAM). No modification is possible.
CH CHANGE Change attributes of file, for example, define a password.
CP COPY Copy the file into another object (target object type and name will be prompted).
D DELETE Erase the file from catalog and/or disk.
E EDIT Edit sequential file (SAM or ISAM).
EX EXPORT Export sequential file (SAM or ISAM) to external environment (PC or Con-nect).
I INFORM Display file attributes.
L LIST List elements of the file, if LMS-type file.
PR PRINT Create a report of sequential file (SAM or ISAM).
R RENAME Rename the file.
SB SUBMIT Submit the file (an ENTER job; if applicable, after macro expansion).

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line of any system screen.

Local Commands

If you display a file in Editor format, you can issue some local commands from the Editor command line in addition to Editor commands.

The following local commands are available.

In Edit Mode:

Command Meaning
IMPORT Imports a PC file or Con-nect document into the file (see the section Useful Features).
PASSWORD password If the file is password-protected, use this command to enter the valid password in order to update the file. If you enter the PASSWORD command without parameter, a window prompts you for the password. Password input in the window is invisible.
REGENERATE Available for files written using the Edit macro option. Reexecutes the specified macro object and writes the result in protected lines in the current edit session. Any defined user code remains in place. For details, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.

In List Mode:

If you display lists of BS2000 files in Editor format, you can issue the following local commands in addition to Editor scroll commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the corresponding subsections in the section Useful Features.

Changing the Attributes of a BS2000 File

The CHANGE function command allows you to modify attributes of a file that are stored in the system catalog. You can specify one or more new attribute values as function parameters, using keyword parameter syntax (see Example 3).

If you issue the CHANGE command with or without object parameters, but without any function parameters, or if you issue the line command CH from a list of files, a window opens that displays the current attribute values, except for passwords. To modify one or more attributes, overtype the values in the input fields and press ENTER.

Example 1:

The following window opens if you enter the command:

   ------------------------ BS2000 FILES - ENTRY PANEL ---------------------------
      File Name     ===>
      Vol +-------------------CHANGE-BS2FILE: D.CH.TEST-------------------+
      Pas !                                                               !
      Edi ! Modify attributes as desired:                                 !
      Sha !                                                               !
      Mor !  SHARED FILE      :  NO_       (YES/NO)                       ! n )
      Nod !  ACCESS-TYPE      :  WRITE     (READ/WRITE)                   !
          !  RETENTION-PERIOD :  ____      (in days)                      !
          !  READ-PASSWORD    :                                           !
          !  WRITE-PASSWORD   :                                           !
          !  EXEC-PASSWORD    :                                           !
          !  BACKUP-TYPE      :  D                                        !
          !  #BACK-VERS       :  5                                        !
          !                                                               !
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
SHARED FILE - SHARE Enter Y or YES to make the file accessible to other users. Enter N or NO to restrict access to the owner user ID.
ACCESS-TYPE - ACCESS Enter W or WRITE to allow write access to the specified file, which also implicitly includes authorization for read access. Enter R or READ to allow read access only.
RETENTION-PERIOD - RETPD Enter a number representing a retention period (in days) that is to be assigned to the specified file: This means it can neither be modified nor deleted within the specified period of time.
READ-PASSWORD - READPSWD Enter a password to protect the file against unauthorized read accesses. Enter *NONE to reset an existing password, provided that you specified that password together with the current CHANGE function.
WRITE-PASSWORD - WRITEPSWD Enter a password to protect the file against unauthorized modification or deletion. Enter *NONE to reset an existing password, provided that you specified that password together with the current function.
EXEC-PASSWORD - EXECPSWD Enter a password to protect the file against unauthorized execution; this applies to procedure files and load modules. Enter *NONE to reset an existing password, provided that you specified that password together with the current CHANGE function.

Enter a backup class to be assigned to the specified file, thus controlling how the file is to be handled by (periodic) runs of the ARCHIVE and HSMS utility routines. Possible values:

A - Saved with every ARCHIVE run (default).

B - Saved with runs for Level B, C and D.

C - Saved with runs for Level C and D.

D - Saved with runs for Level D.

E - Not automatically saved.

E is the only value which is valid for temporary files.

#BACK-VERS - BACK-VERS Enter a value from 0-32 for the maximum number of file versions to be stored in the version backup archive. Entering the value 0 is the equivalent of ignoring the version backup, as no file versions will be stored then.

Example 2:

If the file you wish to maintain is password-protected, correct password specification is also required for the CHANGE command. For example, if you enter the command:


the following window opens:

   ------------------------ BS2000 FILES - ENTRY PANEL ---------------------------
      File Name     ===>
      Vol +--------------------CHANGE-BS2FILE: T.TEST---------------------+
      Pas !                                                               !
      Edi ! Modify attributes as desired:                                 !
      Sha !                                                               !
      Mor !  SHARED FILE      :  YES       (YES/NO)                       ! n )
      Nod !  ACCESS-TYPE      :  WRITE     (READ/WRITE)                   !
          !  RETENTION-PERIOD :  ____      (in days)                      !
          !  READ-PASSWORD    :                                           !
          !  WRITE-PASSWORD   :            (Enter *NONE to reset)         !
          !  EXEC-PASSWORD    :                                           !
          !  BACKUP-TYPE      :  B                                        !
          !  #BACK-VERS       :  3                                        !
          !                                                               !
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Enter *NONE to reset the password.

To avoid visible input of the old password on your screen, issue the CHANGE command from the BS2000 Files Entry Panel and specify the password in the corresponding input field of the CHANGE window.

Example 3:

To avoid being prompted for the new attribute values (for example, during a batch run or during execution of a command script), specify them as function parameters using the keywords indicated above. For example, the command:


inhibits modification of the file DEMO.PHASE and assigns backup type E, that is, the file is not saved automatically with any periodic ARCHIVE run.

Concurrent Editing of Files - BS2000 Version 11 or higher

When you save a BS2000 file, Natural ISPF checks if the file has been modified by another user or another session while you were editing. If this is the case, you are notified by a message and the SAVE operation is not executed. However, this check can only be performed if Version 11 (OSD V1) or higher of BS2000 is installed at your site. For lower versions of BS2000, Natural ISPF does not check for concurrent editing. If your SAVE operation is rejected due to concurrent editing, you can use the BROWSE command to inspect the file and you can decide whether to override it with your latest modifications or not. To override it, you can either:

  • use the REPLACE command for the existing file, or

  • delete the existing file and then save the version with your latest changes.

LMS Library Elements

The BS2000 LMS library elements maintenance facility allows you to perform functions on elements of LMS programming libraries.

If the element consists of job control, you can make use of the Natural ISPF macro facility. You can use all types of macro statements. Macro expansion is performed at submission time (see the SUBMIT command below). When creating a new element, you can also use the Edit macro feature to automatically create text lines which can then be modified. For details on the macro facility, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide).

Start of instruction setTo enter the LMS element maintenance facility

  • Select the LMS option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu.

    The LMS Elements Entry Panel appears:

      ------------------------ LMS ELEMENTS - ENTRY PANEL ---------------------------
      COMMAND ===>
      File Name  =>
      Element    =>
      Type       =>                          ( S,M,J,D,H,P,R,C,X or combination   )
      Version    =>
      Rec.length =>                          ( If different from default (80/133) )
      Password   =>                          ( If library is password protected   )
      Scan for   =>
      Edit macro =>
      Node       => 31
            Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s

    You can specify the element you wish to maintain in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
File Name Displays the file name last used. You can select any other file by overtyping this name. Leave blank or use strings and wildcards (* and _) to generate a more selective list of PAM files. See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in the section Command Logic. When requesting a list of files, the command is automatically transferred to object type BF (see the subsection BS2000 Files).
Element Name of the required element in the specified file. Leave blank or use selection criteria as described for the File Name field to generate a list of elements. If more than one version exists for an element, the highest version is listed.
Type Type of required element. This is optional if the element name is unique. If you are creating a new element and omit this field, type S (source) or the value from your profile is taken as default. When listing elements, combinations of type notation are possible, for example, JD for jobs and data elements.
Version You can specify a previous version of the element in this field. If this is omitted, either the highest version is selected, or a version according to the value in your user profile (default is the highest possible version, indicated by the character §, or the character that corresponds to hexadecimal 7C) .
Record length

This must be specified if the actual record length exceeds the default length according to element type. The defaults are:

80 for types S, M, J and D.

133 for type P.

253 for all others.

Password System password if library or element is protected. Must be specified irrespective of read or write protection.
Scan for Lists elements which contain the string specified here. When you select a member from this list for EDIT or BROWSE, the cursor is placed on the first occurrence of this string in the element. Issue the RFIND command to find the next occurrence.
Edit macro Name of macro object to be used as a model for the new element. The specified macro is executed and loaded into the Editor. See the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide for details. When used with LIST, the list contains all elements according to the name criteria that use the specified macro as a model.
Node Select Entire System Server node. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to open a window in which all node numbers are scrolled with an ACTIVE or INACTIVE status report. If you do not specify a node, the default node indicated on the Main Menu is assumed.

Function Commands

The available function commands for LMS elements are as follows:

Command Parameter Syntax

file-name(element) TYPE=t VERSION=vvv RECLEN=nnn



file-name(element) TYPE=t VERSION=vvv PASSWORD=p

NODE=id, object-type object-parms, REP

DELETE file-name(element) TYPE= t VERSION=vvv PASSWORD=p NODE=id
EDIT file-name(element) TYPE=t VERSION=vvv RECLEN=nnn PASSWORD=p NODE=id MACRO=name
EXPORT file-name(element) TYPE=t VERSION=vvv PASSWORD=p NODE=id, target-environment
LIST file-name (*_*) TYPE=t PASSWORD=p NODE=id SCAN=string MACRO=name
PLAY file-name(element) TYPE=t VERSION=vvv PASSWORD=p NODE=id
PRINT file-name(element) TYPE=t VERSION=vvv PASSWORD=p NODE=id, printer-name CC
RENAME file-name(element) TYPE=t VERSION=vvv PASSWORD=p NODE=id,new-name
SUBMIT file-name(element) TYPE=t VERSION=vvv PASSWORD=p NODE=id1, TARGET=id2

A full description of these commands is contained in the section Command Reference. The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the LMS Elements Entry Panel.


If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the LMS elements facility, you must specify the object-type parameter LMS before the object parameters.

The file-name parameter is optional, Natural ISPF then takes the current file name, or if you issue a command from outside the LMS elements facility, from your profile.

Instead of typing the keywords TYPE and VERSION when specifying an element, the following notations are valid:

element-selection              /* Current file name is assumed

where element-selection can be any of the following:


Note that TTT represents a string of valid element types when requesting a list of elements. The version notation (/VVVVV) is required only when selecting a version other than the highest one.

Listing LMS Elements

Lists of elements in an LMS-type library can be generated using the LIST command and selection criteria in the parameter input fields of the LMS Elements Entry Panel. Alternatively, you can issue the LIST command with appropriate parameters from any system screen. The list can be restricted to selected elements by specifying certain selection criteria:

  • Element name prefix or pattern using wildcards (* and _);

  • Element type or multiple types;

  • Specific element version;

  • Scan value, listing only those elements that contain the specified string;

  • Model name, listing only those elements that were generated by the specified Edit macro.

Example: LIST LMS (1)

Below are some examples of the LIST function commands using full command syntax.


    lists all elements in the specified library that have the string OC in their name.


    lists elements in the specified library with names starting with ED; only S (source) and M (macro) type elements are listed.


    lists all library elements of Type D that have Version Name 120 assigned.


    lists all library elements that start with E. and which contain the string EXAMPLE.


    lists all library elements that start with E. and that were generated using Edit macro EXB5.

An example list of LMS elements follows.

Example: LIST LMS (2)

The following figure shows an example of a list of LMS elements generated using the command:

  LIST-LMS::D:$ASF.ASF.LMSLIB(*) ------------------ Row 0 of 18 - Columns 018 072
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ****************************** top of list *****************************
     (J) Z132B005              V   1 000          1993-08-05 1993-08-05 15:31
     (R) ACLTEST               V   1 §            1992-10-06 1992-10-08 12:53
     (R) ARCTEST               V   1 §            1992-08-05 1992-08-05 13:13
     (R) ASFJOIN               V   1 §            1993-03-31 1993-03-31 16:43
     (R) ASFJV                 V   1 §            1993-02-18 1993-02-26 17:08
     (R) ASFMACT               V   1 §            1993-01-20 1993-01-22 15:49
     (R) ASFMP                 V   1 §            1993-04-06 1993-04-08 11:32
     (R) ASFSW                 V  +2 §            1993-03-18 1993-03-25 18:34
     (R) ASFTEST               V   1 §            1992-09-29 1993-02-01 16:50
     (R) ASFTYPIO              V   1 §            1992-12-08 1993-05-05 11:00
     (R) FSTAT                 V   1 §            1992-09-29 1992-09-29 14:59
     (R) GUARDTST              V   1 §            1992-10-28 1992-10-28 18:05
     (R) MACTEST               V   1 §            1992-04-14 1992-04-14 15:16
     (R) MAC31                 V   1 §            1992-10-23 1992-10-23 14:46
     (R) SAMTEST               V   1 §            1993-03-18 1993-03-18 11:24
     (S) S.SAMTEST             V   1 §            1990-10-28 1990-10-28 15:39
     (S) SAMTEST               V   1 §            1990-10-28 1990-10-28 17:45
     (X) L.SAMTEST             V   1 §            1990-10-28 1990-10-28 15:39
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

The list generated shows all elements in the specified library. The list appears in Editor format. This means you can use Editor BROWSE commands (UP, DOWN, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT, FIND, LOCATE), as well as SORT and LAYOUT.

Meaning of column headings (without the SCAN option):

Column Meaning
TYP Element type, enclosed in parentheses
ELEMENT-NAME Name of element
S Storage mode (D=Delta, V=Full versions)
V-C Number of versions for the element (version count)
HIGH-VERSION Highest version encountered
CREATED Creation date of highest version
MODIF-DATE Date the highest version was last modified or renamed
TIME Time the highest version was last modified or renamed

If the SCAN option were used to create a list, the following columns would be displayed:

Column Meaning
TYP Element type, enclosed in parentheses
ELEMENT-NAME Name of element
NUM Number of occurrences of the scan string in the highest version
FIRST FOUND First occurrence of the scan string in the highest version.

Line Commands

You select an element from a list by typing in a line command in the input field preceding the element name and pressing ENTER. Each line command is an abbreviation of a function command (but see the special LIST line command for an element):

Line Command Function Meaning
B BROWSE Display element. Not available for Type C. No modification is possible.
CP COPY Copy the element into another object (target object type and name will be prompted).
D DELETE Erase the element from the library. Note that all versions are deleted.
E EDIT Edit the element. Not available for types C and R. Elements stored in Delta mode cannot be updated (the SAVE command is rejected).
EX EXPORT Export element to external environment (PC or Con-nect). Not available for type C.
L LIST List all versions of the element. See the subsection Versions of LMS Elements below.
PL PLAY Run the element as a Natural ISPF command script. Not available for Types C and R.
PR PRINT Create a report of element. Not available for Type C.
R RENAME Rename the element (not available for elements stored in Delta mode). Note that all versions are renamed.
SB SUBMIT Submit the element (an ENTER job; if applicable, after macro expansion). Only available for Type J.

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line of any system screen.

Local Commands

If you display an LMS element in Editor format, you can issue some local commands from the Editor command line in addition to Editor commands.

The following local commands are available:

In Edit Mode:

Command Meaning
IMPORT Imports a PC file or Con-nect document into the element (see the section Useful Features).
NEWNAME elname/version Specifies a new element name and/or version name to be used on subsequent SAVE operations. If you enter the NEWNAME command without parameters, a window prompts you for the new element and version name(s).
PASSWORD password If either the library or the edited element is password-protected, use this command to enter the valid password in order to update the element. If you enter the PASSWORD command without parameter, a window prompts you for the password. Password input in the window is invisible.
REGENERATE Available for elements written using the Edit macro option. Reexecutes the specified macro object and writes the result in protected lines in the current edit session. Any defined user code remains in place. For details, see the section Macro Facility in the Natural ISPF Programmer's Guide.
Hint for use of NEWNAME:

You may find it useful to define the greater than character (>) as a magic character in your user profile and assign it to the command ;NEWNAME_. This allows you to use a direct command notation very similar to the command syntax of LMS when used in a TIAM dialog session. For example:


    opens an edit session on data element DOCU-NEW, filled with the contents of data element DOCTX, version 002. The new element will have the same version identification 002 assigned.


    opens a session with element CVPROT of any type (provided this element exists and is of unique type) in library $VG.CVRP. Data is read from the highest version encountered and is saved as version V-TEST.

In List Mode:

If you display lists of LMS elements in Editor format, you can issue the following local commands in addition to Editor scroll commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the corresponding subsections in the section Useful Features.

Concurrent Editing of LMS Elements

When you save an LMS library element, Natural ISPF checks if the same element has been modified by another user or another session while you were editing. If this is the case, you are notified by a message and the SAVE operation is not executed. You can use the BROWSE command to inspect the element and you can decide whether to override it with your latest modifications or not. To override it, you can either:

  • use the REPLACE command for the existing element, or

  • delete the existing LMS element and then save the version with your latest changes.

Versions of LMS Elements

Previous versions of LMS elements can be kept and retrieved using Natural ISPF. The way versioning is done for LMS elements is slightly different from objects on other platforms, therefore most of the information given in the subsection Versioning in the section Useful Features does not apply.

Listing Previous Versions

You can list previous versions of an LMS element by either:

  • Issuing the LIST function command from any system screen, specifying the library and element selection criteria in the command syntax (note the version and type selection criteria described in the subsection Function Commands above), or:

  • Selecting an element from a list of elements using the L line command.

Examples using function command syntax:


    lists all versions of the specified library element.


    lists those versions of source-type element EXAMPLE that have the letter N in their names. The TYPE parameter is required only if the element name EXAMPLE is not unique in the library (for example, if an element EXAMPLE of Type J is contained in the same library).


    lists those versions of library element EXAMPLE whose names start with V and which contain the string EXAM.

The following screen shows an example of a list of library element versions. The function command used to generate the list was:


The list displays all versions of the element ASFSW in the specified library:

  LIST-LMV::D:$ASF.ASF.LMSLIB(ASFSW)R/* ------------ Row 0 of 2 - Columns 014 071
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ***************************** top of list *****************************
     000                   V 1993-03-25    1993-03-25 18:27 1993-03-18 09:40
     §                     V 1993-03-18    1993-03-25 18:34 1993-03-25 18:34
  ** *************************** bottom of list ****************************
        Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s     

Meaning of column headings:

Column Meaning
VERSION-NAME Name of element version.
S Storage mode (D=Delta, V=Full versions)
CREATED Creation date of version
MODIF-DATE Date when version was last modified or renamed
TIME Time when version was last modified or renamed.
USER-DATE Date supplied by user on last modification
TIME Time supplied by user on last modification

If the SCAN option were used to create a list, the following columns would be displayed:

Column Meaning
VERSION-NAME Name of element version.
NUM Number of occurrences of the scan string in the version.
FIRST FOUND First occurrence of the scan string in the version.

Available Functions for Previous Versions

A number of functions can be performed on versions of LMS elements. A version can be selected in either of the following ways:

  • Select a version by entering a line command in the input field preceding the version name in the list of element versions;

  • Perform the function from any system screen by issuing a function command directed at object type LMV, identifying the version by library name, element name, and version name. The TYPE parameter is required only if the element name is not unique in the library.

Line commands can also be used as abbreviations of function commands in command syntax. Available functions for LMS element versions are:

Line Command Function Meaning
B BROWSE Display element version. Not available for Type C. No modification is possible.
CP COPY Copy the version into another object (target object type and name will be prompted).
D DELETE Erase the element version.
E EDIT Edit the element version. Not available for Types C and R. Versions of elements stored in Delta mode cannot be updated (the SAVE command is rejected).
EX EXPORT Export element version to external environment (PC or Con-nect). Not available for Type C.
PL PLAY Run the element version as a Natural ISPF command script. Not available for Types C and R.
PR PRINT Create report of the version. Not available for Type C.
R RENAME Rename the element name, the version name, or both (V-storage type elements only).
SB SUBMIT Submit the element version (an ENTER job; if applicable, after macro expansion). Only available for Type J.

Updating Versioned LMS Elements in Full Storage Mode

Other Natural ISPF objects such as Natural programs or PDS members can be updated in place (with versioning disabled), or continuous versioning can be in effect for each update. In contrast, LMS elements kept in Full Storage Mode can be updated in place, even if there already are several versions of the element being updated. Additionally, for LMS elements in Full Storage Mode, no version identifier is automatically assigned. This means that every time you are about to update an LMS element, you can decide whether you wish to keep the current version or not, and if you do, you can specify a name for the new version according to your site's naming conventions.

Specifically, if you intend to update a certain LMS element and wish to keep the current version, you can proceed in any of the following ways:

  1. Start an edit session with the current version, for example, by selecting it from a list of LMS elements with the E line command. Modify the data and use the NEWNAME local command to assign a new name to the version. This version is stored with the SAVE command, or when the session is ended (provided AUTOSAVE=ON is specified in your user profile).

  2. If the LMS Override option has been set to * in your BS2000 Defaults profile, a prompt window opens every time you save an LMS element or an existing element version. This window allows you to either assign a new version name, if a new version is to be created, or confirm that the modified version is overwritten (that is, updated in place, option YES):

      EDIT-LMS::D:$ASF.ASF.LMSLIB(SAMTEST)S/§ ----------------------- Columns 001 072
       COMMAND===> save                                               SCROLL===> CSR
      ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
      000001 *******************************************************************
      000002 *  PROGRAM TO OPERATE SAM-FILE (OPEN, PUT, CLOSE)                 *
      000003 *  JUST TO GET FAMILIAR WITH FILE-OPERATING                       *
      000 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      000 !                                                                       !
      000 ! Version     §                        of type  S LMS library element   !
      000 ! named                                                                 !
      000 !    SAMTEST                                                            !
      000 ! already exists.                                                       !
      000 !                                                                       !
      000 ! Enter new version name   ________________________ ,                   !
      000 !                                                                       !
      000 ! or press the PF3 key to abort SAVE operation                          !
      000 ! or enter YES to overwrite existing version    ___ .                   !
      000 !                                                                       !
      000 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      000017          OPEN  (R6),EXTEND
      000018 *
      000019 *  PUT RECORD
      Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s
  3. If the LMS Override option is set to NO in your BS2000 Defaults profile, a similar prompt window to the one in the above example is opened when you wish to save an existing element. In this window, however, you are not offered the option of overriding the old version.

  4. Start an edit session with the current version, for example, by selecting it from a list of LMS elements with the E line command. Modify the data and issue the RENAME command without any parameters. A window opens in which you can specify a version name to be assigned to the previous version. When you store the modified version (with the SAVE command, or END with AUTOSAVE=ON), the new version will have the same version name as the previous version before it was modified. This method is recommended if you always wish to carry over the same name to the current version. This is particularly useful to retain version name § (or the character that corresponds to hexadecimal 7C), which always denotes the highest version with respect to the LMS internal sort sequence.

As an alternative to the prompt window, you can use the full RENAME function command syntax in the command line of the edit session with the LMS element. Issue either:



RENAME,  /vname

where vname is the version name to be assigned to the previous version.


  1. When specifying version names, you should ensure that the version names are created in ascending order, otherwise the ordering in a list of element versions will not correspond to the "history" of the element.
  2. Updating of LMS elements stored in Delta mode is currently not supported by Natural ISPF.

BS2000 Job Information

The job information facility allows you to display information about BS2000 jobs (tasks). You can also use this facility to handle files related to a specific job.

Start of instruction setTo enter the job information facility

  • Select the BS2000 jobs option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu.

    The BS2000 Jobs Entry Panel appears:

     -------------------------- BS2000 JOBS ENTRY PANEL ----------------------------
     COMMAND ===>
        Job Name      ===>
        TSN           ===>
        Type          ===>                   ( B,D,S,T,W,H,K or combination,
                                                or a combination of digits 1..8   )
        Originator    ===>                   ( Related TSN,   for Print Jobs only )
        Out-Device    ===>                   ( Output device, for Print Jobs only )
        Node          ===> 31
           Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right :s

    You can specify the job you wish to handle in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

The meaning of the input fields is explained in the following table:

Field Meaning
Job Name Job name as specified on the /LOGON or /PRINT command. Leave blank or use strings and wildcards (* and _) to generate a list of jobs matching the job name pattern. See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in the section Command Logic.
TSN Task sequence number assigned to a specific job. This can be numeric or alphanumeric, depending on the version of BS2000 installed and the settings of its system parameters.

Type (category) of job. Possible options:

B - Active Batch jobs

D - Active Dialog tasks

H - Tasks in status HOLD

K - Tasks in status KEEP

S - Active System tasks

T - Active TP tasks

W - Tasks in status WAITING

1 - Tasks waiting in job pool: WT, HO or DO(rmant)

2 - Active tasks

3 - (active) Dialog tasks

4 - Spoolout jobs waiting to be processed

5 - Active spoolout jobs

6 - RBP spoolout jobs (Remote Batch Processing)

7 - RSO spoolout jobs (Remote Spool Output)

8 - Active RBP tasks (Remote Batch Processing)

Combinations of types are possible, for example ST selects Types S and T, or 12 selects Types 1 and 2. Combinations of digits and letters (for example, D1) are not accepted.

Originator For spoolout jobs, TSN of the task that started the job.
Out-Device For spoolout jobs, name of associated output device.
Node Node ID of machine on which the job runs. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to list available nodes. Leave blank to select the default node.

Function Commands

The available function commands are:

Command Object Parameter Syntax
CC tsn NODE=id

A full description of these commands is contained in the section Command Reference. The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the BS2000 Jobs Entry Panel, except the USER parameter on the LIST command. This parameter is relevant only if you are working with administrator authority (TSOS).


  1. If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the BS2000 jobs facility, you must specify the appropriate object-type parameter (BJ) before the object parameters.
  2. If you issue the CC, FOLLOW, STATUS or OUTPUT commands without parameters, the job last submitted during the current Natural ISPF session is assumed.
  3. In environments with alphanumeric TSNs, the first object parameter in the above commands can be either a job name or TSN. For the commands FOLLOW, INFORMATION and STATUS, the first object parameter is first checked as TSN, then as job name. Alternatively, you can specify job name with the JNAME= parameter, or enclose the parameter in parentheses, indicating that it is a TSN.

Listing Jobs

Lists of jobs currently executing under your user ID can be generated using the LIST command and selection criteria in the parameter input fields of the BS2000 Jobs Entry Panel. Alternatively, you can issue the LIST command with appropriate parameters from any system screen.

Example: LIST BJ (1)

The following can be listed:

  1. Jobs according to prefix or pattern using the wildcards * and _. For example, the following command lists all jobs whose names start with BS:

  2. Dialog tasks (TIAM), started tasks, standard batch jobs, spoolout tasks using the TYPE parameter. The TYPE parameter can be a string of type characters or type digits. You can further restrict the list by specifying a job name pattern. For example, the following command lists all jobs whose names start with BS that are in WAIT state:

  3. Spoolout tasks associated with a specific output device:

  4. Spoolout tasks originating from a specific job:


    An example list of jobs is shown below.

Example: LIST BJ (2)

The following figure shows an example of a list of jobs generated using the command:

  LIST-BJ:* ---------------------------------------- Row 0 of 3 - Columns 035 076
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     EDRGBPA    PEA  2  BATCH      255      0:00.89
     EDRGBPB    PD9  2  BATCH      255      0:00.88
     MZC        W3Y  3  DIALOG     240      3:12.78
  ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************

The list generated shows all jobs executing under your user ID. The list appears in Editor format. This means you can use Editor BROWSE commands (UP, DOWN, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT, FIND, LOCATE), as well as SORT and LAYOUT.

The list is refreshed every time you press ENTER without a command in the command line.

Use the RIGHT command to display more information:

  LIST-BJ:* ---------------------------------------- Row 0 of 3 - Columns 066 107
   COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
  ** ******************************** top of list *******************************
     EDRGBPA    PEA  2  BATCH      255             NATISPF        0.89   32767.00
     EDRGBPB    PD9  2  BATCH      255             NATISPF        0.88   32767.00
     MZC        W3Y  3  DIALOG     240             NATISPF      192.78   32767.00
  ** ****************************** bottom of list ******************************

Meaning of column headings (some columns may be empty, depending on the job type and status):

Column Meaning
JOB-NAME Job name as defined in the LOGON statement.
TSN Task sequence number assigned to the job.
TYP Numeric job type identifier. For example, 2=Batch, 3=Dialog.
CATEGORY Information on job type and status.
PRIO Run priority of job/task.
CPU-MM:SS.CC Amount of CPU time consumed by the job, specified in minutes, seconds and hundredths of a second.
DEVICE Output device assigned (spoolout jobs only).
OR-TSN Task sequence number of the job that generated the spoolout (in other cases, blank).
SIZE Size of spoolout file (spoolout jobs only).
COPIES Total number of copies to be printed (spoolout jobs only).
USER-ID User ID under which the job is executing (usually your own user ID).
CPU-USED Amount of CPU time consumed by the job, in seconds.
CPU-MAX Maximum amount of CPU time allowed for the job.

You can change the layout of this list according to your needs. For detailed information, see the subsection LAYOUT Command for Lists in the section Useful Features.

Line Commands

You select a job from a list by typing in a line command in the input field preceding the job name and pressing ENTER. Each line command is an abbreviation of a function command:

Line Command Function Meaning
CC CC Display resulting information kept in job variables ("condition codes").
FL FOLLOW Report job progress in the message line.
IN INFORMATION Report current status of job on a full screen.
L LIST List related spoolout jobs (if any).
OT OUTPUT List output files created by the job and associated by means of a file name pattern. Note that site-specific association rules may have been established by your system administrator. If no such rules apply, the files containing the TSN as part of their name are listed.
ST STATUS Show current status of job in the message line.

Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line of any system screen.

Local Commands

If you display a list of BS2000 jobs, you can issue the following local commands from the Editor command line in addition to Editor commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the corresponding subsections in the section Useful Features.

Condition Codes of BS2000 Jobs

The function command CC provides an overview of job variables related to a specific job. It lists the variable names and the first 64 bytes of their values. The criteria for selecting the variables are as follows:

  • job variables containing the TSN of the job as part of their names, enclosed in periods (.);

  • job variables containing the TSN at any position in their value;

  • if the specified job was the last job created by the Natural ISPF SUBMIT function, and if a monitoring job variable was specified when submitting, that monitoring job variable is included;

  • only job variables of the current BS2000 user ID are selected.


  1. The CC function command is available only if SNI's software product JV has been installed as part of your BS2000 system environment.
  2. Selecting job variables by their values (contents) could cause poor performance for this function. For this reason, your system administrator may have disabled this part of the selection logic, and the job variables will only be selected by name.

BS2000 Job Variables

The BS2000 job variables facility provides functions that include LIST, EDIT, RENAME and DELETE job variables. You can also display information on a specific job variable, including its attributes and (if you are authorized to read it) its value. You can create a new job variable with standard attributes simply by editing and saving it, and you can modify the attributes of a job variable using the function command CHANGE.

All functionality described in this section is available only if SNI's software product JV has been installed as part of your BS2000 system environment.

Start of instruction setTo enter the BS2000 job variable maintenance facility

  • Select the JOB-VARS option from the Natural ISPF Main Menu.

    The BS2000 Job Variables Entry Panel appears:

       -------------------- BS2000 JOB VARIABLES - ENTRY PANEL -----------------------
       COMMAND ===>
          Job variable  ===> *
          Password      ===>                         ( If password protected )
          Node          ===> 31

    You can specify the name of the intended job variable in the input fields and enter a function command in the command line.

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Job variable Displays the job variable name last used. Select any other job variable by overtyping this name. Leave blank or use strings and wildcards (* and _) to generate a more selective list of variables. See the subsection Selection Windows and Wildcards in the section Command Logic.
Password System password if job variable is protected. Must be specified irrespective of read or write protection.
Node Select Entire System Server node. Enter a question mark (?) and press ENTER to open a window in which all node numbers are scrolled with an ACTIVE or INACTIVE status report. If you do not specify a node, the default node on the main menu is assumed.

Function Commands

The available function commands are:

Command Parameter Syntax
EDIT jvar-name PASSWORD=p NODE=id
LIST *_* NODE=id

If you issue any of the above function commands from outside the job variables facility, you must specify the object-type parameter JV before the object parameters.

A full description of these commands is contained in the section Command Reference. The object parameters correspond to the input fields on the BS2000 Job Variables Entry Panel.

Listing Job Variables Selected by a Path Name Pattern

The specification can optionally contain a catalog ID and a different user ID. If so, only shared job variables are listed. If catalog ID and user ID are omitted, or if the specified user ID is identical to the current one, the list contains all job variables owned by the current user ID that fit into the path name pattern.


  1. If a catalog ID is specified, it must be embedded between colons (:).
  2. If a user ID is specified, it must be preceded by the dollar sign ($).

Example: LIST JV (1)


    lists all job variables with prefix ASM and owned by the current user ID.


    lists all public job variables owned by the user ID DEMO and containing the string ASM in their names.

  3. LIST JV :K:$DEMO.*

    lists all public job variables owned by the user ID DEMO found in catalog K.

  4. LIST JV $DEMO.* NODE=38

    lists all public job variables owned by the user ID DEMO, in a multi-node environment.

An example of a list of BS2000 job variables follows.

Example: LIST JV (2)

The following figure shows an example of a list of BS2000 files generated using the command:

   LIST-JV:$DC1.* ----------------------------------- Row 0 of 8 - Columns 056 064
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
   ** ************************** top of list *************************
   ** ************************ bottom of list ************************

The list appears in Natural ISPF Editor format in BROWSE mode. This means you can use all available BROWSE commands (UP, DOWN, BOTTOM, TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, FIND, LOCATE), and in addition the command SORT.

The list is static: it is filled once and is not updated automatically, for example, after a new job variable has been created.

Lists of job variables can also be created as a result of a CC command, showing the monitoring job variables ("condition codes") of a specific BS2000 job (see the subsection Condition Codes of BS2000 Jobs); in this case, the list also contains the first characters of the values stored in the job variables listed.

Meaning of column headings:

Column Meaning
PATH-NAME Full path name including catalog ID and user ID specification
CONTENT First 64 bytes of job variable value (CC-type lists only)

Line Commands

Select a job variable from a list by typing in a line command in the input field preceding the path name and pressing ENTER. Each line command is an abbreviation of a function command. Line commands can also be used as valid abbreviations of function commands entered in the command line.

Available line commands are:

Line Command Function Meaning
CH CHANGE Change attributes of job variable, for example, define a password.
D DELETE Erase job variable from system.
E EDIT Start editing job variable, in order to modify its contents or to use cross-copy operations.
I INFORM Show attributes and full contents of job variable.
R RENAME Rename the job variable.

Local Commands

In Edit Mode:

If you display a job variable in Editor format in EDIT mode, the following local command is available in addition to Editor commands:

Command Meaning
PASSWORD password If the job variable is password-protected, use this command to enter the valid password in order to update the variable. If you enter the PASSWORD command without parameter, a window prompts you for the password. Password input in the window is invisible.

In List Mode:

If you display lists of job variables in Editor format, you can issue the following local commands in addition to Editor scroll commands: ALL, LAYOUT, RELIST and SORT. For detailed information, see the corresponding subsections of the section Useful Features.

Information about a BS2000 Job Variable

An information screen similar to the following appears as a result of the command:

   ------------------------- JOB VARIABLE INFORMATION ----------------------------
   COMMAND ===>
     HISTORY                                     SECURITY
       DATE OF CREATION / UPDATE :  1994-03-02     SHARE          :  YES
       DATE OF EXPIRATION        :  1994-03-02     ACCESS         :  WRITE
                                                   READ-PASSWORD  :  NONE
     CURRENT LENGTH IN BYTES     :  100            WRITE-PASSWORD :  YES
     065-128: M133.FUSER,DEV=T9G,VOL=NOM133,FSEQ=3

This screen displays current attributes of job variable $DC1.TEMP. Its current value is also displayed, if you are authorized to read it; otherwise the subsection titled CURRENT CONTENTS is omitted without notice. The data displayed are self-explanatory.

Local Commands for Job Variable Information

There are two local commands available from this screen:

Local Command Meaning
PASSWORD password Supplies the correct password for read access, in order to display the subsection CURRENT CONTENTS. If you enter the PASSWORD command without parameter, a window prompts you for the password. Password input in the window is invisible.
REFRESH Reevaluates data to display latest attributes.

Editing a Job Variable

When a job variable is edited, its contents are read into a single line of an edit session. A screen appears similar to the following:

   EDIT-JV:$DC1.TEMP --------------------------------------------- Columns 001 072
    COMMAND===>                                                    SCROLL===> CSR
    =cols ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7--
   ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
   ****** **************************** bottom of data ****************************

Use the Editor commands RIGHT and LEFT (usually assigned to PF11 and PF10 respectively) to scroll horizontally (the length of the line is restricted to 256 characters).

You can create more than one line of edited data temporarily (this can be useful during complex editing operations), but the SAVE command is rejected if the session contains more than one line of data.

Changing the Attributes of a Job Variable

The CHANGE function command enables you to modify attributes of a job variable. You can specify one or more new attribute values as function parameters, using keyword parameters (see Example 3).

If you issue the CHANGE command with or without object parameters, but without any function parameters or if you issue the line command CH from a list of job variables, a window opens that displays the current attribute values, except for passwords. To modify one or more attributes, overtype the values in the input fields and press ENTER.

Example 1:

The following window opens if you enter the command:

   -------------------- BS2000 JOB VARIABLES - ENTRY PANEL -----------------------
      Job variable  ===> *
      Password      ===>                         ( If password protected )
      Nod +-----------CHANGE-JOBVAR: $NATISPF.MY.STANDARD.JVAR------------+
          !                                                               !
          ! Modify attributes as desired:                                 !
          !                                                               !
          !  SHARED JOB-VARIABLE :  YES       (YES/NO)                    !
          !  ACCESS-TYPE         :  WRITE     (READ/WRITE)                !
          !  RETENTION-PERIOD    :  _____     (in days)                   !
          !  READ-PASSWORD       :                                        !
          !  WRITE-PASSWORD      :                                        !
          !                                                               !
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Keyword Meaning
SHARED JOB-VARIABLE SHARE Enter Y or YES to make the job variable accessible to other users. Enter N or NO to restrict access to the owner user ID.
ACCESS-TYPE ACCESS Enter W or WRITE to allow write access to the specified job variable, which also implicitly includes authorization for read access. Enter R or READ to allow read access only.
RETENTION-PERIOD RETPD Enter a number representing a retention period (in days) that is to be assigned to the specified job variable: This means it can neither be modified nor deleted within the specified period of time.
READ-PASSWORD READPSWD Enter a password to protect the job variable against unauthorized read accesses. Enter *NONE to reset an existing password, provided that you specified that password together with the current CHANGE function.
WRITE-PASSWORD WRITEPSWD Enter a password to protect the job variable against unauthorized modification or deletion. Enter *NONE to reset an existing password, provided that you specified that password together with the current function.

Example 2:

If the job variable to be changed is password-protected, you must also correctly specify the password. For example, the following window opens if you issue the command:

   -------------------- BS2000 JOB VARIABLES - ENTRY PANEL -----------------------
      Job variable  ===> *
      Password      ===>                         ( If password protected )
      Nod +-------------CHANGE-JOBVAR: $NATISPF.JV.MIDI.2PTG--------------+
          !                                                               !
          ! Modify attributes as desired:                                 !
          !                                                               !
          !  SHARED JOB-VARIABLE :  YES       (YES/NO)                    !
          !  ACCESS-TYPE         :  WRITE     (READ/WRITE)                !
          !  RETENTION-PERIOD    :  _____     (in days)                   !
          !  READ-PASSWORD       :                                        !
          !  WRITE-PASSWORD      :            (Enter *NONE to reset)      !
          !                                                               !
         Help  Split End   Suspe Rfind Rchan Up    Down  Swap  Left  Right Curso

Enter *NONE to reset the password.

To avoid visible input of the old password on your screen, issue the CHANGE command from the BS2000 Files Entry Panel and specify the password in the corresponding input field of the CHANGE window.

Example 3:

To avoid being prompted for the new attribute values (for example, during execution of a command script), specify them as function parameters using the keywords indicated above. For example, the command:


makes the job variable PARMJV shared, that is accessible by other users, and protects it against unauthorized modification.

Console Display

A console display is available for BS2000 environments. For a description, see the subsection Console Display in the section z/OS Objects.