File 1
Statement FIND
Task Display attributes for a given file, for example, record format, block size, record length.

Relevant Error Codes

Code Text
530 Access denied by Security Facility
565 Syntax error in dataset name
701 DSNAME missing
733 User ID does not exist
772 Requested dataset not found
798 Task was not started under TSOS.
799 Entire Systems Management Adapter internal error

Field Descriptions

Dictionary Field Name Format/





ACCESS-NUMBER (N4) Shows how many times the file was accessed.
ACCESS-TYPE (A5) Shows whether the access mode is READ or WRITE.
ALLOCATION-TYPE (A4) Allocation type specified. Possible values:
    FGG File generation group
    NONE Undefined
    NSTD Non-standard blocks (tape files)
    PAM PAM blocks (standard)
AUDIT-TYPE (A4) Shows which type of access to the file must be controlled.
BACKUP-INFO (A19) Additional information about backup status:
BACKUP-TYPE (A1) Shows how often the file should be saved by ARCHIVE.
BACKUP-VERSION-NUMBER (N5) Internal attribute for change save with the ARCHIVE or HSMS utility routine.
BLKSIZE (N5) Block size in number of bytes.
BLOCK-CONTROL (A6) Block control type for this file (depending on disk type K or NK). Possible options:
    DATA PAM key information in data (NK disks only)
    NO No PAM key information (NK disks only)
    NONE Block control undefined
    PAMKEY Default. PAM key separate from data
CODE (A6) Code of tape file.
CREATION-DATE (A8) Creation date in the format DD/MM/YY. If no creation date is specified, this field is filled with asterisks ****.
CREATION-DATX (D) Creation date in Natural format.
DSNAME (A54) Required. Fully qualified file name.
DSORG (A4) File organization. Possible options:
    ISAM Default. Indexed Sequential Access Method
    PAM Block oriented file organization handled by
    User Primary Access Method (UPAM)
    PLAM Program Library Access Method (for LMS)
    SAM Sequential Access Method
EXEC-PASSWORD (A8) If caller is TSOS and Entire Systems Management Adapter is running under TSOS, the EXEC password of the file is returned, if one exists (see field SECURITY).
EXPIRATION-DATE (A8) Expiration date in the format DD/MM/YY. If no creation date is specified, this field is filled with asterisks ****.
EXPIRATION-DATX (D) Expiration date in Natural format.
FILE-SEQUENCE-NUMBER (N3) Only for tape files: file sequence number on tape.
FILE-SIZE (N10) Field contains the number of allocated PAM pages.
KEY-LENGTH (N4) Key length for ISAM files.
KEY-POSITION (N5) Position of the first byte of the key within a record.
LABEL (A7) Type of label (tape files only).
LAST-REFERENCE (A8) Last reference date in format DD/MM/YY. If the last reference date is null, this field is filled with asterisks ****.
LAST-REFERENCE-DATX (D) Last reference date in Natural format.
LAST-TTR (B3) Last used page of the file.
LAST-TTTR (B4) Last used page of the file.
LRECL (N5) Logical record length.
MIGRATE (A9) Indicates whether the file may be migrated: ALLOWED | INHIBITED.
MODIFICATION-DATX (D) Date of last modification.
MODIFICATION-TIMX (D) Time of last modification.
NUMBER-OF-EXTENTS (N3) Number of extents. Values are 1 - 255.
NUM-OF-BACKUP-VERS (N3) Number of versions of a file saved in a backup archive.
PERCENT-USED (N3) PAM pages used / total PAM pages allocated.
PRODUCT (A1) Access method used. Possible values:
    M LMS (only for PLAM lib)
    Blank default
READ-PASSWORD (A8) If caller is TSOS and Entire Systems Management Adapter is running under TSOS, the READ password of the file is returned, if one exists (see field SECURITY).
RECFM (A5) Record format.
SECONDARY-QTY (N10) Secondary allocation quantity in Unit of Allocation type.
SECURITY (A5) Security status. Possible values:
    EXEC Password-protected for execute operations.
    NONE Not password-protected.
    READ Password-protected for read and write operations.
    WRITE Password-protected for write operations.
    R/E Password-protected for read and execute operations.
    R/W Password-protected for read and write operations.
    R/W/E Password-protected for read, write and execute operations.
    W/E Password-protected for write and execute operations.
SERIES (A8) Device series for the unit, for example, D3480.
SERIES-ARRAY (A8) List of series.
SHARE (A4) Shows whether the file is accessible to other users.
STORAGE-LEVEL (A2) Indicates the storage level for migrated files: S0 | S1 | S2 | ...
VERSION-NUMBER (N4) Version number of the file.
VOLSER (A6) Volume serial number. Only relevant for tape files. Returns first VOLSER. For multi-volume file, see VOLSER-ARRAY.
VOLSER-ARRAY (A6) List of volumes (multi-volume file). The first VOLSER is also given in the field VOLSER.
WRITE-PASSWORD (A8) If caller is TSOS and Entire Systems Management Adapter is running under TSOS, the WRITE password of the file is returned, if one exists (see the field SECURITY).