System Messages

This document lists the system messages, together with their explanation and the action required.

This document covers the following topics:

System Messages ESY3000 - ESY5599

Message Explanation Action
ESY3000 <variable text> The request has been completed successfully. Check for view-dependant information in variable text.
ESY5500 - VSAM error during job submission. An error occurred during job submission. Resubmit job. If error persists, contact the system programmer.
ESY5502 - SYSQL Error. Internal ESY Error. Contact Software AG support.
ESY5503 - RECALL Error. Dataset could not be recalled using ARCHRCAL macro. Check if the dataset has actually been migrated. If it has, contact the system programmer regarding the installed migration tool. Check dataset status and/or migration tool with system programmer.
ESY5506 - Dataset is migrated. Dataset is archived on external storage media. Use startup parameter RECALL in ESY.
ESY5507 - Too many parallel ESY requests. You may only use 5 nested loops in ESY. Check programs and correct error.
ESY5508 - Adabas response code :1: returned from ESY. Adabas Rsp :1: return from ESY.

Contact the database administrator.

ESY5509 - Logon failed - check LOGON-ID / PASSWORD. The attempted logon failed.

A more detailed message is returned by the installed security system when the ERROR-TEXT field is specified.

Try to log on again, using a valid LOGON-ID and PASSWORD.
ESY5510 - Logon required.   Log on to Entire Systems Management Adapter (view NATPROC-LOGON).
ESY5511 - Function must be LOGON/LOGOFF. An invalid function was given in view NATPROC-LOGON. Check source program. Valid functions are LOGON and LOGOFF.
ESY5520 - No core available. The amount of core required for each user is: MAXFBL + MAXSBL + MAXCBL + (NUMREQ * BUFLEN) Increase the auxiliary buffer size (ASIZE parameter).
ESY5521 - NATPNI/NATPNIP unresolved. This Natural nucleus is unable to perform Entire Systems Management Adapter functions. Contact the Natural administrator.
ESY5530 - Access denied by Security facility. A security violation has occurred. This return code has been issued by the security system with which Entire Systems Management Adapter interfaces. No action is required.
ESY5531 - Password missing or incorrect. The dataset is password-protected, i.e. a password must be supplied. Enter a valid password.
ESY5533 - Requested number of records scanned. Requested number of records in READ-FILE or READ-SPOOL scanned and no match for search criteria found. No action is required.
ESY5534 - File is not a load library. File is not a load library.  
ESY5535 - File has invalid format. File has not supported DSORG. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5536 - CVA error :1: accessing VTOC. Macro CVAFDIR caused error. Check inline error code with the system programmer.
ESY5537 - Time limit reached. Time limit reached and no record was found for this search criterion.  
ESY5538 - Invalid record-length specified.    
ESY5539 - DFHSMREQ failed with RC=:1:. A request failed to delete a migrated dataset. Contact the storage administrator.
ESY5541 - Member generation not found in directory. An attempt was made to access a member generation which does not exist. Specify a valid combination of member name and generation number.
ESY5542 - GENERATION not valid for this library. A generation number has been specified but the library does not support member generations. Specify a generation number only for a PDSE library that supports member generations.
ESY5543 - GENERATION not valid for FUNCTION =:1:. A GENERATION cannot be specified for the requested FUNCTION. Specify a GENERATION only for FUNCTION=SCRATCH.
ESY5544 - Invalid File-ID. The requested file-id does not exist. Specify valid file-id.
ESY5548 - CLOSE required for :1: A sequence of WRITE-FILE requests ended without a terminating request with FUNCTION='CLOSE' specified. Specify FUNCTION='CLOSE' for the last WRITE-FILE request.
ESY5549 - Not a PDSE dataset. The data set is not in PDSE format. No action is required.
ESY5550 - Not a PDS or LIBRARIAN file or VSAM dataset. An attempt was made to access the directory of a non-PDS file. No action is required.
ESY5551 - Member not specified. An attempt was made to access a PDS member without specifying its name. Specify member name.
ESY5552 - NEWNAME / ALIAS operand missing. No value for NEWNAME or ALIAS was given. Formats are:


Supply a value for NEWNAME or ALIAS.
ESY5553 - I/O error on directory. An error occurred while reading a PDS directory. The directory of the specified dataset is probably invalid. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5554 - MEMBER not found in directory. An attempt was made to access a member which does not exist. Specify valid member name.
ESY5555 - NEWNAME / ALIAS already exists in directory. Values for NEWNAME and ALIAS must be unique within a directory. The value specified already exists. Enter a unique value for NEWNAME or ALIAS.
ESY5556 - File is in use. The file is under exclusive control of another user. Retry at a later time.
ESY5557 - File is held by linkage editor. The file is under exclusive control of the linkage editor. Retry at a later time.
ESY5558 - No space in Directory. No space is available in the Directory. Enlarge the Directory.
ESY5559 - STOW error. An error occurred during a STOW attempt. No action is required.
ESY5560 - Segment length greater than 253. The maximum segment length is 253. Specify a valid SEGMENT-LENGTH.
ESY5561 - Required catalog does not exist. The specified catalog does not exist. Specify a valid CVOL.
ESY5562 - Catalog entry not found. The entry was not found in the catalog. No action is required.
ESY5563 - dataset is an index. The dataset to be cataloged is an index. Specify a valid dataset name.
ESY5564 - dataset not at lowest index level. The dataset name entered must be at the lowest index level. Enter a valid dataset name.
ESY5565 - Syntax error in dataset name. A syntax error was detected in the dataset name. Specify a valid dataset name.
ESY5566 - Syntax error in catalog name. A syntax error was detected in the catalog name. Specify a valid catalog name.
ESY5567 - Invalid OPTION, specify LONG or USERCAT. An invalid OPTION was specified, valid options are LONG or USERCAT. Specify a valid OPTION (LONG or USERCAT).
ESY5571 - DSNAME operand missing. A fully qualified dataset name must be specified. Enter a valid DSNAME.
ESY5572 - NEWNAME missing. A fully qualified DSNAME must be specified as NEWNAME for the RENAME function. Specify a valid DSNAME in the NEWNAME field for the RENAME function.
ESY5573 - SCRATCH invalid.    
ESY5574 - RENAME invalid. The NEW dataset name contains invalid characters. Check NEW dataset name for invalid characters.
ESY5575 - Dataset not renamed, CATALOG-UPDATE function failed.

The new dataset name cannot be cataloged. Therefore, the old dataset name is still valid, and the dataset can only be accessed by specifying the correct volume.

Contact the system programmer why the new dataset name cannot be cataloged.
ESY5590 - End of data reached during inplace-update. It is not possible to add records with the UPDATE-INPLACE function. Do not use UPDATE-INPLACE for adding records.
ESY5591 - Member not found for inplace-update.   Specify a valid MEMBER.
ESY5592 - Record length error for variable inplace-update.   Check the source program. RECORD-LENGTH may not be changed.

System Messages ESY5600 - ESY5699

Message Explanation Action
ESY5600 - Unknown function. An invalid value was specified in the FUNCTION field. Specify valid FUNCTION value.
ESY5602 - Device is invalid. An invalid DEVICE value was specified. Specify valid DEVICE value.
ESY5603 - INDEX / ALIAS missing.   Specify INDEX / ALIAS.
ESY5604 - No volumes specified. No VOLUMES were specified for CATLG / RECATLG. Specify VOLUMES.
ESY5605 - IGWASMS returned with RC :1: and reason :2:. A request failed to retrieve attributes for a dataset. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5606 - Managed datasets cannot be uncataloged. A request was issued to uncatalog an SMS-managed dataset. Do not ask to uncatalog an SMS-managed dataset.
ESY5608 - ISITMGD failed with RC :1: and reason :2:. A request failed to retrieve attributes for a data set. Contact the system programmer. Contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5610 - QNAME is missing. No value was specified in the QNAME field. Specify valid QNAME value.
ESY5611 - QNAME cannot start with SYS. Major names beginning with SYS are not allowed. Specify valid QNAME value.
ESY5612 - RNAME is missing. No value was specified in the RNAME field. Specify RNAME value.
ESY5613 - RNAME length is missing or invalid. No value was specified in the RNAME-LENGTH field. Specify valid RNAME-LENGTH value.
ESY5614 - Resource is in use. Resource is already allocated as shareable by another task, and exclusive access was requested. Retry at a later time.
ESY5615 - Resource held by another task. Resource is already allocated exclusively by another task. Retry at a later time.
ESY5616 - Error in GQSCAN routine. An internal error occurred as a result of the GQSCAN macro request. Notify system programmer and Software AG technical support.
ESY5621 - Identifier missing/duplicate/not found. The identifier associated with the area was missing/duplicate/not found. Specify correct identifier.
ESY5622 - NUMBER-OF-ENTRIES missing or invalid. The specification of the maximum number of entries was missing/invalid. Specify a valid NUMBER-OF-ENTRIES value.
ESY5623 - ENTRY-LENGTH missing or invalid. The specification of the entry length was missing/invalid. Specify a valid ENTRY-LENGTH value.
ESY5624 - ENTRY-NUMBER missing or invalid. The specification of the entry number was missing/invalid. Specify correct entry number.
ESY5625 - Cannot allocate area. Insufficient storage was available to allocate the area. Decrease amount of requested storage or notify systems programmer.
ESY5626 - DATA missing. No data was specified. Specify the DATA field.
ESY5627 - Field position + length > 250. The field extends the maximum area length (250). Specify valid field position/length.
ESY5628 - Error in editor. An internal editor error occurred. Notify the system programmer.
ESY5629 - Area is protected. Area is protected. No action is required.
ESY5630 - Console not defined or not active. The specified console ID was not found. Specify valid console ID.
ESY5631 - Console table not found. Console table could not be found. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5632 - General or Control object not found. General or Control object returned by Multi Console Support (MCS) could not be found. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5633 - Cannot lock Console table. Console table could not be locked for exclusive use. Retry operation. If problem persists, please contact the system programmer.
ESY5634 - Invalid record number. Requested record number is invalid. Retry operation. If problem persists, contact the system programmer.
ESY5635 - Attempt to alter key in KSDS file. Modifying keys in KSDS files is not allowed. Check program and correct error.
ESY5636 - Too many active requests on this ACB. There may be a nested loop while accessing VSAM files or there are too many parallel requests open. Check the program and check also with the ESY-DBA.
ESY5638 - Key not found. Key to access the requested record in your file not found. Check program and correct error.
ESY5639 - Cannot delete record in ESDS file. Deleting records from ESDS files is not allowed. Check program and correct error.
ESY5640 - Error generating VSAM control blocks. An error occurred generating VSAM control blocks. Notify the system programmer.
ESY5641 - Error :1: while opening SMF or VSAM file. A VSAM error occurred while opening an SMF file. Notify the system programmer.
ESY5642 - Error :1: while reading SMF or VSAM file. A VSAM error occurred while reading an SMF file. Notify the system programmer.
ESY5643 - SMF not active / not recording. At the time of the request SMF is not active/not recording. Notify the system programmer.
ESY5644 - XXXXXXXX ERROR IN POWER xxx=yyzz. An error occurred during communications between ENTIRE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT ADAPTER and POWER and/or XPCC. XXXXXXXX is the requested function; xxx indicates either failure of POWER or XPCC, whilst yyzz is the return and reason codes. Contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5645 - Invalid RBA was specified. The requested RBA was not found. Specify valid RBA value.
ESY5646 - Write to VSAM only allowed on base cluster. An attempt was made to write to a none-base cluster. Check program and correct error.
ESY5647 - VSAM cluster is not defined as reusable. Access to VSAM cluster only allowed if reusable. Define the VSAM cluster reusable.
ESY5648 - Record not in ascending key sequence. An attempt was made to write a record with a wrong key. Check program and correct error.
ESY5649 - ESY User not found or cannot be cancelled. The ESY user could not be found for various functions. Correct input data.
ESY5650 - Invalid sequential file. The requested sequential file does not exist. Please check file name and rerun program.
ESY5651 - Requested catalog does not exist. The requested CVOL does not exist. Specify valid CVOL.
ESY5652 - Catalog structure inconsistent. The catalog structure is inconsistent. Notify the system programmer.
ESY5653 - Cannot delete index. The index cannot be deleted. No action is required.
ESY5654 - Index structure does not exist.   No action is required.
ESY5655 - Insufficient space on catalog dataset. The catalog dataset is full. Notify the system programmer.
ESY5656 - Error cataloging generation dataset. An error occurred while cataloging a generation dataset. Check specified values. If valid, contact the system programmer.
ESY5657 - I/O error on catalog. An I/O error occurred while accessing the catalog. This is probably a hardware error. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5658 - dataset is not cataloged. The specified dataset is not cataloged. No action is required.
ESY5659 - dataset is already cataloged. The specified dataset is already cataloged. No action is required.
ESY5660 - :1: - :2: module not available. The specified Natural module was not found. Specify name of an existing Natural module.
ESY5665 - :1: - invalid action requested. An invalid action was requested. Specify valid action.
ESY5670 - View not supported. This view is not supported on the local operating system.  
ESY5671 - Class missing or is invalid. The function CHANGE requires a valid NEW-CLASS, NEW-DESTINATION or NEW-USERID value.  
ESY5672 - Segment option requires JOBNAME/JOBNUMBER. Specifying the SEGMENT option (SEGMENT-NUMBER > 0) requires that the job is identified with JOB-NAME and JOB-NUMBER.  
ESY5673 - Access error due to FILETABLE=STATIC. The requested file could not be accessed because the Entire Systems Management Adapter startup parameter FILETABLE was specified as STATIC. Only those files available at ESY initialization time (STD,PARSTD & TEMP labels) can therefore be accessed. To allow dynamic access of files NOT specified at ESY initialization time, change the FILETABLE parameter to DYNAMIC and restart Entire Systems Management Adapter.
ESY5674 - VTOC error reading format-3 labels. VTOC error reading format-3 labels for the requested file. Information message only. No action necessary or possible.
ESY5675 - :1: not supported. Entire Systems Management Adapter has detected that the requested file has attributes which are not supported by this version of ESY e.g. Multi-volume files, Multi-extent output files etc.  
ESY5676 - Not first volume of a multi-volume file. Entire Systems Management Adapter has detected that the file on the specified volume is NOT the first volume/extent of a multi-volume file.  
ESY5678 - Member already exists. In WRITE-FILE or COPY-FILE, REPLACE = 'NO' was specified, however the member exists. No action is required.
ESY5679 - Input and output files are incompatible. COPY-FILE has determined that the record formats of the input and output files are not compatible (RECFM does not match, block size incompatibilities, etc.). Verify dataset attributes and reissue request with correct parameters.
ESY5680 - Job/output is protected. The user is not authorized to access the specified job/output. Notify system programmer.
ESY5681 - Job/output is active. The specified job/output is currently active. No action is required.
ESY5682 - Job/output is not dispatchable. The job/output is not dispatchable. No action is required.
ESY5683 - FAMS error. A FAMS error occurred while COPY-FILE was copying one or more program objects. Note any IGW-prefix messages in the console log and Contact Software AG customer support if necessary.
ESY5687 - Bad variable record. Bad variable record. No action is required.
ESY5688 - Return code :1: HCF function :2:. The HCF function failed. The return code is the HCF return code. Notify system programmer.
ESY5690 - 1: error :2: during :3:. An error occurred accessing CA-Panvalet or CA-Librarian data. Notify system programmer.
ESY5691 - Error while accessing librarian member. An error occurred accessing a CA-Librarian member. There is no action required.
ESY5692 - You are not permitted to access member. This user is not authorized to access the specified member. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5693 - :1:. A CA-Panvalet error occurred. See message text.
ESY5694 - Strange error opening VTOC. A strange internal error occurred reading the VTOC. Notify system programmer.
ESY5695 - VTOC is in use. The VTOC is currently in use. Retry.
ESY5696 - Cannot assign logical unit. A logical unit could not be assigned. Notify system programmer.
ESY5697 - Library/sublibrary not found. The specified library/sublibrary was not found. Specify valid library/sublibrary name.
ESY5698 - Internal LIBRARIAN error has occurred. An internal LIBRARIAN error occurred. Notify system programmer.
ESY5699 - Not enough main storage available. Not enough main storage was available to process the request. Notify system programmer.

System Messages ESY5700 - ESY5799

Message Explanation Action
ESY5700 - Invalid value specified (DSORG / RECFM / TYPE). An invalid value was specified for view FILE-ALLOCATE.

A more detailed message is returned when field ERROR-TEXT is specified.

Specify valid value for DSORG / RECFM / TYPE.
ESY5701 - DSNAME missing. The DSNAME was missing. Specify a valid DSNAME.
ESY5702 - OUTADD error-code :1: reason-code :2: key :3:.    
ESY5703 - Copying of empty files not permitted.    
ESY5710 - Allocation failed with code :1:. The allocation failed. The code is the DYNALLOC return code.

A more detailed message is returned when field ERROR-TEXT is specified.

Check the DYNALLOC return code.
ESY5711 - Logical Error occurred in Common JES Interface.

A logical error has occurred in the Common JES Interface.

Additional messages describing the type of error may have been issued to the console.

Check the system log for additional messages. Contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5712 - Request to Common JES Interface failed. A request failed to access spool data. Contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5713 - Jobname and Job ID missing. One of them required.

Neither JOB-NAME nor JOB-ID / JOB-NUMBER have been specified.

At least one of them is required to process the request.

Specify JOB-NAME, JOB-ID or JOB-NUMBER with the request.
ESY5714 - Unable to read :1: type SYSOUT datasets. The specified spool file TYPE is invalid or cannot be processed. Specify a valid spool file type (AL, CC, JL, SI, SM or SO).
ESY5715 - Duplicate jobnames found. Please specify job id. Multiple jobs were found for the specified job name. Additionally specify job id / job number.
ESY5717 - GENCB for ACB or RPL failed with RC :1: and RSN :2:. An ACB or RPL could not be generated to access a SYSOUT dataset. Contact the system programmer. Contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5719 - Unable to :1: SYSOUT dataset. An error occurred during open or close of a SYSOUT dataset. Contact the system programmer. Contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5720 - Invalid TYPE. An invalid TYPE was given in the READ-SPOOL view. Check source program. Valid values for TYPE are:

in MVS: JL, SI, SO, SM and CC.

ESY5721 - Job found, but not for specified spool ID. The job was found on a different spool than the one specified. No action is required.
ESY5722 - Requested dataset not found. The requested dataset could not be found. No action is required.
ESY5723 - Job not in output service. The requested job is not in output service. No action is required.
ESY5724 - Requested Job not found. The requested job could not be found on the JES spool. No action is required.
ESY5725 - I/O error on JES3 spool.

A READ request to the JES spool failed.

Retry. If the error persists, the error is probably a hardware error.
ESY5726 - Logical error on JES3 spool.

A logical error occurred while reading the JES3 spool dataset.

Notify system programmer.

Contact Software AG customer support.

ESY5727 - Spanned record is too large. A spanned record is too large. No action is required.
ESY5728 - You are not allowed to see this job. The user attempted to access a job for which he or she has not been authorized. This error is issued by the security system with which Entire Systems Management Adapter interfaces. No action is required.
ESY5729 - Invalid job TYPE, specify JOB, STC or TSU.

The specified job TYPE is invalid.

Specify a valid job type (JOB, STC, or TSU).
ESY5730 - Unknown error during spool open.

An unknown error occurred during spool open.

Notify system programmer and Software AG technical support.
ESY5731 - Error occurred during spool GET.

An error occurred during spool GET.

Notify systems programmer and Software AG technical support.
ESY5732 - Account number missing. Account number was not supplied. Check program and correct error.
ESY5733 - No JOIN entry found for user. The user is not defined in the system. No action is required.
ESY5734 - ARCHIVE run with errors. An error occurred during ARCHIVE execution. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5735 - Logical error using I-T-C. The inter-task-communication was not used correctly. No action is required.
ESY5736 - MESSAGE-ID missing. No MESSAGE-ID value supplied. Specify a MESSAGE-ID.
ESY5737 - No more index space for inserting record. The number of records exceeds the available index range. No action is required.
ESY5738 - Error when using memory-pools. Incorrect use of the MAIN-STORAGE view. No action is required.
ESY5739 - Error when using Job Variables. Incorrect use of JOB-VARIABLES view. More details are available in SYSTEM-MESSAGE-CODE. Please analyze the SYSTEM-MESSAGE-CODE.
ESY5740 - Error when using BTAM file. An error occurred while allocating a file. No action is required.
ESY5741 - Error when using SAM file. An error occurred while allocating a file. No action is required.
ESY5742 - Error when using PAM file. An error occurred while allocating a file. No action is required.
ESY5743 - Error when using ISAM file. An error occurred while allocating a file. No action is required.
ESY5744 - Invalid eventing name given. An invalid eventing name was specified. No action is required.
ESY5745 - Error occurred when executing Eventing. Logical error using P1-Eventing. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5746 - Serialization running in error. A serialization request has failed. Detailed information available in SYSTEM-MESSAGE-CODE. Repeat the request later.

Invalid value specification for view JOB-VARIABLES.

Possible reasons:

  • position greater than length of JV;

  • substring length greater than JV length minus position;

  • position greater than JV length

Correct values and try again.
ESY5748 - Internal LMS error has occurred. An internal LMS error has been returned from LMS subprogram interface. Check SYSTEM-MESSAGE-CODE for details. Please check SYSTEM-MESSAGE-CODE
ESY5749 - PVS (CATID) not available. The requested CATID is not available for the User ID of caller. No action is possible.
ESY5750 - Invalid operand within operand list. Incorrect usage of an Entire Systems Management Adapter view. No action is required.
ESY5751 - Not enough memory to execute the function. There is not enough memory to execute the function. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5752 - Message/Message length missing. Possible reasons:
  • no message length specified;

  • message length lower than 4;

  • message length greater than 1250 during use of field MESSAGE-ARRAY;

  • message length greater than 250 during use of field MESSAGE-TEXT;

  • no message specified

Correct input values and try again.
ESY5753 - I-T-C name missing. ITC name must be specified for functions OPEN, RECEIVE and SEND. Specify ITC name.
ESY5754 - not done.    
ESY5755 - Invalid or no SWITCH type specified. Neither USER nor PROCESS specified as switch type. Correct switch type.
ESY5756 - Job Variable name missing or invalid. Invalid syntax used or no value specified. Correct syntax or specify value.
ESY5757 - Error during user management.    
ESY5758 - User ID is missing. No username specified. Specify username.
ESY5759 - Name is missing.    
ESY5760 - Processor name is missing.    
ESY5761 - Start operand is missing.    
ESY5762 - Line/Station is missing.    
ESY5763 - Info type operand is missing.    
ESY5764 - Virtual call is missing.    
ESY5765 - Required Catalog ID not accessible.    
ESY5766 - User ID or Terminal ID missing. Neither User ID nor processor-/terminal-name specified. Specify requested values.
ESY5767 - No TSN found.    
ESY5768 - Invalid command in macro list.    
ESY5769 - Short name is missing.    
ESY5770 - Serialization name missing.    
ESY5771 - No information found. No information found for specified request. No action is required.
ESY5772 - BS2000 Command has returned error.    
ESY5773 - New version operand missing.    
ESY5774 - No core available. Not enough space available to allocate an ESY User Block.

Contact Software AG customer support.

The number of ESY user blocks can be configured with the startup parameter NUMUSER.

ESY5775 - Invalid Priority Value specified.    
ESY5776 - Request was cancelled. Request was cancelled internally because user has been timed out.  
ESY5777 - Request has abended. An internal error occurred. Condensed abend information is contained in the job-log. Contact the system programmer. Contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5778 - Cannot perform command - not APF authorized. The Entire Systems Management Adapter nucleus is not running APF authorized. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5779 - IDCAMS utility has abended.

The IDCAMS utility has abended.

Check job log for additional information.
ESY5780 - Completion code not ok. The execution of the request was not successful. Check input data of request.
ESY5781 - Unable to obtain storage for work area extension. A request failed to obtain storage for the work area extension. Increase the region size to more than 16 MB for Entire Systems Management Adapter.
ESY5782 - Error from :1: for :2:, RC :3:, REASON :4:. A request failed while attempting to read the VTOC. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5783 - Unable to allocate :1:, RC :2:, REASON :3:. The specified volume could not be allocated. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5784 - Unable to open VTOC on :1:, RC :2:. An OPEN request failed for the VTOC on the specified volume. Try again. If the problem persists, contact the system programmer.
ESY5785 - CVAF :1: failed with RC :2: and CVSTAT :3:. A request failed to the common VTOC Access Facility. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5786 - Unable to obtain storage for CSI work area. A request failed to obtain storage for the CSI work area. Increase the region size to more than 16 MB for Entire Systems Management Adapter.
ESY5787 - CSI request failed, Module :1:, Reason :2:. RC :3:. A request to the Catalog Search Interface failed. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5788 - Unable to substitute symbol :1:, RC :2:. A request failed to substitute text for a system symbol. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5789 - Unable to get UCB copy for :1:, RC :2:. A request failed to get a UCB copy for the volume specified. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5798 - Task was not started under TSOS. Entire Systems Management Adapter (npr) is not running under TSOS and does not have the required privileges to process the user requests. Check the job control and make sure that all tasks of the Entire Systems Management Adapter (npr) run under TSOS. Perform a restart after changing the job control.
ESY5799 - Entire Systems Management Adapter internal error. An internal error has occurred. Contact Software AG support.

System Messages ESY5800 - ESY5899

Message Explanation Action
ESY5800 - Specified level is a dataset name. The specified level name is a dataset name. No action is required.
ESY5801 - Job not found. The requested job was not found. No action is required.
ESY5802 - GETMAIN for CSA area failed. An attempt was made to access main storage, and GETMAIN for the CSA area failed. Notify the system programmer.
ESY5803 - Cannot access data. An attempt was made to access main storage, and the data specified cannot be accessed. No action is required.
ESY5804 - Request to access data has timed out. Main storage was accessed, and SRB was scheduled to run in an address space. SRB must be completed within 10 seconds. No action is required.
ESY5805 - Invalid TCB address. An invalid TCB-ADDRESS was specified. Specify valid TCB-ADDRESS.
ESY5806 - Permanent I/O error on catalog. A permanent I/O error occurred while accessing the catalog. This may be a hardware error. Contact data center personnel.
ESY5807 - Invalid track address. An invalid track address was specified. Specify valid track address.
ESY5809 - Subsystem not active. The related subsystem has not been started properly. Therefore, the requested function is not available in this run of ESY.

The following views return this error code:


  • views SEND-MESSAGE, CONSOLE if CONSOLE task is not running;

  • views CONSOLE, EVENTING if EVENTING task is not running.

Contact the administrator to get the subsystem started for the next ESY run.
ESY5810 - Error detected in catalog, processing terminated.

An error in the catalog structure was detected.

Notify the system programmer.
ESY5811 - Specified level is an empty index.

The level specified is an empty index.

No action is required.
ESY5820 - Unknown command. A command which is not known to Entire Systems Management Adapter was entered. Check spelling, syntax of command. Check to see whether command is a Natural command.
ESY5821 - Job no longer active. An attempt was made to access a job which is no longer active. No action is required.
ESY5822 - Logical error on JES3 spool.

A logical error occurred while reading the JES3 spool dataset.

Try again. If the error persists, it might indicate a bad control block on the JES3 spool (which may be caused by a hardware error).
ESY5823 - Requested job in input queue. An attempt was made to access output data of a job which is in the input queue. Wait until job is processed.
ESY5824 - I/O error on JES3 spool.

A READ operation to JES3 spool failed to complete normally.

Probably a hardware failure. Consider a JES3 warm start (with analysis).
ESY5825 - JES3 command dataset is full.

A WRITE operation to the JES3 command dataset failed, because the dataset is full.

Wait until space becomes available.
ESY5826 - I/O error on JES3 command dataset.

A WRITE attempt to the JES3 command dataset failed.

This is probably a hardware error. If the error persists, relocate the JES3 command dataset.
ESY5830 - JES interface is not active. The JES interface is not active. Check the JES parameter in the Entire Systems Management Adapter parameter file.
ESY5831 - Error during queue initialization.

An error occurred while reading JES control blocks.

This is probably a hardware error. Contact data center personnel.
ESY5832 - Error during queue open.

An error occurred during the opening of the JES spool dataset.

Contact the system programmer.
ESY5833 - You are not allowed to alter this job. An attempt was made to modify a job. The user is not authorized to modify the specified job. This error message is issued by the security system with which Entire Systems Management Adapter interfaces. No action is required.
ESY5834 - Command failed, MGCRE RC = :1:. A request failed to issue an internal JES or system command. Contact the system programmer. Contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5840 - VTAM operator ACB is not open. The VTAM operator ACB was not opened successfully during initialization. Either active VTAM support has not been requested by the system parameters, or an open error occurred during initialization. The job log contains further information.
ESY5841 - Error in SENDCMD - RTNCD=:1: FDBK2=:2:. A VTAM error occurred while sending a command. Note: A more detailed message is returned when field ERROR-TEXT is specified. Check the command requested. The RTNCD and FDBK2 values are defined in the appropriate VTAM documentation.
ESY5842 - Invalid VTAM command. An invalid VTAM command was requested. No action is required.
ESY5845 - Printer is active for user :1:. Another user is working with the printer. Wait until printer is not busy anymore.
ESY5849 - Print failed. Fct=:1: FD=:2: S=:3:. The print request failed. For further details, check the variable data of FUNCTION, FEEDBACK and STATUS. You may find the explanation of these fields in the VTAM documentation. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5850 - Error :1: occurred while processing VTOC. The specified error code occurred while processing the VTOC. Contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5851 - File not on volume. The requested file does not exist on the specified volume. No action is required.
ESY5852 - No password supplied / VSAM data space. No password was specified before attempting to access a password-protected VSAM file. Specify a password.
ESY5853 - Retention cycle unexpired / NEWNAME exists. A VTOC-UPDATE RENAME function was attempted; however, the retention cycle is unexpired, and the NEWNAME still exists. Specify a different NEWNAME, or wait until the retention cycle has expired.
ESY5854 - Permanent I/O error. A permanent I/O error was detected. This is probably a hardware error. Contact data center personnel.
ESY5855 - Volume not mounted. The requested volume was not mounted. Make sure that the volume is mounted before re-issuing the request.
ESY5856 - Operator unable to mount volume. The operator is not able to mount the volume. No action is required.
ESY5857 - File in use. The file is in use. Retry later.
ESY5858 - Not authorized. A security violation was detected. No action is required.
ESY5859 - File definition not deleted by RACF. The file definition has not been deleted by RACF. Execute RACF file deletion.
ESY5860 - Member under MSHP control or changed with MSHP bypass. Member to be overwritten is under MSHP control or was changed with MSHP bypass. Use MSHP=YES to indicate MSHP bypass required.
ESY5861 - Member contains SYSIPT data. Member to be overwritten contains SYSIPT data. Use INLINE-DATA=YES to confirm SYSIPT data required or INLINE-DATA=OFF to switch off the SYSIPT indicator.
ESY5862 - MAP:1:. Error in mapping of NODE to host:port Check the :1: error and contact Software AG if problem cannot be solved.
ESY5870 - RECORD field not in search buffer. RECORD must be specified for WRITE-FILE. Specify RECORD value.
ESY5871 - MEMBER/MEMBER-TYPE not specified. The member name and/or type was not specified. Specify a member name and/or type.
ESY5872 - Record format not supported. The record format of the desired dataset is not supported. No action is required.
ESY5873 - RECORD-LENGTH missing. The RECORD-LENGTH value is missing. Specify RECORD-LENGTH value.
ESY5874 - RECORD-LENGTH > LRECL. The specified RECORD-LENGTH value is greater than the LRECL of the dataset. Specify valid RECORD-LENGTH value.
ESY5875 - Position of data field > RECORD-LENGTH. Invalid parameter specified. Check program and correct error.
ESY5876 - No 'NEW-' field for CHANGE request. No NEW-CLASS, NEW-DESTINATION or NEW-USERID field was supplied for the CHANGE request. Supply 'NEW-' value.
ESY5877 - VSAM (SHOWCAT) processing error. A SHOWCAT error was detected when processing the requested VSAM catalog.  
ESY5878 - Volume defined as DYNAM/D pool name. The requested volume is defined to Entire Systems Management Adapter as a CA-Dynam/D 'virtual' pool name. The requested function cannot be performed.  
ESY5881 - Error occurred while opening file. An error occurred during OPEN. Check the status of the dataset.
ESY5882 - Error occurred while closing file. An error occurred during CLOSE. Check the status of the dataset.
ESY5883 - Dataset is full. The dataset is full. Compress the PDS, or increase the dataset size.
ESY5886 - Event is in use. An attempt was made to delete an event someone was waiting for. Issue 'POST' request before deleting an event.
ESY5887 - Event is already defined. An attempt was made to define an event which already exists. No action is required.
ESY5888 - Event name must be specified. An eventing request was issued without specifying the EVENT-NAME. Specify an EVENT-NAME.
ESY5889 - Permanent I/O error while writing dataset. An I/O error was detected during WRITE access. This is probably a hardware error. Contact data center personnel.
ESY5890 - Event does not exist. The specified event does not exist. No action is required.
ESY5891 - Timeout waiting for event. A timeout happened before the event was posted. No action is required.
ESY5893 - Getmain failed. There was not sufficient storage available to proceed with the request. Notify the system programmer.
ESY5894 - Enable Eventing failed. Internal eventing error occurred. Contact Software AG technical support.
ESY5895 - :1: must be specified. Required value :1: was not specified. Provide required value.
ESY5896 - Error occurred when sending e-mail. Severe error occurred during e-mail processing. Further information is returned in field SYSTEM-MESSAGE to identify subfunction and response code. Contact Software AG technical support.
ESY5897 - Mailer response :1:. Error :1: occurred during e-mail processing in Mailer function. E-mail was not delivered to recipient(s) if serious error occurred. Contact Entire Systems Management Adapter Administrator. Mailer report may contain further error diagnostics.
ESY5899 - Permanent I/O error while reading dataset. An I/O error was detected during READ access. This is probably a hardware error. Contact data center personnel.

System Messages ESY5900 - ESY5999

Message Explanation Action
ESY5900 - Cannot allocate SYSOUT dataset. Dynamic allocation of SYSOUT dataset failed. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5901 - Cannot allocate internal reader. Dynamic allocation of internal reader failed. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5902 - Dynamic allocation failed.   Contact the system programmer.
ESY5903 - Dynamic allocation failed for temporary dataset. Dynamic allocation for a temporary dataset failed. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5904 - Edit not allowed (SCLM protection). The selected PDS member has been protected by SCLM. Only browsing if this member is allowed, all update actions are denied. Use SCLM dialog to free member.
ESY5906 - DESERV :1: error, R15=:2:, R0=:3: An error occurred during execution of a DESERV macro. Check the R15 and R0 values and if necessary, contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5907 - DSPSERV :1: error, R15=:2:, R0=:3: An error occurred during execution of a DSPSERV macro. Check the R15 and R0 values and if necessary, contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5908 - ALESERV :1: error, R15=:2:, R0=:3: An error occurred during execution of an ALESERV macro. Check the R15 and R0 values and if necessary, contact Software AG customer support.
ESY5909 - Syntax error in JCL command. An error was detected when processing START-TIME on a SUBMIT request. Fix error and resubmit.
ESY5921 - Entire Systems Management Adapter node table not linked. Entire Systems Management Adapter node table not linked. Contact the system programmer.
ESY5922 - Entire Systems Management Adapter node :1: not active.   Contact an operator or contact the system programmer.
ESY5981 - Invalid value specified (BLKCTRL/BLKSIZE/LRECL). Invalid value for BLOCK CONTROL, BLOCK SIZE or RECORD LENGTH specified. Correct error.
ESY5982 - Error during use of ISAM-key. Possible reasons:
  • duplicate key detected for DUPEKY=NO

  • key must be generated, but KEYLEN is greater than 8 bytes or no default KEYPOS

  • key length of file is greater than 253 bytes

  • key not found in ISAM-file

  • no key supplied for UPDATE-INPLACE=YES

  • invalid key sequence detected

Check parameters or file attributes.
ESY5983 - :1: not supported by :2:. Various functions are not supported in special modes. E.g. view EVENTING is only available in MULTI USER MODE for BS2000. Error text "SINGLE USER MODE not supported by EVENTING" occurs. No action is possible.
ESY5984 - Server is not authorized to access. Entire Systems Management Adapter Task is not authorized to access various objects with protection attributes, which not allows access for $TSOS. No action is possible.
ESY5985 - Access to tape file not allowed. Access to tape file was requested, but parameter TAPES=NO is specified in ESY startup file. Contact the ESY Administrator.
ESY5986 - No or not enough space for :1:. Various startup parameter sizes are exceeded. See variable text for details. Contact the ESY Administrator.
ESY5987 - Job Variable already exists. An existing job variable cannot be allocated again. Check the input values.
ESY5988 - Invalid task type detected. Task type must have a value between 1 and 7. Correct program.
ESY5989 - Invalid ELEMENT specification. Element name must be unique. Correct element name.
ESY5990 - Field RECORD not found in format buffer. An attempt was made to read a record without specifying the RECORD field. Supply field RECORD in program.
ESY5991 - Unknown product. An invalid PRODUCT value was specified. Specify valid product code.
ESY5992 - Requested job variable not found. The requested job variable is not cataloged. No action is required.
ESY5993 - Cannot open file. An open request failed. No action is required.
ESY5994 - File not on volume. The requested dataset is not on the specified volume. No action is required.
ESY5995 - File not in catalog. The dataset is not cataloged. Specify VOLSER or catalog dataset.
ESY5996 - Volume not online. The specified volume is currently not available. Contact an operator or contact the system programmer.
ESY5997 - Dataset is not PDS or sequential.   No action is required.
ESY5998 - MEMBER not found. The requested member was not found. No action is required.
ESY5999 - Entire Systems Management Adapter node :1: not active.   Contact an operator or contact the system programmer.