ACSUUEX1 - ACCESS Write-Intercept Exit

ACSUUEX1 is a user-written routine that can intercept all screen data that would normally be sent to the user's terminal and modify or delete it as required. It can also generate additional screen data. If a screen is deleted (this means that the data prepared by the target system is not sent to the host terminal), the user-exit routine ACSUUEX1 can invoke the target system's read routine as if the user had viewed the screen, typed in data, and pressed ENTER.

This document covers the following topics:

How to Create ACSUUEX1

To create an ACSUUEX1 routine, the following steps are required:

Step 1

Code the ACSUUEX1 routine entry of ACSEXITS (A.ACSEXITS for z/VSE, or ACSEXITS ASSEMBLE for CMS).

Step 2

Assemble and link ACSEXITS (A.ACSEXITS for z/VSE) into the ACCESS load library (relo library for z/VSE). Refer to the ACCESS source library during the assemblies for z/OS and z/VSE environments. Or for CMS only, assemble ACSEXITS with the ACCESS macro library referenced.

Step 3

Link edit ACSEXITS (A.ACSEXITS for z/VSE) to the ACCESS driver for the host Adabas TPF, CICS, or TSO systems. Member JCLLINKA (A.JCLLINKA for z/VSE) in the ACCESS source library contains the link edit JCL for all TP monitors supported. Or for CMS only, execute the EXEC GENACS.

How to Use ACSUUEX1

Members CCACSWK and CCACSPFX in the distributed source library are DSECTs referred to in the main ACCESS routine. These areas are addressable in the ACSUUEX1 exit. A sample entry routine is provided in member ACSEXITS (A.ACSEXITS for z/VSE) of the ACCESS source library.

ACSUUEX1 Conventions

The following table summarizes the ACSUUEX1 linkage conventions.

Feature Convention
Attributes None required.
Size Restricted to the ACS driver region.
Registers atEntry
Register 2 Output length (halfword)
Register 3 Address of the output area
Register 6 Address of the ACCESS prefix
Register 9 Address of the ACCESS work area
Register 10 Main ACCESS driver base address
Register 13 Address of an 18-fullword save area
Register 14 Return address within the ACS driver
Register 15 Entry address within ACSUUEX1
Registers at Return Registers must be restored, except register 15, which must contain a return code.
Return Codes
0 Continue with write.
4 Write message and read normally.
8 No write and read. Return.
Considerations Must be assembled and link edited with the ACS driver.